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224 Gear Upon Chapter 16 Completion


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Relics account for a large portion of DPS

Only if you go from No relic to Having a relic.


The difference between a 216 -> 220 relic or a 216 -> 224 relic is very very little. Shoot, the difference between a single 208 -> 224 relic is small enough that you'd probably only notice it with a 2.5 million hp ops dummy parse. And only then if you're already a good player with a solid grasp of your rotation / priority list.

Edited by Khevar
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for those that say this is a reason to complete all 16 on another character because oooohhhhh 224 i have to say NOPE




why well simply because you can do this entire chapter story content stuff in pvp 204 un augmented gear.


thats how easy it is.

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Not seeing why this is a big deal?


You weren't forced to slug through hours of making a group and enduring hours of wipes to get a 224 piece.


Instead, you were forced to slug through something much worse, the KOTFE expansion....


Yeah, don't see what the big deal is myself...hell we should get an entire set of 224 -_-

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This relic is not that significant in terms of whats dropped in HM Operations. Do a little research before going off on this 224 relic. The 220 Seredipitous Assault and Focused Retribution relics are still better than this relic, and same goes for the tanking relic.


It just offers sort-of a serendipitous assault type relic without the crit stat (yes I know there is a crit chance bonus), and not even half the power bonus. Same analogy can be applied to the tanking relic. If you've got 220 token relics, this is a **** drop comparatively. Hell, maybe even 216.


For comparison:


Relic of the Eternal Combatant (Item Rating 224)

+203 Endurance

+77 Power


Equip: Healing an ally or performing a damaging attack on an enemy both have a 30% chance to grant 413 Power and Critical Rating for 6 seconds. This effect can only occur once every 20 seconds.




Exarch Relic of Serendipitous Assault (Item Rating 220)

+177 Endurance

+73 Power

+42 Crit


Equip: Healing an ally or performing a damaging attack on an enemy both have a 30% chance to grant 945 Power for 6 seconds. This effect can only occur once every 20 seconds.




Ultimate Exarch Relic of Serendipitous Assault (Item Rating 224)

+186 Endurance

+77 Power

+44 Crit


Equip: Healing an ally or performing a damaging attack on an enemy both have a 30% chance to grant 966 Power for 6 seconds. This effect can only occur once every 20 seconds.


Yeah, I'd take the 220 over this any day. Endurance won't matter at all really. And you only get one of these. No one that is serious about gearing will be using this if they are doing operations gear grinding. Maybe only in the short term, which is long enough to get something better.

Edited by btmart
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Not sure what team your on, but they take more then that. You have to know your rotation, mechanics and more then kinimum gear. Maybe your thinking of storymode.


I play swtor since release and ofc I was thinking about storymode :rolleyes:

Learning rotation requires only if you bought a 60 lvl token and don't have a clue how to play.

As for mechanics, there was a time when even storymore ops weren't like a walk in a park. Still, the vast majority of ops mechanics is "don't stand in voidzones" and "kill adds". Unfortunately not all people are capable of doing even this.

Perhaps that's what you call "advanced mechanics".

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Replacing a single relic with a 224 is going to account for an increase that is so minor, it will hardly be noticed in actual gameplay.


Of all the things one could get worked up about in this game, this belongs at the "mostly irrelevant" level.


^^ Indeed

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Getting that relic was the one consolation prize out of the whole thing. I really doubt it's going to tip the galaxy and make it wonky, it's one piece. Probably the only piece of 224 I'll ever have until they up the lvl req and upgrade all the equipment again.



I feel like...I didn't get to kill Arkan after the big build up. I didn't get to kill his traitorous mom. I didn't get to kill Koth. My ship was stolen...I lost the fleet. Lost companions in the whole deal, cause no more Scorpio and no more Senya. This last chapter made me feel really empty inside. Even though the romance was nice at the start, by the end of it, it felt like Theron was mad at my character and that left me sad too. Not even a warm letter to cheer me up.



The relic was the only thing that made me feel a bit good. *covets and hisses* It's mine! *snakey tongue* Preciousssss.

Edited by Lunafox
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Even 212s are better. Though 30% chance for 413 crit rating for 6 seconds every 20 seconds is nice.




It's useless compared to 216+ ops relics. Getting 216 isn't even that difficult because only few people actually roll for those. Sometimes nobody wants a relic and it gets randomed.

Edited by Halinalle
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Seriously Bioware... you're literally giving people a relic of 224 after finishing the expansion? It's not the same as operation gear of course, but gives power and critical, but still.... why Bioware... no one needs anything outside of a brain and 208 blue gear to do your game.


It's because they are increasing the level cap to 70 in the new expansion dropping at Christmas, and 224 gear will only be slightly higher than starting gear in the expansion.

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Every expansion bring level cap + it has been long time we stay on 65.

If KotET will be expansion like Revan/Hutt we will get level cap. I hope this will be expansion with new group contents, and it won't be next X or XX chapter solo story only.

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a 224 relic and not a very good one, a 220 relic from an ops has more value to be honest and even a glowing crystal vendor relic provides better stats even though you have to use it instead of it triggering automatically during the fights like the ones from ops.
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Seriously Bioware... you're literally giving people a relic of 224 after finishing the expansion? It's not the same as operation gear of course, but gives power and critical, but still.... why Bioware... no one needs anything outside of a brain and 208 blue gear to do your game.


I hate to say it bro, but you had all the hate coming for this post.


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Ohh i got 224 rate Relic!

Now i must get another 224 parts from old OPSes


^ That's how it's work.


I was going to post something like this, but tummiswtor got here first.


And the relic (from the reading) isn't that great, it is only one relic so HM/NiM/Whatever Ops will still have to be ran to get a decent 224 set.

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