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10 Good


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    MMO's, blogging, photography, Harleys
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  1. Really agree with you on Arcann. Completely unsatisfactory resolution in both of the options. Now that I've done both, my characters kill Senya just so we can bring Arcann to justice.
  2. If they gave us some kind of base building mini game, some reason to have Odessen and the Alliance headquarters, I'd be more concerned about it going away. While it's been my narrative focus the past couple of years, none of the "Alliance building" actions gave options that mattered. There are key moments where I get to make my story unique to yours - kill Senya, drive off Koth, etc. But none of my actions customized the Alliance or made the Alliance feel "real". When the Fleet and Gravestone are destroyed, it felt like the Alliance was over. Still being addressed as "Commander" felt like mockery more than anything. You're the leader of a small colony of, what, pirates? Alliance for what? You're not a power player if you don't have a fleet and a flag.
  3. Nadia has a unique body size. Would love to see more body types and heights. Of much more interest to me than "Can we have another alien species?"
  4. Have to say, it sounds like you want to have a reason to kill Lana. You can't kill every companion, the biggest crime is you can't kill Quinn in the original story, and you are obligated to take him back. That said, it seems they should have Theron doing everything Lana does if you are a Republic character. Having your "right hand" be a former Sith Lord should seem pretty sketchy to, well, everyone you meet if you're playing a Jedi.
  5. Feel much the same. Felt starwarsy enough for me. What mostly annoyed me was the idea the entire Sith Empire was a secondary project for the "real" game, the Eternal Empire. What the hell was going on? Vitiate was in how many bodies at the same time? The whole theme of possession felt not-Star Wars to me. Made the Force way to supernatural in a way I didn't imagine from how it's presented in the movies.
  6. You have no Fleet, you have no Gravestone, you control no planets directly, and Zakuul has been overthrown. Why does the Alliance still exist at all? It has no reason to be. Given all the ************ on some threads about /being/ the Commander, you'd think more people would be happy about this. The Alliance isn't anymore. There's nothing but a band of malcontents, expatriates, and traitors that can't be accepted back to their homes after having joined the Alliance. All too often this is the fate of revolutionaries after they've served their purpose.
  7. Personally, I hate that the names are flipped. There's a Fallen Empire in the second installment, and the first installment introduced to the Eternal Throne. What was supposed to the Fallen Empire these knights were off the first time around?
  8. Going forward the game will morph the Empire into the Republic and vice versa. Okay, no idea, but they are laying the groundwork for it a thousand years or more down the line. It will be interesting to see if they add any depth to the Nadia romance. Romancing her and maintaining the relationship should have had more consequences. Would be great to see a Romanced Nadia has fallen to the Dark Side while one you didn't Romance stayed Light Side.
  9. You're right. If only they'd spent more time on the KOTET storyline they could have done some cool **** with it.
  10. I liked both. Plenty of plot elements in particular I disliked, but I certainly liked having content. I also liked the monthly releases.
  11. Does the PVP "community" speak or just endlessly complain that this isn't a PVP game? Star Wars Battlefront II is out there, peeps. Designed and made for PVP.
  12. Pretty much. If you didn't kill him before, and you should have, you have no reason to kill him now. I remember when the game launched they said they took away the ability to kill companions from the game. They really should have left this in place. There's even a Bounty Hunter on Corellia who thinks you're incredibly cool. There's a dialogue option where he doesn't kill you and leaves after realizing who you are. I think this guy was supposed to have been the replacement for Quinn if you killed. He should have been. Killing Quinn in the original story would have made SW the best storyline in the game.
  13. Master's Datacron let's you run all story. If you don't wan to do the content, just don't do it. You both want and don't want story? Don't understand what you're wanting/expecting here.
  14. Quoted for truth. This is not P2W. Go get a job or grind for in game coin FFS.
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