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Subscriber rewards... how do people feel?


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I'm not really here for the subscriber rewards, I'm here because I like Star Wars and this is my virtual toy box.


Some of the rewards are okay, some are awful (Zakuul patrol bike I'm looking at you), some are really nice (HK-55 themed rocket pack). It's a mixed bag and I don't have to use them. Due to the range of characters I have some rewards suit some far more than others.


Along with complimentary cartel coins, the individual monthly rewards and the loyalty reward of the HK chapter I don't think I'm doing too bad for my sub.


I just hope players can reign in their expectations of what the 'Group Content' under development is going to be.


Quoted for truth... :cool:


Me...I use the jetpack on everybody, and delete the HK Helmet on all of em. Everything else I use as needed or just delete it. I'm curious about the HK chapter too. This is also the only mmo I've really played, so I'm probably not the best guy to judge the quality of the rewards vs other mmo's. I'm just here till the new SW RPG comes to PS4. :D


And yea... better keep your expectations in check on that group content.

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Ehhhhh...they're alright.


I start out with like 7 different speeders so that's nice. Everything Else save the Nico stuff I just trash.


I'd love for them to increase the monthly Cartel Coins. Especially with the recent increase in the pack prices on the cartel market.

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Instead of static rewards they should hand out veteran tokens and put some veteran token vendors in game who sell items like mounts, pets, decos, armor etc, so everybody can buy those rewards he's interested in. Everyone is pleased, no complaints in the forums, mission accomplished.


This I would like better than more cc, there isn't so much I want to buy from the cm because I refuse to buy rng stuff.

Edited by Kheeleb
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Sub rewards are always going to be relatively meager things (tbh, I was surprised we're apparently getting extra cartel coins this month), because otherwise people who don't sub will whine about being shafted just because they can't afford to be subbed all the time. Besides, subbing already comes with the various benefits from the exp gain, removing credit caps, the cartels, the immediate access to new chapters, WZ access, and probably a few other of the standard perks that I'm forgetting. They can only tack on so much more while still actually making new content for the entire player base.
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Rewards? What are you talking about? Are you... wait, you mean that HK garbage that no one wants that's been cluttering my mailbox? I thought that was a punishment.


No offense to the devs, but cluttering my mailbox with cosmetic items we've already had a hundred of, isn't a reward.


I just delete the mails after cursing that the new mail wasn't something that had sold on GTM. I have no recollection of of any subscriber 'rewards' that have been awarded this year.

Edited by Karkais
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I have collected all subscriber and preorder rewards since launch.


How do I feel about them? They're an extra that I got because I did something on a specific date that I would have done anyway. Most of them I feel indifferent about (pets), some I like and use occasionally (HK weapons, Lucky-77 speeder, legacy crystals, decos).


Most of them just get pulled out for fun, i.e. when in a group to show off or have an "I was around then, too"- moment.


Most of them I just see as additional items to play wtih. The ones I have no use for, I ignore. But it's nice to have them available as an option, for whatever occasion may come where they could have their moment of shine and glory.


The only reward I was mildly upset about was Nico's duster and blasters. That was an insult, since they even went so far to retcon the graphics and make them match the items, rather than the other way around.

Edited by KyaniteD
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You mean all that HK themed crap that spammed into my mailboxes? Stuff I have never used and have no interest in. Those were not my idea of rewards.


They don't have to give anything at all... The 525 cartel coins a month is also a Subscriber reward.

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Why would you think I have a problem with them making group content?


I thought you were one of the posters that was all about story, posting that there will be no new OPs or group content yadda yadda....


But after looking through your past posts, I was mistaken. It was my bad and I am man enough to apologize for it....so sorry..

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They don't have to give anything at all... The 525 cartel coins a month is also a Subscriber reward.


I think what is being said is even the 500ish cc you get and all of the other items they think were the best thing since sliced bread are actually either limited as the case is for cc (it really should be like 1500cc a month) or just plain worthless for the bulk of the rewards.

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Um...KotFE wasn't free. And we have no idea when the "exclusive chapter" will drop or that it will even consist of anything worthwhile.


Sure, you don't whine or cry....about swtor, but will apparently whine about WoW here. Please, continue with the straw men analogies while patting yourself on the back. You're such a big boy for taking your toys and going home.


I didn't pay for KotFE. I'm a sub to this game.


And I didn't see any whining, I made a comparison to the two games. WoW doesn't have any rewards for subscribers, SWTOR does.

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What I want to know is, of the people who have participated in this long-term, how do you feel about it?


I didn't, I'm not getting the bonus chapter to play as HK. Heck, I think the last reward I got was the HK-55 mission to rebuild him, and I'm unlikely to run that anytime soon. The HK themed rewards, for me personally were an absolute "not worth it" incentive. I prefer HK-51 anyway :p


Now if BioWare had introduced a system where players who subscribed got the CC stipend, plus a legacy bound "token" each month, and then added a vendor on fleet where you could buy varying items exclusive to subscribers (including an extra "story" chapter" for more 10+ tokens). Then perhaps that would have retained my subscription while I was off playing other games.


Now if they had offered me Darth Marr as a reclaimable companion or had rewards around him, I'd probably be saying something totally different right now. Aside from too many irritations with the game changes leading into 4.0, it may have managed to retain my subscription.

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  • 1 month later...

The Rewards Tend to be (sad to admit) crap as they are all level one items and there is a few that I like

  • Niko
  • Eternal Empire Speeder
  • Cartel Coins
  • Hk Inspired Jet-pack

I mean Honestly who's gonna open a reward at level 35 or something and get a level one gun and go awe hell yeah?

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I don't think you understand what "Level 1" means and they're not "crap" cuz of reasons:


1) In terms of a weapon, "Level 1" simply means it can be used by any level, depending on what mods are put into it. So a Level 55 can use it and yes, if they don't change the mods it may only be Level 14 in terms of power, but then they put level-appropriate mods in and now it's suddenly a Level 55 weapon.


If you're Level 55 and are too derp to change the mods then you deserve to suffer with your Level 14 weapon.


2) The rewards are usable right from the start which is a big help to altaholics cuz now they don't have to wait until way later to get something "cool" to use.


3) With gear now you can just use the wardrobe feature if you don't like the look.


4) If you haven't started new characters and used Nico from Level 1 to speed things up for you then you're sorely missing out.



I mean Honestly who's gonna open a reward at level 35 or something and get a level one gun and go awe hell yeah?


"Oh, look, a VENTED LIGHTSABER! Oh, dang, it's only Level 1 and I'm 35, guess it's useless for me."


TL;DR - The rewards aren't "crap" and they can be any level the player wants them to be with mods.

Edited by PetFish
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So on the stream, Ben defended them a bit about veterans, bringing up the long-term subscriber rewards they've put in place, particularly this year.


What I want to know is, of the people who have participated in this long-term, how do you feel about it?


To me, the idea of a static reward set for being a long-term subscriber is not that appealing. It could be great if the reward appeals to me, but could mean basically nothing if it doesn't. I like the idea of reward programs that make me feel involved in something, have options in such a way that I can make choices if one thing doesn't appeal to me, and I like points systems because I can take a break and come back and still have progress.


But I'm also not that into exclusivity in the first place and I know I'm not everyone. So I want to know how other people feel about it.


If by subscriber rewards you mean: HK stuff. Then I'm "m'eh I'll take what is on offer, but is this all they can manage"?


As for long term players, the Legenday Player is an utter joke. We have Strongholds for crying out loud. For the so called Legendary Player reward why weren't we given a Centrepiece decoration, a diorama depicting an iconic member of each class for example. Heck, at the completion of each Class Story we should be getting a statue appropriate to that class as well.


All The Best

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If by subscriber rewards you mean: HK stuff. Then I'm "m'eh I'll take what is on offer, but is this all they can manage"?


As for long term players, the Legenday Player is an utter joke. We have Strongholds for crying out loud. For the so called Legendary Player reward why weren't we given a Centrepiece decoration, a diorama depicting an iconic member of each class for example. Heck, at the completion of each Class Story we should be getting a statue appropriate to that class as well.


All The Best


Oooooh. Master Orgus for the JK statue, Master Yuon or the Council Master Who Greets JCs at Tython for JC, Sabaac Guy Whose Name I Forgot Right Now for Smuggler, General Garza or Old Havoc Squad for Trooper, Baras for SW, Zash or Thanaton for SI, Watcher One or Keeper or Hunter or Jadus for IA, Braden or that Jedi Guy In Act Three for BH*.


And a holotable where we can rewatch randomly selected cutscenes from the class story and our character's choices for Legendary when completing all eight classes through Act Three.


Not sure why my Warrior would want a statue of Baras, or my Trooper a statue of Garza, but those characters do play major roles in the PC's story...


*I initially chose Braden because Tarro Blood killing him is a key part of the in-story motivation for why the BH went on to be so awesome, but the Jedi Guy in Act Three was just so annoying and so satisfying to defeat in Act Three. I chose Old Havoc Squad for the same reason as Braden.

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What I want to know is, of the people who have participated in this long-term, how do you feel about it?


I realize that these are probably being created by whatever passes for a graphics team now a days and not whoever is doing coding but I would rather see the effort redirected towards outstanding issues.


Considering it's graphics, we still have folks reporting clipping. Plus people swear the taxis are still blinking on Coruscant although they haven't been for me lately....

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So give credit where it is due. The sub rewards I have liked having:


  • Hutt Training statue
  • Party Jawa (though don't use much anymore. nice to bring it out in a wz and see how long you remain alive being focused)
  • Nico companion
  • Nico duster
  • Nico guns
  • black/purple crystal set
  • HK Jetpack
  • HK companion (though more a nice to have, think I use other comps in place of)
  • Kurtob Alliance mount (referral reward)
  • Security key 100 coin allotment
  • Monthly sub 500 coin allotment
  • Nar Shadda SH *forgot that initially


The ones I don't really do anything with:

  • HK helmet
  • HK ship droid customizations
  • Zakul mount that burns the rider (Eternal Empire Patroller Moun)
  • HK deco poster
  • HK weapon set (not being legacy and no weapon designer they don't get used)


So I'll be fair and say I like more than I haven't liked, but in the "what have you done for me recently" factor, it loses the luster as many of the ones I'm not a fan of have been the recent ones. Outside of HK and his jetpack, I feel the HK themed rewards fell flat. If the weapons had been legacy like nico's blasters I think they would have gotten use.


Be interested to hear what they learned from KOTFE in the next stream in how they will deal with next expansion on the content front, sub reward front (if desire to keep people subscribed during period of time is still there vs a one time buy, and in the overall direction. Despite the more negative tone of my comment history, I really want the game to succeed and improve. I"m not wanting the doors to shut and lights to go off. Really want to see people get psyched for the game again.

Edited by Jamtas
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I've subscribed to quite a few MMOs over the years and I have to say that in my experience SWTOR has been the most generous with their subscriber perks.


The Nar Shaddaa stronghold, with several rooms unlocked, RotHC holostatue, mount, titles, great looking crystals, more mounts, legacy gear, etc etc etc.


I truly don't understand why people complain.

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I truly don't understand why people complain.

Personally, I don't really complain about it, but the only sub rewards I've gotten beyond the "make gameplay more tolerable" bonuses are the CC stipend, an HK deco poster which doesn't really appeal to me, and an Eternal Empire Patroller mount which only appealed to me on a practical level, briefly, when I had few to no cartel mounts unlocked in collections.


I just figured I'd mention it, since you're saying you don't understand. It's not a big deal to me, but the rewards I've gotten in the 3-5 months I've been subbed (I'm bad at keeping track of the exact time) have done almost nothing to add to the experience for me.


The only thing that really stands out to me is the Rep gain bonus. I would hate doing Rep grinds without it, given the annoying weekly cap.


I guess I'm not really explaining why people complain, since it's not a big deal to me. But I figured maybe it'd give some insight into the hit-or-miss nature of it for some people. There are many others in this thread who paint a picture of hit-or-miss, which has been pretty interesting to see.

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Aside from a brief break from the game, I've been a subscriber since pre-launch. After it went F2P, it was worth it just so I didn't have to hassle with the cartel unlocks. The mailed rewards are vendor trash at worst, but mostly OK. The cartel coin monthly is great.
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Well, I don't subscribe for the rewards... so for me they are just frosting on top of the cake. If I like them, I use them, and if not, I ignore them completely. I subscribe for full access to the game without the F2P/Preferred restrictions.


People getting bent over free stuff is kind of silly.


People subbing primarily for the rewards.... even sillier, IMO. And I suspect these are the ones most likely to complain. It also catnip for the players that love to perpetually complain about everything.

Edited by Andryah
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