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Dark vs. Light Event


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Hopefully with more reading now I can point out you can then that if they keep the same model they have now you can just skip the game for 6-9 months or however long it is until the last chapter and pay $15 to get it all in one hit.


This way during that time you can play other games with fresh new content and just wait for one big story in one hit as we no doubt all do whilst we await our favourite next big single player game that we are looking forward to to come out after announcement.


It's not that I want to drive people away, its' that I want to make Bioware realise this current model is crap and they need to make content to cater to everyone, not just a specific portion of the player base.


I'm not sure what is more worrying, that they make this content based on some "metric" or that their metric of people just wanting to spend money on CM and chapters is accurate.

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Has anyone else noticed that Makeb is NOT part of this event? Kind of odd don't you think, they got everything else.


In fact, seeing as all the levels of the event have you doing pretty much all parts of the game it almost seems as if BioWare wants players to experience it all before the game goes "bye-bye"......course that's what I would think if I was a negative person, good thing I'm not! :)


Yep, the storyline from starter planet to Corellia, Ilum, Makeb and Oricon are not required at all. But every other main storyline part is required. Still wondering why though.

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Source on that? I really doubt that will be the case since I see a good chance for them to profit on it if they didnt change it .




Did some digging around (dang it takes hours on here) and this is all I could find. Sadly it is not more explicit nor descriptive. This is from the patch notes for 4.0 from the cartel market section.




Cartel Market

•Start a New Character at Level 60! All subscribers will be granted one Start at 60 character unlock on October 27th (Subscribers with Early Access will receive their unlock on October 20th). Additional level 60 character unlocks can be purchased from the Cartel Market at a later date.

•Packs have been completely reworked based on player feedback. All previous Cartel Market items will be available for purchase with the Bronze, Silver, and Gold packs. Read more here!

•Collections has been updated with a lot of Quality of Life changes to help users navigate it more easily: •You can now filter items in Collections.

•The Collections interface now starts out automatically collapsed.

•The number of Outfit pieces that you have unlocked is displayed on the set’s Collections icon.

•You can now purchase collection unlocks on the character that originally unlocked the item.


(Bold letters added by me for emphasis.)


When I first started KotFE, I remember testing it on some armors I had laying around. And put one piece on my commando, switched over to my agent and put the rest on and BOOM I could unlock it. Sadly I do not have any atm laying around to retest it just in case, and the armor sets I am missing atm are all 50+ mil atm. So either take my word for it, or you can wait till Thursday (when all the timers form the packs wear off and stuff starts showing up on the GTN) I will buy one of the new armor sets and test it, and repost here with the results. Sorry I couldn't get more concrete information. :(


EDIT: Sad and bad news guys. I found a random armor set I didn't have bound and used it. It does not work. So in order to get a set unlocked in your collections you MUST have EVERY piece on ONE character. So just ignore everything I have said the past couple of posts. :o:( I am sorry I wasted everyones time reading and got peoples hopes up. *bow*

Edited by Lakemine
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Yep, the storyline from starter planet to Corellia, Ilum, Makeb and Oricon are not required at all. But every other main storyline part is required. Still wondering why though.


I guess I should of been more clear in my wording. Shadow of Revan is there in completing it, Ziost is there in completing it, KOTFE is there, Oricon is there in simply killing 50 npcs, hell they even got you digging for HK-51 parts again. But Makeb isn't there at all, not even kill 50 npcs. It's like they ignored it.

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I guess I should of been more clear in my wording. Shadow of Revan is there in completing it, Ziost is there in completing it, KOTFE is there, Oricon is there in simply killing 50 npcs, hell they even got you digging for HK-51 parts again. But Makeb isn't there at all, not even kill 50 npcs. It's like they ignored it.


I wonder if they forgot about it...

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It seems that there are 3 main defenses of this event for the brave the few who are supporting it. I wont quote as I'm not looking to call anyone out on what they think about the event. As they didn't design it and aren't responsible for it, however if the development team want to come on the forums and defend it that would be unlikely and may offer some insight.


First defense is: They Didn't have to give us anything!


Side stepping offering old cartel market items for completing old content isn't much, this statement is wrong. SWTOR is a commodity which EAware want to charge for (at least subscribers) and as such you have to offer something that customers see as value for money. If there is a business out there that I get to charge people without providing anything I want in on that. So in an effort to get people to subscribe over the summer while waiting on Kofte season 2 they have come up with an 'Event' only in this case the 'Event' is a check list of old content with the reward of chance cubes.


Next Defense and very close to the first: If you don't like it don't play it!


This is a course of action most the people that have ever played SWTOR have taken, its why it had to go free to play (I have discussed else where that this allowed double dipping of charging subscribers rather than bringing lots of new people buying cartel coins to the game) and why currently all the servers are light (with one or two maybe getting into standard population). The forums are filled with people wanting cheap transfers and server mergers cause there are so few players.


Neither of these defense really defend the 'Event' but rather suggest that if you don't like it vote with your wallet and quit. A fair suggestion but I don't think come the quarterly financial review would be good for the game or future development. Though for those that have quit not a big problem.


The next Defense: Its a speed run or it gives new achievements or encouragement to play through the game:


The speed run may drive the wrong kind of behavior, rather than enjoy the game or the story its about space baring through the dialogue and trying to skip as much content as possible. Or in otherwords making the game as grindy as possible, though that is more an argument for the vets who know every story. So for the new players, people that haven't been interested in the game for the last 5 years now see some cosmetic rewards and jump on the wagon. Though I don't even know how hard it will be for them to get through the flashpoint requirements should they get grouped with a vet who is screaming at them that they are noobs and *********** up his speed run and to f off and die. I don't see this defense makes the game more fun for either group, speed grinding through or because you are giving me some lock boxes I didn't love the content last month but I love it now give me more here take my money!


The fourth Defense: People that don't like this are wingers, cry babies, stupid, entitled, spoiled etc.


Not really a defense, more an attempt to belittle other people so their views are considered childish or unimportant. This is where you know its indefensible and so you attack the people making the comments. This is common in the legal system where when a client is clearly guilty the lawyer attacks the officer involved, the procedure or tries to find a loop hole. Its not defending the event its not giving people a reason to check it out, rather its claiming that anyone that dislikes the event is using hyperbolic arguments, that they are just sad cause they have to work for a living and have other commitments so don't want to replay content they have been playing for the last few years.


Now ultimately there maybe a small number of people this event genuinely appeals to. My own view would be however if you need lock boxes to encourage you to play through the story content you haven't played before you may not be that interested in the story or the content. So a chance cube with part of a cosmetic outfit thats ugly as sin may not be the lure they thought it to be. As for the Vets who want to regrind through it all over again I don't see the appeal (yes I know defense 1 or 2 or maybe 4) . I want to see an Event this summer to get me to log back in, I would have loved to see something like what Elder Scrolls Online did with the Dark Brotherhood DLC with daily assassination missions, Crafting writs, bounty boards, thieves guild dlc etc. But a list of old content, I just don't see how this can be called an 'event' or outside of the rewards what the appeal in and off its self to play through the old content is.


Perhaps worse than this is that if this was the plan for between season 1 and 2, the SWTOR development team is not being supported to allow it to produce content and is forced to use check lists of old content in place of an actual event. It definitely appears no one from EAware is half as keen as defending this as some of the forum goers are. Maybe they agree its an indefensible travesty, so in this case I believe their silence could be taken as consent.

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Yes, it seems BW are planning to sell the packs. So it's basically *Grind* or *Pay Up*. Who'd have thunk it?


There's at least one petition in the running requesting that the event objectives become retro-active.

Not likely going to happen. The outrage once at the ME3 ending was so huge and look what happened then.

If you ask me, the real petition should be going out towards Disney. To take away the Rights to use the Star Wars IP from EA. And to give other developers a chance with it instead.

There's a number of good development households out there who care about more than just making big bucks and pleasing shareholders.

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So the only issue that penalizes a very few people is where they have maxed their slots? So if BW granted every sub 1 free extra slot to get around this then that would solve that and everyone would stop talking about this "penalty" nonsense?


Well, yes that would be at least a little helpful since I then could actually participate -at all-. Do you honestly think that being forced to do any of the following is not penalizing players?


1. Move to another server (and thereby missing 2 of 3 reward categories, since they are bound to Legacy/char)

2. Buy server slots

3. Delete your existing character(s)


So, yes - giving out a serverslot or two would at least allow ppl like me to actually participate in the event, which is my by far largest gripe in this whole ordeal.


Though i think being forced to delete several toons for an event is pretty weird and flawed from scratch. IMO they should either remove the requirement for having 8 characters doing the event and grant everyone 1 new slot OR they should grant everyone 8 new slots. I can't understand why anyone would make an event that requires players to create multiple toons and in many cases then delete most of them. It's just weird and completly non-personal.

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If you ask me, the real petition should be going out towards Disney. To take away the Rights to use the Star Wars IP from EA. And to give other developers a chance with it instead.

There's a number of good development households out there who care about more than just making big bucks and pleasing shareholders.

That is the most likely solution, but the other one is an activist shareholder. Activist shareholders buy interest in a company just so they can make change happen, whether that's change the executive board or company direction (usually both) or something else. Corporations hate these kinds of shareholders. Of course, I doubt anyone here is a multimillionaire, capable of buying that many shares in a huge corporation like EA or Disney.

Edited by Tofu_Shark
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They mastered it completly.


You can BUY NEW PACKS with the OLD ITEMS (not even reskin)


Buhahahahahahaha :D


Waiting for Jedi Robes pack that include:

- Jolee Bindo Tunic

- Exiled Master Robes

- Valiant Jedi Robes

- Guradian Resolute

- Atris Robes

- Vrook Lamar Robes

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For being here with this game since closed Beta I have seen it raise and fall and raise and fall through the years. So I at least want to voice my opinion on the matter.


This lack of Retroactive bonus is extremely a kick in the teeth. Its not so much that it isn't retroactive, but that its not promoted as such. It gave me great hope that as finally hit 65 on my first IMP 1-65 toon that I met a requirement to get some of the stuff offered. But learned through this forum of less than happy people that is not the case.


It took over a year for me to reach that level and even as a Subber and XP boost I am lucky if I can get 3 or 4 hours of untouched SWTOR time (And that is assuming I am not working on my Stronghold)


All this hussle and bustle is lost on me knowing that I will not get 2 toons to 65 in the given time frame.


And as this is just an opinion, it seems, but not giving back to your old player base and more so making extremely hard to obtain goals on busy schedules seems a little slap in the face. I love you continue to do fun events but that NEW armor is only good if you need to level or you have all the pieces which I have to admit Ill never see 3rd tier of this.


That is just my opinion on it all.

Edited by Starscream
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Considering that one of the achievements require that you get ahold of a million credits, I'd say it isn't possible to do it as ftp or pref..


I am of the belief that Bioware doesn't have anything to do with this event, and that it's EA that has come up with this event.


It isn't possible for f2p to do all of the event. At most they will be able to do 2 or 3 tiers at most since they need the expansion. Only way for preferred can finish it is if they have all the expansion, ops passes, escrow tokens. Everyone will be stuck on tier 3 or 4 until the last chapter drops in late July.


To be honest, they should have just made this a sub event, f2p isn't getting past the 2nd tier and preferred the 3rd tier unless they go ahead and sub.

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It isn't possible for f2p to do all of the event. At most they will be able to do 2 or 3 tiers at most since they need the expansion. Only way for preferred can finish it is if they have all the expansion, ops passes, escrow tokens. Everyone will be stuck on tier 3 or 4 until the last chapter drops in late July.


To be honest, they should have just made this a sub event, f2p isn't getting past the 2nd tier and preferred the 3rd tier unless they go ahead and sub.


That's the point. They have no new content to offer because they have a skeleton crew working on the game just to keep the everyday stuff from falling into disrepair -- which it still does -- and to make new cartel packs. Packs which themselves have no imagination because they're almost always re-skinned vanilla TOR creatures (Nexu, Acklay, Vorn Tiger) with a saddle, or armor they took from KoTFE characters, or decos they took from KoTFE.


Because there's no new content to keep people here, and because they're trying to keep their sub count up, their 'event' is set up to force those who want to participate to sub while they recycle their game's old content in their latest and most transparent attempt to keep people paying for a game which really has no future at this point.


The very fact they even had to write an open letter to subs to try and reassure them they're invested in this game makes it clear they thought the disillusionment in this game was widespread enough that they needed to say something publicly to try and stem the flow of their bleeding sub count.


2016 breakdown:

"Stay subbed for HK reward this month."

"Sorry we broke something again. We'll get it in a couple patches."

"Stay subbed for HK reward this month."

"You'll get a new KoTFE chapter soon™ -- A chapter which I should add was completed over a year ago but we're releasing incrementally because we have no new content, and if we release very small pieces of content 1 month at a time, we'll be able to lead you on about the direction of this game for longer, which in turn will allow us to milk the most money out of our fan base who in many cases love the IP too much to recognize when they're being conned."

"Oh btw, stay subbed for this month's HK reward."

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That's the point. They have no new content to offer because they have a skeleton crew working on the game just to keep the everyday stuff from falling into disrepair -- which it still does -- and to make new cartel packs. Packs which themselves have no imagination because they're almost always re-skinned vanilla TOR creatures (Nexu, Acklay, Vorn Tiger) with a saddle, or armor they took from KoTFE characters, or decos they took from KoTFE.


Because there's no new content to keep people here, and because they're trying to keep their sub count up, their 'event' is set up to force those who want to participate to sub while they recycle their game's old content in their latest and most transparent attempt to keep people paying for a game which really has no future at this point.


The very fact they even had to write an open letter to subs to try and reassure them they're invested in this game makes it clear they thought the disillusionment in this game was widespread enough that they needed to say something publicly to try and stem the flow of their bleeding sub count.


2016 breakdown:

"Stay subbed for HK reward this month."

"Sorry we broke something again. We'll get it in a couple patches."

"Stay subbed for HK reward this month."

"You'll get a new KoTFE chapter soon™ -- A chapter which I should add was completed over a year ago but we're releasing incrementally because we have no new content, and if we release very small pieces of content 1 month at a time, we'll be able to lead you on about the direction of this game for longer, which in turn will allow us to milk the most money out of our fan base who in many cases love the IP too much to recognize when they're being conned."

"Oh btw, stay subbed for this month's HK reward."


I can't argue against any of your post. BW seems pretty desperate for subs these days.

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Except that after one particular SWTOR forum participant hunted down a dev in real life, and threatened his family in real life, perhaps it's wiser for people to not even mention wanting actual physical harm to someone, even if they don't threaten to do it themselves. I would imagine some of these statements are taken a little more seriously since then.


This "event" is nonsense, Bioware should know better than to pull a stunt like this but obviously does not, and the typical forum-griefers are having a field day insulting and attacking anyone who isn't super-happy-exited about the "event" while being given free reign to do so by those who are supposed to be "moderating" this forum.


That said -- threats against the person or property or family of anyone at Bioware over a damn game... absolutely wrong.

Edited by Max_Killjoy
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Is it possible to "resurrect" old characters? I have few 56 level chars I wanted to level later. It would be nice to skip the char creation and just recreate the char with the same settings and play this event. Of course, I could delete the char and hope that the name stays with me and I also choose the same settings :-).
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That's the point. They have no new content to offer because they have a skeleton crew working on the game just to keep the everyday stuff from falling into disrepair -- which it still does -- and to make new cartel packs. Packs which themselves have no imagination because they're almost always re-skinned vanilla TOR creatures (Nexu, Acklay, Vorn Tiger) with a saddle, or armor they took from KoTFE characters, or decos they took from KoTFE.


Because there's no new content to keep people here, and because they're trying to keep their sub count up, their 'event' is set up to force those who want to participate to sub while they recycle their game's old content in their latest and most transparent attempt to keep people paying for a game which really has no future at this point.


The very fact they even had to write an open letter to subs to try and reassure them they're invested in this game makes it clear they thought the disillusionment in this game was widespread enough that they needed to say something publicly to try and stem the flow of their bleeding sub count.


2016 breakdown:

"Stay subbed for HK reward this month."

"Sorry we broke something again. We'll get it in a couple patches."

"Stay subbed for HK reward this month."

"You'll get a new KoTFE chapter soon™ -- A chapter which I should add was completed over a year ago but we're releasing incrementally because we have no new content, and if we release very small pieces of content 1 month at a time, we'll be able to lead you on about the direction of this game for longer, which in turn will allow us to milk the most money out of our fan base who in many cases love the IP too much to recognize when they're being conned."

"Oh btw, stay subbed for this month's HK reward."


Couldn't agree more.

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Is it possible to "resurrect" old characters? I have few 56 level chars I wanted to level later. It would be nice to skip the char creation and just recreate the char with the same settings and play this event. Of course, I could delete the char and hope that the name stays with me and I also choose the same settings :-).


Do the following:

- Take the character in question to an "Appearance Designer" console and take note of the various settings.

- Sell everything that is on that character and that cannot be placed in your Legacy hold (all the stuff that is bound). Place the rest in your Legacy hold. Essentially you want to leave your character naked.

- Take note of the amount of money you have and send it all to another character. Logout.

- Logon to the character you sent the money to and retrieve the money. Logout.

- On the Character Selection screen, select the character you want to delete and DELETE it.

- Create a new character using the settings you took note of in the Appearance Designer and use the same name you had before. Since you took note of the settings, creating the new character should take less than a minute and the name should still be available.

- As soon as you can, Escape out of the initial conversation/cut scene and logout.

- Logon to the character that received the money and send it back to the newly created character. Logout.

- Logon to the new character, go the mailbox and retrieve your money and any other in-game e-mails you may have received.


You just "resurrected" your old character.

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Just let us bring it to a Point :


EA ate up many good Companies : Westwood, Marxis, Origin ... LucasArts, and now Bioware.


Well, Bioware, or should i say : Manager from EA (since you kicked most or all of the Bioware Staff) : Shut down the Game for good, or give us Players (more or mostly the active Subscribers) real new great Content, aka New Planets, New Raids, New Flashpoints, and a new Story which is better then KoTFE...and not the old Good vs Evil Stuff, it should have all in like a good Book. "A Song of Fire and Ice" like (For the ones who doesnt know : Game of Thrones.)

Edited by DEHawks
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I have a family and lead an active life style - especially during the summer, which they now expect us to waste inside, sitting on a computer chair, grinding our lives away for a few rewards lol? I finally got my Legendary Player status after grinding all the character story line, some of which that were just god-awful and tedious, and now they expect us to delete characters or buy new slots and re-grind those exact same classes to 50?


This needs to be made available to pre-existing characters, and take into account all the hard work players have put into the game thus far. The concept is great and the rewards are nice; make it so that you can designate your existing characters as Light VS Dark and you might get less outrage over this.


I'll work hard and complete achievements to earn that new companion, but hell if I'm going to waste away my summer grinding characters I'll never look at again because Bioware poorly implemented a grindfest update event lol. Cheers.

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I have a family and lead an active life style - especially during the summer, which they now expect us to waste inside, sitting on a computer chair, grinding our lives away for a few rewards lol? I finally got my Legendary Player status after grinding all the character story line, some of which that were just god-awful and tedious, and now they expect us to delete characters or buy new slots and re-grind those exact same classes to 50?


This needs to be made available to pre-existing characters, and take into account all the hard work players have put into the game thus far. The concept is great and the rewards are nice; make it so that you can designate your existing characters as Light VS Dark and you might get less outrage over this.


I'll work hard and complete achievements to earn that new companion, but hell if I'm going to waste away my summer grinding characters I'll never look at again because Bioware poorly implemented a grindfest update event lol. Cheers.


Not everyone has been ordered by BW to go for the top tier in this event. The top tier is actually for the insane people. There are lots of insane people in mmos - what's wrong with giving them something to do?

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This event is great for the new players who just discovered this game.. The dark side vs Light side event is nothing more then replaying content that we have had for some years now. For what vanity and cosmetics??? Im sorry M8's but as a Founder who has been around since launch and has done it all and has all the classes with extras for different specs aka legendary status i have no interest in this event. Again great for new players who just joined the community but for players like myself its a joke cuz we see they have no intent for real content ill return someday when they decide to acualy make content .. goodluck
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