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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Dark vs. Light Event


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Sorry I completely disagree. We spend years in leveling those characters running through the same Zakul Story multiple times, spending massive efforts leveling the Alliance Warroom. Now only to have to it again? Where we already know this inside and out? This event is just a slap in our face.


Only because your account is less then two years old and haven't been playing the game like us doesn't make it right. I mean I get it for a like you that only played 2 out of 5 years this event is great. But please do not compare yourself with us cause you have no idea.


Well, I have been playing since launch. I have 46 characters. Every AC at max. All crafting maxed. I've run the heroics well over a thousand times for alliance crates. Guess what? I'm still ok with this event. You know what event I don't like? Gree. I hate the Gree event because after the first day I did all of the content and by running alts through it I had enough rep. tokens saved up for legendary within the first week. Then for years after than if I want any rewards at all I have do the same heroic over and over and over and over until my eyes bleed since raids make me anxious. I fail to see where leveling some alts over the course of a few months is any more tedious than that.

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Well actually it is since SWTOR copied it from WoW. It is the same concept, a token that pushes your new character to the endlevel. Even the process how to apply looks mostly identical. WoW introduced it in 2013 and you could boost to lvl 90 by then. If I renember correctly

The level 60 token doesn't unlock any pre-existing achievements. If you want legendary status you have to have all 8 classes through their story the long way, and that was retroactive.

The level 60 token also fills the need to give new players a way to jump into an expansion without being left behind. This event is as likely to be the flip side of that incentive and is now encouraging those players to go back to the original content and have a look.

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Sorry I completely disagree. We spend years in leveling those characters running through the same Zakul Story multiple times, spending massive efforts leveling the Alliance Warroom. Now only to have to it again? Where we already know this inside and out? This event is just a slap in our face.


And someone forced you to do all that hard labor did they? Or was it because you actually enjoyed it? If you did it and didn't enjoy it then you're a fool imo. Games should be about having fun after all, not doing a job.


Now if the event doesn't sound like fun or you don't want to work to get the reward then just don't do it. Don't expect it to be handed to you on a silver platter simply because "Uh, I've already done that!". I've already done the ops numerous times, where is my free BiS gear when they leveled them up?


Only because your account is less then two years old and haven't been playing the game like us doesn't make it right. I mean I get it for a like you that only played 2 out of 5 years this event is great. But please do not compare yourself with us cause you have no idea.


Lol what nonsense you speak. Where do you even get such a ridiculous notion from?


Ignoring the fact my member number is much smaller than yours thus I've been here longer ...


Account Creation Date: 09.30.09 - wow older than I thought ... now please don't compare yourself to me because clearly based on your own logic ... you have no idea being so nooby n all. ;)


Now even if you hadn't just made a complete fool of yourself with your misguided elitism ... what makes you so special that they should cater to veterans? We got tons of rewards etc. new players can NEVER get and we had the joy of actually doing the content itself ... why do we now need to be rewarded for enjoying a game?


Wow you did some extra content and had fun doing it ( or didn't in which case refer the fool comment ) ... best hand you it all on said silver platter. :rolleyes: It's pathetic arguments like this is why I can't take much of this whinging over the event seriously.

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I.e. you yourself could have posted along the lines of "Hey could we please get an extra slot to do this event as I have maxed all my slots and don't feel it's fair that I have to delete one of my characters or play on another server".


I wasn't asking the devs to make a change, I wasn't suggesting a solution, and I wasn't trying to follow your idea of what these forums should be.


What I was doing, however, was responding to you dismissing others purely because they are bringing an amount of emotion into a discussion that relates to their enjoyment, monetary investiment, and time. I simply stated what an example of the event punishing older players was, there are many others, but that is by far the most obvious as it affects people in more ways than just time investment. My main point which you seem to have disregarded is that an event is a failure at it's purpose if it isn't accessible for all. Changing servers to do it means it isn't accessible.


The even has many problems in terms of realistic expectations from players, aswell as not really bringing anything new to the table. It's basically what most people who care about achievement points or story have already done.


That might not affect you, but it affects a lot of people.


And remember, you whining about how people express their views on the forum, is just as bad as that whining.

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My two credits on this:




Many have already nailed this event by calling it a "speed run". Summer time does not mean tons of free time for players, most of which have jobs and families, and some having kids. camping and family events to attend to. The sheer amount of time to complete the higher end level would require most players to put in at least 4-6 hours a day until the end of the event.


Worse, the event is asking players to make disposable characters to run through old content as fast as they can, without paying any attention to content or story, to run through Flashpoints as quickly as possible, to storm the events and mass-kill NPC mobs. In essence, this event emphasizes the worst aspects of MMOs: grinding and area farming. There is no time at all to actually enjoy this event, because if you want a chance to get anything out of it, you have to GO.


For a game and a company that prides itself on story and content, this is a leap backwards. Even if the event creates a "change" in the universe afterward, it was only due to the efforts of those that least care.


So yeah, I'm not interested. Thanks but no thanks. I rather remain playing my game at my own pace, working on the characters I have carefully constructed, roleplaying when I can and spending the majority of my summer free time with my kid.


Yeah, this event makes me feel like I'm back in my EQ days. Now THAT game had grinding, oh GOD did it have grinding. So, the grind part doesn't phase me one single bit. I've gotten 8 characters' 4 alliance specialists all to rank 20. My point is I have people who ran all this stuff multiple times. I have low level toons too but they're above level 1 and they were made for a reason.


I get this is an event, and as I said before, the concept of the event itself Light vs Dark, is a good one. But you gotta throw us SOME type of bone. Hell, speaking to some of my guildies and telling them about the requirements the overall consensus was '**** that'. You all need to seriously think this over, Bioware. I don't want players leaving because you basically gave everyone against this the finger.

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Musco is the community manager. He's the messenger. He's not a dev. Stop blaming him. Also making threats is not a smart move.


If you're frustrated be frustrated, but don't threaten people.


He is but he wasn't even here since thuresday evining... They knew this socalled "event" will kick off a *****torm and they did it anyway. Massanger or not, if he knew "his" community he'll stop them from this...abomination.

Especially that this is the content EVERYONE is stuck with till 2017, until season 2...well besides 4.7 in july.

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Musco is the community manager. He's the messenger. He's not a dev. Stop blaming him. Also making threats is not a smart move.


If you're frustrated be frustrated, but don't threaten people.


He didn't threaten anyone. Threatening would be saying he's going to do what he said. He didn't.

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So the only issue that penalizes a very few people is where they have maxed their slots? So if BW granted every sub 1 free extra slot to get around this then that would solve that and everyone would stop talking about this "penalty" nonsense?




Hmmm ... no I can't, I reply to each individual as I catch up. If people stopped moving the topic forward with such nonsense posts I wouldn't even need reply.


I.e. you yourself could have posted along the lines of "Hey could we please get an extra slot to do this event as I have maxed all my slots and don't feel it's fair that I have to delete one of my characters or play on another server".


Less hyperbole, less throwing your toys out of the cot and it actually comes across as far more reasoned and worth responding to or considering ( imo this is, if I were in Biowares place ) than the Harry Enfeld "It's so unfair" Kevin the Teenager routine.


for those who haven't had the pleasure. ;)


It's people like you who are gradually killing this game by telling BW this is a perfectly legit cop-out for actually adding new content...

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Oh come on ... what sort of nonsense is this? Existing subs can't do the event? They can't make the characters and do the event or something?


It's completely an event - just because you don't want to do it and it doesn't appeal to you doesn't make it any less of an event. It's still something extra you didn't have last week ... the option is there ( until October I believe? ) for you to get as far as you can be bothered getting or not at all.


You're deliberately being obtuse.


Yes a sub of X years can do the "event". Yet it's clearly not the target audience here.

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He didn't threaten anyone. Threatening would be saying he's going to do what he said. He didn't.


Except that after one particular SWTOR forum participant hunted down a dev in real life, and threatened his family in real life, perhaps it's wiser for people to not even mention wanting actual physical harm to someone, even if they don't threaten to do it themselves. I would imagine some of these statements are taken a little more seriously since then.

Edited by Trynitris
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Problems I have with the event:

1. rehashed content...again.

--before anyone jumps on me. Since it was a new EVENT (i.e. not any of the others), it wasn't unreasonable to expect at least something new to do, though their lack of communicating anything about it until just beforehand made me suspicious.

2. No way to use existing toons.

--nuff said.

3. No way to combine achievement numbers.

--all the stuff done with the new toons has to be kept on a separate legacy so they can use the cheevo system to track it. Even when combined later, those kills and runs won't get added into your main legacy.

4. Due to Bioware's message, it seems necessary to participate in the event if you want to "determine the state of the galaxy in the fall". This sets it apart from any of the other events. I'll put Bioware's exact wording in quotes.


Plus, the outcome of everyone’s dark and light side decisions will determine the state of the galaxy as the future of Star Wars: The Old Republic evolves this fall. So be sure to check here to see which side is dominating and stay tuned for more details!


-Not sure why more people aren't upset about this part, or if that's just a given. IDK I haven't bothered to read all 140+ pages to this thread.


5. The fact a number of the rewards are BoP instead of BoL, compounding frustration for people creating/using temp toons for the event.


6. A number of cheevos are still broken. It doesn't fill me with confidence to know that's what is being used to track rewards.


7. The amount of grinding required will likely increase the griefing in groups and sitters in warzones since the emphasis will be on speed/xp.


Questions about the event:

1. Is there going to be any way other than add slot/delete/moving toons for people to participate who have already maxxed their server allotment out?

2. Did I read correct that there are "new" datacrons, and if so, are they permanent or not, accessible by non-event toons? If not, how do people not participating in the event obtain them?

3. Could we please get some further clarification on what this "Determining the state of the Galaxy in the fall" amounts to? Does this mean it affects the story?

4. Is this Bioware's version of a 5th year anniversary gift to subs or is there something else coming later? (plz not another reskinned astromech pet)

5. Is the new/winning companion going to have legit convos/backstory/recruit mission or not?

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Well, I think everything was fine until the legendary tier. Except for the people who have maxed out their server slots allotment, in which case BW should grant the 2 free server slots. The legendary level needs to be revised. otherwise the effort is DEFINITELY NOT worth the rewards.


Legendary level doesn't offer anything special. Probably need to add cartel coins.

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Questions about the event:

2. Did I read correct that there are "new" datacrons, and if so, are they permanent or not, accessible by non-event toons? If not, how do people not participating in the event obtain them?

I was wondering about that and the stronghold decoration. I am also wondering if the associated achievements will be given if you get them on non event characters. I would be interested in both but


I want to make 100% sure that I DO NOT get any of the achievements for this event. It is a matter of pride that when this is over that I will have completed exactly ZERO percent of the event.


I won't tell other players how to have their fun, but I refuse to support it in any way.

Edited by kimiko_tomiyama
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I can't believe my eyes - there are people who actually try to defend this so called event.

Well I guess the USSR kept running for almost 90 years thanks to the useful idiots who supported the communist party. So why not this game as well :rolleyes:

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Except that after one particular SWTOR forum participant hunted down a dev in real life, and threatened his family in real life, perhaps it's wiser for people to not even mention wanting actual physical harm to someone, even if they don't threaten to do it themselves. I would imagine some of these statements are taken a little more seriously since then.

Hear hear, please elaborate on that. Never heard of it and now I'm curious.

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Hear hear, please elaborate on that. Never heard of it and now I'm curious.


Well, here are just a couple of links. You'll find more if you do an internet search. I found these two by searching on:

swtor developer threatened





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(Yes, I've posted this in another thread.)


The CM item rewards are meaningless to me. I have every single thing the CM offers. Keep the crates. I don't need or want them. I would like my years of work, recorded in the Legacy Achievement system, to actually mean something. I'm not the same as a new player. I've run HM flashpoints 25+ times. I've run ops till my eyes bled. I've killed every single WB in the game dozens of times over. I've done every single thing on the event list numerous times.


I have five complete sets of all 8 classes, with 1 complete set through all content, including KOTFE and full Alliance influence/recruitment, another set through Ziost or partial KOTFE and the rest at mid game. I don't skip missions. I run every single mission on every single world with every single character I make. I've run the HK-51 mission 12 times to get him on the toons I wanted him on.


I've invested hundreds of millions of credits, thousands of dollars and hundreds and hundreds of hours into designing, equipping and playing all 40 of my characters over the last five years. And BW has decided nothing I did was good enough and I need to do it all again. I can't use a single one of them to contribute to the alignment tally or participate in the event in any way.


And when asked about how maxed character players are supposed to participate, Eric suggests rolling on a new server, after I just got done consolidating all of my toons on JC and transfer costs have jumped back to 1000 cc a pop, or deleting characters, even multiple iterations, in order to make room and grind the copy-pasted NuAchievment Board. Not to mention, I'd be abandoning my friends as well as progress with characters I actually care about to make and throw away disposable cyphers for four months.


None of the previous events have been designed to prevent me from playing them. None of the previous events have said I can't use the characters I want to participate. None of the previous events have told me my progress in game is meaningless and to just delete my characters if I want to participate. In fact, I have never played any game that told me to throw away all I've done and start over, except single player games with corrupted save files and this isn't even that. That's just bad luck. This is a deliberate decision by BW and it sends a clear message: progress ingame is meaningless. Achievements are even more meaningless than you thought, because they can be invalidated whenever BW feels like.


I'm not mad. I'm not raging. I'm not even disappointed, anymore. I'm also not playing. I have three months left on my sub and I have zero motivation to even log on. So, thank you, Eric & Co. Thank you for breaking my five year addiction to this game.

Edited by Nothing_Shines
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i believe you are what we refer to as a drone ....you have no soul and it's people like you that allow dev's to even get away with this kind a crap ...the fact you accept such a disgustingly disrespectful move is whats wrong with game company's these days ....people allow dev's to get away with ****** content , badly planned things and overall the fact people like you openly say im fine with this shows you are a pushover and would rather be spat in the face and even ask for seconds while ya at it ..... as a community we NEVER NEED TO ACCEPT this kind of badly planned and disrespectfully setup events to the core players of a game...


So anyone who isn't hysterical over an event is a soulless drone ruining gaming? Sounds to me like you have some major issues you need to work through. People enjoy different things. People are annoyed by different things. People have different opinions. That is life.


Sorry I don't let other players dictate what aspects of an event I should like or not like. I enjoy leveling alts. That is the main thing I like doing in games. This event will reward me handsomely for doing what I like. I don't like feeding chips into slot machines for a slim chance at a rancor. So I passed on that summer event and managed to not do it without insulting the players who liked it and wanted it to return this year. Similarly I think it was a very bad design to restrict the Gree event currency to group content only. I don't denigrate players who are content with Gree being pointless for solo players. Again, I manage to not do the Gree event eveytime it rolls around without insulting the people who enjoy the little raid.

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Yeah it is sad and annoying that there has not been more of a response to well....a anything on this forum, but that might be because of the weekend and he might have other real life things to do not just because he or anyone else is ticked at us and refuses (could be wrong, but until we get 100% confirmation think through all the possibilities first.) he also has posted on twitter. (though i do not have a twitter account)


And didn't they remove Nightmare power for DF and DP a long time ago? And then removed EV and KP nightmare and remove those titles? So clearly there is no nightmare power left ingame atm.


Wait....my bad, freaking Stryak with his freaking nightmare, worst mechanic EVER. I hate having to beat my companions up, yeah yeah yeah i know i know i know its in my head, WELL GET THE BLOOMING GALAXY OUT OF MY HEAD YOU FREAK!!! *breathes in and out, in and out* And we can't forget Raptus. hehehe :p


They were not even answering questions yesterday on their twitter account either.

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It seems that people that are defending this crap are saying its a speed run. Now to start with its not a speed run its about cramming many many hours of grinding into a number of months. This is great if your a loser living in your parents basement who has plenty of time between when their mommy feeds them and when they bath them and put them to bed. But even if you accept by speed run and challenge you mean grinding through the content in a number of months how is this something EAware want to encourage, they are encouraging space baring through the dialogues to get to the light dark choice and skipping as much content to hit the necessary achievements.


And I get that its an event and you don't have to play it. But here is the kicker its meant to have an effect on the galaxy come the fall. Now are you *********** kidding me. Nothing we do in the 1 to 60 game has any effect on anything, there are no meaningful choices in Kofte, doing all the alliance alerts, companion influence, alliance influence, Ops, flashpoints, PvP etc etc etc has no effect and now this event that ignores everything that vets have done previously in the game is going to have an effect on the game. And there is the hint that there will be event specific datacrons which grant bonuses yet no other event or action in the game has provided a bonus when played through in the past 5 years.


How can the devs thing this is a good idea, and how can anyone support this crap. The only thing to be said from this is when the game loses even more players and every server not just most are ghost towns populated by free to play players the devs can say 'We did that!'


To the Devs that are no doubt not bothering to read anything posted, your lack of engagement and incredibly bad ideas is what has lead to the servers nearly always being light (as I type this on a Saturday afternoon only The Red Eclipse is standard all the other are light). You are no doubt burying your heads in the sand and waiting for the anger to subside, how has this worked with those 1 million subs at Launch to having to go free to play a year after launch. And lets not pretend that free to play was good for your customers, it just allowed you to double dip of Subscribers, who paid the subscription and then invested in gambling packs on top. Lets no pretend it was the free to play players that too cheap to pay a subscription were handing over cash for some cosmetic gear. But for those subscribers that have been here for the last 5 years and played this content do you really think this is a smart way to treat them.

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For this I just say :


"All FP in Hard Mode ? .... ALL ? You want but only that I get a mental breakdown . I'll probably remove it in time my TS. To my and to protect others . :D With just close all FP from , no matter in which mode I would come clear."


For some people I can see this as a nightmare *leers at CZ Meltdown HM and Rishi HM*, but for me? I'm a idiot and have been going for the 25 runs of each HM, and yes that means 25 times for each faction for Tython and Korriban, so that's 50 times each FP in HM, so that's 100 runs JUST for those 2 FPs, let alone any other ones. I'm about 61% done with all the FP achievements (and yes I have all 25 Mokan kills, love that fight), what I do is I never random queue. I only run with premades of my friends or guildys for full 65s in 216+s and people who know the fights so we can farm them. Like I said, had never even done Rishi HM before, never stepped foot in there, and then BOOM 4 days later had every HM achievement for Rishi HM. Whats funny for me, is the pvp is a issue for some people (understand why but its not a issue for me as I still need 19k+ more kills for Manhunter), gsf for some (like it for some odd reason) and the fps and ops are a issue for others (not for me as I am in a raiding group and can get all those requirements easy), but the issue for me....is leveling all those characters to 50 and then just deleting them lol. I understand that I'm a weirdo and I have different issues from others. Well I can say that if (and that's a big if) I random queue for HM or tacs fps or ops, I will ask beforehand just in case there are people who don't know or who are hazy on the fights and i'll explain them (as when I random queue I assume everyone already knows them). Or if random queuing is to stressful for you, find some friends or guildys and run them. Imo there are going to be some guildys that will run these for the "event" and you can just tag along for the ones needed, remember you only need to run them once in tac mode (solo should also count for the ones with solo but there is not 100% confirmation on that) and once in HM. (but for the Esseles, Black Talon, Taral V, Maelstorm Prison, Boarding Party and The Foundry that need to be run multiple times due to the storyline requirements a tier before.) So yes....that is ALOT of FPs to run, but if you find some other people to run them with, they should be done in no time. Hope that helps :)

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I can't believe my eyes - there are people who actually try to defend this so called event.

Well I guess the USSR kept running for almost 90 years thanks to the useful idiots who supported the communist party. So why not this game as well :rolleyes:


So this is a simple case of "Don't like what I don't like." People are going to disagree and have different perspectives. You might want to get used to that fact. Comparing this to the communist party? Really?

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It seems that people that are defending this crap are saying its a speed run. Now to start with its not a speed run its about cramming many many hours of grinding into a number of months. This is great if your a loser living in your parents basement who has plenty of time between when their mommy feeds them and when they bath them and put them to bed. But even if you accept by speed run and challenge you mean grinding through the content in a number of months how is this something EAware want to encourage, they are encouraging space baring through the dialogues to get to the light dark choice and skipping as much content to hit the necessary achievements.


And I get that its an event and you don't have to play it. But here is the kicker its meant to have an effect on the galaxy come the fall. Now are you *********** kidding me. Nothing we do in the 1 to 60 game has any effect on anything, there are no meaningful choices in Kofte, doing all the alliance alerts, companion influence, alliance influence, Ops, flashpoints, PvP etc etc etc has no effect and now this event that ignores everything that vets have done previously in the game is going to have an effect on the game. And there is the hint that there will be event specific datacrons which grant bonuses yet no other event or action in the game has provided a bonus when played through in the past 5 years.


How can the devs thing this is a good idea, and how can anyone support this crap. The only thing to be said from this is when the game loses even more players and every server not just most are ghost towns populated by free to play players the devs can say 'We did that!'


To the Devs that are no doubt not bothering to read anything posted, your lack of engagement and incredibly bad ideas is what has lead to the servers nearly always being light (as I type this on a Saturday afternoon only The Red Eclipse is standard all the other are light). You are no doubt burying your heads in the sand and waiting for the anger to subside, how has this worked with those 1 million subs at Launch to having to go free to play a year after launch. And lets not pretend that free to play was good for your customers, it just allowed you to double dip of Subscribers, who paid the subscription and then invested in gambling packs on top. Lets no pretend it was the free to play players that too cheap to pay a subscription were handing over cash for some cosmetic gear. But for those subscribers that have been here for the last 5 years and played this content do you really think this is a smart way to treat them.


I'm not defending them, in fact you are right. Encouraging to space bar and not experience the storyline in a game that says "This MMO is going to be different with a focus on storyline!" is cheapening the game. And I kinda see it as a speed run. For new players to run through most of the content ingame (hmm. chapter 1-3 not required, Ilum isn ot required....RotHC is not required....nither is Oricon.....odd) in less then 4 months, and for us who have been here for years, its do the same thing, course we have a slight leg up because we have tons of creds and experience running these things so we know all the short cuts. So I'm not defending it, in fact they should have been more up front with saying its a speed run of preexsisting content, and also more clear with answers and communication, which they are failing at atm, just saying to look and the facts and mull over it for a bit. (Which can still lead to the same conclusion even with the same evidence.)

Edited by Lakemine
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My two credits on this:




Many have already nailed this event by calling it a "speed run". Summer time does not mean tons of free time for players, most of which have jobs and families, and some having kids. camping and family events to attend to. The sheer amount of time to complete the higher end level would require most players to put in at least 4-6 hours a day until the end of the event.


Worse, the event is asking players to make disposable characters to run through old content as fast as they can, without paying any attention to content or story, to run through Flashpoints as quickly as possible, to storm the events and mass-kill NPC mobs. In essence, this event emphasizes the worst aspects of MMOs: grinding and area farming. There is no time at all to actually enjoy this event, because if you want a chance to get anything out of it, you have to GO.


For a game and a company that prides itself on story and content, this is a leap backwards. Even if the event creates a "change" in the universe afterward, it was only due to the efforts of those that least care.


So yeah, I'm not interested. Thanks but no thanks. I rather remain playing my game at my own pace, working on the characters I have carefully constructed, roleplaying when I can and spending the majority of my summer free time with my kid.

^ Yep same....though I also have multiple personality disorder (ok fine a small mild version of it) and even though I play games for storylines (most important) and love playing at my own pace (been here 4 years and still have a storyline to go through lol) I have a OCD brain for achievements. But that said, I agree with you 100%, the company is doing the exact opposite of what they have previously stated as their goal, are they changing that goal now? Can they then be more explicit about the change then? No? *sigh* And yeah, I play at my own pace, sometimes i'll farm heroics for 7 hours, or go and level a lowbie with no interaction with guildys or anyone else because I want to RP. I love my own pace, detest when I'm "forced" under a time limit by someone else. (Yes yes yes I know about events are also time based, but with the Gree, Rak and bounty I KNOW they will be back in a couple of weeks to a few months if I miss them, also at max rep with all 3 and have every achievement but 3 for the rak event. These type of "events" are what I dislike, one time events that are time based and "forced".)

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