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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Alignment doesn't make sense, BioLucas


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Yup. Unless the system is changed then dark side 1-5 and light side 1-5 requirement should just be removed from all gear and should be changed to cosmetic stuff only.


The system currently rewards you for playing in an incredibly boring way and does not benefit anyone

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Holy crap. You can't possibly be this daft. I'm thinking this is a troll.


Read my previous post -- you know, the one where you ripped out that text byte.


there is no troll involved.


if i gave you 100 dollars today, then gave you 100 euros tomorrow. why would you have 0 money at the end of it?


you can't say "it looks like a thermometer, so i knew" because you didn't. you guessed.


you had no idea until you saw the vendor that it worked off of alignment, not point accrual

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Neutral rewards are in the works, they simply couldn't get them in time for launch. Patience.



This is not true.


Developers have not said that neutral rewards are on the way. What they said is that the idea of neutral rewards is not "dead" and they wanted to include it at release but could not find a way to implement it, they further indicated that nothing has changed in this regard.



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Neutral rewards are in the works, they simply couldn't get them in time for launch. Patience.


Yeah because they didn't have a big enough budget, nor enough time.












...........LOLOLOLOLOLOL, keep making excuses kid. The shine is going to wear off and you'll see where we are.

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okay how about this, you get paid 5 bucks an hour for shoveling a hole. you can also get paid 5 bucks an hour for mixing this cement.


you shoveled a hole for an hour. i shoveled a hold for an hour AND ALSO mixed cement for an hour.


you got paid, i didn't


where is the fairness?


It isn't a question of fairness. In the game you stand for something or you don't. I don't think they should reward neutrality.

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The problem is that a lot of evil options are extreme.

It's not like you can RP your char in conversations as a certain type of evil.


You're not neutral if you enslave a person instead of killing him ,yet one is a 'light side' option.

Edited by TheHauntingBard
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Forgive my ignorance but for some odd reason when i first started playing the game, i'm not sure why, i thought that making light or darkside reasons had a more profound effect. Like eventually allowing your character to defect to one side or the other. I'm sure when I subscribed to the Swtor youtube channel and watched every video as it came out I heard one of the devs narrating a scenario where the sith warriors companion was coaxing him into doing good things and thus, you know, going to the good side. Not well im with the Empire but im lvl 4 light :) I had this odd ball notion in my mind and i was looking forward to such an option..then i woke up :p
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It isn't a question of fairness. In the game you stand for something or you don't. I don't think they should reward neutrality.


again it's a game design issue, not a matter of morality.


you reward playtime in every direction it can be taken, no matter the "logic" of it.


if someone wants to flip flop then he needs to be rewarded for his time spent, not for being "neutral" in a galaxy of good and evil

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It isn't a question of fairness. In the game you stand for something or you don't. I don't think they should reward neutrality.
There is a mechanical reason: it is just as much effort to stay between good and evil as it is to go completely good or evil.


There's a story reason: neutral factions exist and would want to reward players for that neutrality. If you're Sith, look at the Revanite faction. If you're a Smuggler or Bounty Hunter, easy enough to see why.

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again it's a game design issue, not a matter of morality.


you reward playtime in every direction it can be taken, no matter the "logic" of it.


if someone wants to flip flop then he needs to be rewarded for his time spent, not for being "neutral" in a galaxy of good and evil


So you want a fence sitting trophy?

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What I don't get is how the light-side vendor can stand in the middle of the imperial fleet and not be tossed out the nearest air-lock by his fellow Sith. He even has a blueish decoration thing going on in his little shop.


The light side points for Sith are typically of the type of being traitors to the empire -- let the jedi go, or let the spy go even though he has vital information that shouldn't fall into enemy hands -- the fact that the more sane option, like turning them over to IA, is hardly ever present makes this even worse.


Anyway, since these are the type of people that this vendor is catering for, I don't see how he can still be around. He's probably as strong in the force as Palpatine and just tricking everyone into thinking that he's harmless.

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  • 1 month later...
Unless you are Switzerland and actively not doing anything.... a neutral path is not making any choices and doing nothing. There are no neutral paths in Star Wars. It is about choice, left or right not just standing in the center and not doing anything. Sure you could choose to stand there and do nothing, that would also technically be a choice. Although last I checked people don't get rewards for just sitting on the couch.



This isn't entirely true. There is a whole section of Jedi that maintain a neutral balance to the force.

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People voiced their disaproval for that system long before game was released. Seems Bioware knows better... SO you can either be stupid-fool-sadist or saint. Anything but those 2 will make you nerf yourself. Edited by MuNieK
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why give us options if the only way to get rewarded in the game for your choices is to pick ALL THE GOOD ONES, or ALL THE BAD ONES?


why make it so you shoot yourself in the knee by answering the questions as you think your character would?


<whining drivel snipped>



Cry more?


I pick the answer that is appropriate for my character, which means that my characters tend to have a majority of points on one side and some points on the other (I think my operative, for example, has around 2500 light side and 500 dark side). Given that I am not a pathetic min-maxxing munchkin child I find this perfectly acceptable as it represents the appropriate choices for the situations my characters found themselves in.


I know that this is hard for a lot of you idiots to understand but life, the universe, and everything will go on even if you have a few "wrong" points on your LS/DS ledger.

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Why would you get rewards for not choosing a side? Who gives you the reward, the not-Republic or the not-Empire? By

Lightside/Darkside != Republic/Empire.


Rewards for being "Balanced in the Force" should come from the Jedi Order; they prized balance, rather than LS-only, after all. It was just that going too far into the DS meant badness.

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Came here for answers. Instead of that, i found a flamewar. And the thing is... that i do love flamewars!


But now, in a seriously matter: the light and dark points kills the storyline (in the matter of items. Cause the player is not thinking on the story, its thinking on the items).

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