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  1. who cares if you have to own one if you don't pay for it and you're not forced to use it. here's someone who complains about free things
  2. well the design reasons for mainhand/offhand are somewhat valid. if you did the same damage on both hands, dual wielding would be OP. having your offhand weapons stat lower DPS was the decided work-around. which required weapons to be mainhand offhand labeled. but even that wasn't enough of a nerf to make it valid, so they had to make offhand do a % less AND miss more just to bring it to balance. so basically fail all around for a long time until they got it to the point where it worked
  3. what do you think of a person who just does the bare minimum, Joanna? hehehe
  4. you know who is CCing and who is pulling agro in a 6 man. unless you don't have eyes.
  5. no one ever needs an excuse to leave a pick-up group. they just leave. if people are going to leave after a wipe with a meter, they would have left after a wipe without one. the good thing with the meter is, after a wipe you can TELL if the problem is a fixable one, and get that done.
  6. way to make a post that is already completely invalidated by the post RIGHT BEFORE YOURS. <rolls eyes>
  7. i enjoy playing with people who understand the game enough to know that putting out the proper numbers makes it possible to complete content with less risk of failure failure makes me enjoy the game less
  8. it's optional if you want to drive casually. not optional if you want to drive professionally. we all CAN drive around on streets in Go-Karts. they would technically get us where we're going...
  9. again, not what i said. your analogy is incorrect. keep trying if you like
  10. it may not be intrinsically false, but it's exceptionally absurd as an argument based on its premise and supporting evidence and more importantly, your analogy does not represent what i said which was "i've never seen what you describe, nor have i ever witnessed anything other than specious accounts from untrustworthy agenda pushing individuals. it's certainly not commonplace enough to warrant the position you're taking"
  11. as much of a fallacy as saying "we picked up some guy to fill in one day and he ran a meter and my whole guild fell apart when they saw numbers" and saying i've never been struck by lightning is not the same as saying, i've never seen compelling evidence that showed lightning exists. don't bring that noise
  12. another biased opinion. recount is not to blame for anything you mentioned. knowing your DPS/heal throughput doesn't make boss fights any easier other than being able to pinpoint where your problem area is that is causing you to fail. it's the difference from knowing your car is broken, from a mechanic telling you that you have a leak in the fuel air gasket intake manifold... cam shaft... not a car guy... and breaking up the community? your community was so fragile that it couldn't handle a minor section of elitist jerks complaining? whole guilds of people playing together happily torn asunder the second someone runs a meter and sees someone else doing 5% worse than someone else? yes those things never happened. you're making up stories to justify your own bias.
  13. i don't see this happening. i have never been removed from a group before it even began and i ran some of the craziest far out specs. i was a melee survival hunter. i was an enhancement (that's the melee tree) shaman HEALER. i had a holy DPS priest. i quit WoW cause cataclysm forced me out of playing the weird underdog specs, but i never once got kicked from a group people either shrugged and we completed the content, or they were completely amazed that i performed AS WELL as a cookie cutter spec and wanted to add me and play with me again. i really don't know where you people find all these jerks. maybe you just have some sort of attitude that creates them. like you're all confrontational when someone asks about your spec or something. "why do you have 42 enhance, aren't you healing?" "SHUT UP MIND YOUR OWN BUSINESS JERKWAD!!" <kick> yeah i can see that happening from the attitudes of the people who have chimed in against this recount thing...
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