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Character Transfer Sale 5/26 – 6/5


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You do know that there are players who are currently subscribed that don't follow any of those outside sources, right? I happen to have extra time during the day where I check the forums and Reddit, so even when I'm not subbed I know what's going on, but that is definitely not the norm. And I certainly wasn't checking a guild website that I was not active in at the time.


There is literally no harm in sending out an e-mail to everyone who has consented to receive them. BW has run multiple promos in the past that required this to be done to encourage players to get the information, so it is actually fairly likely that players are signed up.

EXACTLY! The only harm would be NOT trying.

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You do know that there are players who are currently subscribed that don't follow any of those outside sources, right? I happen to have extra time during the day where I check the forums and Reddit, so even when I'm not subbed I know what's going on, but that is definitely not the norm. And I certainly wasn't checking a guild website that I was not active in at the time.


There is literally no harm in sending out an e-mail to everyone who has consented to receive them. BW has run multiple promos in the past that required this to be done to encourage players to get the information, so it is actually fairly likely that players are signed up.


But that doesn't help everyone does it and that is what some people want. I know when my friend unsub (not because of population problems but due to the fact everything minus operations and fp had to be soloed so she left as her reason to play was with her boyfriend not by herself) she unchecked the emails. I would imagine a lot of people that have unsub did this so they would not get the emails so there will be some that will not know about this.


That is when if we know of people we take it on ourselves to contact them and not rely on a company to do so. If I knew people that left because of this issue I would contact them myself and not rely on a company since they are people I would care about and let them know myself.

Edited by casirabit
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I'm 100% behind you in demanding that they address guild assets...they absolutely owe their customers this imo.


But...(as you know, there's always a but)...:p


Everything your guild has is far easier to replace than the actual people are. As long as your guild goes together, you've only lost "stuff"..."stuff" is great and "stuff" drives MMOs...but "stuff" doesn't compare to people. Do what is best for the people, worry about the "stuff" later. :)


Exactly TUX, people are going to have to decide what is worth more to them a more active server or their guild ship. If they decide that the guild ship is more important than so be it as long as they are not back here next month complaining about low populations.


as they say at weddings - "say speak now or forever hold your peace"

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But that doesn't help everyone does it and that is what some people want. I know when my friend unsub (not because of population problems but due to the fact everything minus operations and fp had to be soloed so she left as her reason to play was with her boyfriend not by herself) she unchecked the emails. I would imagine a lot of people that have unsub did this so they would not get the emails so there will be some that will not know about this.


That is when if we know of people we take it on ourselves to contact them and not rely on a company to do so. If I knew people that left because of this issue I would contact them myself and not rely on a company since they are people I would care about and let them know myself.

What DOES help everyone then Casie? It's so easy to be a critic...what is YOUR solution to reach the most players?


Jade made a great suggestion...why must some of you argue with every little thing that could possibly help the game?

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But that doesn't help everyone does it and that is what some people want. I know when my friend unsub (not because of population problems but due to the fact everything minus operations and fp had to be soloed so she left as her reason to play was with her boyfriend not by herself) she unchecked the emails. I would imagine a lot of people that have unsub did this so they would not get the emails so there will be some that will not know about this.


That is when if we know of people we take it on ourselves to contact them and not rely on a company to do so. If I knew people that left because of this issue I would contact them myself and not rely on a company since they are people I would care about and let them know myself.

How is "it won't reach 100% of the potential players" a valid reason not to do it? It will certainly reach more players than not doing it would.

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What DOES help everyone then Casie? It's so easy to be a critic...what is YOUR solution to reach the most players?


Jade made a great suggestion...why must some of you argue with every little thing that could possibly help the game?


I am not against sending out emails but I am against us relying on the company to do everything and then coming back and complaining that not everyone was contacted. We have some responsibility to those people we know and want back.


For instance: If they were going to add something my friend would like that she could play with her boyfriend, do you think I would wait on the company to do it? What kind of friend would that make me? If we know someone then don't expect or wait for the company to do it. Do something yourself if you truly want them to come back.


I know exactly what is going to happen with some posters. If they send out the email some are not going to get it for reasons and then some posters are going to take that and open a post how bw didn't contact everyone and here we go all over again.


Let bw send emails but don't rely on them to reach everyone. Do your part too but that's the problem people want bw to do everything and not even do their part on people they claim to know that will come back. Do something yourself and even if bw does send out emails you have covered some if those people you know don't get the emails anymore.

Edited by casirabit
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I am not against sending out emails but I am against us relying on the company to do everything and then coming back and complaining that not everyone was contacted. We have some responsibility to those people we know and want back.


For instance: If they were going to add something my friend would like that she could play with her boyfriend, do you think I would wait on the company to do it? What kind of friend would that make me? If we know someone then don't expect or wait for the company to do it. Do something yourself if you truly want them to come back.


I know exactly what is going to happen with some posters. If they send out the email some are not going to get it for reasons and then some posters are going to take that and open a post how bw didn't contact everyone and here we go all over again.


Let bw send emails but don't rely on them to reach everyone. Do your part too but that's the problem people want bw to do everything and not even do their part on people they claim to know that will come back. Do something yourself and even if bw does send out emails you have covered some if those people you know don't get the emails anymore.

Bioware has all their information Casie - I don't. Bioware has millions of email addresses - I don't. Bioware knows who's subbed and who isn't - I don't. Bioware is who makes money off this game - I don't.


If something were being added to the game that I knew might bring a friend of mine back, you bet I'd let them know...but "Hey, for only 90cc you can get off the dead server" isn't exactly a selling point for most people...

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Exactly TUX, people are going to have to decide what is worth more to them a more active server or their guild ship. If they decide that the guild ship is more important than so be it as long as they are not back here next month complaining about low populations.


as they say at weddings - "say speak now or forever hold your peace"


I thought it was "Forever hold your piece". That would explain why I got kicked out of so many weddings...

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Bioware has all their information Casie - I don't. Bioware has millions of email addresses - I don't. Bioware knows who's subbed and who isn't - I don't. Bioware is who makes money off this game - I don't.


If something were being added to the game that I knew might bring a friend of mine back, you bet I'd let them know...but "Hey, for only 90cc you can get off the dead server" isn't exactly a selling point for most people...


See that is understandable but when someone comes to the forums claiming i know xx amount that will come back if they knew and then turns around and does nothing, that sort of doesn't sit well with me. If you know them then do something yourself and that is my point. If you know someone then do something yourself to let them know and sometimes a person like yourself contacting them is more likely going to get them to come back than an email from a company.

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I thought it was "Forever hold your piece". That would explain why I got kicked out of so many weddings...


That might explain it alright! :D


Though if you are forever holding your piece it must mean you are also kicked out of bars, restaurants, pubs etc.

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See that is understandable but when someone comes to the forums claiming i know xx amount that will come back if they knew and then turns around and does nothing, that sort of doesn't sit well with me. If you know them then do something yourself and that is my point. If you know someone then do something yourself to let them know and sometimes a person like yourself contacting them is more likely going to get them to come back than an email from a company.

He specifically stated he has no way of contacting them outside of the game. I know the kewl thing these days is to jump on anything MCB says without even reading his posts, but this time it would have been useful.

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He specifically stated he has no way of contacting them outside of the game. I know the kewl thing these days is to jump on anything MCB says without even reading his posts, but this time it would have been useful.


I mean unless you become really, really close friends (or are already friends) how often is it that some people can be contacted after they left the game. I mean I get on with my guildmates well enough but nothing about their real lives or how to speak to them outside the game?

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I am not against sending out emails but I am against us relying on the company to do everything and then coming back and complaining that not everyone was contacted. We have some responsibility to those people we know and want back.




And to respond to Jade..... my point was with respect to people still interested in the game but not currently subbed. You know.. the people MCB insists would come back to play with him if they only knew about server transfers being 90cc for 10 days. ;)


As for the "alleged players" subbed who never visit any SWTOR related sites, I'm sure they exist. And, they likely don't care about server transfers... because if they did.. they would at least use google to search for what's up with server transfers, and how best to get their personal needs met. All you are doing Jade is creating scenarios to argue your point.


No effort (spreading the word, email, twitter, FB, fan sites posting, etc.) will get to everyone before the sale ends. Players spreading the word to other players they know would be interested in taking advantage of the sale.. you know in game friends, guild mates, etc. .. is probably one of the most effective approaches for players overall. But... I can guarantee that some won't listen or won't get the message in time (no matter what) and will then come to the forum and complain that they missed out and could somebody please please please please please at the studio extend the sales... just one more time.... so they don't feel /slapped in the face.

Edited by Andryah
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Instead of using this simple sale to trojan horse your self interests (eg Donald Duck sitting on a pile of treasure on his guildship saying 'mine all mine') why not use this opportunity to spread your Legacy to the remaining populated servers.


Once there you can start up new toons. Leveling is easier and more profitable than ever (heroics). Toons I thought I was attached to because they were originals don't have that same value in 4.0, in a week you can level up 1-65 with a few xp boosts.


Definitely keep your guildship intact with at least one toon and keep that as a placeholder for the eventual consolidation that will inevitably have to happen. Bioware is probably trying to see where people move to to then strategize it's future configuration.

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And to respond to Jade..... my point was with respect to people still interested in the game but not currently subbed. You know.. the people MCB insists would come back to play with him if they only knew about server transfers being 90cc for 10 days. ;)


As for the "alleged players" subbed who never visit any SWTOR related sites, I'm sure they exist. And, they likely don't care about server transfers... because if they did.. they would at least use google to search for what's up with server transfers, and how best to get their personal needs met. All you are doing Jade is creating scenarios to argue your point.


No effort (spreading the word, email, twitter, FB, fan sites posting, etc.) will get to everyone before the sale ends. Players spreading the word to other players they know would be interested in taking advantage of the sale.. you know in game friends, guild mates, etc. .. is probably one of the most effective approaches for players overall. But... I can guarantee that some won't listen or won't get the message in time (no matter what) and will then come to the forum and complain that they missed out and could somebody please please please please please at the studio extend the sales... just one more time.... so they don't feel /slapped in the face.


No, I'm creating scenarios that poke holes in the theory that the forums/twitter/reddit get to the masses. If an e-mail going out reaches 20 people who didn't know about the transfers and they come back because of it, wasn't it worth it? You will never reach everyone, but why not reach as many players as possible? What is the downside of sending an e-mail with the information when that is the one thing most people check every day?

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No, I'm creating scenarios that poke holes in the theory that the forums/twitter/reddit get to the masses. If an e-mail going out reaches 20 people who didn't know about the transfers and they come back because of it, wasn't it worth it? You will never reach everyone, but why not reach as many players as possible? What is the downside of sending an e-mail with the information when that is the one thing most people check every day?


I'm not against them sending an email broadcast. But as has been seen before, when they were doing CC give aways and other promotions via email.. A LOT of players either don't get the email because they did not opt in for emails, OR they ignore or miss the email completely.


I am against players sitting on their thumbs and demanding that the studio do everything, including letting other players know about the coming sale, which is completely optional for players to take part in. I'm pretty sure anyone who is butt hurt about the 90cc sale having ended is working social media and fan sites demanding a return of the sale. hence.. those people, who most want the sale, are already in the loop. Players spreading the word remains one of the best methods of commuications in the MMO world... regardless of the actual MMO in question.


Stop treating an email broadcast as a silver bullet, IMO. It's not. It misses many people, and most likely the people folks like MCB want to receive an email.


And stop treating the 90cc sale as some miracle to improve server populations. It won't. It will move the player populations around some, but it won't bring players back in droves.. that requires content that those players actually want.

Edited by Andryah
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He specifically stated he has no way of contacting them outside of the game. I know the kewl thing these days is to jump on anything MCB says without even reading his posts, but this time it would have been useful.


Actually I find it hard to believe anything he says. When he starts complaining about a server I play on and says he can't get a group, when my boyfriend and I have no problems on any of our toons when we do pugs or pvp(the rare occasion I do it) I dismiss his comments completely so him saying he has no way of contacting them I have no reason to actually believe him. See that is the problem when you go around and say things that others know are not actually true.


A friend once told me when she was on the forums you don't claim you know everything about a server or a topic and you don't make it sound like you are always right as eventually you are going to say something that might be true but people are not going to believe you.

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I'm not against them sending an email broadcast. But as has been seen before, when they were doing CC give aways and other promotions via email.. A LOT of players either don't get the email because they did not opt in for emails, OR they ignore or miss the email completely.


I am against players sitting on their thumbs and demanding that the studio do everything, including letting other players know about the coming sale, which is completely optional for players to take part in. I'm pretty sure anyone who is butt hurt about the 90cc sale having ended is working social media and fan sites demanding a return of the sale. hence.. those people, who most want the sale, are already in the loop. Players spreading the word remains one of the best methods of commuications in the MMO world... regardless of the actual MMO in question.


Stop treating an email broadcast as a silver bullet, IMO. It's not. It misses many people, and most likely the people folks like MCB want to receive an email.


And stop treating the 90cc sale as some miracle to improve server populations. It won't. It will move the player populations around some, but it won't bring players back in droves.. that requires content that those players actually want.


You keep pushing this agenda that it won't catch everyone. No one cares and no one has said it will. But it will reach more players than not doing it will. And it isn't MY responsibility to bring players back to the game, that is BW's agenda. If they don't care, then they won't communicate the information and it's apparent they don't care. Your comment that the player base is responsible for passing the information on is absolutely ridiculous.


The idea is a good one, even if MCB had a stupid reason for doing it. Whether his 10 imaginary people come back or not is irrelevant. E-mailing out the promotion would reach additional players and that can't be a bad thing.

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Actually I find it hard to believe anything he says.
OK, so it's just a personal beef you have with him...I get it.


Maybe you should add him to your ignore list. That might be the best thing for you to do since his opinions are taken so personally by you.

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How long until we get forced transfers (or an actual server merge) off the unpopulated servers? With more and more people willingly transferring characters away from the unpopulated servers, it doesn't really make sense to keep them open anymore.
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Thx for the info Eric.!!




Yes there is always a *but* ;) ..!


Could you please give us specific infos about the whole *Guild-Items won't transfer* problem and how Guilds will be able to use this Sale WITHOUT loosing everything.?!



Best regards



try buying a new guild. was actually able to buy a guild with more unlocks than what we left behind. might not get that lucky, but it is possible. Not what you want to hear I'm sure - that was one of the things I hated most about our transfer, but everyone got such a new breath of life in them for playing game after transfer, all funds spent were quickly replenished.

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Actually I find it hard to believe anything he says.
Meh. The only thing he said that I didn't believe is that he knows ten people.


Should EA/BW use social media and emails (to players who have opted in) to maximize notice of the new sale? Yeah, okay I guess.


Should players also take the initiative to alert former players about the sale? Sure, why not?


Will some (former or current) players fail to receive notice of the sale? You betcha!


Will we continue to see forum complaints about "dead" servers, guild transfers, and server mergers? Have you been paying attention at all?!


Will EA/BW include transferring Guild assets during the sale? Not a chance.


Will EA/BW ever introduce a way to transfer Guild assets? At this point, one may reasonably conclude that, if they could (and they wanted to), they would have by now.


Should players continue to ask EA/BW to transfer Guild assets? Eh, where's the harm in asking?


Do I care about this at all? Dang right I do! The new sale deflates air out of the "Server Merger" balloon ... for a brief while at least.

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Hey folks,


As Ben mentioned in his earlier forum post, we definitely wanted to allow Guilds and players time to organize themselves within the previous Character Transfer sale. With that in mind, we are going to be introducing one more sale period before they revert to their new price of 1,000 Cartel Coins (1,500 for Regional). Here are the sale details:


When: Thursday, May 26th – Sunday, June 5th

What: Character transfers (not including Regional) will be 90 Cartel Coins

Where: Make sure that you are logged into swtor.com and go here.


Thanks everyone. Spread the word!




Please tell me you're going to advertise this on the launcher, through emails too?

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