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Introducing Weapon Tunings


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So lets break this down into pros and cons:



-A new effect that sparkles adding some sparky effects to your weapon.

-This could be a step in the direction of adding a weapons appearance modifier like we have the outfit designer.

-adding on to the previously said its understandable that its needed to test with a small scales like this first.



-The GIF showing the equipping process... the tuning is... GOLD rarity seriously? you said that it wont be available in the collections so why make it another ridiculous hard to get item? (which brings to my point why must you get rid of bronze rarity)

In consideration to the above said: So you make it hard to get where the dang packs have horrible drops and the grand chance cube would have been a good idea... ONLY if the packs were like the older ones that dropped 5-6 items...

In continuation with the above: So the cartel market design/production team decides to not take into account how broken the new packs are only dropping 2 items and a companion gift and only focuses on making amazing improvements for cosmetics available to those willing to drop $100 on CC's in hopes of getting one or those who feed the gold spammers by guying millions of credits just to purchase one because its such a ridiculous price on the GTN because its so hard to get. Of the 2 unstable lightsabers of the previous packs i have seen people open 10 hypercrates and still not get one, or even one gold item from the pack set. (something tells me you guys run those credits spammer sites to make more cash off of players, have u seen the group of 4 smugglers and troopers on the ord mantel heroics island sitting on top of a cliff using basic attacks to kill the monsters to get to lv 10, use the fleet pass then spam until perma banned? any basic bot system can do that which is really sad, you should make that area impervious to get up to or something where they set up and that will cut the spam we all see in half at least.)


more cons

- No color separation from what the tuning shows to the actual color (this really applies to lightsabers though)


and thats my two cents on that.


(for the people complaining about pve/pvp/GSF etc. they have different teams for different areas, these guys focus on cosmetics and cartel market items in the game clearly, not pve/pvp/GSF. I myself would love 2 more GSF maps, more ships and/or weapons upgrades, and they did give us cross faction pvp recently, so cool your jets. As for the pve we will probably get a big ops soon as the story progresses its not like SoR or RotHC where we go everything in one hit. We may have an ops similar to Temple of sacrifice to sum up this storyline with that solo/ops option in SoR. Patience for the new pve stuff, it most likely will come. Though one thing id love to see, please make solo operations to the classics just for the story, give terrible rewards like you did with solo flashpoints, 1 common data crystal per the big bosses and some credits, would be nice to not have 6 alts who still have the dread ops missions from oricon because i dont raid with those alts because well their alts, i have 1 imp and pub main that i do everything on, would be nice to have the alts have special dialog once they completed the ops/FP's like how doing Scum and Villainy before Oricon gives dread masters different dialog, or how doing the foundry story event gives you additional dialog options for revan, like i watched you take your last breath, or when you fight HK-47 in the false emperor we have the dialog saying we defeated him once. Also pls give use more HK bickering, id love a random scene with HK-55 and 51 bickering if you have them both on your character, like HK-47 and 51 do in the false emperor if hes your active companion and you win that roll.)


Et Finne

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The open letter isn't being received like we hoped - look, shinies! Buy buy buy!






Please, EA, just put this game out of its misery, admit that BW: Austin is utterly hopeless, tell them to clean out their desks, and then fire-sale the license to a studio that,


A) Has a clue.

B) Gives a ****.

C) Has the requisite shred shred of intellectual and professional integrity that is needed to inform (A) and (B).


I'm waiting for the end of Chapter 16, because after that, I strongly suspect she's all done. The writing on the wall is blatantly obvious.

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One of the hallmarks of a conspiracy "theorist" is that EVERYTHING can be interpreted as "evidence" of their pet theory.


Just saying.


Even a broken clock is still right twice a day.


That utterly blind self-congratulatory ************ in the letter and the Brobdingnagian cluelessness it shows would be funny if it wasn't so....so....**** me, I can't even find words.


Indescribable, really.

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I thought this would be something cool like being able to:


1) Have different weapon skins in the same way armour skins work over equipped gear.




2) Equip or equip skin of other weapon variants available which can realistically be used e.g. rifles for commandos, single sabre on assassin.


But this is adding sparkles as a weapon mod :(


Yeah, I would prefer an outfit designer-like option for weapons, too, especially since they removed scores of weapon models along with the planetary vendors, heroics & flashpoint rewards.


What good is a sparkle on a model/skin you don't like, resp. that doesn't fit the rest of your outfit. :(

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This is a cool addition, but like many others have said already, unless you add a weapon slot to the outfit designer, I probably won't end up using this feature.


While we're on the subject of having weapons in outfit designer, I would also like to suggest that we should be able to stamp the same weapon with different color crystals on different outfits. Like dyes work currently for armor pieces.


Thanks for reading!

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can i just point out briefly how




3) non lore coherent

4) un-ICONIC (lol)


lightning arcs on blasters are?


fair due on lightsabers, but iam sure if we would think hard enough we could come up with a visual effect that fits better on blasters, than lightning.

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I swear this is THE most toxic game community I have ever had the misfortune of being a part of. The amount of bile, vitriol, hate, and juvenile anger is overwhelming here sometimes. No matter what the devs are working on - it's wrong, reeks of desperation, and is basically a failure even before it actually goes live. No matter what the devs offer - they're immediately flooded with "waaah, I did not want this toy, I wanted that one, so eff you BioWare". I understand customer rights, I understand wanting the game to get as good as possible, but this? This is a bunch of frustrated, entitled people killing all the fun for themselves and everyone else in the process.
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I swear this is THE most toxic game community I have ever had the misfortune of being a part of. The amount of bile, vitriol, hate, and juvenile anger is overwhelming here sometimes. No matter what the devs are working on - it's wrong, reeks of desperation, and is basically a failure even before it actually goes live. No matter what the devs offer - they're immediately flooded with "waaah, I did not want this toy, I wanted that one, so eff you BioWare". I understand customer rights, I understand wanting the game to get as good as possible, but this? This is a bunch of frustrated, entitled people killing all the fun for themselves and everyone else in the process.


I'm with you but you forgot the other word-of-the-moment: "salty".


Every time I think the community might have some nice feels about something that's going on with SWTOR I get nut-punched back to reality pretty quickly. *SMH*


A bonus *SMH* to all the people who bash SWTOR to pieces and yet still have a referral link in their signatures.

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Eric i have few questions.


1. What will be item quality rating for these effect mods (bronze,silver or gold)?

This will determine if majority players ever get any of them. I sure hope they are NOT gold rating item making them highly priced and availability for rich only.


2. Does weapon tuning effects only be usable for new weapons with specific slot?

Again i hope you actually add possibility to ADD that slot into existing weapons. Community will hate it if they are forced to use only new weapons from upcoming new packs.


3. Does these new effects use same effects system as our current weapons with effects. All current weapons with effects have problems showing it once you start fight or use skills the effects dissapear. Hope this is fixed or it will be quite useless in combat.

Edited by Divona
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My concern is in the first paragraph.


"If you want to equip a Weapon Tuning the first thing you’ll need is a weapon with an available Tuning Slot."


This to me implies there will be weapons that don't have tuning slots. I hope all orange or purple weapons have a slot.. but this statement makes it look like not all.

The list of weapons with Tuning Slots had better include the special Chapter XII weapon or there will be *lots* of very unhappy campers.


And the tuning modules themselves should not be like dyes. We should be able to *remove* them without destroying them.

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I think these are a nice idea




They have to go into Collections


Imagine a poor Sith Marauder with Vette as his companion, he's going to need four of the things and with the appalling drop rate for gold items from Cartel packs at the moment it's going to be impossible for all but the Bill Gates of this world!


And as for the poor alt-aholics (like me) - we're doomed - I need about a dozen of the things just to equip my character's let alone my companions!

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And that totally won't ruin performance even more. The game already can't display everything that's going on in a correct and timely manner, and yet, here's more bling. :(


I guess it goes together with the Bioware approach to balancing: "Increase all the numbers, that'll surely help."


But hey, who cares that the game runs like **** as long as there's more random stuff to gamble out of the cartel market.

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If people are excited for this, that's their thing. If EA wants MY support, try fixing some things in the game that have been broken since LAUNCH four and a half entire years ago.


Little things do matter.


These cosmetic Weapon Tunings being introduced, with their component only available in Cartel Packs, make me feel very strongly that Bioware and/or EA's feelings are as follows: "If you have any dignity whatsoever, you will stop trifling us over these old 'bugs' and just buy more CARTEL PACKS so we can all stroke our (rhymes with sticks) more briskly!"


That hurts, for me to think that, you know? I don't feel good having such bitterness toward the people who work at Bioware. I've toned this post down severely from its original vitriol, but I bet a number of people still saw that. And if it gets traced back to my friends in game, I'm gonna feel even worse.


My loyalty is to my friends who continue playing this game. They play, I play. They raid? I'll stay subbed so I can raid with them. And I'll confess I'm a sucker for a good story. But fixing broken parts of the game really means a lot more to a lot of people than more pieces of Cartel-Pack-bought fluff. Especially when some of these "little thing" bugs directly affect that story (still not amused by 'naked Jorgan.' That Cathar was my Commando's husband and he showed up to greet me wearing nothing but underpants? Do that in our bedroom, not on a covert strike op.).

Edited by HollyUSEC
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I swear this is THE most toxic game community I have ever had the misfortune of being a part of. The amount of bile, vitriol, hate, and juvenile anger is overwhelming here sometimes. No matter what the devs are working on - it's wrong, reeks of desperation, and is basically a failure even before it actually goes live. No matter what the devs offer - they're immediately flooded with "waaah, I did not want this toy, I wanted that one, so eff you BioWare". I understand customer rights, I understand wanting the game to get as good as possible, but this? This is a bunch of frustrated, entitled people killing all the fun for themselves and everyone else in the process.


I don't disagree with you and I feel some empathy. But while I can't speak for anyone else here, I wouldn't be surprised if there are some people out there who share the same viewpoint.


If I hated these items simply because I didn't want more fluff, I'd keep it to myself.


If I hated these items simply because I thought Bioware had their priorities wrong, I'd keep it to myself.


Unfortunately, to me, these "tunings" were just the straw that broke the camel's back. I've had a lot of slowly bubbling displeasure lurking beneath the surface and kept tightly in check because I know what kind of outbursts I'm capable of, as a psychiatric outpatient, when I lose my temper, and I understand there is such a thing as "going too far." But EA just kept pushing those buttons until I GYLF'ed. (GYLF = Give Your Last ... you can figure out the rest, right?)


Now, Bioware can cry all the righteous wrath they want and impose whatever "punishment" they see fit-- I see it as their loss, not mine.


Your post did make me feel some contrition and I know I didn't come across as very mature or any more rational than I accuse the EA corporate bigwigs of being. But again... this was the culmination of many things. I held my temper until I GYLF'ed. And I doubt I'm the only one, in a community this size, who feels or felt that way.

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The list of weapons with Tuning Slots had better include the special Chapter XII weapon or there will be *lots* of very unhappy campers.


And the tuning modules themselves should not be like dyes. We should be able to *remove* them without destroying them.


From the full announcement


Weapon Tunings work like any other Weapon Modification – once you have placed one in a weapon, you will need to pay a fee to extract it. Placing one into a weapon will bind it to your character, and Weapon Tunings are not a part of the Collections Interface.



They are currently only found in Cartel Market Packs


Emphasis mine. I don't recall (because I didn't have an artificer at the time); did dye modules launch as craftable as well, or only in packs to start? Perhaps they will add them to Armstech after a bit? (Pure speculation on my part, there).

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now we know why they made the arbiter sabers so hard to get, they want to get as much money out of us before they did this lol,


IT better be retro active the tunning spot on weapons..


Maybe someone already replied to you, but I'm not gonna bother reading 10 pages of text. The weapons in those .gifs are from old packs (Specific that carbon rifle, was it released 6 months ago or something?) so it looks like it's at least retroactive for older cm weapons, which is partly a good thing (As it's not restricted to new weapons). But the Unstable sabers are in the next pack aswell which is the 4th appearence in a pack in a row.


Now I'm curious to see the Unstable saber with this effect added aswell. Might finally become something good looking, afterall.

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(still not amused by 'naked Jorgan.' That Cathar was my Commando's husband and he showed up to greet me wearing nothing but underpants? Do that in our bedroom, not on a covert strike op.).

That's OK, when my Commando got there, he was wearing his skin, and where his underpants would have been, there was nothing at all, no undies, no skin, nothing.

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this seems like a neat idea,but i hope you guys give us a large and expanding amount of visual effects (maybe even make armour effects one day =P)


this will be a great addition and i hope it works out well,it has great potential and will really (if it works out) help us personalize our characters,give their weapons effects that reflect on who they are (Especially to us roleplayers.


really hope you expand the amount of effects,maybe even make dread themed effects and put them as a dread fortress / palace drop ...OR ...an oricon rep vendor item


"i am though worried..that the greedy gtn salesmen will place it for 50 million per piece on the gtn"

Edited by Gguyrules
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I'm sure this will keep us entertained for (month - 25 minutes) between episodes. -Yay!


Lightsabre on...... Lightsabre off.......

Lightsabre on...... Lightsabre off.......


Lightsabre on...... Lightsabre off.......


Lightsabre on...... Lightsabre off.......


Lightsabre on...... Lightsabre off.......


See? The minutes are just fly by!

Edited by Storm-Cutter
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