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Everything posted by Calarand

  1. Very much agreed! Couldn't keep him around for long, either. And while you're at it, please, PLEASE let us remove his ugly helmet, thanks.
  2. Loving all the decorations, but they are severely bugged. The two Nathema Statues are identical in size, even though one is called Large. The wall-placed tree has its branches stuck horizontal to the ground instead of having them falling like those of a weeping willow. The hanging vines are orientated wrong and all you can see is the top of the decoration while the rest is buried horizontally inside the wall. The large decos like Zildrogg and the dog robot (forgot the name, sorry) need to have their despawn distance fixed, I think. To give an example - from my Tatooine balcony, I can see all of the larger decos placed below, except those two. The holo-heads on Zildrogg are even worse, as they disappear the moment you take a few steps away form the console. Can we hope for a fix anytime soon?
  3. 10/10 is very generous here, I'd personally say. Yes the environment is gorgeous, the boss fights are fun, the decorations that drop are pretty, but the story... oh my gosh, the story. I won't even nitpick at how hamfisted it was in gleefully erasing everything the game kept us busy with through KOTFETET, but I will nitpick at how the characters were handled. The main 'villain' turns out to be just a nobody with a 'hurr-durr imma kill you' attitude. Disappointing, but I can deal with that. Good villains are hard to write. Then we get a class-specific villain appearing deus ex machina style and I can't help but wonder - WHY? Whatever for? So now BW want me to believe that Baras has been silently plotting all these years against the warrior? Rubbish, I say. And what, maybe in 6.0 it turns out he was secretly ValkoriAn from the start? Yes, this is how ridiculous bringing him back seems to me. Last but absolutely not least - WHERE IS KOTH? His beloved ship got destroyed and we weren't even shown his shocked face or ANY other reaction to that event. Nothing, he was absent form the entire traitor plotline, as if he never really existed. This is inexcusable form the storytelling point of view, and extremely unfair to players who romanced him. Care to explain that, BW? The only redeeming factor of this clustercrap of a finale was the ending for Theron romancers. Big points for that, in all its cheesy and rushed glory. Here's hoping Theron won't get kicked out from future story content like all the other killable characters have been so far. Or worse, that he doesn't end up completely absent like Koth. *cough*
  4. Twilek all the way. Pretty much the only race except Cathar that can get very close to white skin AND have the ugly black stains masked by the markings. https://i.imgur.com/ebOXTdB.jpg
  5. and That pretty much sums it up for me. Back in the days when money wasn't much of a problem for my household, I used to be an avid WoW player. Yes, I'd buy xpack after xpack just to do the leveling, solo content because I enjoyed the new areas and quests so much. I have never had any gear, mounts or whatnot from grouping and I was fine with that because there were regular huge updates pretty much yearly bringing more lands to explore and more quests to do. What can I say, I just like to solo my MMOs. Ever since I stopped doing so well financially, paying a sub and utilizing only 1/4th of the content in WoW stopped making sense, but luckily SWtOR had appeared and it was simply PERFECT. Especially after the changes that made FPs solo-friendly. So I'm here to stay, paying an occasional sub whenever I can, for as long as the game lets me enjoy content solo without forcing me to group... yeah, getting Darth Hexid seems to be a bad sign there, but I digress.
  6. Sadly, that's exactly what happens after devs turn the game into a solo adventure for a year, expanding solo content, making flashpoints solo-friendly, and drawing solo players into the fold en masse only to turn their back on them later just because they suddenly remembered this is supposed to be an MMO. Now you have all those people who never tried - and never enjoyed - group content, trying to do it and failing because they simply don't know how. It's bad design, bad strategy, and bad treatment of the player base. I may sound bitter, but for me SWTOR was like the holy grail of multiplayer games - it offered me the possibility to be a part of a living world with other people dancing on mailboxes and doing stupid, funny things on the fleet, but at the same time I had the possibility to do all of the story content solo without having to deal with others. Personally, I've accepted the fact that I will never have Hexid in my roster. I'd rather not have that companion than force myself to play the game the way I hate to play it. I can only hope that there won't be any more content like that gated behind group activities in the future.
  7. From this article: http://vulkk.com/2017/07/22/swtor-5-4-upcoming-changes-next-roadmap-announced/
  8. /signed as well! Arenas aside, imagine how fun it would be to have the ability to place personnel or container decos near a ship, as well.
  9. I've done all class stories on Alderaan, and I didn't hate any of them, but... I did get stuck on that planet every single time.Had to force myself to move on. Kept putting it away logging on another character instead. The problem is the planet itself and the crappy travel system there. Going from one quest hub to another takes forever on a speeder. Going from a quest source to its quest objective means a boring long ride where pretty much nothing happens. Rinse, repeat, over and over again. This is what kills Alderaan for me.
  10. You will never get flying mounts in SWTOR. That would require an extensive rework of ALL the outside environments to hide holes, complete buildings that have only the parts visible from the ground done, etc, etc. Best example is WoW which needed a lot of time and pretty much a complete revamp of most of the areas before they allowed flying mounts. With the current state of this dev team and the game engine itself, it's simply not happening for SWTOR.
  11. Yes, please! I only play this game solo (personal reasons, I deal with way too many people at work on a daily basis, I'd rather not deal with them in a game as well), so I'd very much like to know how it develops.
  12. Agreed wholeheartedly! I am lucky to have plenty of decorations from the old packs, but they all cost me a fortune in credits and I can usually afford only one of those I really like. I won't even mention any of those that I can not afford, those that go for up to 40 mil on my server. I can only imagine how difficult it is for a new player joining the game, buying their first SH and... having only the basic stuff to decorate it with hardly any variety. The AH prices for pack items are extremely discouraging and unaffordable for the casual player. The items from the packs just don't drop anymore with the new system (out of a supercrate I got NO new pack items, and no decos, NONE) and the credit vendor offers the same ugly few items she's been offering for years. This needs serious fixing if the devs want people to buy strongholds...
  13. I don't really mind the popup itself, what really annoys the heck out of me is the sound that plays with it. Imagine me peacefully browsing through the auctions in the quiet tranquillity of my own stronghold and suddenly... FANFARES! TA-DAH-DAH-DAAAAM! DARK SIDE WINS! And I'm on the floor curled up into a little ball trying to not have a heart attack. Yeah.
  14. I would gladly welcome such addition. The very fact that we have public listings for SHs proves that they were meant to be something to show off, something to be proud of. This is why there absolutely should be a way to reflect the time and effort put into decorating. We should be able to separate SHs filled with chairs that only took half an hour to set up from SHs that are well thought out little masterpieces of interior decoration that took days if not weeks to complete. A simple cheat-proof voting system would solve this problem. Fun fact: back in the days when I played LOTRO, they had an amazing contest once where players could submit their player homes for judging by a community manager or game dev, can't remember the details now. They would visit all the homes and select three winners for first, second and third place prizes. The reward was a special trophy decoration. It was so much fun, it brought the decoration marked back to life, and it really prompted people to put some effort into decorating their houses. And then there were the bragging rights for those who were good enough to win. Good times.
  15. Normally, I would agree with you 100%, but in this case, people have shown screenshots of areas in Manaan stronghold that were clearly meant to be a part of it and look almost finished but got cut off and blocked with walls. There's also plenty of indirect evidence that they dropped the development of this SH half-way through and gave us only whatever they managed to get done - the unusually high price tag for a SH of this size is one thing, then there are the bugs, like lack of music and lack of rest zone, last but not least, there were decorations listed as part of Manaan bundle but never made it in and were suspiciously quickly removed from the deco list via patch. Sure, one could dismiss it all as speculation, but for me, personally, there are far too many issues accumulated around one SH for this to be a coincidence.
  16. Excellent work proving that Manaan's development was suddenly cut and the SH was just pushed out the door unfinished. There have been many hints so far, from decorations cut from the deco pack and super quickly patched out of existence in the deco list, to the price tag fitting for a much more elaborate SH. You just proved there actually is more content simply hidden from the players in the SH itself. I wish I could hope for some official statement from EAware, maybe a promise of fixes, but... nah. Not gonna happen, and I'm so very sad for all the people who paid for this SH with their real money through cartel coins.
  17. I'm a founder and was a long, LONG time subscriber... until I couldn't support the developers any longer with a clear conscience. I couldn't give them my money while they kept grinding this gem of a game into dust. So I cancelled and haven't given them a single cent for years. Yesterday, I re-subscribed to get Manaan. Yeah, the joke's on me. Fortunately, I decided to visit a publicly listed Manaan before buying it and did not waste any credits on this rushed and incomplete SH. So... lesson learned - this was probably the last time I re-subbed, unless something really amazing happens, which I doubt is still possible for this game.
  18. Yes, Manaan SH sux, but instead of giving up on it and dumping time and resources into a completely new project, they should really focus on improving Manaan first. It seems rushed, pushed out the door half-done and I would much rather see it complete/upgraded/fixed than left in the game in its current state. But most importantly - there are people who paid real life money for Manaan, and people who worked hard for their credits to buy it. Building a completely new SH to "make up" for Manaan doesn't compensate any of them, doesn't give people their money back... unless that new SH is completely free, which is just a ridiculous thought in and of itself.
  19. For me, personally, it would be a VERY welcome thing. A game is never ALL about min-maxing class damage and getting the best gear. A game like SWTOR, especially, is... no, used to be mostly about story and relationships your character builds with various NPCs, so even at the cost of a proverbial raid tier, as WoW players would say, I would love to see it happen. That said it's never ever going to happen, so the best idea would probably be to stop teasing ourselves with hopes and dreams. Sad, but true.
  20. It does feel very much unfinished, yes. Or, at the least, it seems like they had grand plans for this, but had to make quick cuts to make the deadline and/or budget. The result is a crippled SH with too high price for its size, and too many cut off areas that are visible but not accessible.
  21. And why, WHY are the upstairs windows so blurry?It's enough that we ONLY get a magnificent view of the area where we can not get, don't block this from us even further by the blurry glass. Seriously.
  22. To be perfectly honest, what you always should look at when buying from cartel market is the item's info panel within the cartel market window. This is where you make your purchase, and this is where BW are legally obliged to be honest with you. For this particular bundle, the panel only lists the decorations that are actually in the pack, and none of the extra ones. So going by the usual EAware logic, you got exactly what was advertised in the store, the other items were probably planned but cut, and the preview window hasn't been updated to reflect that cut yet.
  23. Not to be overly cynical but, knowing EAware, they will gather all those missing decos and make a Deepwater Essentials Bundle 2 out of them. Profit!!!
  24. All critique from my previous post aside, I do love the smaller size of that SH. We sorely needed something more cozy than a mouldy, ruined temple or a giant mansion half-buried in the sand. Also, I just looked through the decorations in the Manaan bundle, and I must say that the hooks in the SH are shamelessly tailored for precisely that bundle. Or vice versa. I mean, come on - you put together a couch and a few chairs and it has to be a centerpiece? Idiocy.
  25. Apologies if any of these have been mentioned before, but here are my personal gripes with it: - The observatory's glass floor is a cool idea but with terrible execution. The huge and blindingly bright glare from the overhead light that reflects off the glass makes seeing most of the underwater scene either painful for the eyes or impossible at most angles. - The view outside the underwater windows... So. Utterly. Boring. I'm not asking for a full feature coral reef ecosystem there, but at least give us something more than two or three strands of seaweed sprouting from the absolutely bare ground. Some more, varied plants swaying on the currents, a school of fish, a curious selkath passing by, anything. I know, there's that giant whale/shark/whatever swimming by every few minutes, but that's not nearly enough to make me want to take that elevator down and stay in those rooms. - The rooftop garden... is a lie. We have no access to said garden. All we get is a tiny area separated from the actual garden by a tall fence that makes even admiring the garden from afar impossible (that's a lot of 'garden' in one sentence, apologies). - Terrible hook setup. All in all, a disappointment for me. I'm glad I visited someone else's stronghold before unlocking mine, spared myself some credits.
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