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Purple Color Crystals!


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What is with the sado-masochists? I think they must have some kind of parental/authority/guilt complex that prevents them from enjoying anything if they haven't first been punished for it.


Color rarity is just dumb.


The idea that you absolutely must tie fun cosmetic fluff (ie., lightsaber color) to achiever-oriented grind tasks should have died the very moment that City of Heroes was born. We have definitive proof, across several titles now, that letting players control the appearance of their avatar with few restrictions is fun for everyone, and does not cause people to become bored. It causes people to experiment and have fun.


Or did we all forget that having a bit of fun is the whole point? This is basic wish-fulfilment, pretendy-fantasy stuff. We're all playing dress-up with virtual dolls.


**** gaming achievements, they are intrinsically worthless. **** the selfish desire to deprive others of a good time so that you can be a unique snowflake. I believe in the democratization of color - there are plenty of other ways for the sado-masochists to waste their lives away for a game, cosmetic customization should not be one of them.


Thanks for your input Tyler Durden!!!! haha On a serious note though your post is spot on. :csw_yoda:

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He posted this link: http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c1...lecrystal1.jpg

That was back and page 23 and it's not columi, those have +41 stats. He's confirmed possession, whether it was from Primal Destroyer or not we only have his word to go on at this point.


No, this isn't true for the Empire. The MH Columi saber on the Empire's side only has +33 crit (lvl 48) - it's a mistake by BW as the Republic equivalent MH has lvl 56 (+41 crit). I know this because I have the Columi MH for the SW: "Punisher".


The guy posting the screenie claiming that his purple crystal dropped off a WB is talking out of his @rse. It doesn't drop off anything. He pulled it out of a Sith Columi MH saber which is the only place that it can currently be obtained in the game. The end.

Edited by JamieM
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Well if we sum up

Magenta purple-> Empire

Teal-> Republic

Pinky-> both



...How do i get the teal for sure?




Purple, from whatever we know has only been found for empire


Cyan (not teal), has only been found for republic, though unlike purple I don't know anything of a confirmation that empire should be able to get this.


Magenta (pink), we get from the guide which is everywhere on the forum


all in all magenta is not purple!

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StephenReid Server Names P - S -> Requiem presents the White Crystal. Prophecy of the Five server

Hello everyone, I wanted to clarify a little on our actions here. Here's the biggest question I wanted to address:



Originally Posted by Part_Time_Hero

in otherwords was it intentional ? or something anyone could have stubled upon which was not how bioware intended it to be found?

Unfortunately the actions of the player in question were intentional and deliberate. As well as the item being removed, further action was taken on this player's account. This was not an 'easy exploit', and not something the average player might 'stumble upon'.


Beyond that, we will not be commenting further - either on the player's method of obtaining the crystal or actions on their account.


Right now, it is not possible to legitimately obtain a White Lightsaber Crystal in the game through any gameplay method. In the future, it will be possible to legitimately obtain. When that day comes, we'll let you know so you can go about obtaining the crystal for your characters.


Again, we apologize for not commenting sooner as our investigation was ongoing.





That is on the Dev Tracker near the bottom, just to say that there is the chance that they will add white (hopefully purple for Rep and Cyan for Imp) later on.

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He posted this link: http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c1...lecrystal1.jpg

That was back and page 23 and it's not columi, those have +41 stats. He's confirmed possession, whether it was from Primal Destroyer or not we only have his word to go on at this point.


No... The +41 crystals are ripped out of the 2nd boss in Kaon Under Siege weapon drops.



Edited by Rutrict
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Hypothetically speaking, if a Republic player was to find himself on the Imperial Fleet, since the vendors use the same commendations (champion) and unassembled pieces for both factions, would said republic player be able to interact with those vendors and buy the purple-crystal-having items or would the vendors only aggro?


I know the bar droids "could" be attacked, but I'm not even sure if they would aggro without the option of vending through them. The one confirmed republic player to board the imperial fleet showed us that much.


(And no, if I knew a way onto the imperial fleet I'd have tested this idea out myself, because I really want a real purple crystal. Since I'm not one of the Village People or promoting breast cancer awareness, pink doesn't appeal to me)

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Repubs can not see or visit Imperial Fleet, Korribon or Dromund Kaas. Imperials can not see Ord Mandell, Corusont, or Republican Fleet.


So no you can not at this time visit any Imperial only place. You would be gunned down the second your ship exited hyperspace by the Star Destroyers.

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Repubs can not see or visit Imperial Fleet, Korribon or Dromund Kaas. Imperials can not see Ord Mandell, Corusont, or Republican Fleet.


So no you can not at this time visit any Imperial only place. You would be gunned down the second your ship exited hyperspace by the Star Destroyers.


Cute, but its already been done once, and if someone was lucky or smart enough they might be able to test my theory.

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A very large number of photos and video on the subject of one level 42 trooper who got on the imperial fleet and killed several bartender droids as a very large crowd of imperials gathered, watched him, and uploaded video of him fighting them to Youtube, would beg to differ, run a search :p


Fleets are also designated as sanctuary areas/rested exp areas.


I've tried everything I could think of that might send me there through a bug, including afking in the enemy spawn points in Civil War and Voidstar, both alive and dead. Frankly I'm about out of ideas for sneaking onto the Imperial fleet to buy a Purple Crystal atm, but that's not to say it can't be done.

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I have seen Magenta Sabers in-game, and they are nowhere near purple.


Anyone who believes otherwise needs their eyes checked.


For Point of Reference:


This is Purple.


This is Magenta, which could also be called Pink.


See the difference?


It's not PINK it's LTRED!

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Hypothetically speaking, if a Republic player was to find himself on the Imperial Fleet, since the vendors use the same commendations (champion) and unassembled pieces for both factions, would said republic player be able to interact with those vendors and buy the purple-crystal-having items or would the vendors only aggro?


I know the bar droids "could" be attacked, but I'm not even sure if they would aggro without the option of vending through them. The one confirmed republic player to board the imperial fleet showed us that much.


(And no, if I knew a way onto the imperial fleet I'd have tested this idea out myself, because I really want a real purple crystal. Since I'm not one of the Village People or promoting breast cancer awareness, pink doesn't appeal to me)


As an Imperial player who has tried to interact with Republic (normally refered to as Pube) vendors I can attest to the fact that you would not be able to attack them nor would they sell anything to you. You would just get a system message that tells you that you can't interact with the NPC. But that hypothetical question is rediculous as you can not get onto the Imp fleet anymore then you can get into the Imp version of any planet in that sector.

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It's not PINK it's LTRED!


I approve of above comment.





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As an Imperial player who has tried to interact with Republic (normally refered to as Pube) vendors I can attest to the fact that you would not be able to attack them nor would they sell anything to you. You would just get a system message that tells you that you can't interact with the NPC. But that hypothetical question is rediculous as you can not get onto the Imp fleet anymore then you can get into the Imp version of any planet in that sector.


Were the republic vendors you attempted to interact with in a sanctuary zone? (rested exp gain active) Unless you went into a republic cantina they probably weren't, and that is another potential factor. At any rate that's the only way republic could hypothetically get a real purple crystal right now.


Hopefully next content patch they'll not only add the white, and the purple crystals both for crafting, I know Artificers are in dire need of more good stuff to craft.

Edited by Kyrtin
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Someone talking sence! Thank you! Anyway, Anakin Skywalker was an example of this. When he turned Sith, he still had his blue Lightsaber and it didn't get replaced UNTIL HE LOST IT.


Yeah, if it works in the movies, it should work in the game!


Every smuggler should be able to use a lightsaber! i mean, in the movies they could too!

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After a quick Search on Wookieepedia I could find nothing there to corroborate this statement, in fact on their page about lightsaber crystals they have listed pretty much every color under the sun(or two suns if you're on Tatooine ;P) listed with references to the various books, comic books, games, and any other form of media they appeared in within the Universe. And in fact upon reading the article it states that most crystals were created by the Jedi or Sith for their lightsabers, I'm assuming that because of this the crystals were at least in some way a choice of the creator. I know with in the KotoR lore crystals developed in caves and were given to padawan's or apprentices by their masters and that in some of the movies this is the case as well. But still, I think there is enough lore evidence to support the ability of each person to choose their own lightsaber color crystal as more of a cosmetic thing, though however they could put in "special" crystals that appear in the world or drop from bosses or mobs that have special attributes, I mean this is all speculation and wishing since we don't really have a choice in the matter, but still, food for thought :D


actually in the "Making of" featurettes of Episode 2, Jackson was caught on camera discussing the actual saber colour during shooting and George goes:


"Well Jedis only really use Blue or Green, while the Sith use red."


"What about Purple?" asked Sam Jackson.


"*shrugs* you might get purple." replied George.


Now while other saber crystals were mentioned a few times over the course of the 90s comics, notably yellow, ideas like curved lightsabers hilts, doublesabers (which btw the comic to feature Exar Kun using a doublesaber wasn't until AFTER Episode 1 came out, though the character did appear as a ghost in Jedi Academy Trilogy), and purple lightsabers, weren't made available until the prequels, and purple lightsabers specifically weren't even considered until Jackson brought it up, though that's to mainstream audiences, as Kevin J. Anderson did technically give Jaina Solo an Amethyst saber in his Young Jedi Knights youth novel series.


Lorewise, even from release, while it was hinted that Jedi used several different colours of lightsabers, but wasn't really explored save for a few instances in the Tales of the Jedi comics and Young Jedi Knights.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Yeh I saw the patch notes and am back on my color crystal obsession and this thread. :p

Does anyone know if i should save up and get one fo the magenta schematic for 250K credits now.

Does schematic bind on pickup?

Is magenta the only one you cant buy, it has to be crafted?

I'm guessing the schematic will still be available as a drop on Belrariss sp ?after release 1.2 but no longer avail for purchase???

Will it still be only craftable after the release 1.2???

I want 1 magenta for Kira. (hot pink) red/blue (255,0,255)

But tough being a sentinel cuz I have to buy or make 2 if i want a matching set (green) for myself. My guild mate has a purple now! Cant wait to see her purple saber LOL.


My boss bought a Cyan (green/blue) looks light blue RGB(0,255,255)



crystals avail:


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  • 4 weeks later...
which btw the comic to feature Exar Kun using a doublesaber wasn't until AFTER Episode 1 came out, though the character did appear as a ghost in Jedi Academy Trilogy


What are you talking about? Exar Kun's double bladed lightsaber was first shown (on the cover of and) in Tales of the Jedi: The Sith War 3: The Trial of Ulic Qel-Droma, which was published in 1995, a good four years before Episode 1

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It sucks if your favorite color is purple



Apparently people are so entitled in this game they seem to think that people should be allowed to have their favorite color just because it would break their precious immersion.



Screw you, I love purple and I want a purple lightsaber as much as someone whose favorite color is blue wants a blue one.

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On Republic Fleet, Purple crystals sell for 250,000 while Cyan are 125,000.

On Imperial Fleet, Purple crystals sell for 125,000 while Cyan are 250,000.

Republic Champion and Battlemaster Sabers are Cyan

Empire Champion and Battlemaster Sabers are Purple

Republic Rakata Sabers are Blue-Black

Empire Rakata Sabers are Red-Black


Thats really all you need to know about where the color crystals come from. Also the vendor that sells the crystals directly on the fleet is being removed in 1.2 along with the white crystal that starts at 1,000,000.

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