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How The Old Republic can compete and beat Guild Wars 2


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GW2 will survive.


It will like any MMO that isn't Tabula Rasa, Matrix Online or SWG.


Only difference is there will be no subscription numbers, so comparing it to subscription based game (going by their success) will be pointless anyway.


It's why the original idea of the thread is pretty silly. Guild Wars 2 will be fine, and so will TOR. People care way too much about numbers.

Edited by Jaku
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This game is using the hard trinity because the hard trinity is the best way to simulate teamwork in an MMORPG.


Guild wars 2 have no Holy Trinity and because of that you remove the feel of teamwork.

It is every man for himself. So why are you playing with friends again?


This game is using trinity and people complain its too much singleplayer minded. GL with GW2



Besides anything with an autofunction should be removed. Its just utilities used to assist people being slackers. The World of Wracraft server community died with LFG auto function as well as cross servers.



In my opinion I am glad that SWTOR is what it is and I hope that SWTOR doesnt do what GW2 is doing.

Bottom line is If I wanted my current MMO to be more like GW2 I would stop playing and start playing GW2. Its the same reason I hope SWTOR doesnt copy WoW/Blizzard too much. I hope they will be different.



Edited by Zlashie
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Guild wars is fantasy still and most people are bored of been an elf.


Star wars has the advantage of been star wars and not high fantasy.


There are no elves in GW:2


and in Swtor every race is a human, with a differnt skin colour maybe or slight alteration, but not a "new" race. the customisation is pathetic

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no healers, so no interest in this game for me.


Everyone has self heals


there are support classes, you can buff, debuff, heal other people, actively ward them, set up combos..


Just the traditional mmo, point at health bar, click heal, die of boredom model has gone in GW:2. Support, which is what healers are, is much more active.

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Everyone has self heals


there are support classes, you can buff, debuff, heal other people, actively ward them, set up combos..


Just the traditional mmo, point at health bar, click heal, die of boredom model has gone in GW:2. Support, which is what healers are, is much more active.


Have u seen anything to support it, or you just oging by what arenanet is saying.


GW1 was supposed to be revolutionary and that was a terrible bore of a game.

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Have u seen anything to support it, or you just oging by what arenanet is saying.


GW1 was supposed to be revolutionary and that was a terrible bore of a game.


If you watch some of the vids of people who understand the game (such as devs or experienced fans at cons) you will see how support works in group scenarios.


It's like active support. Instead of just clicking buffs and things of that sort you are moving around and doing things in the world to help your allies. You can also look at some list of skills to kind of get a feel for the general idea of how it should work.


(not directed at you) I feel like there is a lot of misinformation about GW2 in this thread. Seems a great deal of people posting against GW2 have not read up on it. Understandable as no one can read up on every game coming up ever, but before posting doing a little bit of research would really help the discussion.


having said that I'm totally stoked for the game. My friends keep asking me questions about TOR, and I just reply as this. "I'm pretty much just killing time, enjoying a story, and getting my MMO fix until GW2."


I'm so excited for a change from the same old same old MMO formula.

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This game is using the hard trinity because the hard trinity is the best way to simulate teamwork in an MMORPG.


Guild wars 2 have no Holy Trinity and because of that you remove the feel of teamwork.

It is every man for himself. So why are you playing with friends again?


This game is using trinity and people complain its too much singleplayer minded. GL with GW2



Besides anything with an autofunction should be removed. Its just utilities used to assist people being slackers. The World of Wracraft server community died with LFG auto function as well as cross servers.



In my opinion I am glad that SWTOR is what it is and I hope that SWTOR doesnt do what GW2 is doing.

Bottom line is If I wanted my current MMO to be more like GW2 I would stop playing and start playing GW2. Its the same reason I hope SWTOR doesnt copy WoW/Blizzard too much. I hope they will be different.




Said it many times, the trinity is there for a reason.


As for the combat, go play DCUO. You dodge, block, and combo and all on a 360/PS3 controller. Action oriented combat has been tried several times.


It does not make a game BETTER or WORSE. Understand that.


SWTOR can't even compete with GW2 because it is unreleased and has a bunch of mythical features.

Edited by Crash-X
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Lol, GW2 hype is even more worse than the swtor hype. If you think that mmo will change the market, you are in for a rude awakening.


Hype ruins first impressions, and people expected too many unreasonable expectations from this game at launch


Playing GW2 at comic con, I can honestly say that the combat is not great, downright clunky atm, the only think they have going for them is their pvp, which still is unbalanced no matter what anyone says, play a guardian, shield sword spec. It will be fun balancing that class.


It will be in the bargain bin by june if released in March.

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There are no elves in GW:2


and in Swtor every race is a human, with a different skin colour maybe or slight alteration, but not a "new" race. the customisation is pathetic


The same can be said for every game.


Dwarfs are just small humans, elves are just thin pointy eared humans, the races in GW2 are to my knowledge all humanoid, no 7 legged face less player races.


GW2 looks good, but in a market saturated with high fantasy MMO games the story and look of the game won't be that different from any other.

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Said it many times, the trinity is there for a reason.


As for the combat, go play DCUO. You dodge, block, and combo and all on a 360/PS3 controller. Action oriented combat has been tried several times.


It does not make a game BETTER or WORSE. Understand that.


SWTOR can't even compete with GW2 because it is unreleased and has a bunch of mythical features.


The only reason the trinity is there because its an outdated formula from pnp D&D that people are used to having. The entire stat-driven paradigm is old and outdated. A real next gen MMO would be something like Arkham City but in an MMO form. The game shouldnt be about stat acquistion it should be about skill acquisition. This way, you arent just chasing carrot on a stick for a new gear set (the reason people are bored with WoW) you should be exploring and adventuring to learn new skills and powers.


Instead of bring out a new themepark ride, they should be bring out new skill sets which make the game fresh. Basically like constantly adding new classes to the game. Yes, it would be a balance nightmare, but it would be fun, and also keep people playing. Part of the reason WoW lasted so long is they purposefully buffed and nerfed classes and specs during the course of the games' life.


DCUO is garbage. You would have been better off saying wait on Tera or Firefall.


Action combat does make a game better. This is a matter of opinion. If you dont have twitch skills ya maybe it doesnt make the game better. But beating someone based on ability is always more satisfying than beating them because you had better gear.

Edited by oflow
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The funny thing is a lot of free to play games, make more money then pay to play games. People join free MMOs because they are free. But then they just have to have the good stuff, so they end up paying more money than they would have payed had it been a pay to play game. :rolleyes:
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Not the best location for the OP to put this but I'm inclined to agree slightly. TOR has decided to make story it's big thing but I feel as though GW2 is going to do even more than that. Removing the Holy Trinity is the big thing people have been talking about and having seen a lot of footage I have to say this is probably going to wipe the floor with most MMOs. I fear for TOR but if it makes a few changes here and there I am sure GW2 and SWTOR can coexist.
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Guild Wars 2 is FREE to play. Other than buying it.. not even in the same group. What you HAVE to start to wonder or worry about is how NCSoft is going to make MONEY! Everything is not getting better because they went free to play. Does anyone have a clue as to how much just one server cost to run?


Anayway GW2 is not out and to say what it will be or nor is silly.


This statement is all wrong...


Firstly GW2 players will have to purchase and account which means if they sell enough copies they will make back all their development money in no time. They also have things such as micro transactions which will generate a lot of revenue. Its not really valid to say 'how will they survive?' since the biggest online game right now is League of Legends which, would you believe it, is free to play. F2P model works really well in a lot of cases and GW2 will be the first big MMO to take this model which will probably give it an edge anyway.

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The only reason the trinity is there because its an outdated formula from pnp D&D that people are used to having. The entire stat-driven paradigm is old and outdated. A real next gen MMO would be something like Arkham City but in an MMO form. The game shouldnt be about stat acquistion it should be about skill acquisition. This way, you arent just chasing carrot on a stick for a new gear set (the reason people are bored with WoW) you should be exploring and adventuring to learn new skills and powers.


Instead of bring out a new themepark ride, they should be bring out new skill sets which make the game fresh. Basically like constantly adding new classes to the game. Yes, it would be a balance nightmare, but it would be fun, and also keep people playing. Part of the reason WoW lasted so long is they purposefully buffed and nerfed classes and specs during the course of the games' life.


DCUO is garbage. You would have been better off saying wait on Tera or Firefall.


Action combat does make a game better. This is a matter of opinion. If you dont have twitch skills ya maybe it doesnt make the game better. But beating someone based on ability is always more satisfying than beating them because you had better gear.


Actually the only reason the trinity is still alive because it is tried and tested system that works. Show me one MMORPG that has succeeded without the Trinity............


Arkham City in MMO form...yeah....RPG games are always about stats, I see numbers popping on GW2 videos so if you think stats will be absent you're in for a rude awakening.


DCUO did not fail because it's combat. It failed because you could reach max level in like 3 days playing casually and then it became a grind. The truth here is though that they have a very action-oriented combat system where you dodge, roll, use the environment, put together combos, all that stuff. That doesn't make it better than traditional MMO combat. Also you have not played end-game for any MMO if you think you don't need twitch skills....

Edited by Crash-X
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Actually the only reason the trinity is still alive because it is tried and tested system that works. Show me one MMORPG that has succeeded without the Trinity............


Arkham City in MMO form...yeah....RPG games are always about stats, I see numbers popping on GW2 videos so if you think stats will be absent you're in for a rude awakening.


DCUO did not fail because it's combat. It failed because you could reach max level in like 3 days playing casually and then it became a grind. The truth here is though that they have a very action-oriented combat system where you dodge, roll, use the environment, put together combos, all that stuff. That doesn't make it better than traditional MMO combat. Also you have not played end-game for any MMO if you think you don't need twitch skills....



It was stated by the devs that max stats (like in GW1) is fairly easy to get, you should be able to get max lvl and buy some gear with the game max stats.


Plus in warzones everyone has the same max stats, with ur personal optimization of them ofc

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It was stated by the devs that max stats (like in GW1) is fairly easy to get, you should be able to get max lvl and buy some gear with the game max stats.


Plus in warzones everyone has the same max stats, with ur personal optimization of them ofc


I've never played GW1, but what I meant is that good players are still going to be aware of their stats. This doesn't look to be some pure action game like GTA or Batman where you never once think about stats. It's still a RPG.


I'm not even hating on GW2, I'll be playing it! But folk saying it will be revolutionary, it will be this, it will do that...they need to slow down a bit. A lot of folks said that SWTOR is going to be the next big thing and etc etc. and now these same folk are disappointed.


It's like sometimes people create how the game should be in their mind.

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just w8 till gw2 launches and all the Y U NO REVOLUTIONISE THE INDUSTRY ANET!!!! posts on their forums start popping up. Personaly GW2 dosnt appeal to me and i dont think it will be ground breaking either. At this stage is the mmo genre i think its going to be pretty hard to bring anything new to the table.
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