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Slicing post-nerf, please look at the numbers BW


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I'll give the benefit of the doubt that Slicing may be necessary.


But how it was before was too much. And you should NOT be a positive return from mission skills. Especially since you can just log onto an alt, put your companions on a mission skill and go back to what you were doing.


Instead, if you want to directly make money from Slicing, you should get it directly from nodes out in the world. That will help keep it more moderate and not overly easy.


If you get nothing but negative returns on a mission, then why would you ever run missions? Such a system would be undermining itself.


Making sure that lockbox missions always yield a net loss in raw credits is akin to other gathering professions having a 90% mission failure rate. You get zero return on your standard mission results, and that magical 10% of the time that you get a crit doesn't make up for the utter waste of time and credits.

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Well the credit farmers are rejoicing... This was a horrible change. This screwed the market for other crafters too.. people wont be able to afford their goods.


This is much preferable over how it was before.


We don't want it to be easy to get things like the expensive speeders and such. And money should have value.

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The Bioware Slicing Reserve just crashed the economy. Good one. I'm in propensity to save mode. I have no idea how to make credits now. I'm just going to level my characters, ignore crafting, ignore the auction house, and stop at 240 synthweaving (it's fairly craptastic anyway).
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As many people have said Slicing was Perfectly balanced for the End-Game Market as the cost of things went up and the profit you made balanced out.


But BioWare listened to the wrong people and this happened. What people seem to conviently forget about is that slicers give up a mission skill and have to buy the materials from their needed mission skill for their crafting skill.


Slicing doesn't yield a profit anymore or support your other profession enough as the chance of getting a mission on top of the 30+ Min wait without a tiny profit does not bode useful. It was the tiny profit (At mid to end-game) And the small chance of a useful mission that balanced it.


I will hold onto to the Skill for a little more in hopes of hot fix, but If I do not see one I will be dropping it.

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Here's my idea for a proper fix. Replace lockbox missions with hacking missions where the reward is a schematic or mission and possibly the occasional lockbox as the critical success reward for both hacking and augment missions.


It would still piss off all the people looking to for free credits, but the rest of us who took it for the schematics and augments will be able to better get what we are looking for. The credits would be a nice bonus from time to time. We'd be providing valuable schematics and missions for other crafters and it would stop the inflation issue.


i actually like that idea when ever i got a bonus mission it was like opening a present from christmas. i would like it a lot if they did it with the credit boxes as a bonus

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Maybe it is time to repurpose slicing then to something other than printing money.


I say change lockbox missions to Hacking missions that provide schematics and missions and the occasional lockbox. Or make is to lockboxes have the schematics/missions instead of credits. Let credits be the critical success reward rather than the missions/schematics as the critical success reward.


Hell make the lockboxes in slicing more like the ones from Treasure hunting where there is random loot in them as well.


I'll admit, I took slicing as a money maker knowing it would be changing at some point. Figured may as well try to make enough to train my driving skill before it was fixed. The nice side effect is I've gotten some nice schematics and missions as well, and those missions for other gathering skills give great returns. I'd like to see more of those and less free money.

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If you get nothing but negative returns on a mission, then why would you ever run missions? Such a system would be undermining itself.


Making sure that lockbox missions always yield a net loss in raw credits is akin to other gathering professions having a 90% mission failure rate. You get zero return on your standard mission results, and that magical 10% of the time that you get a crit doesn't make up for the utter waste of time and credits.


Crafting missions actually put goods into the economy and not just money. So it's not a fair comparison.


You would run missions to power level your slicing skill to 400 for relatively low cost.

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Reading the last couple of days about how op slicing was, I noticed most of the posts calling for nefs to it were from people who made a lot from it. The whiners had an agenda, keep all their credits while preventing others from the same opportunity.


Is this how BW plans on managing the game, by listening to the whiners with an agenda? I really have concerns about the future of this game if BW has no long term plans and will change things because a vocal few whiners.



Exactly! Hey, Bioware we have a problem. But don't worry, we abused the living f*** out of it first. :rolleyes:


They need to roll back about half of this nerf. It needed modest nerfing (hell, we said this ALL throughout beta), however this wasn't modest.

Edited by islander
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Enjoy the emails and tells folks, the harder it is to gain credits, the more likely folks will be willing to spend real money on them.


Cheer for the slicers getting nerfed now, but cry later when you're in spam hell about 100K credits for only $19.99.



I'm a crafter and I was more than happy with the system of them earning the money and giving it to me for my product. Now, not only am I going to have to do without the sales, but I'm also going to have to put up with credit farmer spam...


Thanks for the 'improvement' Bioware.


(Reposted from a closed thread because Bioware KNOWS this will be the result.)

Edited by Velocinox
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Congratulations on being the fastest growing subscription MMO in history, Bioware.


And an even bigger congratulations on being the fastest MMO company in history to implement a major, game-breaking nerf to the dismay of a very large number of your loyal fans and subscribers! Never before has an MMO publisher managed to resoundingly destroy an element of gameplay depended upon by so many subscribers in just one week from launch!


Do you not realize that if we pick Slicing instead of a resource-gathering crew skill that we are then beholden to those gatherers selling their excess materials to us? And now you have so severely nerfed this crew skill that if I attempt to send out companions, I am going to lose money rather than gain it? Did you even stop for one moment to think about this change before you implemented it, or was it simply a knee-jerk reaction to a bunch of level 25 people screaming because some were able to buy mounts a little bit easier than others?


If you intend to stick with this change as it currently stands, you need to create a new variety of mission box that contains a random crafting material along with the normal credit box. That way, players will "occasionally" proc a material they actually need, and when they they don't, they will be able to list those excess materials on the market for sale to other slicers and crafters who prefer to purchase their crafting materials. This is the ONLY way that you can pull this travesty of a decision out of the fire at this point.

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Enjoy the emails and tells folks, the harder it is to gain credits, the more likely folks will be willing to spend real money on them.


Cheer for the slicers getting nerfed now, but cry later when you're in spam hell about 100K credits for only $19.99.



I'm a crafter and I was more than happy with the system of them earning the money and giving it to me for my product. Now, not only am I going to have to do without the sales, but I'm also going to have to put up with credit farmer spam...


Thanks for the 'improvement' Bioware.


(Reposted from a closed thread because Bioware KNOWS this will be the result.)


Everyone always wants things easy.

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Enjoy the emails and tells folks, the harder it is to gain credits, the more likely folks will be willing to spend real money on them.


Cheer for the slicers getting nerfed now, but cry later when you're in spam hell about 100K credits for only $19.99.



I'm a crafter and I was more than happy with the system of them earning the money and giving it to me for my product. Now, not only am I going to have to do without the sales, but I'm also going to have to put up with credit farmer spam...


Thanks for the 'improvement' Bioware.


(Reposted from a closed thread because Bioware KNOWS this will be the result.)

Psh theyll never get that cheap its going for right now 8$ per 10k according to the spam on my server.

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Although I agree that doing a 50 minute mission for a loss and a small chance at a schematic or mission discovery is quite lame (and needs to be fixed, despite the following), people are neglecting to realize that Slicing is still very viable as a profit skill thanks to world gathering. Now that nodes are (somewhat) fixed, running around farming safes or just bumping into them during questing is plentiful and will definitely provide some credits. Still though, BW has completely removed any reason to do Slicing missions, which I expect to be fixed. Augments alone aren't worth it, maybe at endgame when people are min/maxing for the raids we don't have, but they're useless right now.
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Yeah rich missions return less than they cost. However, I did crit on one and got 6,000 credits so you can make money in that specific instance.


But now it's a money losing 'skill'. In effect, BioWare had turned slicing into a cash sink. We already have plenty of those.


They over reacted and nerfed the skill without bothering to give it any sort of QA testing. Sadly that sort of thing has become an industry standard.


But hey, the really critical stuff, like making sure all the baby names made it into the end credits, got completed.

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Stupid Bioware yes Slicing was overpowered but now its 100% useless.


TBH the return on non critted boxes was fine in most cases 2-400 (that was on lvl 5 boxes) above cost most of the time Pre-nerf.


It was the Crits that where the problem returning 5K+ of clear profit.

Edited by Kotli
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Cost 1415 - Moderate - Plug The Leak - Return 1307

Cost 1485 - Abundant - Data Race - Return 1368


Cost 295 - Rich - Vanishing Acts - Return 261

Cost 560 - Rich - Sullustan Conspiracy - Return 714



O'well... was fun while it lasted.

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As a pre-med student I have become extremely aware of the importance to treat the problem, whether thats a disease, infection, or in this case slicing's large profit gains. While I am still not quite sure that an actual problem existed or whether it was the salient moments of getting large boxes and people expressing their satisfaction in this that led to others displeasing attitudes towards slicing. However, if we do acknowledge that there was a substantial foundation in the claims we must identify the true cause of the problem. Being that the game has only been out technically for 7 days we must identify that the majority of players are not maxed level. Slicing without a doubt is easier to level than other crew skills because of its self-funding nature; you can continually send your companions on missions because they will at the very least fund the missions in and of themselves over a longer course of time. Once people who were no higher than level 30 had received class 5 boxes they were clearly making large profits, as they should have. Imagine actually being level 50 and getting 1k in a box. This would be absurd and make it completely useless, but to someone who is level 30 getting 5k in a box may be a bit extreme. With this being said we must acknowledge that the problem does not lie within how much each box yields but potentially the ease of maxing out that specific crew skill in comparisons to others, enabling one to yield the benefits for a level 50 character at level 30 and below. I want to reiterate that I don't even know for sure that this is a problem in the first place as this skill does not really benefit the persons crafting skills which will inevitably become much more profitable at higher levels and even out the initial imbalance; but, if there was one it was dealt with in the completely wrong way, you treated the symptoms of a problem. Instead of dealing with the problem, by making leveling slicing SLIGHTLY more difficult, you put a band-aid on the bi-products of the real issue.

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I'm not saying that Slicing didn't need a looky loo but now I actually lose money by sending people out on missions. I lost 300 credits and 1/2 an hour of time sending two companions out on a Rich Yield Tier 5 (Taking Back Control - 100 credit loss) and an Abundant Yield Tier 6 (Data Race - 200 credit loss).


I'm sure this is an oversight by someone somewhere. I'm guessing the jeweled and gilded medium cases aren't supposed to be on those mission tables or possibly those cases aren't supposed to yield so little. I dunno.


Right now Tier 3's and 4's still yield a profit but only if you come back with a green case and even then it's only a couple hundred credits. But the Tier 5's and 6's actually yield negative return.


I'm pretty sure that's not how it's supposed to roll especially when you're not only losing money but more importantly TIME.


At least I can still pilfer the **** out of slicing nodes in republic owned areas. So there's still that.

Edited by Gankstah
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Exactly! Hey, Bioware we have a problem. But don't worry, we abused the living f*** out of it first. :rolleyes:


They need to roll back about half of this nerf. It needed modest nerfing (hell, we said this ALL throughout beta), however this wasn't modest.


It also got a nerf during beta that reduced it quite a bit, to the level we saw at launch. What it needed this time was some fine tuning to balance it, not a complete hack job that left us with a useless 'skill'.

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Crafting missions actually put goods into the economy and not just money. So it's not a fair comparison.


You would run missions to power level your slicing skill to 400 for relatively low cost.


Slicing missions allow people to build the credits to buy those goods, and others' crafting materials. An increased number of credits floating in the economy inflates prices on the GTN, turning it into a seller's market where everybody can benefit.

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