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Item Stack Resale Exploit


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Then I can't help you, since you don't wish to bother to read... the proof is there in this thread if you bothered to read it, but if you choose not to, I can't make you.


Have a nice day...


The proof is in your head and that's about as far as it goes otherwise you would have no issues providing any.


I often wonder if people making posts like the one you made above though realize how foolish it makes them look.

Anything to try save face I guess even if it ends up making your argument look worse and worse by the post.

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I'm not saying that people shouldn't be accountable, but we are talking about issues like throwing a kid in jail for life cause he stole a candybar. It is just absurd.


Not even a close comparison. The amount of wriggling you are going through to try to minimize their (likely your) participation is amusing.

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Rumors going around that some of the Credit farmers are the ones who informed bioware of the exploit.


Because no one posted about it on the forums... oh wait, several threads about it in the month prior.


Rumors like this are just ridiculous.

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You need to go back and read it again...


More than 500 were permabanned... Thousands and thousands got temp bans...


So by your logic, anyone who cheats even $1 dollar on their taxes should have everything they own taken away, kicked to the street naked, and have the scarlet letter branded on their forehead?


More than 500 were permabanned, okay. It does not state "thousands and thousands got temp bans" you should learn to not just make stuff up to make whatever you are advocating to be important. This isn't Fox News.


My logic wasn't using real world, you shouldn't either. This is a video game, entertainment, that involves a contract you abide by when you play. You broke the rules and now you are banned with your items taken away.


If you want a real world example, I'll use it with entertainment. This is like those who try to sneak into front rows of concerts. You have tickets and you could just be returned to your seat. Except the venue kicked you out and won't refund your tickets. What are you going to do? Throw a tantrum? Threaten to sue? ROFL good luck.


I'm sorry that you got caught and that your millions or billions got taken away. I hope you learned your lesson.


Happy Holidays and God bless.

Edited by JourrnoRush
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Now we can argue that it was ridiculous that this exploit even existed and that it was known and allowed to persist for 6 weeks of course but we don't say the bad guy doesn't get arrested for burglary because a home owner was silly and left his door unlocked.


OFC if the bad guy does make that argument, the first question he gets asked is "How did you *know* that the door was unlocked?".

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Booo--hoo--hoooooo. I never cheated and I never want to cheat, but I can feel for people who lose everything, just for being able to use a bug the developers made.


I don't. Don't exploit. Plain and simple.


Losing everything is just punishment. They should be glad they're not perma banned.

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The proof is in your head and that's about as far as it goes otherwise you would have no issues providing any.


I often wonder if people making posts like the one you made above though realize how foolish it makes them look.

Anything to try save face I guess even if it ends up making your argument look worse and worse by the post.


If that makes you feel better, then by all means, say it and believe it.


People are interesting, they can be presented with piles and piles of evidence, and simply decide not to believe it because they don't "want to". You don't "want to", so you don't. Nothing will change your mind, regardless of the "proof", you'll just deny it anyway.


Have a nice day.

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More than 500 were permabanned, okay. It does not state "thousands and thousands got temp bans" you should learn to not just make stuff up to make whatever you are advocating to be important. This isn't Fox News.


I'm sure you think you're funny, in your own way. Sad that basic logic is lost on you. It doesn't have to state it, it is simple logic. A reasonable person can see it, but not everyone is reasonable.


I'm sorry that you got caught and that your millions or billions got taken away. I hope you learned your lesson.


So now who is making the unfounded accusations? Care to back up that claim? I'm still posting and never claimed to lose anything. In fact, I didn't because I didn't exploit, I was wealthy long before 4.0 dropped.


I'm simply trying to point out the completely flawed reasoning among the "burn them at the stake" people here, I hoped that went out in the middle ages, but sadly it didn't.

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I don't. Don't exploit. Plain and simple.


Losing everything is just punishment. They should be glad they're not perma banned.


The difference between losing everything and perma ban isn't that big. If all my chars would have been stripped off all currencies and other things I had long before, then I wouldn't bother starting from scratch. I'd just drop my sub and move on.


BW is punishing the players for their own laziness.

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Correlation is not causation...


True but there are plenty of studies that show that authoritarian governments rule Nations with less crime. As much as Singapore would like people to think "hey we look like the west so we are a free democracy!!!"


Well not really. They have been ruled by the same party since 1959 and critics of the government, including cartoonists have been arrested, tried and convicted of sedition. There have been more than a few studies that show that yes, their draconian laws are in large part responsible. Some have even called it a "Faustian deal" in that for security the people accept a loss of civil liberty


I know you are stretching for logical reasons to justify your stance but you really have yet to find one that is either not a veiled apologetic in nature or ignoring a simple fact. Any video game run by a corporation is, for its players, an authoritarian state. In the end they can do what they want, punish who and how they want. Ultimately in a situation like this all a player can do is "emigrate" as we are essentially unarmed. The "State" is not going to back down or roll back penalties nor will it apologize because to do so would be seen as a sign of weakness and simply embolden future exploiting.

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If they permabaned 500+ accounts, then reasonable logic would indicate that thousands and thousands of accounts got a temp ban.


Or are you suggesting that more people were permabanned than temp banned?


No it isn't reasonable. Your words thousands and thousands. You have not one shred of evidence to support that. Quit trying to claim your opinion as fact. It is ridiculous and childish.

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If that makes you feel better, then by all means, say it and believe it.


People are interesting, they can be presented with piles and piles of evidence, and simply decide not to believe it because they don't "want to". You don't "want to", so you don't. Nothing will change your mind, regardless of the "proof", you'll just deny it anyway.


Have a nice day.


You have definitely provided piles and piles of something but it is not proof of anything other than ******** stinks.


There is no proof of anything you have claimed as far as people asking for bans for people who bought stacks on the gtn. Prove that wrong.

Edited by Makillda
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I just wish there were more resources put into the development of more content for elder game guilds such as raiding and pvp guilds. Whenever there is an exploit or bug in favor of the player I see a very swift, deliberate action taken by BW to completely resolve it. But when the bug causes players to have a more difficult time in their progression I see BW either never responds or takes seemingly years to respond and then doesn't completely resolve the issue in some cases. I'm sick about the statement that it's not guaranteed for a Nightmare op to drop any nightmare gear at all. I'm sick about the decision to not provide raiding guilds a single new operation in the game and pvp guilds a single new pvp playing field in KOTFE. I'm sick about why in the full history of this game the Explosive Conflict on Denova has never been improved to drop more credits during the operation; this, an operation that has been in the game since the beginning with the same problem for four years. Could we please have something interesting, fun and rewarding now? Please? Focus that same effort and resolve you have with fixing exploits into developing a better end game. We love Star Wars. We would play it forever. We just want something new and exciting so we can enjoy it. Thank you!
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Why? It's an apt comparison.
yes one is breaking arbitrary rules in a fantasy world with space wizards and laser swords and the other is a real world construct designed to protect people and social order.


cheating in a game has no similarities to criminal behaviour.

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yes one is breaking arbitrary rules in a fantasy world with space wizards and laser swords and the other is a real world construct designed to protect people and social order.


cheating in a game has no similarities to criminal behaviour.


You are told not to do something, and you do it anyway. That, in and of itself, qualifies as disregard for order of any kind.

Yes, it's a game. But it has negative impacts on the game that affect everyone. If you don't follow the rules of the game, then you should face the consequences within the game.

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We're talking considerably more then a candy bar here. Hypothetical case, we say that 1 million is equal to $3 USD


The folks that got off with the lightest bans utilized the exploit for a minimal of 100 million credits + quite a few stacks of companion gifts. (Yes, this is totally subjective based on who I've chatted with)


So we're talking $300 USD right there.


Bla bla bla all you want is someone hanged, stoned and raped so you can applaud with thunder.


You people are no different then the salvages you so strongly poi t to, in fact, you peeps are worst tenfold.

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