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Item Stack Resale Exploit


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To whichever clown is driving the clowncar,


When are you going to stop taking credits from people? I had 20 mill pre exploit which are now gone. I dont want to earn a bunch more only to have you roll things back and take that too. Are you guys going to keep this up or can i make back the money you stole? Also, you took all warzone comms which afaik weren't exploitable so thanks for that. Plus my assassin's weapons are missing, which were Gree but purchased like a year ago. What are you guys doing there?


I hope you thank god every night before you go to bed that you are working on a star wars game, because if you put out a pos game like this and it wasn't Star Wars, about 12 people would play it.





Did you exploit though? It seems to me you are implying you did but they took extra on top? If so ... serves you right.

Shouldn't have cheated, consider that your punishment as opposed to being perm banned.

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I wouldn't be so sure. Suspension was primarily handed out to those that blatantly exploited I believe, not just "bought stuff from the GTN" - those have had items removed but this was the first I've heard of one being suspended.


Add to that his earlier posts in this thread ( if you can be bothered to read the history ) where he tries to play the innocence card and the "I just don't get why anyone would cheat" when he was clearly aware of the exploit and benefitting from it himself and yeah ... I just have no time or patience to give admitted cheaters any benefit of the doubt.


So your claiming that buying stuff from the GTN is now cheating?

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So your claiming that buying stuff from the GTN is now cheating?


Nah, hes saying buying goods you -knew- were exploited to resell for profits is cheating :D


Cmon, theres no way you didnt know all those stacks were fishier then market day in the sun. :p


I saw them rsised an eyebow and went "Nope!"

Edited by XiamaraSimi
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Nah, hes saying buying goods you -knew- were exploited to resell for profits is cheating :D


Cmon, theres no way you didnt know all those stacks were fishier then market day in the sun. :p


At first I didn't know tbh but then as time went on as I said I found out that something was wrong at how many stacks I was buying. But I did buy them with legitimate credits which I have made from the past 3 1/2 years of playing the game.

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Hey, I was home sick all day yesterday and ended up buying some costume sets from the GTN and after the rollback I'm suddenly lost all my progress, almost 12 hours worth! I lost all of my completed storyline missions, credits, equipment upgrades using common datacrystals, and heroic mission gear for that 12 hour period.


The items I bought from the GTN were 2 of the uglier outlander costume sets, and the Mandalorian Seeker set; were these on the exploit list or something? Why is my other gear gone too? Will I get them back? Can I get them back? I'm afraid to play any of my chracters for fear that any new progress I make is going to be erased if the powers that be deem my pleas worthy; is there an admin on this thread that has given assurances on way or the other?

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Hey, I was home sick all day yesterday and ended up buying some costume sets from the GTN and after the rollback I'm suddenly lost all my progress, almost 12 hours worth! I lost all of my completed storyline missions, credits, equipment upgrades using common datacrystals, and heroic mission gear for that 12 hour period.


The items I bought from the GTN were 2 of the uglier outlander costume sets, and the Mandalorian Seeker set; were these on the exploit list or something? Why is my other gear gone too? Will I get them back? Can I get them back? I'm afraid to play any of my chracters for fear that any new progress I make is going to be erased if the powers that be deem my pleas worthy; is there an admin on this thread that has given assurances on way or the other?


if you were on harbinger I think they had a rollback recently

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So why not just have the Game Warden just execute the hunter, that would be fair, right?


Um, Perhaps in a un-civilized world. But since i am speaking of laws with in the United States. No matter what goes on in this country, we are a country of laws and civilized people that obey them. If not and you commit any kind of crime there is a penalty or penalties. And again, if you are knowing of ones said actions and knowing it is no doubt a crime, then you have No one to blame for the punishment you will face. For the Innocents that accidentally do something, not knowing if it's a crime or an accident. Those type of circumstances has their own systems, to weed out if one was knowing or not of those crime/s or infractions.


So by saying what i have you quoting there. Makes me think you are one of them that has KNOWINGLY benefited from that exploit. Or other wise.


Me Thinketh, that you Protesteth, too much.....

But all and all, it is Up to BW to decide whom is guilty or not.

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Sadly your analogy fails.


Had that warden been Bioware, they would have stood there watching poachers come and go for weeks without action, all the while ignoring reports from honest hunters about the poaching problem, and only would have put down the donuts and taken action after a local TV station ran a spot on the 11 o'clock news about the all the poaching going on.


Should exploiters have all ill-gotten items removed? Yes.


Should we expect our 'warden' to do a better job preventing 'poaching' in the first place? Yes.


Oh ok, So you are one of those people that would blame the Banker for the Man POINTING a LOADED GUN at the Bankers face and threatening to pull the trigger if he doesn't open up the vault doors. So, you know, he can rob the bank bone dry.

Your one of those people.


Hear that BW? It's all your fault. Hell, why not just blame OBABA too! lol

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Hey, I was home sick all day yesterday and ended up buying some costume sets from the GTN and after the rollback I'm suddenly lost all my progress, almost 12 hours worth! I lost all of my completed storyline missions, credits, equipment upgrades using common datacrystals, and heroic mission gear for that 12 hour period.


The items I bought from the GTN were 2 of the uglier outlander costume sets, and the Mandalorian Seeker set; were these on the exploit list or something? Why is my other gear gone too? Will I get them back? Can I get them back? I'm afraid to play any of my chracters for fear that any new progress I make is going to be erased if the powers that be deem my pleas worthy; is there an admin on this thread that has given assurances on way or the other?


If from roll back then you should have back the credits you used to purchase the items.

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I didn't exploit and never have. But, based on what I'm hearing, this does seem a bit Draconian. Hopefully, those who were not major offenders and who did not directly impact others will have some recourse. It may well be the case that this blanket punishment was really the only recourse they had in lieu of the standard slap on the hand's of the past. I fully comprehend the circumstances in play. Yet, I would hope that those who have lost things that were rightfully earned will have those things returned in some sense. There is no legislative intent in play here to emulate drug seizure laws. So...with that in mind, common sense should rule the day. Cheaters shouldn't cheat. But, cheaters shouldn't be cheated. Otherwise, we're no better than they are.


I think the message has been sent...and received. Now, it's time to shake hands, fix what needs fixing, and move on. It's a game. Let's make it one again. :)

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At first I didn't know tbh but then as time went on as I said I found out that something was wrong at how many stacks I was buying. But I did buy them with legitimate credits which I have made from the past 3 1/2 years of playing the game.

Your vastly underselling yourself here.


Based on your posts here and on Reddit, you listed and sold many, many "stacks of 99" over many days. You were active in a couple of now-deleted threads discussing the low prices being due to an exploit before the bans happened. And you continued to list and sell these stacks of 99 even AFTER the official announcement from Eric about the exploit.


You may not have actually duplicated crystals using the exploit yourself (as you claim), but you certainly participated in exploit profiteering. To such a significant extent that I believe you were "under punished" by Bioware.

Edited by Khevar
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1) Enough with the analogies. None of them work.


2) I'm wondering why the people that got punished are so upset. With all they crying and whining and bad-mouthing about SWTOR that goes on here I would think they'd be happy to be gone, but no, they're upset, so why hate on something so much and then be angry that it's gone? They want the game to die anyway. Beware what you wish for I guess... but then don't cry about it when it happens.


3) With regards to the (awesome) exploiter punishments: On December 6, 2015, I sent in a ticket with the names of 19 players that had multiple stacks of gifts on the GTN that were most likely exploiters. It was up to the team to figure out if they actually were, I just did my duty.


I added them to my friends list (/friend) to see what would happen. I just checked that list today (12/14)... and it tells me that SIXTEEN (16) "player does not exist", so there's some great evidence that they did something about it.


These were "real" player names, not jumbled credit-farmer ones. Yes, it's possible that they could have simply deleted these characters themselves, but when 84.2% just "happen" to not exist all of a sudden it's pretty obvious why. I'm going to check the list again soon and see if any are back just in case "player does not exist" shows up even for temporary bans.


TL;DR - I have proof (even if it's just for my personal peace of mind) that exploiters are gone. I'm happy they took a hard stance on these losers.

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Your vastly underselling yourself here.


Based on your posts here and on Reddit, you listed and sold many, many "stacks of 99" over many days. You were active in a couple of now-deleted threads discussing the low prices being due to an exploit before the bans happened. And you continued to list and sell these stacks of 99 even AFTER the official announcement from Eric about the exploit.


You may not have actually duplicated crystals using the exploit yourself (as you claim), but you certainly participated in exploit profiteering. To such a significant extent that I believe you were "under punished" by Bioware.


To be honest I bought about 40 stacks total at around 1-3m per stack I broke even on some by reselling but made profit on others. The fact remains is that the GTN is and should be legit at all times, they know there are items out there shouldn't be there but its not our fault they were able to be listed on the GTN is it?


If I went out of my way I could have been buying up tons more as well when they were being listed every day but I didn't. I could have also bought up tons of gifts as well too but I did not.

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The fact remains is that the GTN is and should be legit at all times

I disagree.


If an exploit is discovered, allowing for a near-infinite manufacture of previously rare items, players who are aware of discussions about that exploit should NOT be involved in the buying and selling of those exploited items.


And, after official announcements are made on this very website, players shouldn't list multiple pages of stacks off 99 items obtained by the exploit. As you did.

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I disagree.


If an exploit is discovered, allowing for a near-infinite manufacture of previously rare items, players who are aware of discussions about that exploit should NOT be involved in the buying and selling of those exploited items.


And, after official announcements are made on this very website, players shouldn't list multiple pages of stacks off 99 items obtained by the exploit. As you did.


I got suspended but I guess they only meant items purchased using the actual exploit, not from the GTN legitimately. I would've been suspended for more time shouldn't I have if they thought that reselling them was an exploit as well?

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I got suspended but I guess they only meant items purchased using the actual exploit, not from the GTN legitimately. I would've been suspended for more time shouldn't I have if they thought that reselling them was an exploit as well?

No idea, actually.

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Secondly, I asked why they removed warzone comms. They did say they would be removing all commendations, but I assumed it was only commendations affected by the glitch. Still, my bad I guess.


Lastly, they removed all Gree weapons/offhands, most of which I had bought pre-3.0, let alone 4.0. They said nothing about that when they listed the punishment. Most of my toons use Gree offhands, so to lose the gear/augments in those was a headscratcher. It's fine if you do what you say they were going to do, but this wasn't that. Shows they are just sort of blindfolded, swinging at a pinada; as with most things BW does with this game. The people running this game are really bad at what they do.

well i suppose thats the point of "punishment". if u steal 2000$ from the store u dont just pay 2000$ to the store owner, u pay for court expenses, u serve some time or whatever as well.

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Lastly, they removed all Gree weapons/offhands,


They said they would be removing event currency/items.

Hey folks,


Here is another update on the exploit, and the action we have taken. We are continuing to investigate accounts and action is on-going. Here are the actions we have taken against accounts:

  • Suspension time, up to and including a permanent ban (more than 500 accounts have been permanently banned so far)
  • Removal of all Credits
  • Removal of all Currencies
  • Removal of all items which could be gotten from the exploit, including recurring Event Currencies and Companion gifts
  • Resetting of all Companion Influence to 0
  • Resetting progress of all Alliance Commanders to 0

The nature of this exploit is that players could use it to gain a wide array of things. This includes anything from credits, to event currency, to Companion affection via Rank 6 gifts. We are working to ensure that the action we take against player is fair, but makes it clear that use of exploits will not be tolerated.


We have seen quite a few comments and questions about accounts which have participated in laundering ill-gotten items and credits around. I will have an update on this later today. Thanks everyone.



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They said that after the fact though. Not consistent with what they originally said.


They also said it would be ongoing with additional changes.


Bottom line, you knew it was wrong yet -chose- to do it anyhow, these are the consequences of your choice.

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well i suppose thats the point of "punishment". if u steal 2000$ from the store u dont just pay 2000$ to the store owner, u pay for court expenses, u serve some time or whatever as well.


people need to stop comparing things that happen in a video game to real life. it's not the same. not even close.

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