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Item Stack Resale Exploit


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Odds are the guildy was a "I didn't cheat honest guys yet they did this to me!" when in fact he may have indeed cheated.

That's the thing with cheats, they often won't admit then fight vehemently to defend their non existent innocence.


This is why I sometimes enjoy the public shaming in these cases. Riot does a good job in Leauge with this. Players will post on their forums or Reddit that they were unjustly banned or suspended for being toxic. Riot has no issues with posting chat logs from the player's recent games where they spent the majority of their time telling allies to kill themselves or wishing they would get cancer and die.


Without any proof, the player base in this case will never know for sure if players were getting banned simply for using the GTN or if they were actually involved in some shady business.

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Tell me about it.


Applied for job Oct 3. Posting ended Oct 23. Got email was referred Nov 17. Got call they want to interview Dec 11. If I pass interview, probably won't start til some time in January.


Thank you, Uncle Sam.


..END OT..


In my personal opinion, short of executive positions, people worth hiring who apply Oct 3rd aren't still looking for a job come Jan.


The good ones are snatched up quickly.


If hiring for senior level positions, that doesn't always apply, but if you need a coder or artist, make sure you're ready to move when a good one shows up.




edit: I read that as that you were applying with Bioware, misunderstood...


The Government is another beast completely. :)

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I'm sure you think you're funny, in your own way. Sad that basic logic is lost on you. It doesn't have to state it, it is simple logic. A reasonable person can see it, but not everyone is reasonable.




So now who is making the unfounded accusations? Care to back up that claim? I'm still posting and never claimed to lose anything. In fact, I didn't because I didn't exploit, I was wealthy long before 4.0 dropped.


I'm simply trying to point out the completely flawed reasoning among the "burn them at the stake" people here, I hoped that went out in the middle ages, but sadly it didn't.



They even stated that there were a very small amount of players who went crazy with the exploit.

They stated with Ravagers that if there was another exploit and players took advantage there would be serious punishment.


You say I'm not using logic, you are just making things up rofl

You claiming, "Thousands and thousands got temp bans" is you just trying to get attention to something that isn't that serious. You are probably the same crowd of 50-75 people who whine the game is dying and then say you speak for everyone.


I'm just using, what do you call it? Logic with assuming you are among the exploiters, probably a temp ban. I'm using the same information and making assumptions just like you.


What is most pathetic, is that you are using real world examples (terrible ones at that) for people who got caught cheating in a video game.


You signed a contract when you login, you broke the rules, you got things taken away to include a ban. It says so right in the ToS.


I don't see you advocating "Wahhh the ToS is too strict!!!" it has been there the whole time, but now its too much because they are actually using their ToS to punish people?


Either regrind your stuff or stay subbed to complain on here.

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given the reddit posts about players keeping their billions, i think the 500 banned accounts figure is a complete fabrication.


What reason has BW:A to lie about that?


I do seem to recall them talking about the Ravagers exploit, and getting tougher with future exploits at the time.


On a side note, I've sorted out all my chars' companion pants situations; once the Gree event has ended, I will begin to search through any outstanding mail on all 107 characters.

Edited by sentientomega
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Most of the recent Reddit posts I've seen have been people losing their exploited stuff, nothing about keeping it recently.


I think that's cause it got into the hands of the public to fast and they really can't track it down that fast they only fixed the glitch this past tuesday. I'm not really sure if all these posts that had stuff taken away from them are true either, at first I believed them and was kind of worried about my account buying nearly 40 stacks of those completed bounty contracts off the GTN, but since the GTN is fair game.


I don't think they are doing anything to those that actually bought stuff on the GTN at all. I wouldn't mind if they had taken away the contracts that I have bought cause out of the 4 years of playing I have made so much more reselling random stuff on the Gtn than reselling those contracts.

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Odds are the guildy was a "I didn't cheat honest guys yet they did this to me!" when in fact he may have indeed cheated.

That's the thing with cheats, they often won't admit then fight vehemently to defend their non existent innocence.


Nah, this is a guildy who isn't like that. I know people like that but she isn't one of them.

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Nah, this is a guildy who isn't like that. I know people like that but she isn't one of them.


There was a post around here when this dude's wife got banned and he was swearing that she didn't...


We don't know and you really don't know if your guildie is a dirty exploiter or not.


The people getting GTN banned, its iffy. I KNOW there are people who know exactly what they are buying at bulk costco prices. I KNOW there are people who are laundering for their friends / guildies. I KNOW there are folks who don't live and breathe the forums who are innocent.


I trust BW will solve things correctly with banning and unbanning people. I do hope they stand their ground on resetting these players credits / comms / influence etc. though.

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Just now, I just bought 10 companion gifts for my droid for 44k each. The email had the gifts but they didn't transfer to my inventory. Not sure if the system still took my 445k. I filed a ticket to find out what happened.
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Nah, this is a guildy who isn't like that. I know people like that but she isn't one of them.


In that case about all they can do is ring customer service and plead their case.


I would say raise a ticket but I've got one open since 4.0 launched and why I still have obsolete materials in my inventory that dropped from packs after 4.0 and I don't see that getting resolved any time soon.


I would think fair scenario is you have exploited items removed ( even if you didn't exploit them ) but credits you paid for them refunded also ( unless they are tracking the credits as being exploited too somehow but I don't see how ).

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In that case about all they can do is ring customer service and plead their case.


I would say raise a ticket but I've got one open since 4.0 launched and why I still have obsolete materials in my inventory that dropped from packs after 4.0 and I don't see that getting resolved any time soon.


I would think fair scenario is you have exploited items removed ( even if you didn't exploit them ) but credits you paid for them refunded also ( unless they are tracking the credits as being exploited too somehow but I don't see how ).


I was suspended over the weekend, but they didn't take anything away from me which I have bought on the gtn.

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Ohhhh, so knowingly trafficking in exploited goods is punishable.


Yeah, its not laundering though its legit reselling, i wasn't hiding the fact that I was reselling.


Money laundering, disguising the origin of illegally gained wealth

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Yeah, its not laundering though its legit reselling, i wasn't hiding the fact that I was reselling.


Money laundering, disguising the origin of illegally gained wealth


Buying illegal stuff to sell it is not legal. Particularly if one does it knowingly.

Edited by Neglience
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Yeah, its not laundering though its legit reselling, i wasn't hiding the fact that I was reselling.


Money laundering, disguising the origin of illegally gained wealth


Never said laundering. They mentioned Laundering as being much more of a no-no. This does show us that "reselling" isn't immune to punishment when dealing with knowingly exploited goods. It's good to know.

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Buying illegal stuff to sell it is not legal. Particularly if one does it knowingly.


But this is a game, and it's on an in game Market System, which makes it legal here. But if you were to sell it online like some did then yes it is illegal.

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Yeah, its not laundering though its legit reselling, i wasn't hiding the fact that I was reselling.


Money laundering, disguising the origin of illegally gained wealth


So you bought goods with cheated credits and got to keep the goods?


Kind of fishy your earlier statements on how easy it is to make billions legitimately when you've not done it legitimately.


Of course you may be implying you were unfairly suspended but I don't once recall you being up in arms about that.

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So you bought goods with cheated credits and got to keep the goods?


Kind of fishy your earlier statements on how easy it is to make billions legitimately when you've not done it legitimately.


Of course you may be implying you were unfairly suspended but I don't once recall you being up in arms about that.


You can't post on the forums if your suspended, I posted on Reddit. Also I bought the completed contracts with legit credits which I have obtained before 4.0, I have made to many credits legitimately before all this.

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You can't post on the forums if your suspended, I posted on Reddit. Also I bought the completed contracts with legit credits which I have obtained before 4.0, I have made to many credits legitimately before all this.


I would believe you except you admitted to cheating basically and don't seem overly concerned about it so your credibility is basically zero now.


Also you're the guy posting "why would anyone need to cheat when it's soo easy to make credits in this game" in this very thread yet now you're admitting to cheating so I'm pretty sure I know where your fortune came from. Seems all that fluff you've been posting was just to try make yourself sound innocent when you weren't at any stage.

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I would believe you except you admitted to cheating basically and don't seem overly concerned about it so your credibility is basically zero now.


Also you're the guy posting "why would anyone need to cheat when it's soo easy to make credits in this game" in this very thread yet now you're admitting to cheating so I'm pretty sure I know where your fortune came from. Seems all that fluff you've been posting was just to try make yourself sound innocent when you weren't at any stage.


I have been reselling since the game came out basically, I know I had much more than what I have made off reselling these contracts. If its on the GTN its fair game no matter what it is tbh. Also yes it is easy to make creds either doing dailys almost every day or just rely on reselling on the GTN like the resellers do.

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I would believe you except you admitted to cheating basically and don't seem overly concerned about it so your credibility is basically zero now.


Also you're the guy posting "why would anyone need to cheat when it's soo easy to make credits in this game" in this very thread yet now you're admitting to cheating so I'm pretty sure I know where your fortune came from. Seems all that fluff you've been posting was just to try make yourself sound innocent when you weren't at any stage.


He did not exploit himself. He just bought all the cheated stuff cheap from the GTN with his credtis to resell it after the exploit is fixed for profit.


Personally i would remove all his stuff too. He is not better than the exploiters, he just thinks this is the safest way to make profit out of an exploit.

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He did not exploit himself. He just bought all the cheated stuff cheap from the GTN with his credtis to resell it after the exploit is fixed for profit.


Personally i would remove all his stuff too. He is not better than the exploiter.


At first I didn't know what was going on but in time I noticed at how many kept being listed on the GTN till I somewhat realised what was going on as a reseller. As I said I wouldn't mind them taking back the credits and contracts that I have left because I already had enough before 4.0 even hit. Also I believe you cannot really compare 6 weeks of reselling compared to a full 3 1/2 years tbh.

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To whichever clown is driving the clowncar,


When are you going to stop taking credits from people? I had 20 mill pre exploit which is now gone. I dont want to earn a bunch more only to have you roll things back and take that too. Are you guys going to keep this up or can i make back the money you stole? Also, you took all warzone comms which afaik weren't exploitable so thanks for that. Plus my assassin's weapons are missing, which were Gree but purchased like a year ago (EDIT: all of my gree offhands on all toons which were purchased like a year ago). What are you guys doing there?


I hope you thank god every night before you go to bed that you are working on a star wars game, because if you put out a pos game like this and it wasn't Star Wars, about 12 people would play it.




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He did not exploit himself. He just bought all the cheated stuff cheap from the GTN with his credtis to resell it after the exploit is fixed for profit.


Personally i would remove all his stuff too. He is not better than the exploiters, he just thinks this is the safest way to make profit out of an exploit.


I wouldn't be so sure. Suspension was primarily handed out to those that blatantly exploited I believe, not just "bought stuff from the GTN" - those have had items removed but this was the first I've heard of one being suspended.


Add to that his earlier posts in this thread ( if you can be bothered to read the history ) where he tries to play the innocence card and the "I just don't get why anyone would cheat" when he was clearly aware of the exploit and benefitting from it himself and yeah ... I just have no time or patience to give admitted cheaters any benefit of the doubt.

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