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Vote for new PvP content @ all PvP Players and BioWare


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- New PvP Map(s)


- Cross Server queues for Ranked Warzone

Cross server qeues should be available for all warzones imo, not just ranked.

- (possibly)No more Premade Groups for Warzones

I would rather suggest that you (if the cross server qeues for all warzones are invented) can decide if you only want to play against/with people that are listing solo aswell or if it's okay for you if you get premades in your or the enemies team. This works very well in e.g. Dota 2. Or maybe separate solo/premade qeues in general, idk.

Edited by Eskala
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Hi Guys


First of all, sorry for my bad English!


So there is no new PvP content between the last 2 Years...it's time to change!!!


Please, please all PvP Players only we can change that, so only write /sign under this Thread.

And Eric / BioWare please look on this Thread.


so here are my suggestions:


- New PvP Map(s)

This will most likely happen but do not expect to get something most ppl will enjoy...could be another badly designed 1, just like the wz where you fell like choking on the toxicity of the map.

- Cross Server queues for Ranked Warzone

Seriously doubt it, and I am only going by statements made by BW in past...after all, PvP is a minigame and I can not see BW making this kind of investment, knowing their history.

- (possibly)No more Premade Groups for Warzones

Just no, if we should get some unified pool of players, however that might look like then seperate ques might be an option but till then definitely not an option to consider.

(please note you can sign for all 3 Points or only for one if you want)


Thank you all for your VOTE


And now /sign[/quote


I am all for new PvP content but if I had to guess nothing will be introduced till late next year. So for all the petitions and vote this and that, it is all jolly good but it seems meaningless considering the current roadmap BW is taking.


Except for Story PvE content there is pretty much nothing on the horizon, many have already decided to w8 till there is enough of this kind of content to come back to. So sign up, Christmas is around so Santa just might bring you a present...altough that chimney does seem a bit blocked off by BWs ignorance....

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I don't agree with exluding premades from warzones (why would you prevent friends from playing pvp with each other?) or demanding cross servers. Cross server isn't possible, but BW has said they are working on a different alternative. I hope they keep to that promise.


I'd like to sign for the part where you mentioned asking for new maps and new warzone modes.

Edited by Trevor_the_Bruce
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As bad as it is for end game PvEers right now, even with the fact that by definition PvP requires less new content due to its nature, the PvPers have things even worse with just how long a drought it has been. /sign


New MMO content now. I'm not even asking anymore. Bioware, you've seen how many people are unsubbing because you are refusing to put out repeatable content. Meanwhile you are promoting generic companion number 57 and a "free" "bonus" chapter that we have to pay ~$100 for as the "biggest announcement ever".

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That little part about premades, I cant see any reason to punish people who put together grps, if they bother you so much put together a grp to compete with them or here is a novel idea, create a guild with like minded pvpers....get a voice chat program, decided who is playing which classes in the grp and BAMMMM pre-made grp.


But yes, anything to get some PvP love.

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Could not care less.
its ok, not everyone is skilled enough to fight things that actually fight back.


but thanks for chiming in on something you dont care about even tho not caring would be not opening and replying to this topic.

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+ new gsf-maps

+ new gsf-modes, example: attacking/defending a stardestroyer/outpost


Yep, this would be cool. Some elaborate, deep PvE facet for GSF is prolly quite deep in the " in perfect world.." setting. Something like combat around Capital Ships where victory is earned by destroying hardpoints.. it could actually work. It could also potentially provide a brand new pilots an activity that isn't as frustrating learning environment.

Edited by Stradlin
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Vote for new PvP content @ all PvP Players and BioWare


So there is no new PvP content between the last 2 Years...it's time to change!!!


Please, please all PvP Players only we can change that, so only write /sign under this Thread.

And Eric / BioWare please look on this Thread.


so here are my suggestions:


- New PvP Map(s)

- Cross Server queues for Ranked Warzone

- (possibly)No more Premade Groups for Warzones


So you say PVP but your post only lists or refers to Warzone content only.


Open World PVP and PVP servers aren't affected by this poll.

Edited by Falensawino
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