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All-time favourite companion?


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Senya is definitely my favorite. Her backstory makes her a very strong character in my book, and I love her somewhat calm, logical personality, as well as her model design. A shame she isn't romanceable (yet).


Non-KotFE, it's difficult to say. Honestly, most of them didn't really stand out to me, much. There were some I outright disliked (Kira, Kaliyo, Gus, Quinn, and Skadge), though.


One I'd like to say I liked was Pierce, particularly once I recruited him in KotFE on my Operative (main). I see some people call him a "dumb brute," which I assume comes from some kind of profiling mentality based on him being body type 3 and having a gruff voice, but he's actually fairly intelligent, and polite. I went through his story on my Warrior and he's very dedicated to the Empire and pretty much a model Imperial soldier (unlike, say, Quinn, who is such an obnoxious brown nose).


Senya and Pierce are my primary companions of choice on my Operative in KotFE.


Runners-up include: [REDACTED]


No, you know what? I realized this when writing this post: I can't really narrow down a small number of favorites aside from Senya, so I'm listing my most loved companions (in no particular order) and why.


Vette - Her witty observations help lighten the mood a bit in the Warrior story, and I like her general spunky attitude. She does it without going overboard (unlike Kira), which I appreciate.


Jorgan - A hard-*** with a heart of gold. Despite being a bit gruff, he has a strong moral center and understands when a situation or order is seriously south, but a good enough soldier to follow his orders. I don't really know why I see so many people say they dislike him.


Temple, Vector, and Talos - Putting these three in the same section because I like them for similar reasons, which boils down to them all being strongly loyal to the Sith and the Empire while still being relatively "good" people that just believe firmly in the Imperial cause. I wish Temple had a bit more time for development, though, because, from what I remember, her story seemed a little rushed.


Lokin - Somewhat similar to the previous entry, in that I love his cheerfulness, but that doesn't detract from the fact that Lokin is a ruthless bastard, but I'd be damned if I wouldn't enjoy a good wine tasting with him. The Ferengi saying, "The bigger the smile, the bigger the knife," goes pretty strongly with the old doctor, but he's still a friendly fellow who values his friends greatly.


SCORPIO - One of my mainstays pre-KotFE (in part because she was a tank, admittedly), her background was interesting, and I liked having courteous conversations with her while she actively tried to find a way to kill me. SCORPIO's story ending with me gaining her respect was a very satisfying conclusion after learning about her and initially gaining her ire. Also, in KotFE I was very happy to be reunited with her, and give brief commentary about her to Lana.


Risha - Her importance to Chapter 1 of the Smuggler story definitely helps, in part because it was great to see her develop from a seemingly overbearing manager who's practically holding your money for ransom to a woman that actually has more compassion than her initial abrasive mask portrays, but still being a pragmatist that doesn't let her feelings get in the way of her goals or what's important, unless things are seriously wrong.


Khem Val - Pretty much the ideal Sith companion, along with Pierce. Excellent guide to how a Sith should act, without going full Stupid Evil, and his devotion to his old master is interesting to hear about.


Andronikos and Tanno Vik - Like the three Imperials above, these two are in the same category for somewhat similar reasons: gruff pirates who are pretty cool guys all around. Both of whom, in my opinion, hold traits that, while being fairly self-serving, help distinctify them and make them more likable than Kaliyo being an absolute, disloyal maniac. Sure, they're a bit scummy---particularly Tanno---but you can count on them.


M1-4X - This is a brief summary, but that does not mean I like him any less. I love 4X's being a literal propaganda machine. The stuff he says, in the voice he says it, is just phenomenal, and I like how he makes me think of the nationalistic messages of the Old World in the Fallout games. His voice actor even made 4X sound like the narrator of an old propaganda flick, which is all the more perfect.


Blizz - I mean... do I really have to say why?


Actual honorable mentions: Qyzen Fess, T7-O1, and HK-51/55. Don't get me wrong, I do really like these guys, I just don't have much to say on them. Very enjoyable characters, though.

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1) Aric Jorgan - one and only my favorite catman

2) Vette - bff

3) Gault Rennow - one and only favorite conman

4) Blizz - "Boss, boss! Did you see Blizz, boss?"

5) Lt. Pierce - my marauder favorite big guy

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Blizz, Quinn (yes, you heard me), Bowdaar, Gault, Talos, Pierce (I love how he and Quinn hate each other, lol).


I want to say Theron, but you can't use him in the Star Forges :mad: So I hate wasting companion influence boosts on him when I'm going to need someone stronger that I CAN use. He gets them as an after thought.

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Best Comps IMO

1) Gault. I just loved the snark.

2) Scourge. Something about him was just so appealing. Imagine my upset when I found out I couldn't romance him.

3) Theron. Between the deadpan humor and the totally socially inept, I found myself liking him.

4) Pierce. He's so painfully blunt. And the fact that he's my SW's friend with benefits didn't hurt either.


Worst Comps IMO

1) Ashara. Because she doesn't want to go against her teachings.

2) Temple. Just... so bland. I kept waiting for her to be interesting but it never happened for me.

3) Skadge. My ship would need a bigger airlock, but I would be willing to find a way to stuff him out of the one I have.

4) Doc. He was just a total creeper. Like... bad uncle turned gods gift to women **** star creeper.

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I never can pick only one when something needs to be picked. So:


1. Vector - VA, Techstaff, looks, story, Vector is awesome

2. Malavai Quinn - Again I love the VA, looks, story, Malavai is awesome


Maybe them being female LI's hit the nerve for me, BUT I have never romanced Vector because I play guys. I would if I was allowed. I'm romancing Malavai right now for scientific reasons (recording it) and rolled my only female-char for that, and experience is PAINFUL. Either it is the worst romance in existence or I just guess the wrong options every time my chick opens her pie-hole. Malavai deserves better. No wonder he betrayes you. I would too in his shoes. I can't wait it is finished and done and youtubed. I have to tell myself all the time I DO IT FOR MALAVAI! And this is def the first and last time I'm happy I can now speedrun and roll throuhg story. And to think how much I adore my male-SW...he would have fitted to that romance very well.

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I truly hate that line. I think that is a big part of why I don't run with her.


I am not sure what's wrong with "eat lightsaber, jerk". It just a normal battlecry. The one most annoying comment is Tharan's "Did I mention I'm a pacificist?"


(Answer: Yes you did! About six billion times!)

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I am not sure what's wrong with "eat lightsaber, jerk". It just a normal battlecry. The one most annoying comment is Tharan's "Did I mention I'm a pacificist?"


(Answer: Yes you did! About six billion times!)


While I do not judge companions by their lines, I did find it weird if I go attack animal who is minding his/her own business and she states that line. Especially since technically we are the jerks.


Thing about those lines is to ignore repeations and just accept it as limitation of programming.

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