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  1. Not the point of the thread. Your post is just like the "SM too hard" you complain about.
  2. We will more than likely never see this implemented, but I think the time has come to introduce Nightmare versions of Flashpoints. 4-man group content is the lifeblood of this game for me. Having a final tier of challenge for old content? Absolutely. If new mechanics are introduced to each fight? Even better. This is just my personal wish for the game. That, and more 4-man content that isn't Uprisings, of course. I'll edit with suggestions for new mechanics, but what do you guys think would be cool mechanics to see in revamped boss fights? Just to get the ball rolling: what if Mentor's laser were active from the start of the encounter? And, what if there were 2 Interrogators on each side of the room that you needed to deal with? The catch: you need to keep them within 25% of each other or one will go invulnerable until the other reaches the threshold. On top of that, each Interrogator spawns 2 doppelgangers instead of one.
  3. The Isotope is more valuable to me than the CXP pack. I usually form my own groups to avoid group finder on principle, since the people you meet in there are often robotic in practice and mentality.
  4. I had a good chuckle. You'll either learn or surrender to your initial frustrations. Such is life.
  5. It takes more than brainstorming. At a corporate level, you need the manpower and the funding to back furthered development. If they don't get either, then cheap tricks won't last long. We are where we are right now because of staff cuts and budget slashing (for a certain EA title that failed, might I add.) Think about it: while 4.0 was an update that lacked actual content, it was a major slate for the rest of the game to be developed on. We never got what we were supposed to get after 4.0's initial launch. Look at the chapters that came afterwards, as well as any content: all of it managed by a skeleton crew getting thinner and thinner. Right now all we can do is cross our fingers for EA to pump money into the game's development, otherwise we're stuck with gimmicks (like the server merge) that don't last.
  6. Early 2.0. I missed most of the shenanigry of the 1.x era (thankfully.) I suppose I'll be here when the lights go out. My only wish for this game would be to see what TOR could have been if not for Andromeda's development robbing most of our staff post-4.0. Woulda been one hell of a ride, I think.
  7. Better to enjoy the last days of the game in quiet bliss, I suppose. Might as well, seeing as how some people just aren't mentally capable of avoiding stress or conflict.
  8. They don't learn. The snowflakes continue to bemoan a steady population whilst bickering with the white knights and trolls over the game's longevity (or current state.) I've seen it happen enough now to know that it's just going through the motions at this point. But your post is one of the very few in the entirety of this forum that understands what is happening, and why it is happening. But nothing changes. The same people that make the same posts and threads about how they "think" the game should be, or how they "think" the game is doing are the same ones that will scratch their heads when it's gone. At this point I'm just enjoying the ride. Keith can try--nothing against him, honestly--but it takes more than just vision or communication to turn it around. The game had a decent run. Not the best, by far, but it had its high points. I'll just enjoy the merger for now. Might as well, knowing how this usually goes.
  9. Gear has never assisted a player's intelligence or capability. Limiting the queue to the upper-echelon of gear ratings is folly and will produce even more toxic teammates with which to group. For raids it is fine considering the difficulty of that content, but for flashpoints--content which requires minimal awareness and character comprehension--it is laughable.
  10. 242 for GF on Master Mode Flashpoints? You can clear it in token-ready 65s or 60s. Hell, you can clear MM in fresh-50s. A gear check doesn't prevent autism.
  11. We're more likely to see a mega server than actually have Lightning/Madness buffed. Not against it, but I'm realistic about the possibility of it happening, too.
  12. Just waiting for the game to go silently into the night.
  13. Unless they fix this mess before June I'm not renewing. Even then I probably won't have a reason to renew because my friends have decided that they're essentially done with the game. LOTRO looks better and better every day this GC mess continues.
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