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All-time favourite companion?


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Jaesa. Unlike almost every other damn companion under the sun, her destiny and origins actually orbit the PlayerChar's class story in a very meaningful way. Story is, for a good while, about her. This sets her apart from most everybody, who are usually just mentions on sidelines in comparison.



While his companion story is minimal, his background is deeply intertwined with the Inquisitor's heritage, being the servant of Tulak Hord, the Sith Lord who murdered the Inquisitor's ancestor, Lord Kallig.

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Hi im a new player only been playing for 2 weeks but please tell me Kira doesn't die in this game. I sware ill go to dark side and start killing everyone and everything in this game:eek:


I think you'll be okay, assuming I don't get to her with my giant slugs of course... ;)

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It's a tie between two:


Vette: I love her personality and attitude, she's the perfect counter to my warrior and makes him think twice about whether his decisions are for the greater good. Also she is my favorite romance, my warrior is proudly married to her and has never cheated. Unlike my sorc who had a brief fling with Lana or my scoundrel who boinks anyone she has the option to...


Akk dog: my cuddly wuddly puppy. I friggin love him, especially thst he can heal me...with affectionate saliva! If bio would let me name him he would top vette quick.


I'm a add a third


Rokul (spelling?) The gormak from the star fortress voss. I've been waiting for a gormak companion ever since questing on voss. Bio finally delivered.

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Hi im a new player only been playing for 2 weeks but please tell me Kira doesn't die in this game. I sware ill go to dark side and start killing everyone and everything in this game:eek:


She has not returned in any of the stories yet, so her status is unknown.



though I think if you have your ship stay and defend Marrs ship and not escape to imperial space somone will end up dieing. No clue who yet, and I sent my friends all back to the Empire so I should be safe. Don't take my word on this. It's just speculation and rumor.


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I have a great fondness for Felix Iresso. The way it's written it's like he makes the female jedi consular feel like she's a woman instead of just the jedi to call in an emergency. I don't think I'd be able to hack having the lack of love or affection as a jedi, so I love her having that weakness toward him- just a regular guy, a soldier, who up and kisses her, and she goes for it. He obviously has a good heart too. And I like his voice as well.
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For me my all time favourite has to be Treek,let her die on purpose imagining she is my ex mother in law,she looks about the same rofl.


Nah in all seriousness im really fond of Treek,leveling a BH at the moment and Blizz is also pretty cool,dont know if i will finish the class story on my BH thou,arsenal is just sooo boring,rotations seems to be made for chimps to play.

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Vector, Vector, Vector. :D He's interesting, sweet, unique, and has a great sense of humor that gets missed a lot because of his delivery. My female agent was my first character, and I refuse to take her through KotFE until they fix the romance bug so I don't lost my bug romance. ...he's also kind of always making this :3 face if you look closely.


Theron has quickly moved to a close second, with the power to actually make me spend real-world dollars because of my fondness for the character (spent 7.99 on that book.) Those two are in a league of their own for me. If I had to rank them like companion gifts it would be -


Love: Vector, Theron

Favorite: HK, SCORPIO, Senya, Vette

Like: Mako, Elara, Blizz (just haven't played BH enough), Quinn & Talos


I personally don't feel any vitriol for Quinn, because the whole thing that most people hate him for just felt so poorly-written and out-of-left-field for me that I don't even really remember it when I think of the character. I knew it was coming, was expecting it to be polarizing and upsetting and make me dislike him, and then the execution was just so flubbed that I came out of it with no strong feelings about the whole thing.

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I don't have one universal top, because it's a bit dependent on the class, but I have two winners for top prize:


For my Rattataki agent, Kaliyo. I see what it is about her that means people don't like her, but for my agent, she's just right. I'm somewhat distressed by the number of people who say "the Rattataki" to my agent, and they always mean Kaliyo, never him. Like going to see Darth Jadus in his office on DK, and the guards tell me that the Rattataki must wait outside. I had no lines offered like "Which one?" or "What, both of us?" or "OK, Kaliyo, go ahead, I'll wait for you out here." Raina Temple, on the other hand, has inspired me to plan another he-Agent.


For my from-1 Commando main, Lana. She asked Aric to inspect her equipment in 1-50, and she teased a kiss and a bit more out of Theron in SoR, but Lana was just there by the little pond on Zakuul, looking, well, um, like she needed to be romanced. Game over. For non-romance, I'd have to say 4X. 4X is so enthusiastically gung-ho "Pour La République!"(1) all the time, and his exploits to boost troop morale were amazing!


Honourable mentions to: Vette, DS Jaesa, Revel Andronikos the philosopher-pirate, Raina Temple, Corso, and Doc from the 1-60 game, and Senya as companion / Hylo as staff from KotFE.


(1) I play with the game set to French. I find some of the translations to be highly dubious (Keeper becomes "Cerbere", Cerberus, for example. Of course the Gravestone becomes "le Cénotaphe" (Cenotaph, empty tomb) which is an awesome name.


As for occasionally-proposed companions, on the down-side is Thana Vesh. My SW (Mara) would only allow her as a companion if he was allowed to dismiss her by sticking his sabres up to the hilt in her ears.

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So I can't just choose a few fav's but I will list the characters per class that I like, and those I don't any who don't appear on the list I am indifferent to:




Kira - Strong, opinionated and loves some banter

T7 - utility droid, star wars... enough said


Doc - feels creepy and I think he must be on some register somewhere.

Rusk - He is ok just does not fit the knight.




Qyzen - he has his own life guidelines and does not deviate from them, its easy to know what he will do at any 1 time


Theron "did you know I am a pacafist" - for the quote alone, but he is shallow and only thinks of himself and holiday




Jorgen - Occasionally run by his emotions but I can trust him to do the right thing

Elara - great story from what is seen as a cold women coming around to love someone

Forex - republic propagander machine

Yuun - not sure why but I do


Vik - the guy was dishonourably discharged once already yet he comes back in the best spec ops team in the republic, I would take the second best choice any day.




The wookie (I can never get his name right) - smuggler, wookie perfect combo almost as good as Knight + T7

Akaavi - something about how hard she was when you first meet her, no pleasantrys with her but she does melt




Vette on my LS warriors only - chirpy, sarcastic

DS Jaesa - somehow I like psycho girls go figure...

Lt Peirce - he is a guy who I know if I tasked him with a mission he would either complete is or die trying, a much better soldier than Quinn in my opinion.


Quinn - smarmy, overconfident and we really should have had a option to kill him after that event.




Khem - Force eating creature whats not to like


Bounty Hunter


Mako - freindly, can be chipper and good info gatherer.

Torian - My mando brother.


Gault - Mainly because he is a great hunt target and I risk being found out I did not kill him



Dr Lokin - Funny guy and "wise"


Temple - I can't say why really

Kalyio - you can't trust her further than your own nose so why keep her around.

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Vette – I totally married her on my SW. It’s weird, without really thinking about it, past level 50 I went more and more Light side choices, resulting in kind of getting tired of the horrifying Sith I created in my apprentice.


In KOTFE I’m really liking Xalek, on my SW oddly. He’s still Sith, but he doesn’t seem to be insane. “Let us be great.” Also, I like Kaleesh.


I like Choza Rabbat also. Wait. I seem to just like aliens.

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In my main (Consular) I was rolling with my Padawan, Nadia. But now she's gone and hope to have her back soon in the story, and hope that all this time away from me have made her a good Jedi, like her Master :D


So now I'm doing the 1000 kills with Imperial droid, might as well do the same for every new companion and end up cruising with Veeroa, to finish her training


Got to mention that I have a personal hate to Gault, for all the trouble he gave my BH in Tatooine :mad:


Secondary Alt (Smuggler) running with Princess Risha

Knight with his Padawan as well (Kira)

Trooper with healer Elara

Bounty Hunter with Blizz

Warrior with Aprentice Jaesa

Inquisitor with buddy Xalek

Agent with Scorpio

Dark Side Sage (low level still) with Fess

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I am not sure what's wrong with "eat lightsaber, jerk". It just a normal battlecry. The one most annoying comment is Tharan's "Did I mention I'm a pacificist?"


(Answer: Yes you did! About six billion times!)


I think it's just stupid and equally as irritating as Theran's pacifist line. I don't run with Theran either. He just hangs around my ship wearing sexy clothes. :o

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