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Mass Exodus , due to patching, Nerf and bugs


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This Poll is pretty telling. http://strawpoll.me/6044247/r


Its not 80% but its in the 70's of those that have voted so far. If they had in game polls like this they could get some real data.


Yes, if they had the poll in game (I've seen it done in other games, where it prompted you to fill out a poll upon loading in), but that poll is no more reliable than any other posted on game related websites. It only shows that of those who frequent that website and opened that topic and cared to click on the link and do the poll, results. Its not a polling of the players, just some specific part of them. The poll that's really going to matter to BW is the number of people dropping sub and/or not doing the content.

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97.854% of statistics created by General Chat community are made up on the spot. 100% of the numbers you cake up belong in this category.


KOTFE was a very story centered. linear, pipe-run 10 hour expansion, which offers pretty needless Alliance rep grind and soloable two man content as new end-game. People who returned for KOTFE are now done with KOTFE. In general, even massively successful MMO expansions have busy launch window, followed by less busy post-honeymoon era. This is even more the case with an expansion that is all about the story.


If scale and severity of ridiculous, entitled, spoiled general chat forum primadonna QQ garbage were some kind of an indication on what is or isn't important in this game, then we all must agree a Cartel Market slot machine is the single most essential feature in all of SW:TOR.


Three dozen people are enraged because their companion has stopped playing the game for them. Every last one of them needs to start a thread of his/her own about this. It goes on for few weeks. Then it's back to business as usual.


I fully agree this all was very badly handled by Bioware though. They did not balance companions for KOTFE launch at all. Unless you wanna consider dropping a 100km x 100km meteorite utterly crushing the scales as " balancing" that is. Around September, even the most entitled forum primadonna would have been quick to agree that entire idea of a super god companion who ensures you never lose fights and dishes out measures of healing superior to your fellow players specced for heals is silly and damaging. However, now people have gotten a taste of it. For few weeks there, things were absolutely dysfunctional in terms of integrity of game mechanics and common sense.

Edited by Stradlin
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The main thing from that poll is to see that 600+ people have canceled or considering canceling their subs. The overall percentage of the subs could be more or less, but the fact is a lot of people are canceling. Edited by Xenooo
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It doesn't matter if it's 5% or 80%, the fact is, there is ZERO good about this nerf. There's not one positive thing that came from it...all it's done is build resentment and frustration with an already lackluster Dev team.


4.0 had been going extremely well and the mood has never been more positive around here...until this nerf...this was one of the most foolish things I've ever seen a development team do. Who gives a flip if they were OP? The players are having FUN and enjoying the game in numbers we haven't seen in a long time. Those who thought they were OP had the tools available to them to increase their own difficulty, but they lacked the self control to do so. It was the best of both worlds.


Bioware will reap what they sow.

I think this was the best patch since 4.0. 4.0 was terrible, I was about to unsub and just watch the next story updates on youtube because they took they 'game' out of the video game and I was not having any fun. This brought back challenge. I played the final Arcaan fight on a new toon and it felts like the boss battle it should have, vs fighting any interchangable drone. I had to use come cool downs, I couldn't just stand in the fire because I couldn't die. It was refreshing.

Edited by Arlon_Nabarlly
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Actually the poll of 400+ players showed that only 10% of the player base supports the change


The healing data has been posted in dozens of threads



For the small vocal group that want the Nerf to stand , you can spam the forums , shout down others all you want , bug in the end it just means the game will need to shutter before the end of next year


you mean the poll conducted and fielded in an area where only the angry are showing up?

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I think this was the best patch since 4.0. 4.0 was terrible, I was about to unsub and just watch the next story updates on youtube because they took they 'game' out of the video game and I was not having any fun. This brought back challenge. I played the final Arcaan fight on a new toon and it felts like the boss battle it should have, vs fighting any interchangable drone. I had to use come cool downs, I couldn't just stand in the fire because I couldn't die. It was refreshing.

Your difficulty sliders were there...why didn't you use them? You had the ability to make it more challenging...why didn't you?

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The main thing from that poll is to see that 600+ people have canceled or considering canceling their subs. The overall percentage of the subs could be more or less, but the fact is a lot of people are canceling.


or are letting off steam and making empty threats. Go back in time and look at all the concrete claims of everyone unsubbing and its a wonder there are any people in game now.

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You had the ability to limit your companions abilities or nullify them altogether if you wanted. You didn't do that.


Because everyone loves a game that to enjoy it you have to handcuff yourself. That's a poor game and I'd stop playing before jumping through hoops to make it enjoyable. As customers we have the right to say what we don't like (a point you talk about all the time). We did and they responded. Don't yell at us because you don't like the results. Yell at the developers or speak with your wallet.

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Your difficulty sliders were there...why didn't you use them? You had the ability to make it more challenging...why didn't you?


No they weren't, but I did open a suggestion page to ask for exactly that. It's in my signature. I think having the ability to very directly change the effectiveness of companions could help make both sides of this happy and it's something I support.

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No they weren't, but I did open a suggestion page to ask for exactly that. It's in my signature. I think having the ability to very directly change the effectiveness of companions could help make both sides of this happy and it's something I support.

You already had them. Your lack of understanding how to use them doesn't mean they didn't exist.

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Because everyone loves a game that to enjoy it you have to handcuff yourself. That's a poor game and I'd stop playing before jumping through hoops to make it enjoyable. As customers we have the right to say what we don't like (a point you talk about all the time). We did and they responded. Don't yell at us because you don't like the results. Yell at the developers or speak with your wallet.

Not everyone would have had to handcuff themselves, only a few elite players did.


And if you really are this interested in challenges, what the hell are you doing running heroics? HM FPs and Ops are the "challenging" content, not the grinding content.

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or are letting off steam and making empty threats. Go back in time and look at all the concrete claims of everyone unsubbing and its a wonder there are any people in game now.




Since apparently people need proof. And yes, when they screwed the pooch with SOR and the exploits and then the slot machine, as you can see I never bought another CC again, just like I claimed back then.


You still think I'm not serious about letting that sub run out (no idea why it's saying August 2016 when you can see the recurring 180 billed in August 2015. But as you can see, I supported this game... ALOT. My girlfriend probably spent more than I did too, so they are losing 2 people who spent over 100 bucks a month on this game, in addition to the subs.

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I hereby also declare that PvP'ers make up 98% of the entire playerbase, thus BioWare need to seriously start focusing on PvP content. I have about as much data to back up that claim as you.


93% of all statistics are made up on the spot.

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Fall 2016 EA will announce server closure ... unless 4.0.2 is immediately addressed





history repeats itself ad infinitum


COME ON... I mean REALLY. EA hasn't even closed Ultima Online yet....and just how many subs do you think that it has? Do you honestly think they are going to close a high property IP like SWTOR, especially since they have already paid for it? Lets try to be realistic here.

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To be honest, subscriptions are a big part of their revenue, but F2P accounts actually spend so much on unlocks and cartel market stuff that all they have to do is add a few more skimpy armors and speeders, and they won't feel the difference.


The decision to nerf was made because we're chewing through KotFE too fast, bypassing the introduced grinds for companion influence and for upgraded equipment. They don't care how we feel, they're just looking at what we're doing, and what it means for their bottom line.


Then they aren't looking at their bottom line very closely? I doubt 80% of the population is ready to quit, and I don't even want to venture a guess as to how many may go, but the fact that people are jetting should be an indicator that something is wrong. Whether it's due to the patching issues, comp nerfs or bugs, I wouldn't venture a guess either and I won't put a lot of stock into "I cancelled my sub" posts that aren't accompanied by a dated exit survey either. Some are blowing off steam, some will follow through, and others are riding the bus, hoping to bluff their way through, sort of par for the course on MMO forums.

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COME ON... I mean REALLY. EA hasn't even closed Ultima Online yet....and just how many subs do you think that it has? Do you honestly think they are going to close a high property IP like SWTOR, especially since they have already paid for it? Lets try to be realistic here.


Technically they can't now :p

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To be honest, subscriptions are a big part of their revenue, but F2P accounts actually spend so much on unlocks and cartel market stuff that all they have to do is add a few more skimpy armors and speeders, and they won't feel the difference.


The decision to nerf was made because we're chewing through KotFE too fast, bypassing the introduced grinds for companion influence and for upgraded equipment. They don't care how we feel, they're just looking at what we're doing, and what it means for their bottom line.


lol you are delusional. FTP players don't spend anything at all. They are ftp because they can't afford a monthly sub and no other reason. They do not buy anything and if so they do it very rarely or with the coins they get from the game.

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lol you are delusional. FTP players don't spend anything at all. They are ftp because they can't afford a monthly sub and no other reason. They do not buy anything and if so they do it very rarely or with the coins they get from the game.


Citations needed.


I know of a couple of people that can't/won't commit to a sub, but buy off the CM. I'm just one guy, on one server where I'm guilded. I wonder how that extrapolates out to the rest of the game? Not the forums, the game.

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Citations needed.


I know of a couple of people that can't/won't commit to a sub, but buy off the CM. I'm just one guy, on one server where I'm guilded. I wonder how that extrapolates out to the rest of the game? Not the forums, the game.


BioWare has said themselves the majority of CM purchases come from subscribers. And no, I'm not going to go rooting for the quote, you can find it yourself I'm sure.

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Because everyone loves a game that to enjoy it you have to handcuff yourself. That's a poor game and I'd stop playing before jumping through hoops to make it enjoyable. As customers we have the right to say what we don't like (a point you talk about all the time). We did and they responded. Don't yell at us because you don't like the results. Yell at the developers or speak with your wallet.


So you like a game where someone else has to handcuff you instead because you can't do that yourself?

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