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Subscriber Rewards Survey


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Bronze, Silver, Gold and Platinum


Bronze - 6 months - extra character slot, free level 60 token, 300cc bonus.

Silver - 12 months - extra character slot, free transfer, one free character appearance kiosk use token, 600cc bonus.

Gold - 24 months - extra character slot, free name change, one free race unlock, one epic mount, 1200CC bonus.

Platinum - 36 months - extra character slot, free cartel pack of your choice, free dye of your choice, free companion of your choice, 2400cc bonus.


All rewards are suggestive, just to illustrate the idea.


They are all quite nice and useful, but except for the 'epic mount ' they can all be obtained in other ways. I'd like there to be some rewards that can only be obtained through the veteran program. I'm not particularly set on the veteran rewards to be sort of a cash-back program, we kind of have that already with the monthly grants. I'd love it if it was fluffy and more playful, like collecting pieces of something or a continued puzzle, a place with rooms to unlock etc. (hm, a stronghold with rooms that can only be unlocked through subscription time...? :p)


You know, things that you can flaunt to show you've been a subscriber for more than a month. (Things you can flaunt and that anyone who wants them can get, too, eventually. Unlike all the sub-to-date rewards that just make people envious and sad, i.e cause negative emotions instead hope and anticipation, i.e. positive ones.)

Edited by KyaniteD
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I think I can pretty much guess what most people will put on the last question.


"Truly Unique Items (not reskins of existing items) that makes me feel like it's worth the cost to sub for them."


^What I put on the final question.


I put Legacy credit sharing, because that's the feature I most desire

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I took the survey, but found it sorely lacking. I didn't subscripe because of any of those rewards, even though I took my first sub during that time. I made SURE to sub after the Nico-date was over because I didn't want him. Go figure. I subbed when I did because of the credit cap preferred has. But ofc, I would have subbed to Kofte anyway.


So, then I got this image: all those EA/BioWare-dudes who do these desicions sitting around a table and "brainstorming".


"People are canceling subs after they finished Kofte-story. Why? We made sure Alliance would keep them playing. We made sure it is superduper-easy to get to end-game. What do we have to give them more? Yes, you there who had your hand up, what do you think?"


"I know, we should give them more free pixels to make them stay subbed! People love FREE stuff! Just give them more of it!"


"That is a brilliant idea, son! "slow clapping"


Uh, no! Right now my gaming-experience is worse than it was before. Kofte was awesome, I will never deny it. 4.0 wasn't. Too much is broken. Too many functions that worked before don't work. Too many design-desicions which I don't understand or tolerate. One of them the whole Alliance-system. I don't feel like doing it with ANY of my characters because it DOES NOT benefit my legacy. Whatever I do, it is wasted. If I one day don't want to play that certain character anymore at all, for reasons that might vary, it was all for vain.


So, if I and developers are not even speaking same language, not the mention of being at the same page when it comes to the state of the game, filling that survey was a useless act from me. At least I could write something there.

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Question 2 is not letting me answer.. It is only letting me select 2 things.. Then when I clock done to submit survey, it is saying that I didn't answer question 2..


So here is my responses to your survey..


Question 1..



New content and story.. I would prefer a game to play instead of gimmicks to get my subscription..


Question 2..


Least fav was pretty much everything.. The mount is sorta cool, but not needed... Early access was sorta cool but not needed.. Early access turned out to be nothing more than another week of beta testing.. Perhaps next time you should allow 2 weeks.. 1 week where we test the game and another week to actually play it..


Question 3...



More content.. It isn't about the gimmicks.. It is about the game.. More story.. More things to do.. It would also be nice if you didn't take from your players, and then call it content to get what was taking back.. (Companions).. While I like the new interface for companions.. I do not like the new system for conversations.. Nor do I like the fact that my character no longer talks.. In many ways, I do not view this expansions as good for the game.. I am already off playing other games again and considering unsubscribing.. This expansions appears to be what Cataclysm was to World of Warcraft.. At least it is for me.. We will see how it fairs with others..


And that is it.. Submit..

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I don't care much for subscriber rewards. Sure, nice to have this or that item, but they'll never motivate me to stay subscribed in order to get them.


What will make me stay subscribed is the value I get out of my monthly subscription: that is, content. PvP maps, FPs, OPs, story... keep churning those out and you'll keep getting my money.


On that regard, the monthly story chapter releases (if they indeed stick to that schedule), are an interesting move.

Edited by Celeryherring
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The real question is why not make a game worth subscribing to and not spend time on trying to entice people with crappy rewards that only subcribe for a month or so then go back to f2p or quit.


The other issue is if people want to play WOW theyll go play WOW not a crappy dumbdowned version of it with star wars skins. This lesson is what the mmo industry needs to look at.


The rewards arent going to make people sub long term thats what bioware/ea dont get. If they want long term subs they need to really make this game more liks swg and less WOW


The story was great on kotfe but everything else just sucked. This game cant survive on story alone

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- Lower the cost of Cartel Packs and items in the Market.

- Allow subscribers to purchase old Cartel Packs.

- Increase the number ofel Packs.

- Get rid of useless items in Cartel Pack crates (social items/companion gifts)

- Make ALL Cartel items Legacy Bound and NOT bind on pick up.

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- Lower the cost of Cartel Packs and items in the Market.

- Allow subscribers to purchase old Cartel Packs.

- Increase the number ofel Packs.

- Get rid of useless items in Cartel Pack crates (social items/companion gifts)

- Make ALL Cartel items Legacy Bound and NOT bind on pick up.


I doubt many would agree that comp gifts are useless especially with the max influence for comps is 250k.

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No, this game can't survive on story alone. Especially when it's the same story for every class. One playthrough, great! Two playthrough...not so much. Third playthrough?...no interest at all. After the initial story chapters, the whole "build your alliance" thing feels super grindy. I've only done it on one toon and got bored 1/3 of the way through once I realized none of the companions had any depth to them. BTW...I'm still waiting for a choice that "really matters."
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Can we get a survey about the marketing of KotFE and the lack of systems information?

How about a survey about the changing to crafting, companions, down leveling, heroics, and ops/flashpoints?

Maybe a survey about the new pack on the cartel market?

Edited by SirUrza
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Can we get a survey about the marketing of KotFE and the lack of systems information?

How about a survey about the changing to crafting, companions, down leveling, heroics, and ops/flashpoints?

Maybe a survey about the new pack on the cartel market?


Oh yeah... give us a survey on the KotFE crafting changes.




I dare you!

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Nico have 1 conversation in the entire game so far, so he is pretty much similar to the Akk dog from the pack.

The blasters are nice, but not that nice.

The coat is a reskin, so I couldn't care less.

I don't use the mount.


The only reason I subbed was because f2p is terrible with this game, and I wanted to play KOTFE anyway.


Now, should we talk about real veteran reward, the kind others game does ? Now, that would be great.

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The survey is already closed after 4 Days, don't you think, this was a little short in time?
Unlike the countless threads still running months and even years after the BW OP asked for answers, the actual real world moves a lot faster than that. Many forumers have this weird idea that as long as the thread continues, Bioware continues to look for the answers it once needed. That's... just not the case.


Thread Thread Thread

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Its not like the survey was very descriptive to begin with, I mean rank the rewards?? the duster ended up a recoloured version of an existing model in the game, the blasters while new looked nowhere near as good as the images (to big as usual), the speeder looks nice but how often do people actually use it, Nico is actually a companion I have not used at all and I just delete the token I get in the mail anyway.


Only the paid beta testing ... I mean early access amounted to anything in the end.


Rewards are a very strange thing some people will like stuff some people will hate stuff, I doubt there is a universal reward that everyone would like.

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Rewards are a very strange thing some people will like stuff some people will hate stuff, I doubt there is a universal reward that everyone would like.


I'm not sure that qualifies as "very strange". Perhaps just "mildly complicated". It's pretty normal for... most things in life.

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