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Would you PvP if Expertise was removed?


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But you would be happy for PVPers to grind PVE gear to be able to match you right ? Interesting.


Seriously, there is no grind whatsoever anymore getting the basic 204 PVP set, it costs next to nothing.


I would?


Is that truly what would make me happy?


You could have asked any number of very useful questions right here and, very possibly, have learned that no, I don't actually think any of the gear treadmills are very much fun.


You could have asked questions and learned that no, I really don't think it's awesome for pvp'ers to have to farm crap they ordinarily don't do and don't want to do if they want to have a chance to do ops with their guild.


But here's the kicker.


You didn't ask me anything at all.


You stuck butt ignorant words in my mouth and defecated on the shoe of that strawman you built in so doing.


So, no, that's not actually what I'd think would be great at all.

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Yes/No - simple question and answer really. I'm just curious if this is a reason why many folk here don't PvP or would like to try it but lack of gear worries them.


No..........makes no difference to me because I have no interest in PVP due to its flawed structure.


I haven't ,nor will I ever PVP. ....no matter what window dressing ,gift wrapping,bells and whistles are attached to it. Any mission that demands PVP be involved is simply deleted. I play PVE on a PVE server for a reason and any attempt by bioware/EA to force this practice of playing style(PVP) to myself ,as they have in KOTFE , I consider to be an insult. So gear worries are not an issue either.

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PvP reform I would like to see:


1. PvP gear should be regulated to just Armor, Weapons, and Mods. The implants, relics, and shield/focus/generators aspect should be removed.


2. Penalize groupfinder quitters with a timeout.. It is the norm for large amounts players to quit once their team has the slightes chance of losing.


3. Increase coms/crystals/<insert next currency name change here> rate along with credits



In terms of 4.0 gear design I approve of most choices not the others. For Warrior/Guardians I notice that the Tulak Horde-derivative design was used which is awesome. Inquisitors should have Dark Reaver ninja style in lieu of skirts. I prefer the Dark Reaver (along with it's Deceiver counterpart) with the slight exception of Warrior/Guardian.




In terms of the players involved - the individuals who spend the entire OP griping about others performance should be shamed.

Edited by jimmorrisson
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Removing expertise is stupid. All you will be doing is moving the bar to be competitive from 208 year to 220 raid gear. I'm all for making PvP more inclusive but removing expertise is not the answer, it will only worsen the problem.
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actually getting base Wz gear would be easy if they added a starters pvp gear reward to the intro to warzones mission.


Actually at one time they did just that, but people took the tokens and sold it for like 300k credits then still complained that they had no gear...that's if I'm remembering this right, has been years ago.

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But you would be happy for PVPers to grind PVE gear to be able to match you right ? Interesting.


Seriously, there is no grind whatsoever anymore getting the basic 204 PVP set, it costs next to nothing.


Point is, you've still got to spend matches getting your arse handed to you only to then maintain another set of gear. What's the point? Gear should be gear. It doesn't matter whether it's obtained through PvP or PvE, end of the day, if there's something which requires experience an achievement is required to partake anyway. We'll not suddenly going to find some fresh PvPer tanking HM Dread Palace.

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Removing expertise is stupid. All you will be doing is moving the bar to be competitive from 208 year to 220 raid gear. I'm all for making PvP more inclusive but removing expertise is not the answer, it will only worsen the problem.

Why would it be raid gear? Why can't PvP also reward gear, like it does?


Gear should have a different 6-piece bonus that is specific to where it came from (PvP or PvE) and the PvP gear should be 216/220 gear - in PvE the 220 gear is the default Bolster gear value for SM, so you won't get people PvPing just so they can get BiS PvE gear. PvE gear will also have a 6-piece bonus that is PvE specific, making it the desired PvE gear, and PvP would have a PvP specific 6-piece bonus, making it more desirable for PvPers.


"But that makes 224 PvE gear BiS"...No. The 6-piece bonus from top tier PvP gear should make up for any minimal stat difference (in PvP).

Edited by TUXs
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Considering they can make our magic spells do differing damage or mitigation based on whether you are pvping or pveing they could make gear dynamic enough to change based on what your activity is. They could keep expertise and simply change the gear so that when in one activity it does this, and in the other activity it does that. Then you could play the game and be rewarded based on your performance in either pvp or pve and still be competitive in either arena, as it were. Obviously the top end gear should still be difficult to obtain, but the base level gear should be somewhat easier.
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I do pvp occasionally now, but I would pvp more (and try out more ac/spec/roles) if I didn't have to manage separate sets of gear for each character. Removing Expertise would be an important step to making a better system, but *just* removing it wouldn't help, since I don't have top end raid gear.


I think removing expertise along with making operations gear work at higher item levels only in an operation is what would work best. I.e., end game gear is 208, so all the operations gear that is 216/220/224 would would work as 208 anywhere but in an operation. In the operation, you would get the full value, preserving it's purpose in progression raiding.

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Actually at one time they did just that, but people took the tokens and sold it for like 300k credits then still complained that they had no gear...that's if I'm remembering this right, has been years ago.


Easy fix make the rewards BoP instead of BoE.

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I am an avid pvp player. I don't run ops or FP's much anymore as they are tedious doing the same thing over and over. PvP is at least dynamic.


I have no problem removing expertise on gear and having just 1 set between pve and pvp. However, someone should be able to get top tier gear from just doing PvP if that is the case. Just like PVE'rs shouldn't be forced to PvP, PvP'rs should not be forced to run ops just to get top tier gear.

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No, because none of the maps/games interest me. (I'm not interested in participating in team sports in RL, either.)


I watch them occasionally, and a spectator mode in the game would be quite nice, but there's pretty much nothing that could make me participate in pvp "for the fun of it". I enter WZs only for the very few things that require me to slack through a limited number of of them to get something I want.

Edited by KyaniteD
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Why would it be raid gear? Why can't PvP also reward gear, like it does?


Gear should have a different 6-piece bonus that is specific to where it came from (PvP or PvE) and the PvP gear should be 216/220 gear - in PvE the 220 gear is the default Bolster gear value for SM, so you won't get people PvPing just so they can get BiS PvE gear. PvE gear will also have a 6-piece bonus that is PvE specific, making it the desired PvE gear, and PvP would have a PvP specific 6-piece bonus, making it more desirable for PvPers.


"But that makes 224 PvE gear BiS"...No. The 6-piece bonus from top tier PvP gear should make up for any minimal stat difference (in PvP).


Actually, BIS would then be 6 PvP armorings, with everything else PVE.


Either PvP and PvE need to reward the same gear, or some sort of of expertise/bolster situation needs to remain. I'm all for having gear values ignored and everyone given template stats, or having templates apply for any piece of gear which isn't current PvP tier.

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The main reason expertise exists is because pve'ers whined when people were getting competitive endgame pve gear from pvp (in another game from which the expertise concept was copied to this one).


I personally would be all for the removal of expertise but only so long as the best pvp-bought gear was as good as the best pve gear. Pvp gear might get more expensive and might have a rating requirement for the best of it, but without that equivalence I would cheerfully quit this game instantly; I'm not a raider.

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The main reason expertise exists is because pve'ers whined when people were getting competitive endgame pve gear from pvp (in another game from which the expertise concept was copied to this one).


I personally would be all for the removal of expertise but only so long as the best pvp-bought gear was as good as the best pve gear. Pvp gear might get more expensive and might have a rating requirement for the best of it, but without that equivalence I would cheerfully quit this game instantly; I'm not a raider.


The funny thing is I'm a casual PVPers and I would be OK with the PVP gear being comparable to the PVE gear from raids so long as it didn't have expertise on it.

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Why would it be raid gear? Why can't PvP also reward gear, like it does?


Gear should have a different 6-piece bonus that is specific to where it came from (PvP or PvE) and the PvP gear should be 216/220 gear - in PvE the 220 gear is the default Bolster gear value for SM, so you won't get people PvPing just so they can get BiS PvE gear. PvE gear will also have a 6-piece bonus that is PvE specific, making it the desired PvE gear, and PvP would have a PvP specific 6-piece bonus, making it more desirable for PvPers.


"But that makes 224 PvE gear BiS"...No. The 6-piece bonus from top tier PvP gear should make up for any minimal stat difference (in PvP).


Now thia idea here TUX would solve the pvp problem and i would definitely get back into it.

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Actually, BIS would then be 6 PvP armorings, with everything else PVE.


Either PvP and PvE need to reward the same gear, or some sort of of expertise/bolster situation needs to remain. I'm all for having gear values ignored and everyone given template stats, or having templates apply for any piece of gear which isn't current PvP tier.

I think you're confused or I haven't been clear enough...


The only difference between PvP 220's and PvE 220's would be the 6-piece bonuses. One would have PvP specific bonuses, the other would have PvE specific bonuses. Mod and Enhancements would be identical @ 216/220...only the armoring's would matter since they carry the bonuses.

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Removing expertise is stupid. All you will be doing is moving the bar to be competitive from 208 year to 220 raid gear. I'm all for making PvP more inclusive but removing expertise is not the answer, it will only worsen the problem.


I think just removing expertise would be no solution at all, sure.


To my thinking, the while system needs to be reworked.


I like how GW2 does it in that their pvp gear exists only in the pvp areas, and is normalized, but extremely customizable, as far as the stats go.


You can build your load out however you like, min/max or balance however might please you, and there's lots of room to do it wrong... Which also means there's lots of room for knowledge and understanding of the stats and mechanics to matter.


But in the end, everyone is on even footing when it's go time. If you weren't smart enough and knowledgeable enough to build well, it'll cost you in matches.


If your skill at actually playing your class and working the maps to your favor isn't practiced, but you googled a great loadout? That can't carry you.


It takes knowledge and skill to do well in that system, and I love it.


Here? Expertise is just a feeble copout.


We need a pvp system that lets people play with their build and gear freely - let it be super easy to just go and do.


But reward those that understand what's going on and how to build and stat for what they're intending to do.


Then, turn them loose. If they gimped their own build, they can change that as they learn. If they googled a good pvp build but don't know how to play it well, they'll learn as they go.


Right now, here, there's not one good reason I can see to even bother pvp'ing here. It's punitive. You're a joke until you go through this insane hazing ritual of literally being statistically inferior until you mostly lose enough to finally have enough coms to achieve statistical parity.




What the hell is that even supposed to be?

Edited by Uruare
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Maybe if they added reward gear that looked good, got rid of huttball and same-faction matches.


DAM IT!... Haters always continue to hate every year.

I only Dislike things not hate.


Sorry... Pscyon are you a hater or just dislike huttball/football or rugby?...

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I think you're confused or I haven't been clear enough...


The only difference between PvP 220's and PvE 220's would be the 6-piece bonuses. One would have PvP specific bonuses, the other would have PvE specific bonuses. Mod and Enhancements would be identical @ 216/220...only the armoring's would matter since they carry the bonuses.


Which is all fine until you run into 224s with 220 PvP armorings. It also removes the need to do SM ops for HM gear as you will obtain gear more consistently and quicker through PvP. In fact, you would have HM gear fater through PvP. There would be no reason to do anything besides the target Operation each week for 224 stuff.

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