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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

evehing we said in the past, came true...don't say we didn't warn you


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Mmmmm Hotdogs sound nice.


W.H.O. has now declared Hotdogs a major cancer risk, along with bacon and everything else that tastes good on this planet. Wonder if EA or Bioware have employees in the W.H.O. Perhaps the OP could find out for us with the help of his secret society - apparently they have a great track record of being right!

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there is a small minority of us that have....blah blah blah blah....doom DOOM doom... game is dying....insert random gibberish about 12xp, easy mode, no OP's, moar PvP maps...blah blah blah.



We get it....you don't like anything the devs have done for the last 4yrs. You don't like the direction the game is going, and you think everything should be "OMG THIS IS SOOOOOO HAAAAARRRRRDDDD!!!" mode. :rolleyes:



Did we really need another wall of useless words?

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even us "fanboys" probably have things we don't like about the game, I have some... but to call someone a fanboy because they don't share your opinions is ridiculous. Your "I told you so" thread would mean a lot more if there was a general outrage about KotFE and everyone hated it, now it's just aimed at a few people like yourself that for some reason pay for multiple accounts to post threads on a game they seem to hate. :rak_02: If you did tell us so we definitely didn't listen or cared to because we didn't agree with your opinions. It's that simple.


everyone does hate the game. they are just hiding it because of something something darkside conspiracy with peewee herman and the canadian ninja pirates corporation.

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The game is catered to the lowest common denominator of gamers. Casuals. Casuals are the bread and butter who spend the most money. If your a Greedy Corporation like EA who do you want buying 20 cartel packs a week? Don't like it get used to it. This game is now single player easy mode. And it isn't going away. When 5.0 comes out will probably just have to push a button to win entire story arcs.
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W.H.O. has now declared Hotdogs a major cancer risk, along with bacon and everything else that tastes good on this planet. Wonder if EA or Bioware have employees in the W.H.O. Perhaps the OP could find out for us with the help of his secret society - apparently they have a great track record of being right!


WHO=EHO--->HO=H20=Agua=A---> EA


Bacon fuel can't melt illuminati steel beams

Edited by FerkWork
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Oh look, another thread made by a PVE hero who's unwilling to acknowledge that STORY was what brought people to SWTOR in the first place. Haven't seen that before. :rolleyes:


You do realize they just increased the server capacities. Twice. Last time I checked, they didn't do that when they released space ogre operation IX. Like it or not, people got into this game because we were promised a sequel to KOTOR I and II. We are finally getting that, and general consensus is that KoTFE is a success. So if you want to kill the space boss or grind gear on a repeatable mission for months, there are plenty of alternatives for you. Because the focus on story isn't changing. They've catered to your crowd, and it failed. Story is what this game was marketed for, and they are now successful because they returned to what they should have been doing all along.

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I personally think the content in the H2 Star Fortresses is the perfect setting for the single player normal game and would love to see the entire game set to that standard of difficulty for solo play.


I'm sure you would, but then only people who share your idea of difficulty would be left to play it; I don't pretend to think that my perception of difficulty is the only way to play, so why do you?


BW:A's metrics tell them that that your idea of difficulty would gut the game, so thankfully, they've not tried to turn EVERY piece of content into difficulty that might as well be 16m NiM.


The game is catered to the lowest common denominator of gamers. Casuals. Casuals are the bread and butter who spend the most money. If your a Greedy Corporation like EA who do you want buying 20 cartel packs a week? Don't like it get used to it. This game is now single player easy mode. And it isn't going away. When 5.0 comes out will probably just have to push a button to win entire story arcs.


Never gets old, seeing someone hate on casual players; again, your notion of difficulty is not the be-all and and-all.


I, for one, love where BW:A has taken the game; and will happily continue to enjoy it, while you go off and form an anti-BW:A/EA terrorist group.


Metrics tell pretty much all a developer/publisher needs to know, and they say that your perception of difficulty should not be any kind of a frame of reference.

Edited by sentientomega
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The game is catered to the lowest common denominator of gamers. Casuals.


Not even remotely. I couldn't be a more "casual" player if I tried. This game is catered an even lower common denominator, in fact it should be a browser game on Facebook the way it is now. They've stripped most of what made it anything close to an RPG (in the truest sense) out of the game, and the MMO part is negligible at best.


I guess that's what happens. They call it "progress", I'm not so sure it is though considering how much has been removed with 4.0.

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Oooooh, look tiny vocal minority spokeperson has made his speech. His little elitisctic world has been shattered.


So instead, as true community of MMO, take new players ane teach them stuff they go into rant/abuse mode.


Is that why all "hardcore premades" now play solo queue instead ranked WZs? Because theres ACTUALLY PEOPLE PLAYING? lol


Is that why queues actually POP?

Edited by Mikahrone
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Biggest issue I see facing MMORPG genre in general is the developers seemingly undieing loyalty to any sycophant fanboi feeding their precious little egos rather then stepping away and finding feedback from experienced and honest sources and people not scared to damage the devs little ego if it means suggesting whats best for the game.




Thats exactly why they started doing in 3.0 and continued in 4.0, stopped listening to the little echo chamber.


You can tell by all whining former (pre 4.0) fanbois.


They actually started doing whats BEST for the game instead trying to appeal to WoW player and have constantly dwindling game.


Do you even have IDEA how many voices WERE GUTTED in certain events when certain someone took over the forums? And how many times fanbois insisted on "another forum purge"? Since you are old timer, yes you do, so your post is so hilarious. Because for most part since launch BW did exactly what you say they shouldnt.


When you turn off everything but positive feedback thats what you get. But metrics say otherwise.

Edited by Mikahrone
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Then where is the mobile phone version of this game then? :p Or the console version? ;)


I bet if they could they would ;P And i dont see nothing bad with it.


but theres tiny little problem with the engine...it kinda runs bad on desktops, so consoles are pretty much out of quiestion ;)

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Your red flags meant nothing to me....if you don't like it be gone. I'm sure WOW are looking for players with your skill set


You're seriously outdated. That would be Wildstar. WoW has been SWTOR 4.0 easy-mode since WoD released.


I mean, Christ, that's what BioWare does: whatever Blizzard does. Talent tree overhaul in Mists of Pandaria? BioWare does it in 3.0. Stat squish, Garrisons (Alliance), and super easy-mode in Warlords of Draenor? BioWare does it in 4.0.


I'm actually curious about the upcoming Legion expansion, and what changes to WoW that BioWare will copy for 5.0.

Edited by Jumajin
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You're seriously outdated. That would be Wildstar. WoW has been SWTOR 4.0 easy-mode since WoD released.


I mean, Christ, that's what BioWare does: whatever Blizzard does. Talent tree overhaul in Mists of Pandaria? BioWare does it in 3.0. Stat squish, Garrisons (Alliance), and super easy-mode in Warlords of Draenor? BioWare does it in 4.0.


I'm actually curious about the upcoming Legion expansion, and what changes to WoW that BioWare will copy for 5.0.


Ummm, none of those things have been done by WOW first, so, how do you know SWTOR AND WoW arent actually following games that did it first?


You sound as if BW has insight in Blizzards design documents. They dont.


Or like WoW copying companions/followers from SWTOR.


How has BW copied story and focus of KOTFE from WoW? Did WoW ditch raids?

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Ummm, none of those things have been done by WOW first, so, how do you know SWTOR AND WoW arent actually following games that did it first?


Or like WoW copying companions/followers from SWTOR.


You sound as if BW has insight in Blizzards design documents. They dont.


Just roll with it. Don't question it. General here is only good for keeping your toes wet in the crazy pool.

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Just roll with it. Don't question it. General here is only good for keeping your toes wet in the crazy pool.


"Super easy mode" is the kicker.


The trend that has been in actions since start of MMOs (yes long before WoW) is suddenly WoWs thing lol

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Ummm, none of those things have been done by WOW first, so, how do you know SWTOR AND WoW arent actually following games that did it first?


You sound as if BW has insight in Blizzards design documents. They dont.


Or like WoW copying companions/followers from SWTOR.


How has BW copied story and focus of KOTFE from WoW? Did WoW ditch raids?


Why would they have insight into Blizzard's documents when the changes in WoW were live a year or more before they suddenly migrated into a SWTOR format from BioWare?

Edited by Jumajin
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Hey there!


I am a brand new subscriber and player to this game. The recent changes to the way leveling works is great as I am not a huge fan of grinding endlessly to reach content. I love the story and hundreds of hours of hard work animators, voice acting, directing, writing, etc that were put into the story of this game. Now as I play the story, I feel like I'm advancing as the story is unfolding.


Because of the direction this game has taken, it has gained a new player and a subscriber.

Edited by InfectReality
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