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Level Sync; Your reactions?


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I'd like lvl-sync more if it were optional. It's great to level down to play with lower level friends/guildies, but for me to be forced into a lower level, when I want to blaze through dailies, or lower lvl content? That's frustrating. So I think the idea is sound, it's application not so much.


You can still blaze through it. Nothing is stopping you from doing so. I have been doing the heroics on Nar Shaddaa and Coruscant all night long and blaze past em. I get my rewards and xp for the level I am to! So it's a win win. Not once did I go below three quarters up on the health bar. I was almost always full health. Even when I'm a 59 Trooper on Coruscant as a level 18. So, I don't know what you were doing, but you can still blaze through it!


Leveling on whatever planet I want even if I'm higher than it? Hell yes please. Give me more! Please!

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And never mind all the other things that people have listed as problems, let's just chalk all the opposition up to "angry gankers". :rolleyes:


There are a lot of issues that need addressing. Non-"critical-path" XP awards is the biggest one I can think of that I've personally seen. If the tactical flashpoints are as described, where they did a sloppy job in balancing for any-level, that needs to be addressed ASAP as well. Something ought to be done about high-level content on extremely low-level planets (The Sith Warrior endgame was mentioned; I actually could not Carbonite the Hutta Kingpin because he went from 7% to 0% in a single GCD; even though I was only running an L30 BH at the time). And I personally thing there could use to be some minor tuning of companions.


I doubt that's a comprehensive list, because I don't participate in every part of the game. And that doesn't include the fiasco that was companion gear return, the missing vendors, or the odd items that can no longer go into legacy holds or the gathering mission weirdness.


However, none of that is show-stopping. It's all balance work and mission tuning. The base mechanical changes are not unsound. They built it and it runs. Now it needs to be tuned. The analogy I want to use is they gave us a SWTOR 1.5 - it's not an entirely new system or engine, and we got to keep our stuff (mostly) and our advancement (more or less); but it's still a paradigmatic change. They could have started with a blank slate, and didn't


Why did they decide to make a paradigmatic change? I dunno; and they aren't saying. But gaming development is a bit of a red wueen's race, where you have to run as fast as you can to stay in place.

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  • 2 weeks later...
its the stupidest thing thus far,what's the point on leveling and getting the best gear if going to a planet make u weaker, like honestly who thought of that, it make questing a pain, i remove my subscription because of it, its too annoying, i rather go back to WoW:mad:
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  • 2 weeks later...
I've been with SWTOR for years, and I have to say that the dev team does a good job, and are very attentive. So when I say that the new level sync system just doesn't make sense and, for me, makes the game less playable and fun, I do not do so simply to gripe.


I'm a subscriber, and regularly spend money on cartel items. I do this not just to customize my characters, but to give them an edge. I enjoy soloing heroics, as well as flashpoints (though those aren't affected, it should be noted) and generally keep my characters leveled up for the planet after the one I'm playing. Now, none of that matters. I will only have as much skill and power as the planet dictates, regardless of level or armor, or even weapon, and now instead of comfortably running through missions, I have to slodge through at the "right" level.


Maybe I'm overreacting, but this bothers me greatly. I was wondering what others think of the system.


You are not overreacting. You took the words right out of my mouth. Every last one. ;)

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I've been with SWTOR for years, and I have to say that the dev team does a good job, and are very attentive. So when I say that the new level sync system just doesn't make sense and, for me, makes the game less playable and fun, I do not do so simply to gripe.


I'm a subscriber, and regularly spend money on cartel items. I do this not just to customize my characters, but to give them an edge. I enjoy soloing heroics, as well as flashpoints (though those aren't affected, it should be noted) and generally keep my characters leveled up for the planet after the one I'm playing. Now, none of that matters. I will only have as much skill and power as the planet dictates, regardless of level or armor, or even weapon, and now instead of comfortably running through missions, I have to slodge through at the "right" level.


Maybe I'm overreacting, but this bothers me greatly. I was wondering what others think of the system.





I actually agree with all that you have said and I can say that I am a subscriber and have lost interest in the game.... After spending quite a bit of time and money on building my character....now none of it matters...

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I actually agree with all that you have said and I can say that I am a subscriber and have lost interest in the game.... After spending quite a bit of time and money on building my character....now none of it matters...

Yup trivialised the time and effort spent leveling, silly part is the nerf really brought it out into the open.

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Don't like level sync. Was 100% against it from the moment the dataminers first picked it up.


That said, I have played since 4.0 came out and have decided I can live with it. The return of the humongous aggro radius has just added more tedium to the game. The more tedium in the game the less fun it becomes. Eventually bioware will make this game so un-fun that I will leave.


For now im still here.

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I believe one level higher would make a few things better with the system....


First of all, aggro range would fall even further, probably right on the edge of we see you/we dont see you we are grey.


It would also boost performance a bit in heroic areas and the like, where level sync sometimes only boosts you one or two levels despite the fact you are tens of levels above the content.

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I finally experienced Level Sync last night, as I headed to Ilum to retrieve a certain bone faced Sith from a Mining Camp.


I personally feel like the Level Sync isn't bad, but it does certainly change what you can and can't do anymore. I stumbled into a Heroic Area before I remembered Level Sync, and barely made it out alive, whereas if Level Sync didn't exist, I would have easily dispatched that group.


Now, I'm not one to complain because it was a little tough. But, what I will complain about is had I drawn another mob by accident (which is very possible in a Heroic Area) or had someone jumped me in PvP (I live on a PvP Server) then I would have been all kinds of dead, something that wouldn't have been as likely to happen before 4.0.


That being said, I certainly empathize with those who say they feel something was taken away from them. I definitely feel a bit of that too.

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I don't mind when I get a SSD and will not mind going to slow loading planets I wouldn't mind doing some heroics I skipped when lvling.

I tried to Get Illidan's glaives in WoW with my overpowered Rogue, but here it doesn't bother me. I would like to grp up with some people and go do some 2+ Heroics.

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I've been with SWTOR for years, and I have to say that the dev team does a good job, and are very attentive. So when I say that the new level sync system just doesn't make sense and, for me, makes the game less playable and fun, I do not do so simply to gripe.


I'm a subscriber, and regularly spend money on cartel items. I do this not just to customize my characters, but to give them an edge. I enjoy soloing heroics, as well as flashpoints (though those aren't affected, it should be noted) and generally keep my characters leveled up for the planet after the one I'm playing. Now, none of that matters. I will only have as much skill and power as the planet dictates, regardless of level or armor, or even weapon, and now instead of comfortably running through missions, I have to slodge through at the "right" level.


Maybe I'm overreacting, but this bothers me greatly. I was wondering what others think of the system.


Just about sums it up for me, with the exception that I only started playing earlier this year.

Edited by ZeroTypeR
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I finally experienced Level Sync last night, as I headed to Ilum to retrieve a certain bone faced Sith from a Mining Camp.


I personally feel like the Level Sync isn't bad, but it does certainly change what you can and can't do anymore. I stumbled into a Heroic Area before I remembered Level Sync, and barely made it out alive, whereas if Level Sync didn't exist, I would have easily dispatched that group.


Now, I'm not one to complain because it was a little tough. But, what I will complain about is had I drawn another mob by accident (which is very possible in a Heroic Area) or had someone jumped me in PvP (I live on a PvP Server) then I would have been all kinds of dead, something that wouldn't have been as likely to happen before 4.0.


That being said, I certainly empathize with those who say they feel something was taken away from them. I definitely feel a bit of that too.


Ah, that explains why they send you all over Ilum's map from corner to corner, so you have to dodge heroic zones no matter your faction.


OTOH, I had been experiencing level sync since 4.0 dropped, so I was aware of the need to thread through heroic zones on speeder if I didn't want to pull a heroic encounter (and, since I had specifically been doing the H2 in that zone multiple characters a week, I was aware of what my margin was for dodging encounters in the zone.)

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Personally I'm not a fan it just leaves me feeling like levelling and getting better gear is utterly meaningless since no matter what I'm in or where I am things are always going to be the same. In most games a gear upgrade drops that's better in every way (even if it's only +10 to every stat and doesn't change much) I feel happy and equip it immediately. Here a piece of gear drops and I don't even look to see whether it's an upgrade till my inventory's full and I'm at the vendor selling stuff off because I just don't care.


On top of which I'm personally the type who enjoys one hit kills and overpowering the enemies so that's an added disappointment as I can't do that. Note I'm not just taking about being more powerful and crushing a boss mob I used to struggle on but also things like the Jedi outcast games where once you had a lightsabre you could slice in half enemies with one blow unless they had resistant armour or a sabre of their own and could one hit you if you didn't block, same with zombie games and the one shot head kills as opposed to it has X hp bang, bang, bang, bang.

Edited by Senkoau
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its the stupidest thing thus far,what's the point on leveling and getting the best gear if going to a planet make u weaker, like honestly who thought of that, it make questing a pain, i remove my subscription because of it, its too annoying, i rather go back to WoW:mad:


Go back to WoW then. So you can parade and /flex your uber l33t gear in SW and Orgrimmar.


Regarding level sync, it s a good feature imho. Keeps lower level content relevant and worth doing. And despite the sync you can still cruize through the lower planets in no time. Today my 55 trooper did the HC's on Coruscant, Taris, Toatooine and Alderaan in like 45'.

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