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Everything posted by Senkoau

  1. I'm quitting and have cancelled my subscription actually (because of the community rather than the game), I just made the mistake (not normally an online game player) of subbing for six months because it was star wars so I'll be around till that runs out as I may as well get my money's worth. 139 day's to go and counting.
  2. In reverse order so that the longer you were subbed the less you get e.g Founder: 100 Cartel Coins 4 years: 200 3 years: 400 2 years: 800 1 Year: 1,600 6 months: 3,200 Just Joined: 6,400 all to encourage new players to stay of course.
  3. They've struck a deal with an interdimensional witch and all subscribers will be kidnapped, transformed and sent to the starwars universe at the start of the clone wars.
  4. Disney has decided this is non-canon and is shutting it down.
  5. Where can you buy those as all I've found is the light side vendor on the fleet who sells boots (and the darkside one who also sells gloves)?
  6. I'm considering purchasing the jedi knight valiant armour set, the personal dropship and Satelle's training sabre (like the decorations on the hilt). That's pretty much it. My luck's bad so I tend to avoid RNG packs even if its a pack of you get an item from this set you like rather than a random item from a range of sets. If I could I'd probably buy a silver, white or light blue sabre crystal but they aren't on the cartel market at all (unless there's a seperate one from that big gold icon on the top of the screen) as individual crystals only as get a random.
  7. They also turn us away if we show up and ask to live there for free.
  8. Thanks, ah well I guess I'll give it some thought then.
  9. The issue is if your concerned about losing subscribers the smart thing is not to take a part of the game that forum posts indicate is liked by 70% of the people playing (Please note I said FORUM and INDICATE) when you have crippling bugs (Despawn, AI, others) still happening and nerf it into the ground. The reason being you may lose a few subs to those companions but most people will keep pottering happily along while you FIX the bugs and get them working right (if your going for grind that should last long enough for you to find and fix a few major bugs). Then you say "Look we misjudged the companions, we knew they were going to be powerful but we did go too far so we'll be making slight adjustments to ensure they don't invalidate other parts of the game as they look likely to." Then and this is the most important you reduce the companions by 10% and wait awhile to see how it goes (most people wouldn't be too bothered by a 10% drop) and then you adjust a bit more if necessary. What you don't do is so you overshot the mark by a bit and then reduce the base stats (which will hurt new players more than endgame/long term ones) this much in one hit. Even if you have a loving, friendly, LOYAL fan base who will accept the changes dropping things this much is not an adjustment its really not.
  10. They didn't even need to do that just have a playtest for mechanics not storyline, sure you'll miss a few bugs but you should catch any core mechanics issues. Level Sync, Companion Strength, New Heroic structure etc all could have been tested quite safely without risking their new storyline and it'd catch any problems in the new core gameplay quite nicely.
  11. I have to say I'm half inclined to believe that considering I've seen posts insisting "there's no point to an artificial challenge if I have to toggle my character's abilities myself'" yet the end result is the same as if BW does the restrciting? Also as I've said elsewhere I don't think some of these people posting "I solo'd X" are considering that not everyone has their skills (and legacy buffs). I died on quite a few missions with the "OP" companions, going back now I probably wouldn't because I've learnt and improved my build/rotations although I'm sure I'm still a long way from whatever they have. Which to me is the thing with the companions as they are now those missions would have been impossible for me. I'm not engaging in exageration, I'm not a major MMO player and I was new to the game so I was making quite a few mistakes (DPS mods in Tank gear, 1 ability bar with clicking between different ones to select abilties etc). Frankly the story content is easy regardless of who you are so the companions don't make a difference there I'm sure you elites are still bored by the "god mode" companions but for new players and by this I mean new to MMO's (I was drawn in by the starwars logo yet if I hadn't had such a harsh reception from the community I probably would still be subbed and slowly completing things rather than just running out my subscription). The companions as they were for the last month (since I started playing actually so they were all I knew) were not overpowered, invincible god mode or whatever you want to call it. They were in fact the difference between being able to complete a mission and not being able to complete a mission with no guarantee one or both of us wouldn't die. They were to me the aid that helped me get over the initial hurdle of playing a game with this many different abilities (I've never before been told when getting advice to [a] buy a gaming mouse with multiple buttons and keybind) and different concepts as I slowly learnt to play my character since asking for help gets you abused (or at least it did me) 9 times for every 1 that actually helps. I'm sure that between the new movie and this game being starwars as was said by others a lot of new players came drawn in by the logo rather than the MMO nature of it and this is all new to them. I'm equally sure that some, maybe even most would leave sooner or later but and this is important. I. AM. SURE. That a lot of them like me we're new to MMO"s and didn't find the companions overpowered because they were dying to champion/gold/groups of mobs as they slowly figured out the mechanics of whatever class they played. PLEASE. Remember that just because you found they made you unkillable other less skilled/geared people didn't. I. DID. DIE. A. LOT. I even learnt more from that period because on the harder heroics my heal specced companion could actually keep me alive long enough against some threats that I could start to figure out where I was going wrong with my character as opposed to now where I still kill story mode enemies with ease but instead of lasting long enough to learn something against the harder heroics (5 gold mobs + trash) I just die fast. Well I did, didn't enjoy that post-nerf heroic enough to go back and do it again to see how much my experiences have changed with my new playstyle/gear.
  12. I'm doing this mission and its rather a bemusing choice. Tell the untrained girl who nearly got herself killed trying to be a spy to go home and its a darkside choice, tell her sure go ahead is a lightside one and there's no if you want to be a spy go and get trained FIRST option. So I figure the option I want (telling her to get training then do the dangerous missions in wartime) doesn't exist so I'll base my choice here on the outcome I like most. So please let me know what happens for each choice. If I send her undercover does she die, If I tell her to go home to dad does she get killed in a raid because he was trying to keep her safe? What are the outcomes for this mission?
  13. Obviously I'm not playing the game and neither is any other casual/new person without legacy buffs, datacrons and a detailed knowledge of when and where to use the numerous abilities we do have. I must have just imagined those times I died on various heroics since the companions prevented it. I guess I should just L2P with the current system where depending on the mobs/mission either I or the mobs die in seconds and I can instantly figure out how to improve my rotation so they don't die to 1/2 basic attacks or my gear so I don't get ripped to pieces by the 5 gold mobs I have on me.
  14. Personally I'm not a fan it just leaves me feeling like levelling and getting better gear is utterly meaningless since no matter what I'm in or where I am things are always going to be the same. In most games a gear upgrade drops that's better in every way (even if it's only +10 to every stat and doesn't change much) I feel happy and equip it immediately. Here a piece of gear drops and I don't even look to see whether it's an upgrade till my inventory's full and I'm at the vendor selling stuff off because I just don't care. On top of which I'm personally the type who enjoys one hit kills and overpowering the enemies so that's an added disappointment as I can't do that. Note I'm not just taking about being more powerful and crushing a boss mob I used to struggle on but also things like the Jedi outcast games where once you had a lightsabre you could slice in half enemies with one blow unless they had resistant armour or a sabre of their own and could one hit you if you didn't block, same with zombie games and the one shot head kills as opposed to it has X hp bang, bang, bang, bang.
  15. Personally I don't find it fun I find it confusing. Most games I've played have either had half a dozen buttons (mouse, games console controller, wasd/jump/use) or a bar of abilities. Here I've got 4+ bars of abilities that just leave me rather lost on what I should actually be doing. Do I force stasis, force freeze, force push, force kick, awe? All interrupts/immobilizers but when do I use each is awe better than force freeze for affecting mobs? does it have a bigger range, affect tougher mobs? I've just (at the advice of someone ingame) shifted from one toolbar to have the 6 spread around my screen but I'm still no clearer on what to use where.
  16. I was wondering that but I didn't say anything in my post directly because I don't know which ones were previously H4's. Still it does seem like every now and then there's a heroic mission that's significantly harder to me than other ones on that planet. If they've all be H4's turned H2's the problem may not lie with the companions, they were still overnerfed and have a very awful AI a heal companion should NOT attack another group while your still engaged with the first one but with the fact the H4's weren't properly adjusted for the new intent. Of course you should have touched healing regardless of people's feelings till AFTER you'd fixed the other bugs AI/lack of defense on 65 etc. Bugs first then balance the content once its working correctly and that includes reducing companions by a reasonable amount and adjusting the heroics.
  17. Oh that's what's causing it thanks, thought it was just RNG. I had a security key, decided since I don't have permanent credit card details or care about my character that much entering it every time was too much of a bother so I deleted and if the hackers hack my account, sell my stuff and delete everything. Well I didn't have that much too start with unlike those who have spent a small fortune getting the best gear.
  18. Such a helpful and insightful post for the feedback thread, you sir are brilliant and have solved the problem here have a cookie. On topic So far my biggest problems have been a few champion mobs on Nar Shadda I just beat them before the nerf with my healing companion keeping me up and into the warren mission on Alderaan. I'm still playing and learning how to actually use my Jedi guardian have no legacy buffs and only the datacrons prior to this point. I can't comment on these post nerf as I've levelled up gear ALOT since then and more importantly had some very helpful advice on my build combined with no time right now to replay them to see how they work currently. However my gear at that stage was level/planet appropriate (I'd been doing all the heroics and side missions so my gear was what dropped for these planets) while now I've bought a bunch of gear that I'm fairly sure is well above what I'm meant to have (endurance for instance is several thousand points above planet max). Class was a Jedi Guardian with I'm pretty sure average lvl 96 to lvl 178 gear and was using Kira at lvl 16 with 2439 influence after I'd been steadily pouring the companion gifts I was crafting down her throat. Still I can't really comment on the comnpanion nerf beyond noting most mobs regular attacks do more damage the healer can keep up with much less when you have a group of them attacking you. Anyway the point I wantd to make is Into the Warrens has a lot of groups (2 gold elites + 2 trash/strong) mobs in a confined area of that courtyard and its almost impossible for a non-stealth new player to avoid agroing multiple groups (especially with the HEALING companion randomly jumping off and attacking them). If you want casual/new players to do these missions (those not in end game gear, highly skilled or with large amounts of legacy buffs) but aren't inclined to boost the companions another option may be downgrading the number of mobs. Please note I say number here not difficulty even post nerf with my limited skills I could take on 1 group with its 2 golds but when taking a step stirred up 1-2 other groups in that area and they all have push/pulls its very frustrating. I died 3 times in a row within seconds giving me no time to actually learn/adjust my build in response because I had no idea where I was going wrong. @Draewind You MIGHT want to try Secret World. Personally I'm going off it a little as lately it seems to be more grind and RNG spend cash grabs but it had a very immersive storyline in my opinion, they even have an ingame flavour reason for why you respawn after dying. Basic premise is real world all the myths and legends (vampires, werewolves, secret monolithic conspiracy groups etc) are real even if the truth is not what the stories would have you believe. We just got an ability in a recent expansion that was based on story choices we made when we first came out.
  19. Over the past week I've entered it 3 times not often enough to be annoying but its not really "one time" so I'm curious how many times do I need to enter it before I stop getting asked to enter a one time password?
  20. Exactly and when you add in the fact I am casual (leave at 4am, get back after 5pm 7 day's a week with 2 10 hour shifts every weekend) a lot of the "soloable" heroics are just a brick wall and more are so unfun (particularly when they bug out on the last step and you have to reset to the begining 3 times) well there's no real reason to pay beyond I subbed when I had a mistaken impression of the game (because it was starwars ironically I rushed a bit) and now I've cancelled and am just using the subtime up. As for why I don't ask for help? Well this is a community that prefers to tell you to L2P or hit alt f4 to achive the desired result than actually give advice. Been playing since 4.0, part of a guild for most of that and only found out two day's ago about how "necessary" keybind are and yesterday that I could actually change the interface to display multiple bars at once. A lot of this community are not only not willing to help a new player learn but actually abuse or try to trick them when asked for help and when you add on that such a massive change to companions (which I personally needed at the previous level to survive heroics because I am still learning about the game) well its going to drive people away in droves. Which doesn't even address the fact that according to the definitions I've seen I'm not "casual" because I'm willing to post here (not willing to ask questions for help though given the reaction to my first post) and look up guides on how to improve my build.
  21. I have planet drops and a companion at lvl 16 (highest one) with no legacy perks pre nerf I used the harder heroics to learn my class abilities as we both stayed up long enough to be a challenging fight. Post nerf I die in seconds so I have no fun, learn nothing and normal story content is useless for learning my class because they die in seconds even if I use basic attacks. For me the nerf has turned challenging but difficult content that I could use in learning my class to nearly impossible content I've on 2 occasions walked away from because of reasons (1 bugged, the other I just died on the last boss and couldn't face slogging through either again) and 1 occasions if someone hadn't actually helped I would have walked away from because it was literally impossible for me to complete at that point. I've just been doing the planetary content one planet at a time, I shouldn't NEED the best gear in the game to do level appropriate content and if I do then there's something very, very wrong with that game.
  22. Even so current votes are . . . Happy: 124 votes, 13% Neutral: 132 votes, 14% Not Happy: 689 votes, 73% Total: 945 votes. Nearly a thousand people have voted on this matter so far and that doesn't include those who've already unsubbed and left before it was created. That's a fairly healthy random sampling I'd say. Need to bear in mind this isn't an online pole of a communities views on say a new zoning project its an online pole of an online gaming communities view about one specific online game which is rather a different matter.
  23. And now we stand at Happy: 6 votes, 6% Neutral: 10 votes, 10% Not Happy: 82 votes, 84% Total: 98 votes. Eric asked for feedback on the changes I think this say's a lot especially combined with the people unsubbing left and right. Be interesting to see what its like tommorrow as its going up while I watch.
  24. Currently 24 votes 1 happy, 3 neutral, 20 not happy.
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