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Level Sync; Your reactions?


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Well, I am one of those "turned out to be a tempest in a teacup" kind of people. That is why I am here. At first, hearing they were doing this pretty much sealed my decision to never return. When I investigated the actual mechanics and setup, however (which I should NOT have had to do myself) I discovered it wasn't as bad as it appeared.


They set it up so you are two levels above the maximum recommended level for the planet...probably right on the edge of the capability to gain XP. This means you are rather powerful compared to most mobs on the planet. And that means, ESPECIALLY if you are max level and have the maximum bonuses for your companion that it is likely EASIER than before.


The only difference now? Takes a bit longer and you pull agro more often...both things that can easily be remedied with a few small adjustments.


I think it is almost perfect in it's current form....just needs a few tweaks IMO.

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Now that I see this for myself, this is EXACTLY what I have wanted since the beginning of the game. Level up wherever I want. Whatever planet I choose to go on, do content there :) Best idea they EVER had period!


I absolutely love this. I'm leveling my 55 Trooper, on Nar Shaddaa, he's almost 57 now. This is so great. Just so great! Next I'm going to Coruscant and then, Balmorra, then wherever I please because now you can do that! Level wherever you want guys! No restrictions :D


Have fun! See? It's nowhere near as bad as some were thinking. It's quite nice isn't it. Just admit it ;)

Edited by Sarfux
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Still decimated Ord Mantell with my Consular when I went for the Datacrons (which I know one of my characters has, I really should just log into them all to get all of them unlocked on Rep side that I have unlocked...Imp side and Fleet is done)


That said, I missed them just leaving me alone too :p

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The sync itself is not really a problem, but , I am with the main story for KotFE released so far, and I see why they really did it. They didn't make a whole bunch of missions for you they give you a story and then make you do heroics you have already done to get required pieces. Take all the Star Fortress stuff for example. Instead of putting high level mobs and instances on all the planets that you have to go to the just make you do stuff they already have there. I think that is being lazy on their part.


However, that being said, I don't really mind it. As others have said, I still face roll everything that comes my way. It does allow you to go and help lowbies with out nerfing them which is cool.


All in all it is not really that bad and I can deal with it until they nerf the companions.

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Absolutely insanimously uber epiconful extra fantastic sweetatisfaction!!


Yes, that's how much I like it. I can level my 48 or 51 wherever I want!! :D LOVE that aspect.


Bad thing is I don't want to lvl my characters on Voss. I want the chance to lvl them through Forged Alliances and SOR.


The bad thing is they Don't give ppl the choice on where they do want to level. I would like for Forged Alliances and SOR to have that real "Should do to lvl to 60 with storyline". Now all that Content is moot because ppl really don't have a say on what Planet they can level on.

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Well, I am one of those "turned out to be a tempest in a teacup" kind of people. That is why I am here. At first, hearing they were doing this pretty much sealed my decision to never return. When I investigated the actual mechanics and setup, however (which I should NOT have had to do myself) I discovered it wasn't as bad as it appeared.


They set it up so you are two levels above the maximum recommended level for the planet...probably right on the edge of the capability to gain XP. This means you are rather powerful compared to most mobs on the planet. And that means, ESPECIALLY if you are max level and have the maximum bonuses for your companion that it is likely EASIER than before.


The only difference now? Takes a bit longer and you pull agro more often...both things that can easily be remedied with a few small adjustments.


I think it is almost perfect in it's current form....just needs a few tweaks IMO.


Actually, the "edge of XP" in 3.X was about 6 levels over the level of the mob or quest.


What we got out of levelsync is a system that is no good for the people who wanted nothing to do with levelsync, and no good for the people who wanted "challenge" from all content. The only people who actually got what they wanted, so far, would appear to be those who wanted to get XP, etc, from all content without it being all that "challenging".

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Actually, the "edge of XP" in 3.X was about 6 levels over the level of the mob or quest.


What we got out of levelsync is a system that is no good for the people who wanted nothing to do with levelsync, and no good for the people who wanted "challenge" from all content. The only people who actually got what they wanted, so far, would appear to be those who wanted to get XP, etc, from all content without it being all that "challenging".


Fair enough, but I would pose this to you Max....would an agro and damage adjustment make a difference in your eyes?

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Bad thing is I don't want to lvl my characters on Voss. I want the chance to lvl them through Forged Alliances and SOR.


The bad thing is they Don't give ppl the choice on where they do want to level. I would like for Forged Alliances and SOR to have that real "Should do to lvl to 60 with storyline". Now all that Content is moot because ppl really don't have a say on what Planet they can level on.


What is stopping you from leveling through Forged Alliances and SOR?

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Fair enough, but I would pose this to you Max....would an agro and damage adjustment make a difference in your eyes?





Things were good the way they were.


The only levelsync added should have been voluntary, as people were requesting, in order to play with friends or guildies who are on lower-level characters.

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Things were good the way they were.


The only levelsync added should have been voluntary, as people were requesting, in order to play with friends or guildies who are on lower-level characters.


yeah well. things are different now. you don't have to keep forking over money. we know you will, though.

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stating the obvious makes me a troll. you complain about very nearly everything here and yet you keep handing over your cash. why? if this game doesn't make you happy, leave. it really is that easy. they've implemented a system they want into the game they designed. if you hate is as much as you say you do, the door is a toggle called "unsubscribe".
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You guys are still leveling? I haven't even noticed it at all My toons are 60 or soon to be 65 after 2-3 hours of easy solo questing. There was a big lack of challenge I noticed that Once you hit 65 leveling becomes irrelevant though.
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I think it's interesting. This made me return to Alderaan when I haven't come back to this planet in around one year. So, I like it, it makes me return to planets that I didn't know existed anymore. In the other hand, the flash-points are harder now. I could not get over Rakata Prime with a team of lower level. It is a little bit unbalanced and some bosses are 10x harder than they were before. Regarding flash-points, it's a little bit challenging when one don't gets the right team.
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not as awful as I was afraid of - since I can fairly easily solo planetary heroics (not as quickly as I used to, but at least credit rewards are much higher). assuming companions don't get nerfed. although... is it my rotten luck or did they nerf datacron deco drop rates? cause they used to drop a lot more consistently for me before


but... still annoying when I'm trying to do something like BBA dailies. definitely demotivated from exploring since there is no way to avoid aggroing everything in sight now unless you are on a stealth character (and stealth as awesome as it is, has a drawback of making you move much MUCH slower, so either way, you are slowed down unnecessarily IMO)


verdict. I still wish it was optional rather then mandatory. and boy am I glad that I got datacron achievements out of the way before it was implemented.

Edited by Jeweledleah
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What is stopping you from leveling through Forged Alliances and SOR?


I lvl' to 55 without doing the Class storyline. I was a big Pvp'er, so that's why i hate it where i won't be able to lvl where i want/ should as some other players just leveled the normal way.


I'm not the only 1 with this problem though.

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You aren't always those 5 levels above the area.


Instead you are 5 levels above the initial starting area on the planet.


That makes it a tad bit different to fight end-planet mobs than start-planet mobs.

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... All it does is make traveling more annoying because I'm getting jumped by trash that I'm trying to get past ...


You're doing something wrong then. If I can travel across planets without getting shot from the speeder, it should be possible for you too. It's a learn-to-play thing.

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You're doing something wrong then. If I can travel across planets without getting shot from the speeder, it should be possible for you too. It's a learn-to-play thing.

There is no "learn-to-play thing" that allows one to avoid aggroing mobs blocking the entire right-of-way in a tunnel, small alley or narrow crevasse.

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I lvl' to 55 without doing the Class storyline. I was a big Pvp'er, so that's why i hate it where i won't be able to lvl where i want/ should as some other players just leveled the normal way.


I'm not the only 1 with this problem though.


First, you can still level to 55 without doing the class story, via PVP or other means. Nothing is stopping you from doing so.


Second, weren't you one of those demanding 12XP since you only wanted to do the class story and due to your "health issues", you HAD TO HAVE the fast pass, easy mode, light speed route to max level?


Allow me to quote you:


You ppl that are anit-12!@X don't really have a right to ur opinions, as 12X would Not Hurt, nor impact the way Non-12'ers play at all, All i do Notice is all this Bs you Anti-12X'ers are sayind/ crying has, again nothing to do with 12X, and all complaints about ppl saying there isn't enough Content happens all the time, and we DON'T even have 12X.


Stop ur damn crying , because FACT is it has Nothing to do with 12X xp if it ever got implemented. Also about ppl that might whine about not having enough Gear with 12X, again IS NOT the Ant-12X'ers problem, Nor does it have anything to do with them.


It will be solely up to 12X'ers responsibilities to take care of their Own Gear, no one elses. Any1 that would do 12X better have some 60's that can either craft gear, or do enough Dailies to make enough money for the ppl that do 12X to be able to Gear themselves appropriately.


Without 12X ppl still cry about Gear, when it's the players responsibility to get enough money for Gear.


Ppl complain with or without 12X Period, so all you Ant-12X'ers all you guys do is whine and complain about stuff that is already being complained about. Get over ur useless whinning and crying against 12X, it's useless when stuff is already being complained about.without 12X.


Ppl against 12X should make their Own Post with all the Gibberish.


This Stupid Legacy talk, is really Crap. As Musco said himself that Legacy 50 requires a Lot of non-stop playing and most of the Audience that i heard in the Livestream had NOT gotten' to Legacy 50 either. I heard a good some clap that they had gotten' to Legacy 50, but Most players that play this game Do Not.


Before 3.0 I had a legacy of only 35 and few toon lvl 50 and some at lvl 55, and that when I was doing Ops to. Only Elitists and ppl with Overgrown Egos would be stupid enough to say to make it a Legacy lvl 50. I have several 60 and more lvl 55s along with a Lot of other toons below the 50 mark.


I still do Not have a Legacy of 50, and have idiots tell me that have to be a Legacy of 50 or even 40 to be able to have 12X.


Like Musco said the Devs though about making it a Legacy perk and it was Thrown out for Obvious Reasons.


Also ur stupid Guide way to get Lvl'ing perks are just rediculous really.



A Lot of Idiots in these Forums are saying that this is the End of the game, when you guys have NO RIGHT TO. Until the Devs come back and reply about how 12X will be implemented, til' then I will reserve the Sate of the Game Judgement.


Anti-12X'ers you have ur own Forum, so keep ur Needless Junk over in ur own Forum.


I don't think all Subs should have 12X as I have said before though.


What u said has nothing to do with our game. I think ESO could use better ways to get better XP, but that's another game.


This is SWTOR, not the other MMO's u mentioned. You Post shouldn't have even been posted. Ppl don't have a right to tell us how to play after we have done so many characters. Ppl like me with Physical problems shouldn't have to do all the stupid sidequests, but only Class Story.


Ppl who don't have Physical ailments, but have done plenty of characters lvl'd to 50 to 55's and 60 should No Longer have to do anything more than Class Storyline and Companion stories.


It's really rediculous that 12X xp haters think they have a right to tell us how to play, or what legacy level we should be, or even the stupid arguement that ppl won't know how to play their Class, when in-fact they have to know how to use their Class in 12X in oder to get their missions done. I see most bad players that don't know what they're doing didn't do 12X at all. And I saw the best players able to do 12X. So ppl that say that 12X'ers don't know how to play is full of --it, asI said, most bad players were bad before 12X. The best players I saw were doing 12X, that a lot were able to handle the harder fights undergeared.


Ppl don't really have a right to complain when 12X does not, and will Not Effect other ppl, as the ppl who do 12X would hopefully just have to pay for it. The Haters of 12X will Not Have It. It will be up to the player, the way it should be.


My idea for 12X would that ppl would only be able to do it til' lvl 50. I know both sides will hate me for that lol :p


As being a very Old and handicapped person, the 12X xp is a Godsend to ppl like me who cannot play the game all the time because of Real-life issues. Most ppl here can waste their lives away and grind the Old fashioned way like i used to, which didn't get me anywhere fast lvl wise.


The ppl that have been against this 12X xp thing needs to shut-up and just cancel their SoR pre-order til' the 12X xp is done, or just stop whinning and Grind ur Classes without doing so much Class stories. I find so much idiocy with ppl that hate this 12X xp thing when all they have to do is cancel their SoR pre-order or just Not Grinfd til' Dec.2nd.


Ppl Should Have the Right to Play the way They want to Play, at least when it comes to already have done Class storylines, or just don't care to do the other quests. Me I will go back after 12X xp and go to the Planets and do most of those Missions I never did. Customers should be able Via Legacy or a 1 time Fee of each Character like $5.00 to be able to do only Class quests with the 12X xp. For those of us that have Very bad and Painful Handicaps to not be able to grind all the junk, this has probably been the best thing EA/Ware has done.


Why demand 12XP for class story if you level through PVP?

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Actually, the "edge of XP" in 3.X was about 6 levels over the level of the mob or quest.


What we got out of levelsync is a system that is no good for the people who wanted nothing to do with levelsync, and no good for the people who wanted "challenge" from all content. The only people who actually got what they wanted, so far, would appear to be those who wanted to get XP, etc, from all content without it being all that "challenging".


This does not appear to have been done for the players (though someone at BW is trying to sell it that way, and ruffling feathers doing so). It's a change in game mechanics to allow for the evolution in the game's design to increase the level cap regularly; to flatten the power curve and open up design space. It allows them to set new content on the iconic Star Wars worlds without resorting to spawning enemies from thin air or adding brand new map zones, or putting out-of-band enemies in older zones.


I'm pleased they managed to do this without flattening the player power curve too drastically; they could have screwed it up by being over-tight with the sync.


You're also conflating the step-down in difficulty from companions being absolutely more powerful (apparently) due to the increase in presence via influence and reductions of cool-downs on role powers with the effects (or lack thereof) of level sync, and a general down-tuning in difficulty of many heroics.

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