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Legacy names -- allow us to change them


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If the Op cant "change them" can they take out letters? Because all I ask is to take the "the" out of "Thegray".... ? :confused:



Edit: well I guess that would be "changing".. but is it really asking much? I didn't know about the title part and "the thegray legacy"... Spot the wrong in there please.

Edited by Zerverus
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If the Op cant "change them" can they take out letters? Because all I ask is to take the "the" out of "Thegray".... ? :confused:


I was told they could not change them -- which I believe means everything; can't alter; can't delete; can't remake.


I was shocked to learn that I couldn't reset the name simply by deleting all my characters. That's difficult to believe.

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You know I am not sure if I like this or not.


I mean its your legacy. I think a confirmation should occur when creating it (Ya I made mine awhile ago cant remember if it asked me to confirm) just to help prevent typos. As for actual changing it I dunno. I did think of a much cooler name a few weeks later but maybe if you change names it should reset points so its not done lightly? It is a Legacy after all.

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You know I am not sure if I like this or not.


I mean its your legacy. I think a confirmation should occur when creating it (Ya I made mine awhile ago cant remember if it asked me to confirm) just to help prevent typos. As for actual changing it I dunno. I did think of a much cooler name a few weeks later but maybe if you change names it should reset points so its not done lightly? It is a Legacy after all.


If you want to look at it that way... if all characters on a server are deleted, how can they have a legacy to preserve?

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This is a big issue to me as well. I had to think of a name that didnt compliment my main char 100%, because then all my alts would seem awkward.

So I had to think of something fairly decent, rolls of the tongue and seems plausibly universal.

And no, there was no confirmation.

Because I had a list of about 5 names I wanted to check, and then narrow down, and the 2nd one I tried went right through.

I'm sure they can just reset the flag giving back the option to name.

But yes, I find it unsettling seeing people with Same first and legacy names.

I saw a guy Darthdarth.

I dread to see him get the Darth title and then put Darth for a legacy. Or DarthDarth as a legacy.

Lord Hog Tied.

I had a chuckle out of that, but now he's doomed to Tied on everyone else.

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I agree with the original poster.


I had intended to use my character's last name from SWG as my surname. A new guildmate decided that my SWG toon had a pretty cool sounding last name and leveled past me and grabbed it instead, or so one of the multiple telling of the tale goes


Now, not only do I feel naked and wrong without my "legacy" name, I also feel wronged by a guildmate. In this situation, I am feeling pretty justified in switching servers to have the proper legacy name. Call it short of playing with a full deck or what you will, but I had every intention of continuing my star wars legacy built in SWG, here.


To have customer service tell me they don't possess the tools to change it is an out and out lie (name changes are a basic game csr tool, get real) and tells me that bioware doesn't have what it takes to ever overtake WoW/Blizzard in the mmo arena.

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I like the idea of Legacy names being unique and un-changeable, but I'd like to select who on my server shares that Legacy.


I.e. different races, or even light / dark side alignment should warrant a choice regarding if you want to tag him to a legacy or not.

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I agree with the original poster.


I had intended to use my character's last name from SWG as my surname. A new guildmate decided that my SWG toon had a pretty cool sounding last name and leveled past me and grabbed it instead, or so one of the multiple telling of the tale goes


Now, not only do I feel naked and wrong without my "legacy" name, I also feel wronged by a guildmate. In this situation, I am feeling pretty justified in switching servers to have the proper legacy name. Call it short of playing with a full deck or what you will, but I had every intention of continuing my star wars legacy built in SWG, here.


To have customer service tell me they don't possess the tools to change it is an out and out lie (name changes are a basic game csr tool, get real) and tells me that bioware doesn't have what it takes to ever overtake WoW/Blizzard in the mmo arena.


Wow, what a horrendous thing for a supposed ally to do to you. You told him/her that in good faith and they knowingly stabbed you in the back? That's attrocious.

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Not that I chose a bad name, but suddenly a far better name popped in, wich is too late I guess. I wouldn't mind a change anyways:P.


If I'm not allowed, I'll just won't show the legacy name, problem solved:D

Edited by Oobro
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I asked Stephen Reid this: it does nothing. And, not only that, but I asked what would happen if you deleted every character on the server. Know what happens then? Nothing! You can't even petition for a surname change -- the GMs are unable to do that!


I mean, really, it's mind-boggling. Name changes are just a part of life in MMOs. People get dissatisfied; they make mistakes; they have a change of heart -- how could you possibly launch a system whre NOT EVEN THE GMS CAN CHANGE SURNAMES, BIOWARE??


I loved the way LOTRO handled Surnames and families.


Food for thought.

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Bump for support.


I actually love the idea of the Legacy system, but something needs to be in place to allow for changes to be made to the name...even if it's a paid service.


I personally think each character should be allowed their own Legacy name, that way you could have different "families" or tie them into a pre-existing one if you so desire.


It's a great idea, but horribly restrictive at the moment.

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Probably already mentioned, but sometimes I name my characters as if it were their first name (Sith Warrior) and sometimes I name them as if it were their last (Trooper). This legacy system gums up that scheme. Surnames in a lore-rich IP like StarWars should be a baseline feature. Build upon that with perks that don't destroy ones name altogether.
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Who gives a crap about the name, 3 years development time and all we get is a name? Bioware could of at least done something more with it by release.


Names are one of those things that don't need bells and whistles. Names can be cool enough on their own, and made even cooler if you do neat things playing the character. Part of the problem with the Legacy System is the fact Bioware is attempting to 'bells and whistles up' names. They don't need to do that. People were very happy with LotRO's surnames, and they were COMPLETELY FEATURELESS.

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Should every one of you characters have to have that last name, though?


But this isn't a last name system--it's a name by which your characters are drawn together but not their name.


For example, Han Solo is part of Skywalker's legacy, despite having a different name. Consider it a clan or an organization name.

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