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(KOTFE) Do you really have to do PvP to recruit a PvE companion?


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^PvP can help you a lot in PvE in learning your class and survival. Although, was to what is more difficult I find the fact they are a human player very predictable :p


Not always... Some people are just so good that they are unpredictable... While others are such mongs they are just as unpredictable... But you do have your lemmings and sheep who follow the first dumb person they can find...

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Requirements are honestly fairly easy:


A) Be a Warrior/Trooper

B) Valour 40

C) 20 WZs (wins count x2)


The only real issue is if your server is dead and 10-20 WZs takes a long time.


Is there any server where 10-20 unranked pops takes a long time?

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Then don't... It's only one companion... And we know they'll change it in the future because every pve person will whine and whine about it...

All the while us pvp people will never ever get any love, no matter how vocal we are...

Personally I don't care about the companion thing being locked to pvp or pve, although I think it's a bit silly that they did that....

Except you guys have one small thing that you don't like and you lose your minds over it... I mean a lot of you are frothing at the mouth like you do with any little pve thing..

There are way more important things to worry about in this game... Pve and pvp end game content things

Us pvp people have had nothing for us since 2.0 and even then it was one map that was bugged and still isn't right... We ask for some small changes in pvp or some class balance and we are never listened to... It doesn't matter how vocal we are...

So while I think it was a weird choice by the Devs to do this... Everyone losing their minds over this need to chill out and play the story you were all demanding at the expanse of any new end game content for the rest of us...


(FYI, I'm also not saying the above poster is losing his mind over this... I mean the rest of you that are)





Now, one thing I've never been able to understand, and I mean no offense by this I am seriously curious, how is it that there are a fair number of forum posters, and a fair number of people in game who complain about the 'lack of PvP'? If there are enough people on the forums and in game that want PvP, why are they not on the PvP servers?


I have asked this and the response I always get is the PvP servers are empty and not enough people on them.


This however raises the question of why so many people post on the forums complaining about the lack of PvP, or complain on PvE servers about PvP, why are they not on a PvP server...well, PvPing?

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Not quite. Depending on who you want, a PvP player can get a specific companion much much faster than a PvE player trying to get one of the two PvP locked compansions.


Umm no, not really. And not just comparing the companions but all of the PvE vs PvP that each group has to do. That argument does not hold up.

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Umm no, not really. And not just comparing the companions but all of the PvE vs PvP that each group has to do. That argument does not hold up.


Very well then I extend this olive branch to you. What is it that is in PvE that you as a PvP player despise having to endure in order to obtain? If not companions, the only thing left is gear since PvE has nothing else to offer but leveling up faster I suppose?

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Mr. Internet Tough guy


That's your response? Ok.. I was 28 when I started "gaming".. Almost 20 years ago. You do know that there aren't people who aren't passive pu**ies, who didn't grow up with a screen in their face for substance in life? Right?

Edited by TitusKolobok
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Pvp teams have been gimped for so long now, any new pve people playing pvp will make little difference... As long as you listen to some basic advice and don't become a complete douche in matches, we welcome new people... Who knows, you may even come to like it... It also makes you a better pve player too as it is much harder to play than pve content... Pve content is way to easy and repetitive... At least playing against a real person you never know how hard the combat might be and every match is different

Actually majority of those guys giving advice are actually quite harsh and think they can command people to do what they want... When that happens I just ignore them.

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Dulfy reports that if you are a Sith Warrior you just have to talk to Pierce to get him back. Likewise with M14X for Troopers.


Gods. Dulfy is where I have been looking for my info, too. I completely missed that. Thanks for the correction!!! :)


So basically it is now just a matter of waiting for the proper chapter to release to get the specific companions back available in those chapters ... AND to see if this "terminal" gets fixed if that is what it is intended for. The way folks are talking, it's like even the terminal is taking chapters into account.

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Either way, like I said, I'm just gonna sit in 20 matches and just nudge the mouse every once in a while to stop from idling out. Free kills for someone.


If you don't like PvP don't get the PvP required companion, don't be a jerk and AFK in matches. I hope you get reported and banned, and have him taken away if you do this.

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If you don't like PvP don't get the PvP required companion, don't be a jerk and AFK in matches. I hope you get reported and banned, and have him taken away if you do this.


Placing companions behind a pvp wall is just begging people to queue and afk. They knew this would be a problem. They had to.


I don't, and never will, pvp in this game. So any and all comps behind the pvp wall are lost to me. No big deal. Plenty more now. But some people do like the comps that are pvp bound now and they will (many of them, anyway) queue and then afk the match or lame away until it's over and repeat the process 20 times. Nothing to be done about it. Like I said they had to know people would just afk these matches.


Look at it this way: after a few weeks most of these people will have their comps back and pvp queues will return to normal... nearly empty.

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  • You have to level to 10 before you can even start doing PvP, which means you have to PvE for 9 levels before you even have access to PvP.
  • You have to level a crew skill and/or farm credits in PvE to get augments/stims/grenades.
  • You have to level to at least your ship to be able to get anywhere that has open world PvP (Outlaw's Den, Gree areas of Ilum, etc.); The first planet where there is even a POSSIBILITY of open PvP is Nar Shaddaa.
  • If you want to do the aforementioned crew skills you have to level until Act III to get all the companions.
  • If you want to get the class buffs you have to level 4 characters minimum through Act III
  • If you want the companion buffs, you have to level their affection and do their quests.


There are quite a few things that PvPers have to do in PvE that are locked to that content. So what else you got?


your response is flawed.


1. those 9 lvls of pve are on a starter world and unless ur playing a MOBA I've yet to see any MMO allow pvp before a character finished the "starting" zones.


2. you don't need to farm creds in pve ...pretty sure I earn those doing the little pvp i've tried in the game so a hardcore pvp player doesn't need to farm anything in pve to get creds for augments; nor do you need to farm for mats for stims or augments. those creds you've been earning while pvping you can use to buy said items right off the gtn.


3. Don't need a ship to get to Open World PVP zones anymore: Legacy unlock to be able to transport to Outlaw's Den has been in the game since they implemented the legacy system and there are priority transporters that can send you to Illum.


4. don't need to lvl up any comps for crew skills ... see my aforementioned #2 response above. you don't need crew skills at all to pvp.


5. this is laughable. I buff folks all the time on fleet when I feel like it. plenty of players can buff you. hell all you gotta do is ask in game chat and I'd be happy to give you the buffs if I'm on :D (PVE FTW cuz we run the story, you get the buffs xD)


6. companion buff? i'm confused. to what buff are you referring? I have 13 pve toons of varying class and faction and I've yet to see a single comp give me any "buff"


EDIT: ok I think I know to what you are referring and yet still you are wrong. especially now since doing a comps full quest conversation now only raises your Presense skill ...a skill I might add that has no affect on pvp cuz you can't take a companion into pvp anyways. Basically, there is nothing a companion can do for you that will help you in pvp ...in the old system or the new companion setup


There's not a single thing a pvper needs to pve to unlock ...so tell me, what else you got??

Edited by Allysaala
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Dulfy reports that if you are a Sith Warrior you just have to talk to Pierce to get him back. Likewise with M14X for Troopers.


My guess is that this is not the complete story because Dulfy like many of us probably had already maxed affection and got the kill achievement with Pierce. Notice how the companions that you get back (like HK or Treek) are instantly Rank 10 if you had maxed them.


The influence that you earn to unlock Qyzen or M1-4X/Pierce puts them at Rank 10 which is the rank they would reach if you had maxed them before KOTFE. So my guess is that it is the requirement to get them right ahead if you are the right class.

Edited by demotivator
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The part where I get confused is:


For special things like PvP and World Bosses, Events, etc, attach some NEW companions to that - one's EXCLUSIVE to that content.


I am NOT irritated at them making companions unlock using special processes. What I am irritated at is that we ALREADY recruited these same companions on a class, and that class loses them permanently the moment they trigger KotFE. Either they are gone for good or we have to PvP, etc. to get them back. I understand maybe adding a bit of work for ANOTHER class to get them, but we were told many times in streams, etc. that we would get to KEEP our classic companions and summon them whenever we backtracked to old worlds, but that didn't happen at all and now we have to do stuff like this.


Pierce isn't important to me. i could care less about him, but he wasn't popular with many folks anyway. But if they put hurdles like this on companions like Pierce, can you even IMAGINE what they are going to make us do to get romanced companions like Mako back in future chapters - that is - IF they let us get them back? It is now NOT a guarantee that you will EVER see your old companions again. No guarantee at all.


As for this "terminal" that folks keep bringing up that supposedly exists at fleet - no - that doesn't exist so please do not fall for the trolls who keep trying to send people to terminals. It's right there alongside the old "Press ALT+F4 to get your companions back" gag. By the way - someone on fleet actually fell for that a while ago O.o


I am right here with you, the PvP wall while irritating and annoying, I can always do what other people here who don't PvP do, and do 20 matches and do nothing because I am not geared or caring about the outcome, but I want my old companions back when I am not doing KOTFE stuff.

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I am right here with you, the PvP wall while irritating and annoying, I can always do what other people here who don't PvP do, and do 20 matches and do nothing because I am not geared or caring about the outcome, but I want my old companions back when I am not doing KOTFE stuff.


That's good to know that you don't have to actually participate to make it work. I hate the fact that they are locking content, and not just any content, story content, behind a pvp wall. There's no way I'm doing PVP, but there's also no way I'm not getting Pierce. So, I'll probably start the matches and go do my laundry while I'm at it. At least I won't feel like I'm wasting my time. If this was done to make people try pvp in the hope that they stay, that's a serious miss.

Edited by lanawinst
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The part where I get confused is:


For special things like PvP and World Bosses, Events, etc, attach some NEW companions to that - one's EXCLUSIVE to that content.


I am NOT irritated at them making companions unlock using special processes. What I am irritated at is that we ALREADY recruited these same companions on a class, and that class loses them permanently the moment they trigger KotFE. Either they are gone for good or we have to PvP, etc. to get them back. I understand maybe adding a bit of work for ANOTHER class to get them, but we were told many times in streams, etc. that we would get to KEEP our classic companions and summon them whenever we backtracked to old worlds, but that didn't happen at all and now we have to do stuff like this.


Pierce isn't important to me. i could care less about him, but he wasn't popular with many folks anyway. But if they put hurdles like this on companions like Pierce, can you even IMAGINE what they are going to make us do to get romanced companions like Mako back in future chapters - that is - IF they let us get them back? It is now NOT a guarantee that you will EVER see your old companions again. No guarantee at all.


As for this "terminal" that folks keep bringing up that supposedly exists at fleet - no - that doesn't exist so please do not fall for the trolls who keep trying to send people to terminals. It's right there alongside the old "Press ALT+F4 to get your companions back" gag. By the way - someone on fleet actually fell for that a while ago O.o



This terminal that you claim is a lie is at -485,89 on Oddessen, west of the war room. It's just not working.

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6. companion buff? i'm confused. to what buff are you referring? I have 13 pve toons of varying class and faction and I've yet to see a single comp give me any "buff"


EDIT: ok I think I know to what you are referring and yet still you are wrong. especially now since doing a comps full quest conversation now only raises your Presense skill ...a skill I might add that has no affect on pvp cuz you can't take a companion into pvp anyways. Basically, there is nothing a companion can do for you that will help you in pvp ...in the old system or the new companion setup


There's not a single thing a pvper needs to pve to unlock ...so tell me, what else you got??


You sir are wrong having affection(or w/e is it now) with comps grants you 1% surge crit accuracy hp permanently so you have to get all 5 comps to max

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Which is the reason a lot of PvE players avoid PvP, we don't want a challenge, we don't want to work, we just want to chillax and be awesome since none of us are in real life lol

Oh, I want challenges all right, just not the kind of challenges PvP offers. I like my challenges to be about logic and execution, not about reflexes. I also like them to be winnable. The average win rate in PvP is only 50%; I'd probably have less than that because I'm not very good at it.

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99% of this game is behiond a "pve wall"


pvpers get one thing and *SKY IS FALLING*


By this logic, 100% of a typical Mario game is behind a jumping/reflex puzzle game wall.


This isn't really a pvp game. Pvp is an afterthought.


So hey, awesome... Look at that stuff behind pvp walls that doesn't exist to me.


Besides, when I want pvp, SWTOR is so not the game I load up to look for it.

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This whole thing is so silly. Every cross-class companion so far has required extra work to obtain it. In the case of M1-4x, you have 3 options. You can either 1) do 20 pvp matces, wins count double, 2) Have 40 valor already, or 3) Be a trooper.


Options 2 and 3 don't appear the first time you talk to him, but the second time. So after the first conversation is over, just talk to him again.

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This terminal that you claim is a lie is at -485,89 on Oddessen, west of the war room. It's just not working.

Yep. Its right next to Datapad that gives you rewards for raising influence with advisors. But it says you already found all the companions. No idea what it does in not-bugged state.

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This whole thing is so silly. Every cross-class companion so far has required extra work to obtain it. In the case of M1-4x, you have 3 options. You can either 1) do 20 pvp matces, wins count double, 2) Have 40 valor already, or 3) Be a trooper.


Options 2 and 3 don't appear the first time you talk to him, but the second time. So after the first conversation is over, just talk to him again.

Option 3 also doesn't appear if you aren't a trooper. So for non-trooper characters there's no way to avoid PvP.


I don't have the game open right now, but is there an option to just refuse him and make the quest and alliance alert disappear?

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Option 3 also doesn't appear if you aren't a trooper. So for non-trooper characters there's no way to avoid PvP.


I don't have the game open right now, but is there an option to just refuse him and make the quest and alliance alert disappear?


I've just left the quest untracked. That gets rid of the alert. I just hope I don't miss out on more alerts from that character because I don't complete that mission.

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That's good to know that you don't have to actually participate to make it work. I hate the fact that they are locking content, and not just any content, story content, behind a pvp wall. There's no way I'm doing PVP, but there's also no way I'm not getting Pierce. So, I'll probably start the matches and go do my laundry while I'm at it. At least I won't feel like I'm wasting my time.


Unfortunately you do have to move/engage in combat every now and then, because if you go AFK you can be kicked and get no credit. Still, having it open in one window and reading fanfiction/watching kitten vids in another is entirely doable. :)


If this was done to make people try pvp in the hope that they stay, that's a serious miss.


Indeed, especially since it "encourages" unprepared/unwilling PVEers in PVE gear to engage in PVP, which won't make their experience a pleasant one, i.e. is unlikely to be an experience they love so much that they'll stick with it. PvErs and PvPers have different mindsets and different goals. "Forcing" one on the other has the tendency to make people reject something on principle.


This is obviously just meant to be pop fodder, and as such I don't feel motivated to do any more than necessary to meet minimum requirements.


Edited by KyaniteD
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