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People just don't play this game for long anymore. Time for a new star wars mmo?


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First of all I've been with this game from day one (since beta), so people do stay, but not many of them. I run a guild and lately it's just getting a bit ridiculous, I have almost 500 members max but only like 3-6 online at any given time. People just don't want to play this game anymore or just don't get into it. I recruited 200 members in 2 weeks and only 3 people are online? I'm on the harbinger btw. And I noticed today on a sunday, that DK only had 60 people on it and only 1 instance, it was very quiet. This is the wake of a new expansion about to release in two weeks? I don't know but I get the feeling this game just doesn't have the subscriptions, I don't believe it ever has, maybe the first year but then after that.


I just feel like maybe mmo's arent suppose to last for 10 years anymore, that they should start bringing out sequels and new games maybe every 3 years or so unless its doing really good. I also believe there should be more variety, yeah this is the only star wars mmo, but it doesn't mean it should be the only one, give other games a chance. Why do I even play this game anymore? Maybe because its the only star wars mmo? Maybe because I finally ran out of content and now I'm grasping at 30-45 min chapters in KOTFE.


To me it just seems like they don't put enough time, money, and effort into swtor anymore. I feel like its on autopilot, they are just investing as little as they can to keep turning a profit. I think it is a lost cause now though, now I believe nothing they could do would bring the players back. I think they should focus on the next MMO, or the next KOTOR single player.. maybe make an announcement during the new star wars films, build lots of hype. People think the new star wars films are going bring back players to swtor but I don't think it is, and if they come they won't stay for long, nothing is keeping them.


Well I can't speak for everyone, but for me, I've done all the content, I've completed all the class stories, and after KOTFE I think its finally time I say goodbye and move on and I'm sad :( I hope for something new one day that we can all enjoy together again.

Edited by SaerethDL
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Swtor 2.0 with an actual Engine (not a toy), lessons learned and most importantly, a constant budget could possibly pull in new players however I think Star Wars as an MMO will always conjurer memories of the TORtanic and because of that, no matter what, would be a bad investment and an uphill battle from a PR perspective.


Its 8 days until a new xpac (really just an RPG plopped on top of SWTOR) is launched and we have so little information. That kind of consumer relations just doesn't fly in 2015.

Edited by DarthDetonate
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Swtor 2.0 with an actual Engine (not a toy), lessons learned and most importantly, a constant budget could possibly pull in new players however I think Star Wars as an MMO will always conjurer memories of the TORtanic and because of that, no matter what, would be a bad investment and an uphill battle from a PR perspective.


Its 8 days until a new xpac (really just an RPG plopped on top of SWTOR) is launched and we have so little information. That kind of consumer relations just doesn't fly in 2015.


Yeah sorry when I think of Failed SW games SWTOR isn't the first game that comes to mind, care to take a guess one what does come to mind?


If you guessed SWG then you would be correct!! :p


Tell the man what he's won Johnny!! :D

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Yeah sorry when I think of Failed SW games SWTOR isn't the first game that comes to mind, care to take a guess one what does come to mind?


If you guessed SWG then you would be correct!! :p


Tell the man what he's won Johnny!! :D


It would depend of the demographic you're going for. the game was launched 4 years ago SWG was launched in 2003. 15 year olds that started Swtor are now 19. 15 year olds that stared SWG are 27. A bit of a swing and probably not the audience that would be courted.

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Been here since Beta/launch, with occasional breaks here and there. The game once had over two hundred servers, albeit it was to suppress the queue times. Before that, right around one hundred if I recall correctly.


The servers are now down to... roughly twenty.


Our Guild had twenty five active people. Now we're down to maybe five on at any given time, and that's a good night.


I'll continue to support this game like I did Galaxies, but there are eerily similarities to both.


SWTOR has and will continue to be on the fence.






Edited by Pirana
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I feel for you, I really do. Your story is very similar to my own and it's been rough watching my guild basically fall apart when it was extremely active a year ago. I have roughly 450 characters in the guild at the moment and I am lucky to see more than 3-4 people online at a time. I'll just keep recruiting and hope for the best as I don't really like any of the other mmos out there but it is kinda sad.
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Not after what they did to the story, combat, and online multiplayer in ME3.

You mean make it top of the line? No, we definitely dont want that <rolleyes>



Well, the problem is as someone earlier stated. This game is the last remnant of the gorious expanded universe, which Disney now calls Legends. Any new game will be some Disney-Crap you can only play under the blanket with a flashlight.

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What about a mass effect MMO, would yall go for that?


Hell no.


They lost my money for anything Mass Effect when they totally and thoroughly killed off the Shepard story arc by that half-assed and totally crappy ending that is ME3.


This is why i know the ending of this swtor expansion is going to be just as ****ed up and pathetic.


They are good at telling stories, but they royally and embarrassingly suck at ending them.

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I played SWGemu for a while, but was off-put by how sparsely populated it was and felt disappointed. I finally give this game a chance, and its basically just an rpg, not challenging at all, and to my surprise, just as dead as SWGemu! Thats pretty bad lol. Look, the two games are pretty much opposites, SWG was all grind no story, SWTOR all story no grind. I personally think SWG was much better, and thats not saying much. This game has no future really. I really hope they make a better SWG mmo at some point.
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First of all I've been with this game from day one (since beta), so people do stay, but not many of them. I run a guild and lately it's just getting a bit ridiculous, I have almost 500 members max but only like 3-6 online at any given time. People just don't want to play this game anymore or just don't get into it. I recruited 200 members in 2 weeks and only 3 people are online? I'm on the harbinger btw. And I noticed today on a sunday, that DK only had 60 people on it and only 1 instance, it was very quiet. This is the wake of a new expansion about to release in two weeks? I don't know but I get the feeling this game just doesn't have the subscriptions, I don't believe it ever has, maybe the first year but then after that.


I just feel like maybe mmo's arent suppose to last for 10 years anymore, that they should start bringing out sequels and new games maybe every 3 years or so unless its doing really good. I also believe there should be more variety, yeah this is the only star wars mmo, but it doesn't mean it should be the only one, give other games a chance. Why do I even play this game anymore? Maybe because its the only star wars mmo? Maybe because I finally ran out of content and now I'm grasping at 30-45 min chapters in KOTFE.


To me it just seems like they don't put enough time, money, and effort into swtor anymore. I feel like its on autopilot, they are just investing as little as they can to keep turning a profit. I think it is a lost cause now though, now I believe nothing they could do would bring the players back. I think they should focus on the next MMO, or the next KOTOR single player.. maybe make an announcement during the new star wars films, build lots of hype. People think the new star wars films are going bring back players to swtor but I don't think it is, and if they come they won't stay for long, nothing is keeping them.


Well I can't speak for everyone, but for me, I've done all the content, I've completed all the class stories, and after KOTFE I think its finally time I say goodbye and move on and I'm sad :( I hope for something new one day that we can all enjoy together again.


Lots of my friends play this game in bursts of various length. I always keep my sub active, though I take lengthy breaks as well. There's just nothing to keep people here longterm. Like any other singleplayer game, you play through it when you get the itch, then you don't touch it for a while.

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i love how some people claim the servers are dead when lately i've been seeing 20-40 person double instances of both Hoth and Belsavis at 4:am CST, when about a year ago there were only single instances of those very unpopular planets with about 8 people each at prime time... empty indeed, lol, i get the feeling most people that make this claim are likely on PvP servers, the servers are not dead, PvP is dead... i agree that Altitis is also very bad for maintaining a guild, unless you can get their main and a couple of their alts... Edited by Elly_Dawn
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So a new Star Wars MMO... Ok. If they give me all the CM I've already invested in this one, then it's OK.


Otherwise... No more MMO, thanks. If SWTOR sunks then it sunks. But starting with nothing but a lvl 1 charr all over again... No thanks. Sicne this game come out, many, many things in my life had changed. When this game launched, I've had a lot of free time (and no money, and no worries... You know, happy times... Without much money but happy). Back then, I was able to invest a lot of hours in a MMO, play the storylines, find a guild, play some raids, get equipment... Now I can't do that.

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People aren't playing SWTOR for long for a variety of reasons. 1 - the lack of content. It's been almost 10 months since the game had anything added - and that was a tiny dailies area.


But the biggest one that would have a direct impact and IMPROVE the experience for all, is to remove the outdated Pay walls for content. Seriously! This is the only 'MMO' that locks content behind a pay wall. By lifting the limits on Warzones, Operations and Flashpoints would benefit everyone.


Sure, the boo boys will spout the same nonsense 'If you like the game sub' and if this game was worth subbing to, sure - more would but they are not. And why should they when there's been a huge content drought?


Wildstar went F2P recently, as did Elder Scrolls and both are offering a much better experience if you are F2P with no restrictions on content.


Paywalls impact everyone, including those who sub because things like Group Finder takes ages for a pop and the same for warzones.


It really is time for a change

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