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KoTFE, What are you going to do first?


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I'm going to level up a brand new toon (probably a Soth Warrior; most likely Juggernaut) in order to check out the new streamlined leveling process. Honestly, it's likely to be two or three weeks before I spend any significant time on a level 60 character doing the new story content.
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I'll be checking out the sync mechanics by strolling through various zones on a few planets, particularly starting areas on those planets and the bonus series zones.


Then I'll run some heroics and mess around with the group finder and flashpoints.


I'll probably check my crafting inventory and crew skills in general, as well as companions and the new influence system.


After that, Ill start leveling a toon under the new 1-50 system and see how I like it.

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And yet you keep posting every day. Imagine that.

I paid for the time, my sub isn't up until first week of November, so I'm still playing the game while it's still in a form that's vaguely playable.


If you don't like other paying customers pointing out how much they dislike what Bioware is going, you're also free to not read the forums.

Quite often I find myself disagreeing with Max_Killjoy. As his name implies, he can be quite the killjoy with his grumpy negativity. And sometimes I agree with his posts actually. Regardless, it's important to have voices that contest changes made to the game. The only way we can influence the game's direction is by pointing out what we think is wrong. The day may come when Bioware does something with the game you dislike, Sarrkoth. I wonder if you'll just stay quiet about it, or if you will make your grievances known like Max does. I know which of the two I'd bet money on.

Edited by Pscyon
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How long have you been playing this game? :confused:


Or are we talking about a different game with different developers? :confused:

I didn't say it's happened a lot. But how many changes have you seen being made due to us saying "oh man, this is perfect, keep it up" compared to us screaming really loudly on the forum? There's been a few cases with the latter, but I can't think of any with the former.

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Nah. It can't get anymore annoying than it is now. No way bunch of scaled mobs can make it worse


Of course I don't know how the scaling will work exactly, but things like the notorious strength datacron on Hoth may be a lot easier now than they may be in 4.0, plus a couple others in heroic areas that'll be a tad more tedious.


Although, maybe the feeling of challenge and meaningful combat will add to the pride over the achievement. ;) In that case you really should wait and make it an epic quest for the benefit of your legacy.

Edited by KyaniteD
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Of course I don't know how the scaling will work exactly, but things like the notorious strength datacron on Hoth may be a lot easier now than they may be in 4.0, plus a couple others in heroic areas that'll be a tad more tedious.


Although, maybe the feeling of challenge and meaningful combat will add to the pride over the achievement. ;) In that case you really should wait and make it an epic quest for the benefit of your legacy.


Add it to the list of datacrons designed for groups; at least this one CAN be solo'd, mechanically, unlike the 2-man 'crons on Imp Balmorra/Pub Taris and the fleet ones (arguably the Quesh 2-man one - I've never been able to do that one solo, though it's alleged you can do it).

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Add it to the list of datacrons designed for groups; at least this one CAN be solo'd, mechanically, unlike the 2-man 'crons on Imp Balmorra/Pub Taris and the fleet ones (arguably the Quesh 2-man one - I've never been able to do that one solo, though it's alleged you can do it).


And that crap is why I don't bother with some of the datacrons -- they're just not worth the trouble unless you're a completionist. Not knocking on that, just, for some of us, it's "Meh, I have better things to do with my time."

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1. Spend a few days running my free 60 through the first nine chapters. Don't want to commit my existing 60s immediately.

2. Look at what has been done to the game as a whole (crafting, leveling, etc.).

3. Sit down with my wife and decide whether we want to unsub.

4. Not sure what to do after that.


god you really have a positive outlook on life, :rolleyes:

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And that crap is why I don't bother with some of the datacrons -- they're just not worth the trouble unless you're a completionist. Not knocking on that, just, for some of us, it's "Meh, I have better things to do with my time."


Exactly - I don't have the fleet ones, the Quesh one, this Hoth one, or a couple of others. Teh devs want some "content" defined broadly" to require grouping. Que sera sera.

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Same here. I like choosing things and living with the consequences. I'm just going to go slow and take my time so I don't accidentally piss off my husband companions. The others? Well, I WANT them back, but I'll live without them if I have to. But not my companion husbands, I'll do whatever it takes to keep them happy. Not too worried about the new companions, except Theron, my male characters want him badly, hopefully he can be an actual companion and not a temp companion like Marr. lol


DAMN! I'm so excited for the new story!!! Screw the other crap, I'm here for story, baby! :D


Exactly :cool: I play my character the way he or she would behave rather than force them to do something that doesn't fit their character just to gain influence with X companion.

Edited by PavSalco
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I'm really excited for KOTFE and have been for months, mainly because of the story. So, I'll probably jump right into the story after just checking out the changes that have been made. I'm really interested in seeing where the story goes, with you losing you companions, being captured, getting new companions and finding old ones.
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I'm really interested in seeing where the story goes, with you losing you companions, being captured, getting new companions and finding old ones.

And hopefully getting to accidently open the airlock when certain companions are in it.

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I'm really excited for KOTFE and have been for months, mainly because of the story. So, I'll probably jump right into the story after just checking out the changes that have been made. I'm really interested in seeing where the story goes, with you losing you companions, being captured, getting new companions and finding old ones.


So other than the capture part... ME2?

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After logging in I'm planning on


1. Assessing what mess has occurred in the bank concerning all the mats I've got and start some crafting runs if necessary.

2. Clean up any last minute sales I might have running and re-post anything that might be worth selling.

3. Transfer the 2 60's I've got stowed on a RE back home to ToFN

5. Create the free fresh 60

4. If I haven't finished by the time it launches, carry on running the remaining 60's through SOR and Ziost (which could feasibly take me a coupla weeks).

5. Work backwards through those already finished on SoR/Ziost and get them up to 65.

6. Make sure everyone's in 65 gear, banks and credits are narrowed down/streamlined for minimum silliness.

7. Get very drunk to recover from all of the above.

8. Start Fallen Empire on the fresh 60 as a test bed while referring to Dulfy (who by this time will most probably have everything mapped out in fantastic detail) and then work through the rest of the chars.

9. Sleep for 6 months.

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I've written down all my stats for all my toons and companions, who are level 60 in the middle or end of Rishi. I will compare these to whatever the stats are on Xpac day. If they are the same and I still have green missions I'll head to Yavin and finish up Revan on all my toons, then head for the expansion. If I've been nerfed to a 56, I will log out. Pretty simple and shouldn't take long to figure out.
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