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So I'll be able to do all of the sidequests AND the bonus series without the fear of overleveling? If so losing the ability to solo H4s will be a rather small price to pay.


No overleveling in stats, but you still get the skills. That's a win/win for me. Mobs on level drop quick enough; but I get to use more powers to do it?

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NO GRACIAS. I like the challenge of 4-man content! And most of them can be duoed anyway! (For that matter, how are you going to make the Section X H4 work?) This isn't a change we need; this is just a bunch of carebearing.


So, actually solo the 2+ content, instead of bringing a companion. Do it nekkid, whatever floats your goat in challenges. Just because you're out on the far right-hand side of the skill curve doesn't mean the folks towards the center shouldn't be allowed to play. Esp since they ARE rebalancing the content for the anticipated rush of punters from the new movies

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I think they already told us why:




While you may or may not agree with it, they want people to see the planet arcs in order to have a fuller understanding of the story, and I can see their point given the new focus starting in KotFE.


My opinion on that matter is irrelevant but if you wanted to know I am overall pleased with the changes.


Autocorrect ruined my point but the thing is that it kind of contradicts itself

Our goal is to create a tighter leveling experience that alleviates the fatigue associated with having to complete dozens of Missions per planet and that allows players to focus on the core storylines of their characters and companions amid the backdrop of the Great Galactic War.


5-8 class missions per planet and about the same number for planetary arc. That's still a dozen or more missions to go through then. Still an improvement especially since they are relevant now. But, Unless in dozens is hyperbole as I don't believe there are 36 quests + per planet but I digress.


Now what they really need to do is cut out all the filler crap. Things like: Must use ship to travel; use Ship holo, go back outside, use ship holo again; SEE GENERAL GARZA ON CORUSCAUNT (such a needy lady); Travel to a planet just to talk the go to other planet to do the quest then return to other planet; and just fluff in general, lol we have a portable Holo lol XD

Edited by FerkWork
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No overleveling in stats, but you still get the skills. That's a win/win for me. Mobs on level drop quick enough; but I get to use more powers to do it?


Oh right, I didn't think this through...I'm sure they won't do it, but now I wish they would give us an item that reduces the XP gain to the normal level as levelling up so quickly will probably not let me gather enough WZ comms to buy a full set and then some more once I ding 60. Also keeping up with gear will become more difficult again unless they increase the comms gain for all of the quests.

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NO GRACIAS. I like the challenge of 4-man content! And most of them can be duoed anyway! (For that matter, how are you going to make the Section X H4 work?) This isn't a change we need; this is just a bunch of carebearing.

Solo players want to still solo heroics. H2 are still soloable. H4 might have not been.

Heroics are aimed at the playerbase that might not be that good to be able to play something more challenging.

Section X is easy to fix for two people. I doubt Bioware forgot to adjust its mechanics.

You can't satisfy everyone. You want more challenge, yet we have seen a lot of turmoil in the General forums caused by some solo players complaining that their beloved low level heroics won't be soloable anymore etc.


I believe the middle ground is a level-sync that makes you still more powerful than mobs you fight. I think this is reasonable and we are actually getting that kind of system from Bioware. That is why from the very beginning I argued with those people who complained about the level-sync. The solo aspect of the game will be easy, not difficult. The only difference is that it won't be played in the god mode.

Edited by PavSalco
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Something that I think that has been greatly overlooked:


Right now, with 12x xp, I can play every class from 1-50 without ANY repeat content. And its amazingly great. No 2 class stories are similar.


Forcing planetary stories into the list of missions that must be done to level, removes this aspect. It means that when I play my next alt character, half of the things I will be forced to do, will be repeat content (planet storyline that I did with the last character I played). THIS IS NOT GOOD OR FUN.

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Could you perhaps give us an account-wide Legacy Unlock to get the 12x XP boost for class and old expansion missions so those that have reached a certain Legacy level and thus done all the planetary missions countless times on countless characters could only do the class quests to reach level 55/60 and like it's possible with the 12x XP boost now? At least with class missions there is a variety of four class arcs per faction, with planetaries it's just two and it will get boring/annoying quickly.


Another thing: What about those that choose to create a level 60 and dive into the new expansion right off the bat? Will these characters have a way to earn the iconic titles and quest rewards granted by the old class quests as well? Some of those class titles can be pretty essential for roleplayers, such as Jedi Master, Padawan, Acolyte, Sith Lord, Darth, Captain, Sergeant, Major, Agent etc.. I certainly hope there is a way for newly created level 60 "Outlander" characters to achieve those, be it by playing through the class missions in some sort of "remembering what happened before" (which was said to be impossible before - but it would be great if that was reconsidered) or just grant them all those titles right off the bat.

Edited by Glzmo
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Good job guys! I hope the trend for efficiency and simplification continues into the far future. :)


I, for one, am mainly after the class story, and don't have much patience/time for other non-essential quests (social or otherwise) as I have studies and extra-curricular activities to do outside of the game. Far from what some people may believe, we players are not all "min-maxers" and don't all have the time to do the "Maths" and strategically plan in minute detail our companions' gears on top of our own. If some have the time to "grind" for equipment and money, good for them, but maintaining the game at a steep/above-average learning curve (to please a minority) would deter a majority of future players (casual or otherwise) from trying out the game, and dwindling players mean a game hurtling to it's end- and we don't want that.


For those foaming at the mouth because they believe the game is "dumbed down" too much, please learn to compromise a bit. And those furious at the mandatory level sync, why not keep an open mind and try it out a bit? You might be pleasantly surprised. Or it might not have been as bad as you imagined it to be.

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Now what they really need to do is cut out all the filler crap. Things like: Must use ship to travel; use Ship holo, go back outside, use ship holo again; SEE GENERAL GARZA ON CORUSCAUNT (such a needy lady); Travel to a planet just to talk the go to other planet to do the quest then return to other planet; and just fluff in general, lol we have a portable Holo lol XD


^This... one of the most annoying features of the game easily. Travelling from A to B for 5 to 10 minutes to have 10 second conversation, then go back to A. :p

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Having just had a character hit 57 and went through the "skill increase" process; don't forget that every time you level, your skills gets better, regardless of your stats. IE, as a L60, even when your primary stats (End, mastery) and weapon and armor stats are downgraded, you still have all your skills, and those skills that someone who is naturally at that level has are better than the character at natural level.


Another point towards "more powerful, even when downgraded."

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It seems like BW are trying to turn ToR into a single player game with co-op options.


All this streamlining may allow people to get to 65 quicker but then what? Wait a month for 2 hours of new story content and the go back to waiting? Repeat the old end game content for gear you don't need to complete the story content and will likely get replaced when the next level increase is brought in with the story?


ToR should be offering Star Wars fans a chance to play inside the living breathing star wars universe, where you come over a hill and find an old hermit living out past the dune sea or a bounty hunter tracking his prey. Rather than go from main quest to story quest in each area trying to get to the next planet as quickly as possible.


Sure metrics show that people don't like the side quests but that is just cause a lot of them are dull and bland. But if they made part of a living breathing world that would be something else, check out Elder Scrolls online for quest phasing where NPCs can move and the world can change and what could be achieved.


I get the feeling it ToR tries to be a single player game with MMO contraints it will end up being the worst of both worlds. Where the single player aspect sees no changes to the world making choice not just meaningless but lies where you spend all your time on the planet winning it for the Empire only to find nothing has changed since you first arrived. Something that wouldn't happen in the most basic of single player games, I'm sure we will be able to compare how much choices matter in Fallout 4 as opposed to Kotfe.


While at the same time offering nothing in the way of a leaving breathing world with thousands of players as everything becomes instanced and a race to get through the story content with little in the way of exploring, socializing or even standing by a lake fishing or some such.

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It seems like BW are trying to turn ToR into a single player game with co-op options.


All this streamlining may allow people to get to 65 quicker but then what? Wait a month for 2 hours of new story content and the go back to waiting? Repeat the old end game content for gear you don't need to complete the story content and will likely get replaced when the next level increase is brought in with the story?


ToR should be offering Star Wars fans a chance to play inside the living breathing star wars universe, where you come over a hill and find an old hermit living out past the dune sea or a bounty hunter tracking his prey. Rather than go from main quest to story quest in each area trying to get to the next planet as quickly as possible.


Sure metrics show that people don't like the side quests but that is just cause a lot of them are dull and bland. But if they made part of a living breathing world that would be something else, check out Elder Scrolls online for quest phasing where NPCs can move and the world can change and what could be achieved.


I get the feeling it ToR tries to be a single player game with MMO contraints it will end up being the worst of both worlds. Where the single player aspect sees no changes to the world making choice not just meaningless but lies where you spend all your time on the planet winning it for the Empire only to find nothing has changed since you first arrived. Something that wouldn't happen in the most basic of single player games, I'm sure we will be able to compare how much choices matter in Fallout 4 as opposed to Kotfe.


While at the same time offering nothing in the way of a leaving breathing world with thousands of players as everything becomes instanced and a race to get through the story content with little in the way of exploring, socializing or even standing by a lake fishing or some such.


ToR has never been a sandbox MMO, and I doubt it will be. It's a quest-oriented MMO with a lot of support for solo play. 4.0 looks to be going after a more casual player, one who isn't going to rush the quests; while still allowing people to rush to endgame if they like, as they might want to do after the first play through.

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That's disappointing. 12xXP was brilliant...now requiring all Class Missions and the core story arcs for each planet is a huge bump to what needs to be done.


Agreed 12XP was much better. I really like most of the Planetary story arcs, however, after you've done them 3-4 times on each faction, they become very tedious. In fact, I don't think I've done a Planetary arc on any planet in two years. Been there, done that.

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I see people cry about having to do missions, you do realise that this mmo is a STORY driven mmo. I like the 12x xp right now sure, but i miss out on so much lore and stuff that would be crucial to he story that it kinda saddens me.:confused:
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Something that I think that has been greatly overlooked:


Right now, with 12x xp, I can play every class from 1-50 without ANY repeat content. And its amazingly great. No 2 class stories are similar.


Forcing planetary stories into the list of missions that must be done to level, removes this aspect. It means that when I play my next alt character, half of the things I will be forced to do, will be repeat content (planet storyline that I did with the last character I played). THIS IS NOT GOOD OR FUN.

You could get the legacy xp boosts, the +xp consumable boost, and skip over every other planetary quest line. You can also switch between Empire and Republic. But the time you've done 4 classes all the way to the end you haven't repeated a single quest.


At that point, you can start mixing in other content. Go back and run some H2s you've never seen as you level. Run some of the new solo-mode flashpoints. Do some of the exploration quests you missed. Try some of the space PvE missions. This would cover 2 more to the end.


For the final 2, there's even more to pick up. How about the bonus series quest lines? Half of the planets have a full set of bonus series.


Not to mention that they may bring back double-xp weekends every once in a while.


If your goal is to run 8 class quests to the end without repeating content, it will be within your grasp.

Edited by Khevar
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