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Everything posted by Balthrax

  1. Resolved; thank you OwenBrooks for linking me that. Setting AA to medium fixed the issue completely.
  2. No, the choice isn't there anymore; nor do you require them to have anything but a weapon. They did this, really, to make it easier for players. Khem Val, Aric Jorgan, Vette, and Qyzen Fess kind of got cemented as "the companion" to use previously, because they were (usually): The best geared, had the highest affection, and so on. Really, the lack of diverse movesets isn't a negligible change with the ability to actually use any companion you wish without a drawback--in my opinion.
  3. It wasn't special to begin with, because a certain series had a fully-voiced main character, with a near identical wheel conversation system, in 2007. Now, I know not everyone grew up with the masterpieces that were the KOTOR games, I know for a fact I wasn't alone in wanting a KOTOR 3. This is the closest we'll ever get to it, and this conversation style for side-missions is a clear homage. Did it cut costs? Sure, of course it did. They didn't have to bring the "Big 16" in to voice another... what? Seventy or so? Maybe more? Dialogue options across the entire Alliance building side series. However, they still have their voices, as shown in the Star Base missions. So, what is the problem?
  4. That was a very pleasant read. Good on you. Posted in a now-realized Necro. Great.
  5. This fight really boils down to whether or not Kit can get in close enough to attack. Nox's main bonus, assuming he's a Sorcerer(given single, common-design lightsaber stipulation), is that he'd be at his best, about... thirty yards away. If Kit can't close the gap, he's seafood. I'd assume that the inverse, would also be true. If Kit can close the gap, he'd be the clear victor. I'd, personally, say it's a coin-flip.
  6. It seems all the doomsayers were silenced quite handily. Well done, Bioware. I'm loving everything I'm seeing in this new expansion.
  7. That's purely in-game currency-sinks. If we look at the Star Wars RPG, a fully-dressed medical kit costs 600 credits. A basic, homestead medpac? 100. A liter of bacta? Also 100 Credits. Considering Kolto is still very prominent, with Selkath's home planet of Manaan and its production facilities, it can be assumed that healing items are incredibly cheap to come by. Adrenals, potentially in the range of 100-700 credits--depending soley on quality. Anyway; with what other legacy material we have at our disposal, to put into perspective the relative "I.C." costs, it doesn't seem like a very solid argument to be considered "rich", if you're able to afford a medpac. Now, a better way to determine how "rich" any given person is in the galaxy? Their position of power within their relative job. A sanitation engineer? Probably pretty poor. Captain of the guard at Czerka? He'd be pretty well-off. Jedi and Sith have both been shown to have large spending allowances, both in canon-and in the Legacy canon.
  8. You know, I believe some way to keep this from being "Pointless", is to have--say, that Heroic on Dromund Kaas drop level-scaling gear, too. If we're going to be dropped down to at-level, the rewards may as well have some worth, right? Otherwise, this will be a literally pointless change.
  9. Honestly, I hope they fix her facial rigging. It always killed me as a student animator to see her teeth going through her mouth--as well as her horribly pixelated hair. So long as those are fixed, it'll be nothing but an improvement, in my book.
  10. Stop tabbing out? From my understanding of these tab-in loading screens are that the game might de-render itself, to lower CPU usage while tabbed out. Once you tab in, it has to re-render, via loading screen. I could be completely wrong, or I could be spot-on. I have no idea. This is just a pure guess based on someone's opinion. (Namely my opinion.)
  11. What'd you prefer, a big stonking red arrow over the target?
  12. Its cheapest to do the six month plan. So all you're doing is paying them more. Cheers.
  13. A voice of reason? Better hire security on these forums.
  14. It finished before the game hit the shelves. See you never, and good riddance.
  15. Its not Beta. That's what I find funny. Compare the amount of bugs this game has to Skyrim. Oh look, SWTOR's less buggy.
  16. - At the complainers. Day 01: "You guys rushed this game! I feel like I'm still beta testing!" Day 28: "You delayed a patch! I DEMAND this patch! I need more bugs to complain about for the next two days!!1!" So sad. (Note to Forum admins, I am paraphrasing complainers. I, myself, love the game.)
  17. I didn't realize it was funny until I read the comments... Seems I need a cup of coffee...
  18. Cross-server will DESTROY the community, ala WoW. Same server would be a lot better.
  19. Tried to after my first companion knocked me out of the GTN. But before I could submit, Ceetoo came back with perfection, claiming himself to bring perfection.
  20. Actually... In a way all games are linear. You start at point "A" (For TES its usually you being in a prison, for other games, its the spawn.) TES games end with you becoming the champion, or whatever. Minecraft is a sandbox. It spawns you at a point. And eventually you can actually finish the game by killing the Ender Dragon. For other sandboxes, it just depends on where you think "The end" is, and boom. Point "B".
  21. A majority of threads are closed. Request or not. That's why you haven't seen any, OP.
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