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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Cartel Market Changes Coming in Fallen Empire!


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I worry that this will make past pack items less valuable. However I look forward to hypercrates having 30 packs in them. Opening them is the fun part. I wonder, however, if the ratio of cartel coins to loot received will be less?


I approve of the change though. Mainly because of the idea that items will be available outside of their packs.


maybe they'll have specific dyes next. If I remember right they are in random packs.


also what if we could buy all items via the collections tab, instead of crates? or possibly only buy a set we already have a piece of? theres a lot of times when all I'm missing is the chest piece but its in such high demand on the GTN that I can't afford it.


I keep thinking about neverwinter online, it has a market just for posting money currency for game currency and vice versa, its really neat because you can get the paid currency without buying it yourself.

Edited by RavenSkysong
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The current list of available direct sale items will be pruned down quite a bit.


So more rng, less direct sale ?


That means less money from me for EA/BW, because I've never bought any rng item in any game I've played so far, and never will do so in the future. When I spend money I want to have a realistic exchange value, not the chance of a realistic exchange value. I bought quite a few armors, mounts and weapons from CM (always direct sales), but all the items from rng boxes I bought from GTM.


So, I guess this change will save me a lot of money :)

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I wanted to take a moment and let you all know of some exciting changes coming to the Cartel Market with the release of Knights of the Fallen Empire.


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i personally cant wait ,everything i have read so far and viewed so far is a great improvement to the game IMO and i cant wait for the early access on the 20th . Will we see these updates/ improvements or the majority of them in early access or will they be made on the 27th when the update goes live for everyone.

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The only thing I am actually not excited about, as someone said above, is the return of items that were supposed to be limited time. Limited time items should have remained that way. That defeats the purpose of "Limited Time" and, also as someone else pointed out, affects the value for those of us who pounced on those items when they were available. Those items are supposed to be super-rare, at least once they have done their time on the store.


Other than that, though, as I had already posted above, excited about the rest.


Can we get clarification? Are limited time items a thing of the past?

Edited by Faelandaea
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All 1 credit items from the Cartel Reputation vendors will be removed, but they will still remain available as part of the new Grand Packs.

All items from Cartel Reputation vendors that are not specific to that reputation will be removed. These items are still available in their respective Grand Packs.

If I understand correctly, they trying to sell this items again for us, who maxed reputation with cartel market?

Why so greedy EAware? Then what the point in reputation :mad:

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Two items per pack – Each pack now only has two items in it. One item will be from the bullet above, a mount or some other “bigger” item. The other item slot will be a Grade 5 rare or artifact level Companion gift.


Ugh... They are lazy even with pack content (i.e. with Cartel Market). That was unexpected. :eek:


The current list of available direct sale items will be pruned down quite a bit.


All 1 credit items from the Cartel Reputation vendors will be removed, but they will still remain available as part of the new Grand Packs.


All items from Cartel Reputation vendors that are not specific to that reputation will be removed. These items are still available in their respective Grand Packs.


We believe that these changes will give you a much better user experience

Yeah right... :rolleyes:

Edited by Glower
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I never buy the packs. I buy direct items or use the GTN.


Would it not be possible to put a relatively "very high" direct price on each and every item and place it in the direct sale cartel market. Then players would have 3 choices, Cartel Coins, Credits (GTN) and lucky dip Packs.


Imagine any other scenario where you purchased items using pot luck?

"Hey honey, I went to supermarket today and spent €10 and I got a bottle of wine and a tin of tuna...I wonder what I'll get tomorrow?!"

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I must say I'm very sceptical on these so called changes.


Apart from some very obvious changes that could/should have been implemented ages ago.

(Better rarity indication, Seeing which items you need to *unlock* the acc-wide payment option, Not having to close the tabs in collections but having to open them instead)


As someone else mentioned; Being able to sort everything alphabetically would already be a great help as well. Getting rid of the fake discounts in the cartel market would also be very helpful. It is hardly a discount if the discounted price is also the permanent price.


My current interpretation of the given information regarding cartel packs and reputation vendors;


As someone who has been willing to give you money for digital fluff we never truely own, I don't see how the Cartel Pack changes herald improvement of any kind for those that purchase them.

As I currently have come to understand it we are basically getting less from the packs and some of the stuff that was more or less available for certificates will be taken away.


I do understand that you need sources of income. But! ; making the people, who bring such income, feel like they're getting milked may not be the best way to guarantee that income. Nor is it respectful towards your clients in any way.



Bottom line; You may want to further clarify or even re-think some of these changes.

Edited by Osgorion
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On your cartel market changes, I know when I am reading double speak, and that is exactly what that article was.


You say do these changes for your customers, and your players. Why then do you not add all the old end game tiers of gear to crafers to make? Your customers and players have been asking for the return of this gear for some time, and NOT in the form of the cartel market.


It seems to me your only interested in catering to the quick buck rather then the star wars universe, and if your customers ask for something, if its not a major profit. Dump it. Or hey here is an idea you could have left the end game tiers in the game in the first place.

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I'll start off saying the "grand" category packs and the collections changes sound great! But...


I don't post much, but I had to come say the main pack changes sound pretty terrible. I tend to have decent luck with my packs, but there's already a lot of complaints every time a pack is released having 2 items in it since a lot of the time both aren't anything particularly great - and now there's only going to be one? That sounds like it would lead to twice the disappointment in customers' pack opening experiences...


What about cartel certificates? Rep? Those are big reasons I invest in packs...


What will these new packs be priced at? With the reduction in what you actually get, I'd think a fair price would be 100CC each (maybe 150CC with rep/certs), considering the current packs go for 250CC and have twice the rare items, rep/cartel cert, mats, boost, and a companion gift. Anything more than that and it just isn't anywhere near the "value" you get from current packs...


And removing anything from the rep vendors is not a good idea - many of us bought packs just so we would have access to those items through those vendors - on current or future characters in our legacy. Access to these items was (for some, a major) part of the decision to spend (sometimes a lot) of actual money...

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Amazingly the most detailed information we get from the development team is the cartel market.


Can we start to see some blogs about the rest of the game.


Nothing about prices, jawa scrap or certificates, so it's not much better than the other blogs.

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I rarely post, but I had to log in to say these changes are disgusting. You, the folks at Bioware, should be ashamed at how you treat the people who keep this game alive. Not sure I want to play in this new swtor you people are spawning, there was enough greedy CM practise before, but this? Genuinely disgusting behaviour, and you've got the balls to pretend this is for the players benefit?


You're a collection of *********** liars and you damn well know it.

Edited by Mevan
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No one wants or likes the pack system, but of course that's already obvious. So the question is: Are the profits from this ****** anti-consumer system more than what would be gained from simply selling everything directly?


On the day the cartel market went live, we've had plenty of threads on the forum from people complaining that they had spent over 200$ on cartel packs and still haven't gotten their throne. I hope that answers your question. I don't doubt that there are players with enough income that something like that isn't a big deal, but I suspect the majority of cartel pack sales have something to do with people having gambling problems.


As I've said once before, the free to play model is not an attempt to make a game more accessible, it's simply a change of plans from "trying to get more people to spend money on the game" (subscription model) to "trying to make the ones who are willing to spend money on the game spend even more of it" (free-to-play model).


This is just another attempt to see how much "greed" they can get away with before it hurts sales.

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Aaaand here it is...what this game is really gearing up to become. This is like watching a bad Barbie fashion show. Gotta buy the doll...then dress her in "glamorous" clothes! Want the Barbie jeep,?...we've got one! How about the Barbie mansion?..it's for sale too! Operations? Who cares about those!? We have a Barbie princess story you're gonna love! New flashpoints? Nevermind that...you get to marry Ken doll in the end! PvP?...*** is that? This game is becoming a bad carnie freak show featuring the latest Barbie-goes outer space fashions....for MONEY!!...sad and disgusting at the same time.
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Is the price per pack remaining the same? If we're dropping to only 2 items per pack (vs. 5), obviously they don't have nearly the same value. We currently receive far more than what you're reducing it to...hell, I've even gotten 2 speeders or 2 armor pieces/sets in packs before.

Edited by TUXs
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I'm also curious about the prices, right now you pay 250 cartel coins for one pack you get 5 things. 2 actual items, and 3 misc things (jawa junk, Cartel rep, companion gear). Since that is going away, and we are now only getting 1 actual item and one crafting thing or companion gift, are you going to lower the cost of the packs? Because honestly I'm not going to pay 250 cartel coins for a RNG pack of one piece of junk and the chance to get one item that MIGHT be a gold level item. To me this sounds like a huge rippoff.


THIS --> "I'm not going to pay 250 cartel coins for a RNG pack of one piece of junk and the chance to get one item that MIGHT be a gold level item. To me this sounds like a huge rippoff."

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Great changes but for gods sake can I just buy the item I want to buy directly like, I don't know, EVERY STORE in the world! Enough with the packs! I don't care if you charge quadruple the price it would be in order for me to buy the item I want directly but it would be worth it to save up for that item.


I've been screaming for this since they decided to make this game more about gambling and less about playing the actual game. If people want to gamble then great, but I'd really just like to buy the item that I want. Preferably from the collections window directly.

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