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Level synch = death of SWTOR


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Ok, help me understand something. So...when people "beat the game" they complain that they have nothing to do and threaten to quit. So Bioware has given us something that well...gives us something to do. Adds a little challenge. And now people are complaining that it's not what they wanted, so now they're up in arms about it and they are not going to do it and then will, at the end of KOTFE, "beat the game" again, and then complain that there is nothing to do and threaten to quit again.


Am I missing something here?


You are missing this: When one brought his character to 60 he most likely did the content or skipped the content BW is now giving again to the players. Content that players can already skip with 12xp or after 4.0 with 10xp because they do not want to do it.


BW is not giving us any "new content" to do when we are done with leveling, they are just recycling the old stuff we already did/or skipped and think we are greatful to do that again.


But recycling is the main principle for 4.0 so that is nothing unexpected in that matter.

Edited by Neglience
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Right now we're just arguing about assumptions.

Much of what's being discussed right now was confirmed (and demonstrated) by Eric during the Twitch livestream yesterday.


There are still some missing details, but we have a broad overview of how things will generally work.

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I hated level synch in Guild Wars 2, Oblivion, and other games of their ilk. From experience, I'm fairly certain I'll hate it here too.


Thing is, I don't want BW/EA to take a financial hit. Why?


Because the new focus is also on story, so story haters will totally blame the loss of revenue on the story...




...any story people would blame the loss of revenue on the level synch.


Best case scenario (FOR ME) would be an increase is revenue, ergo, more story content in the future. Because, well, I like story, and anything that could be blamed on it and/or make it go away... doesn't work for me.


I've got Comic Book (movies, games, books, etc...) on the brain, so please forgive the faulty analogy:


Lots of things are changing with 4.0. If I translated this into English well, in comic book terms, it's a "Jumping On" point, where things change enough that more new or returning customers come in if done well.


If done badly, a "Jumping On" point can also be a "Jumping Off" point where more current customers leave if people don't like the change.


I guess we'll see which it is in a month or so...

Edited by DalrisThane
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I guess, you are the guy who go low level planets and killing low level players. Otherwise, you will have all of your skills etc... There is nothing to whine exept you can't 1 shot mobs or players. This is not dumbing down actually. Also they have to improve this system like level lock zones. If you are in korriban, you cant get xp after 10. You will get extra commandation. Like this you can prevent overlevellin which destroys gaming experience. At max level, bonus missons will prove slightly little yet a challenge because level sync. XP grind MMO's are starting to lose popularity because of action oriented game play rising. Skills now matter. You can made most powerful gear-stat-skill-talent combo with calculating and maths yet 1 wrong skill use can destroy your rotation and give advantage to your rival. WoW saw this trend tried to do that at first yet that game has build as a MMO from the core. It's sytem, developers, toxic player base can't handled with the poorly innovations made. Also steps that taken were so wrong. Swtor do that right. Talent system provide wide variety of combinations. If you want to "I will be the most powerful beeing in the universe", MMO's aren't your type of genre.
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Ah so you know what this engine can handle. You understand the ins and outs. Good to know kiddo.


It's hardly difficult to grasp, "kiddo"; we know the game can dynamically alter your stats because we already have the GSI Bolster on Makeb, there's no logical reason that a game engine capable of dynamically altering your character's stats up can't also alter them down in the same fashion. We also know the World Boss thing is a BS smokescreen, because Bounty Week proves the game is capable of spawning enemies based on level using a terminal, so a system already exists by which BW could prevent 60's from farming them if that was the goal.


But hey, if you're looking forward to riding around at 60 on a world where, until now, the mobs were barely a challenge at 15 and having them knock you off your speeder twice a minute and put up enough of a fight to make those delays really frigging annoying; looking forward to a game where no matter how hard you work and how powerful you ostensibly become you will never be more than 4 levels better than any given planet's trash mobs; looking forward to being forced to group(with all the additional hassle that entails) to grind content you could previously do solo just for some wee cosmetic item for your SH(because you know damn well the new "solo mode" FPs aren't going to have the cool cosmetic drops, or if they do it will be at a drop rate so low you'll be of retirement age before you get one), looks like BW are making the game for you, eh.

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Ok, so how would "optional" work exactly?


I decide to do the heroic quest in DK as shown in the stream... I port in and am scaled from level 65 to 18. So I start the mission and then some level 35 arrives, this guy is opting to not scale and is one-shotting everything... what now? Do you really even consider this?

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On a side note, did anyone notice that they reworked Friends of Old (The heroic quest the Mighty Musco was showcasing) to work as an H2+ now? My memory is blurry at this moment, but I did that quest one week ago and I remember it being H4. Also, they added back Possessed Hunter, the H2+ in the Dark Temple that was cut from the game 4 years ago.


I was skeptical about the whole sync thing, but even though I'm not 100% convinced yet, it doesn't seem that bad. If it was optional, it could have been better of course (Just like the 12x currently is), but if there's an automatic teleport it probably means that you can still solo all the heroics, especially with the skill points, the passives, the current spells and all that kind of stuff not being removed temporarily while on lower lever planets.

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Well my opinion on this is that while it isn't necessarily a bad idea, they need to make it optional.


People who are for this I can understand, it can add new challenges for them giving them a new reason to go back to old planets. However there are a few arguments that are being used that I think are flat out ridiculous, mainly the one about that this change will bring grouping back which imo is top class comedy considering that KotFE is pretty much a solo experience with only story content being added and we already have solo flash points with God droid which already decreased group activity. The other argument I've seen in use, I find borderline insulting, as it is quite literally "people don't want this because they're noobs who want to solo everything and stroke they're e-peens". This is a disgusting argument and borderline hypocritical. Yes it may be a shocker to know that some people go back to old planets to either gather crafting mats, create immersion or, and this might sound amazing, relax. I do all three of these things sometimes and I'll address why taking these things out would annoy me.


For the first one it's that while I'm leveling crew skills, which is already a credit drain, I don't want to spend loads of creds on the GTN or running the missions so I go to old planets and get mats.


For the second, level scaling would destroy my immersion in the game, for example my level 60 Sith Jugg, the

Empire's Wrath

goes to DK to get mats and gets attacked by some rebel slaves, my Jugg should annihilate them but nope, with level scaling my level 60 Darth could actually get beaten by three slaves. And like Rhyltran said, I'm not saying immersion takes priority over game mechanics I'm just saying that it would break immersion and it actually wouldn't make sense considering they already have the mechanic where mobs that are ten levels below you can't damage you so for people saying that Bioware didn't intend for us to faceroll those lower mobs, explain that :p.


For the third, while some people may come on for the challenge (and I occasionally do) that's what OPS and FP's are for, I come on for the story, crafting and chatting to my guildies, so I don't like the idea of having to deal with mobs I've killed hundreds of already just because I wanted to go exploring and relax.


So yeah while I get why some people want it, there are other people who play the game for different reasons, hence why I think it should be optional like, as another person said, the 12x xp, which when people who didn't want it raged, Bioware gave them a choice so why not do the same for this?

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Ok, so how would "optional" work exactly?


I decide to do the heroic quest in DK as shown in the stream... I port in and am scaled from level 65 to 18. So I start the mission and then some level 35 arrives, this guy is opting to not scale and is one-shotting everything... what now? Do you really even consider this?


Wait 60 secs for the mobs to respawn? This is a total non-issue in every case except the world bosses, and the solution for that has already been suggested multiple times and is hurpa-durpingly obvious; spawn them from terminals ala Bounty Week targets and have them scale to the user(or highest in a group).

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Well if it is tied to the new Alliance system then it can't be optional.


The idea there being that part of KotFE is building an Alliance to stop the new threat and part of that is tasks given to you on lower level worlds. So to keep these new mission challenging they had to do something. This ways the easiest way to get the largest amount of content.


Now this could not be how it works. We'll see more when they actually start talking about it more.

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As I have stated before:



As I was told when I requested an option for my boyfriend and I to have an option to do our mission in the new expansion together instead of twice, I was told that they would not use resources for that. If they give an option for this, then there are a lot of other issues people have been bringing up for options on this expansion.



If they give an option for this then there are other items in this expansion that people have asked for options as well. What makes one more important than another one. Do they just give an option for something some people don't like and ignore others that have been suggested.


Each person has things they don't like and they can't show favoritism by allowing one option for one thing and not something else. That creates a problem.

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Excellent for space-travel-allergic people like me - I can level to 65 on the starter planet just running the Heroics, great stuff. ;)


Following my theme: "everything has been said, but not by everybody", here's my 2c: quite frankly don't like the idea of synching the level for a simple reason: going back to earlier planets is usually just done for farming or grinding. So that process will be even more tedious now - just look at SecX and the awful waits for any H4 to be filled up as it currently is. I prefer BH for the single reason that I can very quickly solo it for the weekly.

If I want a challenge, I can get it without ruining my schedule through level synching.


So I support the "make it optional" party!

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the more I see people fight against it / for it the more I actually start seeing the downsides as not true downsides anymore. Like randos not being able to kill world bosses but actually requiring a group to do so is a-okay with me. Mainly because it helps people who have never done the world boss give more option to do it as these people will most likely PUG from gen chat on the relevant world they are on.
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There is an awful lol more to it than that, go back through the pages. See my example above. I'll also give you more:


RP being interrupted by at level mobs and agro, rather than adding ambience.

Achievements being tedious

Getting datacrons being tedious

Making life more difficult for the HK missions

Seeker droid missions


Oh and yes, stopping on low level mobs, thats a big thing to a lot of people in a level based RPG. It's nice to be able to go back. This just made getting levels pointless, except for when I fight the combat dummy, I'll get to enjoy the increased levels there :/


So if mobs are going to be a big issue with level syncing then they must be a problem on Ziost and Yavin right? I mean these are planets designed for lvl 60 characters. You cannot even get to Ziost before 60. So the mobs there must be a huge issue. In fact Ziost is a small space and the trash is everywhere.


Except, it doesn't work that way. There is nothing on the highest level planet in the game that is even a nuisance. Except for op level content and the world boss. Nothing knocks you off your speeder. I just ran Ziost* in like 30 minutes and didn't stop to fight hardly anything. I ignored it all. Why would the level sync planets be any different?


Let's not even get into the fact you keep all of you abilties and passives.


Ok I get it, you earned the levels and you want to keep them, sure. It might makes things a bit more inconvenient. However it may be tied to a big new mechanic (Alliances) and the new Heroics farms are looking mighty fine. If it is tied to said mechanic then it cannot be optional.


Most of the complaints are hot air anyway. Most max level characters aren't hanging on low level worlds anyway or rping there, not with strongholds, the fleet and guild ships. However if they do there are plenty of aggro free places on every planet. Most played max out level toons are playing in endgame content.


Anyway the sky is not falling. We are out of coffins let alone nails at this point. Wait and play the expansion before you flip out.


*I mean Ziost before the big cinematic.

Edited by divinecynic
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As I was told when I requested an option for my boyfriend and I to have an option to do our mission in the new expansion together instead of twice, I was told that they would not use resources for that. If they give an option for this, then there are a lot of other issues people have been bringing up for options on this expansion.



If they give an option for this then there are other items in this expansion that people have asked for options as well. What makes one more important than another one. Do they just give an option for something some people don't like and ignore others that have been suggested.


Each person has things they don't like and they can't show favoritism by allowing one option for one thing and not something else. That creates a problem.



The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few.


The number of people who aren't happy with downbolster (here, reddit, ingame) far outweigh the number I've ever seen asking for the ability to share solo story instances with a group. If you can feed 1000 starving children or 1 starving child, you should probably go with the former.


Not trying to be mean, but that's the best example I know of. Majority of players don't group for story to begin with.

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