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Question: Why will we want to continue with the KoTFE story after lvl 65?


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Hardcore raiders may not make up a great proportion of the playerbase, but we make up a great proportion of the RETAINED playerbase. Your second paragraph straight up tells Bioware they shouldn't cater to you because you're leaving as soon as you get done with the incomplete story we're receiving on launch. (And you'll probably make a thread on the forums about how the story was crap because it ended on a cliffhanger.)



Not sure how the playerbase on the "Light" servers are but Hardcore raiders/pvp Do not make up a great proportion of the "Retained" playerbase for Ebon Hawk, I think(not 100%) that only 2 or 3 guilds on empire and republic are "hardcore", while the majority of raiders only do the weekly or SM/HM raids, again I'm not 100% on it, but raiding is hardly the thing being talked about in fleet aside from PuGs for the weekly, come to think of it I haven't even seen most of the hardcore raid guilds online past their raid days. Again I could be wrong though.


As for the second part of my previous post not sure where you got that idea from, It states that I'll be raiding and doing pvp once I'm done with the first 9 chapters, then once nov 11th comes I'll be leaving for 6 months or so to play fallout 4, then I'll be coming back to catch up on the chapters they released, then back to fallout, and if they decided to bring out new ops in this time and I've decided to get back into raiding beyond the weekly I'll come back.


But to answer your post yes, Bioware is catering to me and my "kind" for this expansion....solo casuals who enjoy story above all else.

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I assume the first 9 chapters will get us to level 65, so then off to raiding for the best gear. What then becomes the motivation to continue with the rest of the story? Is it supposed to be money, some kind of achievement or is it just..well..more story so we should do it?


I'm just curious as unless there is something fairly rewarding other than going through the motions of a traditional RPG, I don't think most raid or pvp oriented people are going to get much post chapter 9.. Thanks in advance.


....The motivation for doing story is usually because we enjoy the story, I'm actually mystified as to how yo've never come to that conclusion. Unless of course you are of the opinion that the story so far has been so bad that no one could find enjoyment in completing it.

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The only reason I even play this game is for story. So, for me, more story is the best thing they could possibly add.


Don't care much about raids. Been there, done that, was bored of the whole scene circa Burning Crusade.


They keep adding story and I'll be here till the wheels fall off.

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I have no interest in raiding myself, so my motivation is simple: I do the story because I want to know what happens. I want to live the life, make meaningful choices and interact with my companions. After the great silence, I'd really love to hear my love interests and friends speak again. :o




I don't need more levels. I need story, companions speaking, Project and Shock being put into equal strength as Psychokinesis and Ball Lightning :p The rest is just stuff to do when I'm really bored and achievements :)

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I heard that someone from the expansion is going to become canon.


That doesn't mean everything is canon, but how their story plays out is canon. I'm curious to see how it plays out also <3


Disney Canon or Bioware Canon? that indeed would be very interesting to see play out.

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After 1 week of KotFE people playing for story will scream for more story. Seriously, how much story do you think it will have?.


It will have a lot more story than if they devoted some of their resources to raiding.


If it's 9hours and no raids vs 4 hours with a raid, then I'd take the former, since I don't raid. And neither do most people, apparently.

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I have no interest in raiding myself, so my motivation is simple: I do the story because I want to know what happens. I want to live the life, make meaningful choices and interact with my companions. After the great silence, I'd really love to hear my love interests and friends speak again. :o


^Pretty much.

I might do some light raiding on the side though, but nothing serious. :p

Either way, if raids were all I cared about, I wouldn't be playing this particular game.

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I have no interest in raiding myself, so my motivation is simple: I do the story because I want to know what happens. I want to live the life, make meaningful choices and interact with my companions. After the great silence, I'd really love to hear my love interests and friends speak again. :o


I do raiding, GSF, Space Missions (does anyone do those anymore? :o ), warzones, dailies, etc.


But I too want to hear from my husbands and companions I've LITERALLY had for almost 4 years. There's times I get so upset they don't say anything anymore since I finished everyone's companion stories years ago, that I'll make alts on other servers, or just randomly poke my companions to hear them say the same lines over and over.


It'll be good to hear them speak to me again. Even if it is scripted with me and my army of alts, being the Outlander and kicking Valkorian's butt. I want to KNOW what happens next in the story. Will Doc meet up with my Jedi Knight, his wife, and fade to black with her, or will Vette squeal for joy her BFF, my female Sith War didn't die.


I want to know.


Even though I raid and the such, I play to have fun. I've been doing space missions lately because while I am bored and I'm waiting, it's something fun atm.


*waves at Luna


I need to write again....>.> lol

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Hardcore raiders may not make up a great proportion of the playerbase, but we make up a great proportion of the RETAINED playerbase.

No, "hardcore" raiders are extremely fickle (because they are impatient), moving from game to game, seeking new content like ... locusts.

Edited by branmakmuffin
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What then becomes the motivation to continue with the rest of the story?


So you reach Chapter 6 reading a book. What's the point of reading the rest of the book? You've already got to Chapter 6 after all.


The whole point of continuing with the story is to see what happens and how it pans out, in the case of SWTOR, it also means you get to see how your choices affect the outcome of the story.


.....and I like to PvP..... :rolleyes:

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Lol. OP, you are one of those spacebar fanatics aren’t you. It is ok if you are. So, I love to raid and end game. My guild is going to be very busy with the scaled up Ops etc. etc. But this game, this MMO’s strength is story. And it is damn good one to be honest.


So what is the motivation to continue? To see the rest of the story because that its own reward.


You wouldn’t walk out of a movie you like because you just remembered you enjoy biking would you? You won’t stop watching GoT because there are new episodes for Daredevil on Netflix right?


So what will I be doing after I cap? I will be doing the same thing I’ve been doing for going on 3 years now, finishing the story, starting it on alts, end game, and most importantly enjoying the game.

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I have no interest in raiding myself, so my motivation is simple: I do the story because I want to know what happens. I want to live the life, make meaningful choices and interact with my companions. After the great silence, I'd really love to hear my love interests and friends speak again. :o


That is just crazy talk. ;):D

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When chapter 10 releases I will eagerly play through the story, regardless of rewards. The story is reward enough.


It's not like after chapter 10 is finished on one character, I'll have nothing left to do. I have 33 characters at different levels to work on. Achievements to chase. Influence to grind. I might get back to pvp. (I've been saying that for 2 years :p )


As will i, i will play through the story, but not on 22 characters, maybe 2-4.

Edited by SweKaiser
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To quote Bill Lumberg: "Hmm yeah...uh...I'm going to go ahead and disagree with you there...yeah".



PvP is fun sure, So are OPS when your in a group you mesh with, but most ops guilds only do one raid a week on their "Raid Day", and most of pvp now is premade, I can't count how many times I joined a match today alone that my team threw the game. Not always the case but yes it happens.


On to my reasons, I have 21 characters with all but 4 level 57-60, about 9 or so deleted 50's and 55's that were scrapped to make room. I've played each story and every class so many times I don't even need to look at the map anymore to know where I'm going....point is it wasn't the raiding or the pvp that keeps me playing this game and it never will be.


Sure guilds say they do PvE, some even say they PvP, but most of the ones I've joined in the last few years never did nightmare modes, nor did they jump right in to the new ops that came out until months after.


Only the top 1.5% pve really care about endgame enough that it becomes the reason they sub or play(opinion), I believe that a majority of the people the ones who don't come on these forums only care about having something new to do.


I see the same people on these forums day in and day out trying to spread fear and dislike for this new expansion and they do it with every expansion, people like that for every MMO, same people who say MMO's are for multi-play only and casuals gotta leave(even though casuals make up a majority of the mmo market). Point I'm trying to make is if you truly don't care for the direction this game is going then move on, if it fails it fails, this happens, it happened to Tera, Rift, SWG, STO, Cabal, Ultima, Everquest 1&2 and so many others, but even those games still have a thriving daily communtiy so obviously for those consumers they are doing something right, SWTOR will be no different.


My point was and still is that a single story for all classes with minimum differences in choices you make wont have the replayabilty value as many thinks. Why on earth would anyone play through the same story over and over and over again, makes no sence whatsoever. It was different in the 1-50 time when you played all these classes with different story, but those are gone so theres no real reason to play through this new story more then maybe 4 times.

So what im saying is you need a variety of things to do when the story is done with and im not sure there is enough to do after you have ran through the first chapters in the first week on multiple characters.

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I assume the first 9 chapters will get us to level 65, so then off to raiding for the best gear. What then becomes the motivation to continue with the rest of the story? Is it supposed to be money, some kind of achievement or is it just..well..more story so we should do it?


I'm just curious as unless there is something fairly rewarding other than going through the motions of a traditional RPG, I don't think most raid or pvp oriented people are going to get much post chapter 9.. Thanks in advance.


Um, going through the motions translates to "getting the rest of the story", right? Isn't that the point of an RPG, to finish the story? I'm not talking what defines one, but what makes us play one in the first place. I have never finished the first two Witcher games because the story never had me realizing it was 6AM and I have to be to work in a half hour. I can't count the number of times I've had other story driven games that did that. So I guess the answer to your question is:


The same reason we play RPGs in the first place.

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If you don't know how to function when you don't have any more numbers to increase, RPG's might not be for you... And I've known more than a few people in various mmorpg's that didn't care crap about story or lore; all they wanted was another treadmill marathon to try to, as far as I could often tell, want to feel 'accomplished' for running.


The same people that whine and cry about how much they supposedly need challenge are very typically the same people that will throw sneering tantrums over raid composition and if someone's in anything less than BiS... Which inherently reduces challenge.


It's so often demonstrated itself to me as being the province of hypocrites and, often as not, flat-out immature liars that I have neither sympathy nor interest in the so-called 'hardcore community' anymore.


They don't improve these games by their presence at all. They're a tiny minority that can often only be as dedicated and hardcore as they get on with being because there's not usually a lot else that's competing for their time and attention. I've known so very, very many in these games that didn't exactly have busy work schedules or demanding family lives that could throw 60+ hours a week into farming and essentially living in game that it's honestly more noteworthy and memorable when that's not the case.


Sure, some very few elite players have been valuable content testers and good resources helping devs see how things actually worked out at the most stressed and difficult end of the game, but I'm very sorry, you're not all Method no matter what you think or wish or lie about.


Pretty much none of you are Dulfy contributors pioneering new content as quickly and efficiently as possible so as to be able to report on it accurately and quickly.


The enormously vast majority of your financially miniscule niche in the market are not even cost effective to cater to when the most expensive and exactingly hard to balance content is what you go through like heroine at a junkie convention.


Wanna guess how hard it likely is to balance something like Ziost compared to an fp or operation? Just shooting from the hip here, I'm gonna guess that Ziost didn't require anything nearly approaching the expense in time and fine tuning that a new op absolutely must.


I'm also willing to bet that more people have probably done and enjoyed Ziost than have done and enjoyed any combination of five operations in the history of the game. No, I don't have metrics to back that up, but I can tell which way the wind's blowing in general fashions just by paying attention.


All this hardcore-woo self congratulation about how important to the health of these games you lot love to think you are keeps failing to demonstrate itself where the numbers that actually matter are concerned anyway.


Raids don't draw the masses and certainly don't keep the masses, and most often, the masses ain't got time fo'dat crap no matter. If I could accurately recall the number of people I've known even in passing for whom raids were irrelevant content they'd never do for whatever reason, it'd be fricken legion.


You're not even much good for the communities. Your style of gaming is why gearscore in all its variations exists at all, and your little niche has never in MMO history been on the positive side of attempts at making these games more accessible and fun for all skill levels.


Most of you would be happiest if devs banned everyone that didn't play at just whatever 'level' you think you're on and did nothing but make the content you want.


They might do just that when you're actually as important to the financial and functional health of anything as you think you are.


Until that never-was-and-still-isn't day, expect to see more content like Ziost and an emphasis on story-driven advancement. It might not wind up cheaper in collective resources to make in the end, but the vast majority will absolutely be able to experience that content their way.


So, go scream at somebody about how many minus 50 dkp's they get for not knowing what the bleep to do or something. That's what you seem to really be here for anyway.


You don't have to go away mad. Just go away.

Edited by Uruare
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So, I guess the fact that this is a MMORPG is lost on the lot of you. Fine. If this is your first MMO and you think that MMORPG and RPG is the same, that's fine too. Just know that you're wrong. Jesus i ask a simple, respectfully phrased question and all of the Startards lose it. No wonder people don't visit the forums.





It has run its course and obviously wasn't interpreted correctly by anyone that could leverage previous experience .

Edited by DarthDetonate
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I assume the first 9 chapters will get us to level 65, so then off to raiding for the best gear. What then becomes the motivation to continue with the rest of the story? Is it supposed to be money, some kind of achievement or is it just..well..more story so we should do it?

BINGO! You're supposed to want to find out what happens next. In Bioware's mind, they are the greatest story tellers ever...:rolleyes:

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