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Game Update 4.0 Class Changes: Jedi Consular + Sith Inquisitor


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Please stop, this is dead wrong. The only thing that putting a heal block on barrier would do is force Sorcs to use barrier proactively rather than reactively.

Or in other words sorcs would have to use it to block damage before it hits, rather than current where they just facetank everything and then barrier+H2F at 1% health.


Nonsense. If it was meant to be used proactively, then there would be no reason for it to restrict movement or other defensive actions. Since you seem to think it would be worthwhile, please edify me. What good would the power be if you couldn't heal or be healed in it? You just sit there, effectively stunned, for what? Just to build up charges of Enduring Bastion?


At best you could force a switch, but that leaves your team down a person for effectively no reason.


These suggestions all lead to the same place. You don't actually want the power to be effective. Force Barrier does exactly what it is intended to do. Provide an escape on a 3 min. cooldown. It's is SUPPOSED to stop you from being able to kill the Sorcerer. Corrupted Barrier is probably too much, but getting rid of that and making it so you couldn't be healed is a change with little to no justification other than you don't want the class to have an effective escape.

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New Ability: Phantom Stride/Shadow Stride! 30 meter range, no GCD. 30 second cooldown. Use the Force to move through time and space, appearing at your enemy target and increasing your movement speed by 75% for 3 seconds. Does not break Stealth. Cannot be used against targets in cover. Requires a Double-Bladed Lightsaber or Electrostaff.




Tier 1 - Skillful


New Utility: Snaring Slashes/Strikes! Thrash/Double Strike, Voltaic Slash/Clairvoyant Strike, and Lacerate/Whirling Blow reduce the movement speed of the targets they damage by 30% for 6 seconds.


Tier 2 - Masterful


New Utility: Speed Surge/Kinetic Acceleration! Shock/Project, Ball Lightning/Psychokinetic Blast, and Creeping Terror/Sever Force increase your movement speed by 50% for 6 seconds. This cannot occur more than once every 12 seconds.


Tier 3 - Heroic


New Utility: Phasing Phantasm/One with the Shadows! You can use Phantom/Shadow Stride while immobilized, and it purges immobilizing and slowing effects when used.


El oh el.


GG Mercs.

Edited by Jherad
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Nonsense. If it was meant to be used proactively, then there would be no reason for it to restrict movement or other defensive actions. Since you seem to think it would be worthwhile, please edify me. What good would the power be if you couldn't heal or be healed in it? You just sit there, effectively stunned, for what? Just to build up charges of Enduring Bastion?

Proactive vs Reactive has nothing to whether you can move while using the ability. Proactive means you use it to prevent damage before it happens, Reactive means it's used to recover after damage it taken - i.e you're responding to the damage.


Sorcs are already chalked full of reactive defensives. (every heal they have can be considered a reactive defensive) Barrier in it's current state functions both as a Proactive and a Reactive defensive. Putting a heal redux on barrier means that you use barrier to block that AP+CB combo rather than facetanking the CB+AP combo and then barriering after the fact.


At best you could force a switch,.

Yeah that's kinda the point. Forcing a switch and not-dying to said switch is huge. Being out of the fight for a few seconds is nothing compared to the penalties invoked by dying. Plus if you're madness you still have dots ticking.

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this sounds like just what my inq sorc needs. especially the escape peril. If I had a dime for every time a boss came at me and I couldn't get get my tail out of their fast enough xD


actually I love all ability changes, because its interesting to learn how to work them into my build/play style. I do kinda wish the builds had more ability variation, like super different looking abilities in the specializations. I sometimes feel like a clone of the other inq sorcs in my group


also thats a good point. why DO sorcs have a lightsaber? sure it looks cool but when was the last time I hit someone with it..... but what would be neat to replace it with...

Edited by RavenSkysong
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Why would you? You're a ranged class.


Actually i agreed with him and the other posts about it above. I always thought it was funny that you draw out a saber just to wave your hand and throw rocks or lightning. Just like you said - we ARE a ranged class - so why brandish a melee weapon every time we go into combat?


There are LOTS of scenes in the Star Wars movies and universe where force users do not have a saber drawn but use the force for defense or combat, as well as other uses.


If I were designing this class, I'd have it so that a saber popped out like an animation ONLY if you are using saber skills. It's already possible in the game - look at the Agent/Smuggler, using their scatter-gun. You never see it until a scatter-gun skill is used. The same can easily be done with a saber.


Don;t get me wrong. I love sabers. But it looks so stupid when you pull em out just to do anything but use it.

Edited by Faelandaea
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Actually i agreed with him and the other posts about it above. I always thought it was funny that you draw out a saber just to wave your hand and throw rocks or lightning. Just like you said - we ARE a ranged class - so why brandish a melee weapon every time we go into combat?


There are LOTS of scenes in the Star Wars movies and universe where force users do not have a saber drawn but use the force for defense or combat, as well as other uses.


If I were designing this class, I'd have it so that a saber popped out like an animation ONLY if you are using saber skills. It's already possible in the game - look at the Agent/Smuggler, using their scatter-gun. You never see it until a scatter-gun skill is used. The same can easily be done with a saber.


Don;t get me wrong. I love sabers. But it looks so stupid when you pull em out just to do anything but use it.


I guess I just don't see it as that big of a deal.

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I guess I just don't see it as that big of a deal.


I do not see it as a big deal either. It doesn't stop me from playing, and something this small certainly is NOT a game-breaker. I was just agreeing that it looks bloody stupid, and if the devs changed the saber from a drawn weapon to an animation based on action, I'd support that :)

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Worst set of updates to date. Oh wait, no the worst one was getting rid of self heals on sin/shadow tanks. Still why not have a tank class that is supposed to be so in tune with the force blah blah blah that will now also get out healed by a sniper.


Best chance of bringing the game back from the brink, reset to 1.4 combat specs.

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This is my First post on forum, so please forgive any error or issue that i do, i agree with almost every change in update 4.0 but i disagree only with level Sync system. From my point of view, this looklike that i never will be true strong. Exemple: My Jedi, complete the final trials on Tython, travel all over galaxy, "killed" the Imperor, defeated de Hutt Cartel, killed Revan, and when i come back to Tython i MUST fear the Flesh Raiders becoz the level sync system, "made me" level 10 again? i dont sure how this work, but from this perspective this doenst make sense.
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This is my First post on forum, so please forgive any error or issue that i do, i agree with almost every change in update 4.0 but i disagree only with level Sync system. From my point of view, this looklike that i never will be true strong. Exemple: My Jedi, complete the final trials on Tython, travel all over galaxy, "killed" the Imperor, defeated de Hutt Cartel, killed Revan, and when i come back to Tython i MUST fear the Flesh Raiders becoz the level sync system, "made me" level 10 again? i dont sure how this work, but from this perspective this doenst make sense.


This has nothing to do with inquisitors...

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Er - wrong thread. This thread is about class specific stuff. There's literally hundreds and hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of threads of people arguing both sides of the Sync issue. Just check the first page of Gen Discussion.


Please oh PLEASE do not bring that argument here, also, as this thread needs to just focus on the class changes for Jedi Consular + Sith Inquisitor.


Welcome to the forums by the way. Just be sure to be careful about staying on topic and posting in the correct threads :)

Edited by Faelandaea
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I do not see it as a big deal either. It doesn't stop me from playing, and something this small certainly is NOT a game-breaker. I was just agreeing that it looks bloody stupid, and if the devs changed the saber from a drawn weapon to an animation based on action, I'd support that :)


It is indeed beyond retarded that we are forced to have a lightsaber in our hand when casting. Give us a focus mainhand or option to hide the lightsaber. Heck I'd even take a normal staff ( like a wizard or whatever ) over a lightsaber that we never use in the first place. Still my main complaint about sorcerer/sage and I've heard loads of people about this matter over the years but it is simply ignored...come on now bioware.

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It seems to be that the consistent theme we're seeing here is every class is getting a new utility mobility, which in the end puts us all where we already were with more buttons to worry about.


THIS right here is the first reasonable post I've seen in this entire thread.

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Difficult to know exactly what effect this will have until it goes live, but can I make a suggestion?


Can you please stop using so many exclamation marks! Not every new ability needs an exclamation mark! The more times you use an exclamation mark the less effect it has! And I may be the only one but it changes how I read it in my head! Which is really annoying!



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SWTOR developers can you please restore the wonderful thing that Infiltration was when 4.0 dropped .... DPS was nerfed too much at this point and it is very weird to have Psyco Blast doing more damage than Whirling Blow. Please just make it decent again ... I'd like to have decent DPS in PVE again and Jugs and Sages are not interesting to play for me. If you have seen this, thanks for listening.
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