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Everything posted by Berekvam

  1. Open up a pre-2.0 server for those that want to PvP, all the changes so far have alienated the PvP community and made PvP unbearable. Open up a server for PvP junkies that doesn't have all the added cartel stuffs and story items, let us drop in a toon, work out the details on comm transfer and credit transfer, doesn't need to transfer everything. Minimal support needed, and PvP community isn't tied to all the story mode changes and PvE changes; and they'll still be able to advance in those on their regular server. You could take it a step further and give the PvP community a dev or four to advance that server with actual PvP based events. Please.
  2. Bring back the grind and the custom tree.
  3. Make tanks viable by making healers and high damage dealers paper, then make medium damage dealers that good mix of damage and able to take damage, make a low damage CC class that is high in utility, and low damage tanks that just absorb damage for others. Nah, that is all nonsense. Lets just make everyone do all the damage.
  4. Berekvam

    Old School Server

    Just a thought, and I know it won't happen, I'd like to see it anyway. How about setting up a server for pre-RotHC?
  5. Oh wait, they just skipped over the story line that would have a reason to do this. No more factions, no more hope of open world PvP.
  6. Just give everyone one decision to make, blaster or lightsaber. No other choices for combat.
  7. I like how you opened up with how good you were and then just had the same crying as everyone else. That was the most well thought out and articulated QQ I've had the pleasure of reading. I have some points and subpoints and explanations too. 1) The grind is good, quit complaining. 2) Forgot your second point because it was bad. 3) Bring back the days of needing different advanced classes. Balance is an odd term, there should be different roles such as: easily killed high output DPS, survivability with less output DPS, and crowd control with less output DPS. There should be burst healers and DOT healers; burst damage and DOT damage. I remember the days when everyone complained about not doing any damage with an operative but having an operative in the team was extremely nice because they could stun and root everyone. Now the operative has the damage and crowd control, this isn't balance. However, healers should equal 2 DPS and a tank, so their output should be higher than a single DPS, their survivability shouldn't be as high though, that is the tanks job. So basically, fix PvP by bringing back the grind and have some clear cut advanced class separation that develops a need to learn the proper role to contend.
  8. From reading all this, it just sounds like people are unwilling to learn advanced class play styles and then they just complain about balance. DOT damage is a good thing, high burst is good, good crowd control is good. No single class should have all of it. DOT heals, burst heals with a need for a tank around, while every class had its role was the best the PvP had been. Now if it isn't all in one class everyone cries. Bioware has only screwed up this game by listening to the ignorant customers it serves. Learn the role of your advanced class and if it isn't able to do that role then start complaining.
  9. They've already gutted the individual game play and ability to play roles as is. Don't ask them to gut it more because of incompetence. Go play Battlefront.
  10. Can we just have a week where we go back to the original combat specs? Just for fun, and by that I mean, I think it would stop this downward decline that is currently happening, maybe not 1.0, maybe 1.2 or 1.4. Like the test server, just setup a PvP server and reverse all the damage that was done by trying to balance everything and go back to the good times; and let all the single player, and PvE masters have their stuff on 1 server. Because realistically, does SWTOR really need more than 3 servers.
  11. Worst set of updates to date. Oh wait, no the worst one was getting rid of self heals on sin/shadow tanks. Still why not have a tank class that is supposed to be so in tune with the force blah blah blah that will now also get out healed by a sniper. Best chance of bringing the game back from the brink, reset to 1.4 combat specs.
  12. Oh, and I apologize now, for trolling so many times and telling people to stack presence in all possible places and always trying to confuse new players by saying stats that wouldn't have benefited them... Now my trolling has caused people to be so confused that BW had to get rid of primary stats, and make secondary stats less confusing. In the end, the joke is on me.
  13. It all sounds like complete crap. Sometimes I like going back to past planets to mess around, walk the land, not worry about anything. Combat balancing has always failed and this sounds like the worst failure of all. If you want us to only play one class, and one story line, release a single player game. I'll play through Fallen Empire as a single player game, but SWTOR as a MMO is over as of 4.0. PvP is going to be useless, all of the OPs/FPs will get super boring because everyone is fit into one cookie cutter toon. Not an MMO, but I guess at lteast there might be a decent single player RPG to look forward to. EH, torn on whether to be upset or not. I guess yes, make a separate game, and let us commence with the galactic war that SWTOR was being set up for.
  14. I'll chime in, since it isn't doing any good. I was questioning my ISP the last week or so, glad to know it isn't just me. The lag spikes are pretty bad, please fix.
  15. From the post it sounds like there will be no attention to new FPs, OPs, or anything that is multiplayer, I said nothing about PvP support as I have stopped expecting that a long time ago.
  16. So... I have to get this right, instead of allowing us to actually battle during the galactic war, we are just going to be frozen in carbonite and then wake up after all the fun stuff is over into a single player game that will get no new multiplayer work done on it again for a year? Well done Bioware, instead of making a single player RPG that everyone wants that is a standalone game, you've decided to stuff it inside SWTOR, and give even less support to the MMO aspect of this game. I guess if we want open world PvP we will have to buy Battlefront. This is all a bunch of nonsense.
  17. I'm still building my gear up, do more DPS with sin now, because of how useless tanks are if you are pugging. From what I have noticed, there seems to be a point where it is better to just use pve gear over going full 2018 expertise. The reason I go with more defense than the average tank, is because in 2.0 it worked quite well for damage mitigation on direct melee/range attacks to me. I found that a sniper or marauder could eat me alive without more defense, this might have changed in 3.0, but haven't seen much conversation on sin tanking, probably because fewer and fewer people are even attempting it.
  18. Has 3.0 caused Sin tanks to be primarily shield/absorb? Is anything over 24% defense a waste? Stack a mix of shield/absorb/defense augments or go back to the classic endurance race?
  19. Have you played a fully geared deception tank in pvp yet? There isn't much lacking. They have improved damage mitigation, there are plenty of stuns and roots. Curious what more you want from them?
  20. I thought this post was going to be about something worthwhile, like the extremely minimal gear rating increase for level 60 PvP gear. By the time the next set of PvE gear comes out there won't be a point to PvP gear because raid gear increases the gear rating at least twice as frequently as PvP. That is ok though, a rating lower than the previous best 55 gear should be sufficient for PvPers all they really care about is mail boxes and ways to not move their characters.
  21. I'd have to agree DPS specs are getting a bit out of control. There was a point where having a certain spec was useful for certain situations, not so much anymore. All this talk about healers not being able to keep up with DPS, no talk about tanks being a viable option to protect healers or DPS. Operatives/Scoundrels used to be useful because of stuns, roots, and such but too many people complained because they weren't getting the glory from having high DPS, even though being quite effective for objective based warzones. SWTOR Developer's biggest mistake has been moving away from a PVP system that works and curtailing to whiny DPS players that just want high damage numbers. But that is all there is now, and if a healer can't keep up, let's not look at how the others on the team are working together as a team, lets nerf and buff some more, because that keeps going well. By the way, bring back the self heal on harnessed darkness.
  22. 1v1, 1v2, 1v3 all noble endeavors. 2v1, 3v1, 4v1 not so much. It isn't hard to avoid those few groups that do this, just go to the other instances and continue to play.
  23. I play for 1 hour a night, sometimes 1.5 hours during the week. Some weekends I get the opportunity to play, some I don't. This is my downtime between work and my other activities. That being said, I can gear an alt in 3 weeks. 3 weeks!! Min/Max no, top tier no. Able to hold his own and be effective in a reg WZ, yes. It took me 4 weeks to min/max my main when the new tier of gear came out. This is not a grind, I repeat this is not a grind. This guy is talking about 3 level 55 toons that he couldn't get geared in a year. Seriously? You are suggesting BW make money so that people don't have to put in a 3 week grind? Yup, pay to win is written all over it.
  24. Darkness Assassin is not a spec that will get you any glory. It is all about utility, you keep healers and DPS alive. Start caring about how much guard you get per round, not how much damage. I also at times check to see how much damage I take in general, these are the things that count. Damage has its place, but it is not a primary concern for a Darkness Assassin. Get grenades and learn how to stun, root, and slow. Taunting isn't enough, you need to figure out when to lock a DPS down. 1 second is the difference between a healer dying or not, so stun wisely. Get up to 20% Defense/32% Shield/32% Absorb then start worrying about stacking endurance. If you don't stack defense you will get slaughtered by anyone that is melee or ranged damage heavy, shield and absorb work with tech and force damage. Because assassins have less armor, you need the defense. Keep harnessed darkness up at all times. Lightning Strike, wither, whatever the saber strike technique is until you get your lightning strike to cast again, pop your reckless charge, lightning strike, and then force lightning. That is your rotation. During this time keep your shield ward up and manage your taunts. Now is also a good time to get your Darkness Assassin geared and get used to the mechanics, because Bioware will probably have a huge nerffest because of all the crying, and no one wants to get nerfed, so start with the lesser spec and when you get bolstered it will be that much better.
  25. I have an idea, don't make it awful, or... and this is a big or... FOCUS ON OPEN WORLD PVP!!!
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