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Your canon Outlander


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For the Empire, my female LS Wrath who romanced and married Quinn... but then slept with Theron. Because, y'know, he never stabbed her in the back.


For the Republic, my LS Smuggler who married Corso but still enjoys flirting. She's loyal to her hubby, though. But since it's been a few years since she was first frozen, who knows? She may be single if Corso's moved on.

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Nope, all my characters are getting frozen in carbonite, as they are all equally as dangerous for Enternal Empire. Just like (in my head) every planetary mission was done in group composed of Barsen'thor, Meteor, Voidhound and Hero of Tython (or Cipher, Nox, Champion and Wrath in case of Imps).


I will surely find some way to compose that idea into my headcanon for KotFE


However, if I cannot, then definitely Barsen'thor is my "canon" Outlander

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Either my Light Side V Jedi Guardian (the character I modeled after myself) or my Dark Side V Sith Assassin (my first level 50). Both have scores to settle with the Emperor. One wants to protect the Republic, the other wants to claim the throne for himself.


The thing they have in common is that neither need anybody else to help. Just watch- they'll both have Alliances of one.

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This is meaningless. Bioware's advertisement told me that I could "Become the Outlander". Therefore "THE" Outlander is obviously my toon. What the rest you lvl 65s will be doing running around the new hub, I have no idea:rak_03:


(Just imaging playing Mass Effect and seeing hundreds of Shepards running around every planet you visit :rolleyes:)

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I'm going with my Light-III Sith Sorcerer, Darth Rylo'delmarr (aka Darth Imperius). I'm playing him as a Sith Lord who is trying to reform the Empire to make it more powerful, but less menacing. He'll probably be trying to find a way to forge an alliance between the Republic and the Empire, and make both factions into one unit...all until he got frozen in carbonite, of course.
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Sniper, because there is no safer (and practical) way to kill unbelievably powerful Emperor of unbelievably powerful Empire, than put one nice hole through his head from safe distance of several kilometers while he is having some dull speech. And he was my first character, and I think it´s finally time for practicality of sniper assassination to replace stupidity of charging enemy ranks with glowing stick:D:D


Trooper might come close second, because charging into throne room with Havoc Squad, yelling "Come´on you apes, you wanna live forever?!":wea_09::sy_havoc::sy_havoc:

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My Defense-specced, Light V, paladin-style Jedi Guardian.


Because let's be honest, there's a reason that the Outlander is a Guardian in all the official promo material.


Because they didn't want to to intimidate the Jedi players with the Wrath :)

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Nox all the way. My sorc was my first toon and always my main. Plus, he'll take the Eternal Empire's attack as a personal offence.

"I did not claw my way from the pits of slavery to the Dark f*cking Council just so these *ss-monkeys can come out of nowhere and SH*T ON MY PARADE!"


Though I may use the free lvl 60 to send a guinea-pig through the first few chapters so I don't make some tremendous mistake on Nox.

Edited by hansumlazurwolf
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My bounty hunter will always be my main character in everything.


What I'd like to know is how he wound up in carbonite in the first place. You don't exactly get the drop on the galaxy's most talented hired gun, and seeing as he's taken out both jedi and sith lords in the past overpowering him isn't really an option.


Walking flamethrower tank always prevails.

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I can't do just one. I have 8 mains.


But I can say who will be my Outlander first, second, etc.


Sith Jugger Dps, light side 5, despises power plays, evil for sake of evil, loves family and friends.


Sniper, light side 5.


Sith Assassin DPS, light side 5, Darth Imperius to you, sir.


Jedi guardian dps, light side 5.


Gunslinger, light side 5.


Jedi shadow dps, light side 5.


Powertech dps, light side 5.


Vanguard dps, light side 5.

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It will come down to my Jedi Knight or my Sith Warrior


The storyline so far has felt more geared toward those two. They both have had more history with the emperor. I dont know where the storyline is headed by the emperor is not gone and a knight savin the galaxy makes sense

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I'll have two main Outlanders.


The closest to a "canon" Outlander will be my free 60 LS Jedi Knight; he'll have a (mostly) goody two shoes play through to fit the generic Bioware EPIC HERO role. I'll also be playing my existing DS Sith Warrior for a "she's the one leading the fight?" story.


The rest of my characters are probably going to be sidelined until I see what happens with existing companions.

Edited by Lesaberisa
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Mine will be my Jedi Knight. I have gone over some details with a friend. While I don't really RP I always have stories on my characters and usually have detailed bios. So My JK will be the Outlander, or hero of my story. My alts will be supporting cast. Some I will take through the story just to get to the content but per my story not have actually been frozen in carbonite and done any of the events making them the outlander. I have even thought about aging and cybernetic limbs and whatnot to show they've had a rough five years.
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My approach to the Xpac has been based on some assumptions.


I am assuming that the galaxy we step into will be radically different, yet somehow familiar. In terms of our crusade, I imagine that Bioware is attempting to give us our "A New Hope" moment, wherein we are the Ben Kenobi of the story, a nearly forgotten veteran of an era long past, whose strength and power are needed at a crucial point in galactic history.


The way I see it, the Republic and Sith Empire are virtually non-existent, having been crushed for 5 years under the might of the Zakuul Empire. This means my characters are mostly drifters and rebels, civilians and mercs. Force Users, become hunted, much in the way the Empire hunted the Jedi following Order 66 and the Rise of the Empire.


So my personal approach is:


- My Force Users (Both Jedi and Sith) have retreated from the galaxy, to a shared enclave on Yavin 4, where they further their understanding of the Force, and generally try to keep away from the eyes of the Zakuul Empire. With the galaxy under Zakuul Imperial rule, most of my Force Users have left the more flamboyant and overt armors and apparel of their former stations in the Jedi and Sith Orders behind, in favor of simple and plain clothes, which allow them to more successfully blend in with a crowd, while operating off of Yavin 4.


- I have 2 Troopers. One resigned his commission after the failure at Ziost, and became a Bounty Hunter. The other, after loosing a hand in the initial battles with the Zakuul Empire, was retired from active service, but then joins a small band of rebels that seek to tear down their Zakuul oppressors. Both Troopers have turned in their Republic issued gear, and used their small Republic pensions to outfit themselves for their new lines of work.


- I have 2 Agents. One became a private contractor (think A-Team) after he was burned by former Imperial Intelligence, and is still in business, working the civilian sector. My other Agent is returning to his old cover of being The Red Blade, and doing his best to remain covert and elusive.


- My Bounty Hunter is still hunting people for money. Lots of contracts available when you don't particularly side with one faction or another!


- I have 2 Smugglers. One retired from the pirate life and opened a small private casino on Nar Shaddaa. Little does the Zakuul Empire know that the private casino is really a front for a rebel cell. (See Troopers above) My other Smuggler is the son of the now retired Smuggler, and is carrying on his father's legacy of fast credits and questionable decisions.


As for my "canon" Outlander...


I'm planning to create a 2nd Bounty Hunter. A man of mystery who the galaxy doesn't know, but is about to make a very sizeable wound on the Zakuul Empire. He was frozen in carbonite (by the Hutt Cartel) because he was simply too dangerous to be roaming free, and once released, he plans to take it out on just about everyone! :p

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Only one? I have a legacy of characters, rather. They're never so far apart, and whatever head-canoning I have to do it will eventually work out they're all there together. Story-wise, that is. Gameplay may require a bit of one-by-one considerations, is all.


Hey, first character to get through to 65 will most likely be my Scoundrel. He's my Main and needs to be leveled up first, to get back into operations straight-off.

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I do think my biggest problem will be deciding what class to use my one free slot for. Part of me is saying "use it for your least favorite class." But another part is saying "use your favorite class so you don't make a decision you'll regret". :confused:


I'll probably wind up somewhere in between.... I'll play a lightning Sorcerer, but I'll play a female character. :D

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It's going to be tough. Going to have to be one of the twins...Consular or Inquisitor.


It is right here, that I wish the devs at least had two storylines going, Rep and Emp stories, so they wouldn't seem the same between both sides.


Both would be that type, though the Consular is more Lightsided than the Inquisitor (LS II or III vs Neutral/LS I).


Also releveling my Inquisitor, just because I'm duoing with a friend who doesn't have all the classes to at least 50 yet. :) It will be hard to decide between these two as they just end up my favorites.

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