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New performance improvements seem to be a double edged sword.


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PFFTTT....FTTTT......bwahahahah...AHAHAHAHA....yeah man and i am king of england...hahahahah..ahahahah...


Except Malastare certainly has a better grasp of programming than you do on the throne of England.


What he said is largely correct, aside from the specifics of SWTOR's code, which we would never know unless they released that information. Only that is conjecture based on educated guesses.

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lol i swear to jebus every time i see your posts it says " you want your cake and eat it to " lol... i think you have cake on the brain. I don't hear anyone in England say that expression lol but in England we would buy a cake eat it and buy another lol or it would go stale.


But aside a lot of games have smart LOD etc where they don't render things behind you or behind walls etc, this makes games alone run far better like ffxiv has, you cn toggle them on and off even to see the performance hit you get. swtor runs badly in dense areas or with lots of npcs such as the landing city on rishi but if they don't take the time to optimize it for each area it will just be a simple lower the render distance GG YOLO. So in some areas it looks the same because you can;t see past the objects in the way but others like open zones you see it much clearer as you see the long distance vistas


Oh, Hi! Good to see you're still here after claiming ESO was such a better game. There's still a door open for you if you want to leave. Also, it's "Cake and eat it too". See, there's two letter o's there. Take care.

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Except Malastare certainly has a better grasp of programming than you do on the throne of England.


What he said is largely correct, aside from the specifics of SWTOR's code, which we would never know unless they released that information. Only that is conjecture based on educated guesses.


And you as an expert game developer can confirm that what he wrote was "largely correct"? You people and your "expert" opinion about swtor is laughable and pitiable at the same time.

Edited by BrintoSFJ
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Technically, no.


SWTOR runs in two processes, which implicitly means it has at least two threads. Within those two processes there are additional threads to do various things, however, the bulk of the work is indeed done in just two threads, with each process having one thread doing the majority of CPU work. Of that, the "main" process/thread does ~60-80% of the work,


So, while it has multiple threads, there is still a single thread that does most of the work of actually performing game actions. The second process and its main thread seem to be focused on the loading and management of other resources, rather than game actions.




No. It's not obvious.


You just associated it with the 32bit-64bit change because it feels like it should be big. Do some research on what 64bit architectures really are before claiming that its a solution to all such problems.


Again: the main difference between 32bit and 64bit compilation is per-process memory limits. That's not going to do a lot to improve fps. If you want to claim that it is, then please provide some technical description of what mechanism is at play. If you don't understand the topic, then at least research it before you start making claims about what it can do.




Again, if you understand how SWTOR and video games in general (or even just general software) works, you'll see that its not random at all. During the time that you are just looking at the mob, there is very little client-server interaction that is necessary. Your local client can easily fill in the gaps between server status updates with normal animations.


The moment you start attacking, your client starts sending updates on your position, direction and abilities being used. The server responds with updates on your characters status (HP, resource levels), the mobs position and direction, its HP, the abilities (animations) its using and how far along it is... All those updates need to be synchronized and the local display needs to have that state reflected on a sub-second timescale. If any of those changes result in an animation difference, then that needs to be loaded, calculated and sent off for rendering. The more changes that need to be made, the lower your framerate is going to drop as the game spends more time calculating changes and waiting to render until they are done.




Understand: The graphics on ESO are not notably more detailed than SWTOR. They just have more detailed textures. The simplistic ("cartoonish") graphics of SWTOR are not a result of simple graphics, but of the designed art style. You like the art style of ESO better? That's fine, but the model complexity is not higher than SWTOR (from what I've seen at least).


As for the number of players on a screen at a time, part of this is indeed due to the method with which SWTOR uses for managing multiple player actions and server synchronization, but its also just as much to do with the simpler rendering routines used in ESO. SWTOR ends up using a lot more reflection, bloom, particle effects, dynamic lighting and customized shaders than ESO appears to. That doesn't mean that SWTOR is super amazing, it just means they have a more complex rendering routine. Being honest, it's probably more than they should have used, but it was the way they designed it. ESO seems to handle multiple players better than SWTOR, but it also has simpler animations and I'm not convinced it would handle the level of effects used in SWTOR all that much better.


Watch this video i made of ESO and btw this is on PS4 even! but look at the fight and then imagine it looking even better on PC


Edited by AdamChattaway
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couple of tests and didnt notice any performance improvement. infact i had the opposite


Lenovo y510p Laptop - modded for better airflow and cooling

i7 4700mq

16 GB Ram @ 1600

Dual Nvidia GT755m in SLI using 355.98 Drivers

256 GB SSD M.2 with OS and game installed

Windows 10 Build 10547


SWTOR ran at lowest settings and nvidia ctrl pnl on lowest settings


fleet 100 FPS unless moving it would drop to 80 FPS



SWTOR lowest settings nvidia ctrl pnl max settings x2 AA


fleet 70 FPS and moving drops to 50 FPS



SWTOR max settings nvidia ctrl pnl max settings x2 AA


fleet 30-40 FPS and moving would drop to 20 FPS


before the update add 10-20 FPS to all of those observations...I'll do more tests when i get off work later this morning. but so far i am not impressed with these graphics "improvements"


i also noticed before the update my GPUs ran at stock 980 MHz, but since the SWTOR patch they clocked at 1031 on lowest settings and boosted to 1097 maxed settings. also while on lowest settings their usage was at 30%-40% no matter what was going on. but since the SWTOR patch their usage is at a minimum 60% on lowest settings and max settings 95%-99%


i observed no performance improvement on this patch, on this rig. deployed so unable to test the 2 ITX builds (same builds except using a GTX 760 (1080p @ 60 Hz) and GTX 780ti (1440p @ 110 Hz) , PSU used and cooling methods). i dont think those 2 ITX builds would have different results. the Lenovo y510p runs nearly as well as the GTX 760 ITX build.


i was really looking for some improvements with the patch. I do not have the blurry or beer goggle effects that others have mentioned in earlier posts on this thread. looks fine on 1080p @ 60 Hz


Build logs with benchmarks:

Lenovo y510p GT755m SLI


i7 4770k Asus GTX 760 DirectCUII Build


i7 4770k EVGA GTX 780tiSC build

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Sounds to me like you want your cake and eat it too. Things in life have draw backs and compromises. Something that does everything well, excels at nothing. Something that excels at something, does poorly or average at everything else. Make up your mind what you want, before you post.


Wrong. Some things in life don't have draw backs and some things will excel at everything.

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Quoting for importance!

They added FXAA which blurs everything a bit. .



So medium is FXAA, high is MSAA and very high is both.

FXAA is the worst AA to my eyes and many others it seems.


HIGH AA is now the only viable setting in this game.


Sorry about the font attack but this is a really important message and basically makes or breaks this patch.

Edited by Master_ivar
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Yeah, I am absolutely nuts. How can I expect a game to run well with these outdated graphics in 2015 without having to sacrifice render distance this much? And don't get me started on how stupid it is that we still have a 32 bit client that doesn't even take advantage of all the power in modern processors. I understand that this custom engine is a mess and that there's only so much they can do with it. But I actually think that we should be able to increase the render distance and take a performance hit if we prefer it that way. I know I do.


But yeah, that's the internet for you... Criticism is often considered petty entitlement.


Don't feel bad man, I've been lurking in these forums for years and I can tell you right now theirs a list of about 50 people I wont even acknowledge due to that sort of attitude. They feel that just ebcause they're good at PVP or w/e it is that they can talk down to many of us. My advise to the guy who likes to speak poetically, If you can't say some thing nice (Or nicely) ****...

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I'm taking forever to update for some reason but if that is the case - i'm more than thrilled. SWTOR always had a huge draw distance imo and the fact that we couldn't edit it was total bs. Apparently it was an option in beta? Sure it makes the game look better but honestly i don't need a detailed version of that building far-far there etc. I went from high-medium settings to ultra in WoW just by playing with draw distance.


What do you consider "huge"? Because the draw distance in this game is miniscule and always has been; whole cliffs pop into existence on Tatooine, you can literally watch the ground growing foliage twenty feet in front of your character as you move around, and on Nar Shaddaa there are areas which aren't even particularly large where you can't see mobs from the other side of the room.


I'd murder someone for the ability to massive scale up the draw distance in this game so the pop-in wasn't so glaringly obvious, if they've actually managed to make it worse that's just depressing.

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If I payed a landscaping company to come fix up my yard and left it worse than before I would complain. I get that they tried but anyone can try.


You paid them to fix this graphics and engine in this game did you? Wow, another of those multi millionaires showing around the forums lately.


Of course if you meant you pay your sub ... you can see what you get for that here: http://www.swtor.com/free/features


Pretty sure "engine and graphics upgrades" aren't on that list.

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Loading does seem faster but i'm not seeing any decrease in draw distance?


Here's a short clip of the guild ship load-in video. You can see that the body of the ship you fly in on disappears half way through the cinematic.


Edit: I also noticed that some of the consoles we have on our bridge disappear after only crossing half the length of the room. Either these are bugs with certain objects not having the LOD set up properly (not everything was disappearing at that distance) or they really screwed up with their changes to draw distances. Things shouldn't just be disappearing from that distance.


Edited by MillionsKNives
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I'm not noticing any graphical changes to it nothing blurred or any changes to the draw distance. Fps is slightly better but that was never my problem anyway always had decent fps except on fleet but that has improved some. I do wish my server lag would ease up some and it'd stop going up and down but as I said no changes in the graphic's here for me thankfully.
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Quoting for importance!


FXAA is the worst AA to my eyes and many others it seems.


HIGH AA is now the only viable setting in this game.


Sorry about the font attack but this is a really important message and basically makes or breaks this patch.


There's also this AA solution via Nvidia Inspector. It creates some minor bugs becase of an interaction with the Bloom effect, but it's an excellent AA method that doesn't blur anything and eliminates virtually all jaggies. It takes some horsepower to run it, however. It's easier to do now with the better performance after the patch:



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