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Too many 1-shot mech in NIM ops

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Have a video:
I wasn't there for the kill we recorded (we had a couple subs, actually), and I think this may have been the first time we did it (hence some of the discombobulation). We never did it in Nightmare Mode, but this was our Hard Mode strat for quite a long while. Having a Focus Sentinel helped with the whole "hit them all at once" bit. :-)


Unfortunately, when Nightmare Mode dropped, this got "nerfed". The reason being that the first week kills of NiM Cartel Warlords were all using a variation of this strat (kill Horic, then kill the remaining three at once) in order to bypass the late-fight mechanics. Bioware implemented a catch which heals all the bosses back up to full if two or more of them are below a threshold, preventing simul-kills.


We also tried this with the Dread Guard, but unfortunately they have a very similar mechanic and have had it since launch. We also tried killing the Dread Guard backwards (kel'sara first), but again, the auto-heal mechanic kicked in and we couldn't down them. We theorized that with an absolutely inconceivable amount of burst, we might be able to get them past the trigger point (since, with the Dread Guard anyway, the trigger is at 25% but gets delayed by their rotation), but we were never able to hit that mark.


So clutch.

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I understand what y'all are trying to say, but I think we can shoot down the points without resorting to an appeal to authority (where by "authority" I mean on-tier NiM experience).


And then later the same day...


Ask any serious progression raider





I regret saying nothing and meant every word.


Thread is a waste of time, OP is hysterical and making double, triple and did I see a quadruple post?


OP is in a terrible position to be approaching mechanics which require an organised competent team and that is the entirety of his issue even if he won't realise it.


The obtuse way he presents and defends his line is massive bait because of the absurdity of it.


In the absence of stepping up to the game of NiM content and getting into a serious team there is no cure for his obsession that being easily killed is unreasonable punishment in a hardest mode fight.





Reminds me, did I mention our raiding team can be hired by people looking to experience 8m and 16m+ content they could never hope to see for themselves on their own? Any number of reasons can be a roadblock to endgame content and difficult PVE rewards but that's what we do every week all year.


For very reasonable prices we can do the work and mechanics for you. Get you the rewards you want and show you the mysterious world of organised endgame raiding :)

Edited by Gyronamics
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To summarize this joke... I mean thread:

OP: Too many one shot mechanics in the game

Rest: Not really

OP: Yes, too many.

Rest: Not really. Also, they serve a purpose(namely to force people to do things a certain way)

OP: There are other ways to make it challenging(in his words, "hard to fail", which is actually the exact opposite)

Rest: Give just one example, that doesn't autokill but serves the same purpose

OP: There's too man 1-shots


and so on and so forth.


And I, too, am in the crowd of "I raid NiM/HM because I like to face a challenge with my guildies". Not for gear(I already have multiple toons in BiS), not for mounts or deco(already have all of them too). I, like probably every other player who does this kind of content, at level and gear, do it for the challenge. For fun.

And this is the audience this content is aimed at. And no one in this audience seems to agree with you, OP. What does that tell you?

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Yes, and there are difference between the Dread Master Brontes/Styrak and their Force ghost.


Seriously, do you know nothing about Star Wars lore?


Force ghost info


Basically, the changes in Kephess mechanics was due to changes made to his body while the inclusion of previous mechanics for the Force ghosts were because they tried to retain their powers even after death. The story even supports the dev decisions in both of these scenarios.

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Seriously, do you know nothing about Star Wars lore?


Force ghost info


Basically, the changes in Kephess mechanics was due to changes made to his body while the inclusion of previous mechanics for the Force ghosts were because they tried to retain their powers even after death. The story even supports the dev decisions in both of these scenarios.


No, they weren't able contain their power after death. Did you even play the Oricon story?


The Dread Masters' power mostly came from the Phobis Devices, it's what made them the Dread Masters. In their conversation with you, they made very clear that they weren't able to contain the power after Styrak's death and was going mad. Which means Styrak's ghost could not share power from the Phobis Devices like he did in life.


In the other words, they no longer had the Dread Master's power after death, that, was a big big difference.

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To summarize this joke... I mean thread:

OP: Too many one shot mechanics in the game

Rest: Not really

OP: Yes, too many.

Rest: Not really. Also, they serve a purpose(namely to force people to do things a certain way)

OP: There are other ways to make it challenging(in his words, "hard to fail", which is actually the exact opposite)

Rest: Give just one example, that doesn't autokill but serves the same purpose

OP: There's too man 1-shots


and so on and so forth.


And I, too, am in the crowd of "I raid NiM/HM because I like to face a challenge with my guildies". Not for gear(I already have multiple toons in BiS), not for mounts or deco(already have all of them too). I, like probably every other player who does this kind of content, at level and gear, do it for the challenge. For fun.

And this is the audience this content is aimed at. And no one in this audience seems to agree with you, OP. What does that tell you?


So you started to troll after I corrected the mistake of so many missing 1-shot mech?

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Oh, you are saying that without 1-shot mech, NIM will become free loot?


Not on tiere Nim Ops would be free loot. But 55 and 50 definitly. You can kill Kephess 16er Nim with 6 DPS!!! without problem. If the 3 Droids at the beginnin werent there maybe 4 to 5.


And now the tentakel phase in Nim council would only provide dmg. the dmg would probably just miss and you can stand in the tentakel without penalty..


I sadly hadnt the chance to do Nim Council with Buff. But with 3.0 we were there often and failed the second phase each week, because standing in stupid kills you anyway. Without oneshot, we had just facerolled it at the first week and were done. But we had too practis mechanik and are now able to kill council and faceroll the boss. But only because everyone knows how to do it and not because boss ist easy!

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Not on tiere Nim Ops would be free loot. But 55 and 50 definitly. You can kill Kephess 16er Nim with 6 DPS!!! without problem. If the 3 Droids at the beginnin werent there maybe 4 to 5.


And now the tentakel phase in Nim council would only provide dmg. the dmg would probably just miss and you can stand in the tentakel without penalty..


I sadly hadnt the chance to do Nim Council with Buff. But with 3.0 we were there often and failed the second phase each week, because standing in stupid kills you anyway. Without oneshot, we had just facerolled it at the first week and were done. But we had too practis mechanik and are now able to kill council and faceroll the boss. But only because everyone knows how to do it and not because boss ist easy!


I was even able to kill EC Kephess with 3 droids on full, what does it prove? It's not designed for high level or players with much higher tier!


A dungeon/raid content is mostly designed for players that

at level

with lower tier gear(otherwise most of the drop is usless for them)


If your team's level is higher and your team are all wearing much higher tier gear, then most of the loot are useless to you. Isn't it 100% reasonable that these contents become much easier? Shall we blame Blacktalon FP for being too easy to high level players?

Edited by Slowpokeking
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Oh, you are saying that without 1-shot mech, NIM will become free loot?


Yep. Just like Colossal Monolith HM was a free 204 MH until they decided that teams should not be able to completely ignore mechanics without consequences, so they added a mechanic that punished teams who tried to heal through the Breaking the Rift damage. Now, it's extremely difficult to heal through the damage if you don't complete Breaking the Rift, and essentially a one-shot to the types of teams that actually rely on 204 MHs to down content. Without one-shot mechanics, you'll just have overgeared healers heal you through standing in stupid 10 months after content comes out, i.e. the cancer I see on Bulo, Torque, Master and Blaster, Coratanni, Sword Squadron, Commanders, and Revan now.

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Yep. Just like Colossal Monolith HM was a free 204 MH until they decided that teams should not be able to completely ignore mechanics without consequences, so they added a mechanic that punished teams who tried to heal through the Breaking the Rift damage. Now, it's extremely difficult to heal through the damage if you don't complete Breaking the Rift, and essentially a one-shot to the types of teams that actually rely on 204 MHs to down content.

This is a obviously failure of content designing, the boss have so many mechanics but only 1 of them make threat to you.


Without one-shot mechanics, you'll just have overgeared healers heal you through standing in stupid 10 months after content comes out, i.e. the cancer I see on Bulo, Torque, Master and Blaster, Coratanni, Sword Squadron, Commanders, and Revan now.

Wait, if you are overgeared, why are you still running it? Raid contents are designed for ppl who are undergeared to get their upgrade. Of course it gets easier if you overgeared the content.


If a content has come out for 10 months in a healthy MMO cycle, then it mostly should have been farm run for veteran players due to at least 1-2 new ops should have come out for players to challenge. You should have spend your time on the new ones rather than kicking the old dog and complain it for being too easy.

Edited by Slowpokeking
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Does anyone else feel like this thread degenerated into "we all have to live through a day and everyone's day is the same... so boring?" Its the matter in which you go through your day that makes it different not that every day is the exact same in that it lasts 24 hours...
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Does anyone else feel like this thread degenerated into "we all have to live through a day and everyone's day is the same... so boring?" Its the matter in which you go through your day that makes it different not that every day is the exact same in that it lasts 24 hours...


Jet fuel can't melt steel beams

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How this thread is still alive is one of life's mysteries we will never comprehend.


On topic - the 204 mainhand WAS free loot when the 1-hit mechanic wasn't introduced.


If you fail to deal with force leech, it does kill you (insta-kill with Adrenaline Rush/Kolto Overload)

If you fail to deal with white/orange circles, it does kill you.

If you are following mechanics and fail to pick up a different colour, its an insta-death


Hell, the entire fight is ~90% insta-kills for failing to follow mechanics. But because it lacked that 1 insta-kill, the fight was a faceroll.

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This is a obviously failure of content designing, the boss have so many mechanics but only 1 of them make threat to you.

They are all a threat to you if ignored. He just gave an example of one.

Wait, if you are overgeared, why are you still running it? Raid contents are designed for ppl who are undergeared to get their upgrade. Of course it gets easier if you overgeared the content.

His post didn't say he was still running it, check your reading comprehension. Even if he was, people like getting gear for alts. Not to mention, CM mainhand drop is completely random (if done normally), and it hasn't been out for 10 months.

If a content has come out for 10 months in a healthy MMO cycle, then it mostly should have been farm run for veteran players due to at least 1-2 new ops should have come out for players to challenge. You should have spend your time on the new ones rather than kicking the old dog and complain it for being too easy.

So, why are you doing it then? The hypocrisy is real.

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I have a dream. A dream where healers actually have their own business to do in a boss fight other than just healing through peoples mistakes, such that completely ignoring mechanics isn't an option regardless if they are 1 shots because 2 reasonably good, full time healers are required to get through every phase of a fight even without team mistakes. When you leave healers with nothing to do in boss fights other than idly checking their phone and maximising their Netflix tab, the obvious answer to all mechanics that aren't 1 shots become: "Just heal through it".


Almost every fight that's come out since NiM DF has had significant portions that were entirely solo healable, with a second healer really only being brought specifically to cover for people screwing up mechanics or for 1 specific phase and nothing else. I know my experience is obviously outside the normal tuning expectation, but I've healed many pugs and more casual groups and it's not all that different. The last 2 floors of HM Revan were solo healable even before any nerfs; if you're 1/3rd of a way through one of the hardest fights and a healer dies, and the team response is "leave them dead they aren't worth the rez", that's a tuning problem regardless of how awesome the one healer has to be to make it possible. It shouldn't BE possible for anyone in "nightmare/hardmare" level current content. But as long as it is, 1 shot mechanics will be required to make content anything other than "heal thru it and faceroll lol".


I've never done Colossal Monolith, but from what I have heard of it, healing through the mechanic should never have been a viable option in the first place because there should have been something adequate for healers to do to begin with.


If a content has come out for 10 months in a healthy MMO cycle, then it mostly should have been farm run for veteran players due to at least 1-2 new ops should have come out for players to challenge.


It's a new one to me to hear someone use the words "healthy MMO cycle" in reference to SWTOR operations. :p

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They are all a threat to you if ignored. He just gave an example of one.


If they are all threat, why are you saying it once was a free 204MH?


His post didn't say he was still running it, check your reading comprehension. Even if he was, people like getting gear for alts. Not to mention, CM mainhand drop is completely random (if done normally), and it hasn't been out for 10 months.

If they are getting gear for alts with a seriously overgeared team, then shouldn't it be easy as well? It's like saying Blacktalon is too easy with a level 20+ to help you.


So, why are you doing it then? The hypocrisy is real.

Other than some mount I think it's pointless, I'm mostly helping friends.

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I have a dream. A dream where healers actually have their own business to do in a boss fight other than just healing through peoples mistakes, such that completely ignoring mechanics isn't an option regardless if they are 1 shots because 2 reasonably good, full time healers are required to get through every phase of a fight even without team mistakes. When you leave healers with nothing to do in boss fights other than idly checking their phone and maximising their Netflix tab, the obvious answer to all mechanics that aren't 1 shots become: "Just heal through it".


Almost every fight that's come out since NiM DF has had significant portions that were entirely solo healable, with a second healer really only being brought specifically to cover for people screwing up mechanics or for 1 specific phase and nothing else. I know my experience is obviously outside the normal tuning expectation, but I've healed many pugs and more casual groups and it's not all that different. The last 2 floors of HM Revan were solo healable even before any nerfs; if you're 1/3rd of a way through one of the hardest fights and a healer dies, and the team response is "leave them dead they aren't worth the rez", that's a tuning problem regardless of how awesome the one healer has to be to make it possible. It shouldn't BE possible for anyone in "nightmare/hardmare" level current content. But as long as it is, 1 shot mechanics will be required to make content anything other than "heal thru it and faceroll lol".


I've never done Colossal Monolith, but from what I have heard of it, healing through the mechanic should never have been a viable option in the first place because there should have been something adequate for healers to do to begin with.




It's a new one to me to hear someone use the words "healthy MMO cycle" in reference to SWTOR operations. :p


So it's a failure of design. May I ask how many healers among the whole population were able to heal everything that's not 1 shot?

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