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How would your characters reply to Valkorion's offer?


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"I'll never betray the Republic! No matter how much cold, hard cash you throw down in front of me! Even if you start injecting my bank account with enough credits to make my wallet explode! I don't care if I have enough coins to fill my stronghold with so I can swim around in it like Scrooge McDuck--I cannot be bought! Never, I tell you! In fact, I dare you to try bribing me! Go on, just... give it a whirl and see how far it gets you! PayPal and all major credit cards accepted!"
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Intriguing question... While I don't really believe that's going to be an option in the playthrough, I can't avoid asking myself that same question. And with the many alts I have, I bet I'm going to see the full spectrum of answers. So, here's my 60s' most likely reactions. :)


On Rep Side, my male LS Guardian would fiercely refuse to surrender, challenging the Emperor to a duel.

My female Neutral Guardian would most likely answer with the reasons she won't accept, before charging in, lightsaber in hand.


My male LS Shadow would refuse aswell, but not bother to explain his refusal. He'd just shake his head and extract his lightsaber.


My male LS Commando would take his cannon and begin shooting, while yelling: "For the Republic!"


My DS Scoundrel on the other hand would actually either accept, with the option to keep his pirate-y affairs, or refuse if that looks more convenient.


As for Imp Side... :rolleyes:


My male DS Sorcerer would refuse, making clear he's already loyal to another Empire.

My female LS Assassin would likely think of it carefully, before proposing a few conditions to satisfy for her alliance. If accepted, she'd kneel. Otherwise, not.


My male DS Jugg would take his lightsaber and charge in, yeling a fiery "NO!".

My female LS Jugg would likely refuse and either stand her ground or run, depending on how things go.


My female DS Marauder would likely charge in, as she'd never put her lightsabers away to begin with...

Whereas my male LS Marauder would most likely fight to disarm, but not bother to respond to such an offer.


My male Neutral Sniper would most likely accept, with the resolution to switch sides again if needs be.

My female Neutral Operative would most likely refuse, and try to disappear using her skills.


My male LS PT would fiercefully refuse, as he's a man of honor and a Mandalorian. Then he'd take his gun and either fight or walk away, depending on how things go.

At the same time, my male DS Merc would most likely accept, but not kneel. As a matter of fact, his pride is his greatest problem, and as such assuming a position of submission is unacceptable in his eyes.


Let's see how things will go, now... :D

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"I'll never betray the Republic! No matter how much cold, hard cash you throw down in front of me! Even if you start injecting my bank account with enough credits to make my wallet explode! I don't care if I have enough coins to fill my stronghold with so I can swim around in it like Scrooge McDuck--I cannot be bought! Never, I tell you! In fact, I dare you to try bribing me! Go on, just... give it a whirl and see how far it gets you! PayPal and all major credit cards accepted!"


So...he has to bribe you. Got it! And lulz. :p

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I wouldn't kneel to a man who used me, tossed my empire in the trash, and manipulated all of my actions for his benefit. I can't and refuse to kneel. I usually admire the villains because of their plots but Valkorion basically laughed, spit on the empire, and now is trying to throw us away for his eternal empire. I can't kneel to him. I refuse to. The only characters who would kneel to him would be my smuggler/operative just because how they work in the shadows and directly opposing somebody is a big no no.


My assassin main would rather die than kneel to an emperor who treated us like garbage.

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Screw that guy! I'm gonna use my ultimate mastery of the force to do a ninja flip over his head and stab him in the back. then, I'm gonna merc his nancy-boy son while he's crying over dear old dead daddy. Then I'm gonna use my powers to overthrow all of his guards and make them kill each other! Then! THEN! I'm going to take his empire for myself like a TRUE Consular bad*****! :rak_03: Edited by ryniloym
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"I have come here to chew bubblegum and kick ***, and no one in this kriffing galaxy seems to know what bubblegum is..."


Why would they? Bubblegum is a modern invention and not an invention from long ago and a galaxy far away ...


Two points? Why is chewing gum called chewing gum?

Four points? Who invented chewing gum?



Answer 1 ... because chewing gum was originally tree sap. As in gum from trees.


Answer 2 ... It is a tie between two men. Both who sold their product in the US in 1869. But the one who did it commercially was General Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna. If the name rings a bell, it should. He is the guy whose army attacked the Alamo. He came up with the idea of using Chicle after the war was over and he was destitute while living in New York city.


And now you know the rest of the story ...

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So Valkorian has you beaten, chained and dragged before him, surrounded by the pitiless eyes of his court and the first thing you do is fall to your knees and beg for dear life? :eek: Where is your honor, pride and self-respect? At best you get to live as a disgraced display trophy to all who would challenge his empire and at worst you die a disgrace kissing feet and thrown out the space garbage chute. Better to die on your feet in defiance like a man than on your knees in servitude like a twi'lek. Atleast then you die with your dignity. :o


Well now. Worded far better than I managed. You hit the nail on the head. I couldn't agree more. Too bad there isn't a like button or I'd be jamming my finger on it.

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I serve democracy and the ideals of the Republic, even if it is shattered now. I will fight you with every weapon in my arsenal, and when their energy is exhausted, I'll sharpen their powerless ends into spears and continue fighting until you are destroyed.


Bounty Hunter:

I don't work for free. And Mandalorians don't kneel.



(My Guardian is Dark Side)

I will kill you and wear your head as a crown when I take my place as ruler of the galaxy.



There is no emotion, there is peace.



Ahh, yeah, I'm really not the evil galaxy slayer type, but thanks. Now how about you show me to the casino. You do have a casino, right? I mean, you are an Emperor, so you must have some high-stakes sabaac tables around here somewhere. What's say we crack open a bottle of the good whiskey, hmm?


I don't really care what my other toons would say because they are just credit-mooching alts.

Edited by Kalabakk
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My Knight would calmly refuse, saying he has no interest in power.


My Consular would try to stall for time and give her allies a chance to save her.


My Trooper would rather defiantly proclaim that his loyalty is to the Republic.


My Smuggler would accept his offer... Actually, she would only pretend to, and blast him in the skull when he lets his guard down.


My Warrior would say that her loyalty is to the Empire.


My Inquisitor would angrily shout that he kneels to no one.


My Bounty Hunter would tell him that she's not afraid of him, and she'll fight him as long as she draws breath.


My Agent would agree to serve him. And work as a double agent. When the time comes, he'll backstab Valkorian.

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So Valkorian has you beaten, chained and dragged before him, surrounded by the pitiless eyes of his court and the first thing you do is fall to your knees and beg for dear life? :eek: Where is your honor, pride and self-respect? At best you get to live as a disgraced display trophy to all who would challenge his empire and at worst you die a disgrace kissing feet and thrown out the space garbage chute. Better to die on your feet in defiance like a man than on your knees in servitude like a twi'lek. Atleast then you die with your dignity. :o


This is exactly why my inquisitor would start laughing then give him the look. (She lived through Thanaton shooting lightning out of his butt and flying away whenever things got too rough for him, she isnt bowing to anyone elses bull**** :p )


Same with my warrior and dealing with Baras. (No more idiots please :D)

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For the purpose of this thread, ignoring light or dark side ties of my character.


Agents would cautiously accept to work, but use it as a way to accumulate info on him and then supplant him.

Trooper would join him.

Smuggler/Bounty Hunter would shoot him.

Consular would consult the crew and likely ask him to turn himself in.

Knight has already defeated one Emperor, what's another?

Wrath (Warrior) would serve.

Inquisitor would laugh and maniaclly attack.


Really depends in each case, most likely out for myself though.


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I suppose it really depends. My Sith, more than the Empire they are loyal to the darkside of the force. If the Eternal Emperor lets my Sith continue their research, then what difference does it make one master or the other? I know many have mentioned as Inquisitors they will never bow/be a slave to anyone ever again...but you are still beholden to the Empire. Despite canon stating you're on the Dark Council, you still get bossed around. You still run as many errands as you did as an apprentice. You're still a slave to someone. Whether it be a direct Master or the Council as a whole, you're not the boss.


Now if you're talking personal head canon, that's a different matter and you may do as you please.


My head canon, my inquisitor is not on the Dark Council and has no interest in Sith politics. Just manipulating and experimenting with the Force and the physical world in general. If he gets to continue as is, if he gets to keep the power base he has, why not get a new boss?


But as there is no faction switching, and they are not introducing a new faction, no matter what the story says we will remain as we are. If it were possible, I would love to actually join a new faction.


So it depends. If Zakuul has cool shinies, maybe I'll join up.

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Sorc would tell him simply be afraid, be very afraid, i will come for you i will find you, and i will kill you so slowly that you will beg for death after 100 years.


Marauder would not say anything, just glare, letting the hate grow.


Merc would laugh and tell him that he was bad for business and for the numerous contracts on his head, i will be able to retire.


Agent would be brutally honest and simply say, no, because you will be dead soon, and you have nothing to offer that I would even want.


Smuggler would have an amused look and ask if he was kidding


Trooper would tell him I am going to shove my assault cannon up your *** and empty the clip.


Consular would flat out reject the offer and tell him that the people he has murdered will be avenged and he will be brought to justice.


Sentinel would simply say I have defeated worse tyrants than you, you will be no different.

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I'm kinda shocked at how few of you would accept. The kind of power he's offering is ridiculous, and he's a really cool character. Everyone's answer seems to be some variation of "Eat my shoes" or "Ehuehuehue yes... I totally won't betray you..."

My Inquisitor would accept for power, and my Warrior is a bit like Quinn in following orders, so he'd definitely join. My Consular is pretty dark side, so it'd be an easy choice for him to join. For my Smuggler and Bounty Hunter, it depends on the credits. My Trooper probably wouldn't, cause Murric- I mean, the Republic. My Jedi Knight wouldn't cause he's too light side. My DS Agent would pretty easily. My LS Agent who is aligned with the Republic wouldn't for the same reasons as the trooper. My crazy neutral Agent would probably close his eyes and pick randomly.

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I'm kinda shocked at how few of you would accept. The kind of power he's offering is ridiculous, and he's a really cool character. Everyone's answer seems to be some variation of "Eat my shoes" or "Ehuehuehue yes... I totally won't betray you..."

My Inquisitor would accept for power, and my Warrior is a bit like Quinn in following orders, so he'd definitely join. My Consular is pretty dark side, so it'd be an easy choice for him to join. For my Smuggler and Bounty Hunter, it depends on the credits. My Trooper probably wouldn't, cause Murric- I mean, the Republic. My Jedi Knight wouldn't cause he's too light side. My DS Agent would pretty easily. My LS Agent who is aligned with the Republic wouldn't for the same reasons as the trooper. My crazy neutral Agent would probably close his eyes and pick randomly.


Yeah, I'm pretty similar in my thoughts.

I have 2 chars that would stand up and die in front of him, because lets face it, standing in front of the 2 most powerful beings in the universe unarmed isn't going to go down any other way.

The rest of my chars have so much hunger for power that they would join him in his quest for ultimate galactic supremacy.

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I'm kinda shocked at how few of you would accept. The kind of power he's offering is ridiculous, and he's a really cool character. Everyone's answer seems to be some variation of "Eat my shoes" or "Ehuehuehue yes... I totally won't betray you..."

My Inquisitor would accept for power, and my Warrior is a bit like Quinn in following orders, so he'd definitely join. My Consular is pretty dark side, so it'd be an easy choice for him to join. For my Smuggler and Bounty Hunter, it depends on the credits. My Trooper probably wouldn't, cause Murric- I mean, the Republic. My Jedi Knight wouldn't cause he's too light side. My DS Agent would pretty easily. My LS Agent who is aligned with the Republic wouldn't for the same reasons as the trooper. My crazy neutral Agent would probably close his eyes and pick randomly.


I understand. However. This is assuming we can join him... Bioware didn't allow it with dread masters and malgus. Unlikely they'll start now. Though I would love if they did. Then not all choices matter because kneeling or defying would make no difference which is the kind of stuff that disappoints me but I see time and again.

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I understand. However. This is assuming we can join him... Bioware didn't allow it with dread masters and malgus. Unlikely they'll start now. Though I would love if they did. Then not all choices matter because kneeling or defying would make no difference which is the kind of stuff that disappoints me but I see time and again.

Well, I suppose I'm risking ban, here but... We can at least say we accept his offer. I don't know what happens if you do that, but we can definitely tell him that we accept.

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Well, I suppose I'm risking ban, here but... We can at least say we accept his offer. I don't know what happens if you do that, but we can definitely tell him that we accept.


Let's hope it holds some alteration in the story as it plays out then.. whatever it be.

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Let's hope it holds some alteration in the story as it plays out then.. whatever it be.

I would love that, but I think the only way that would work is if they had two separate faction stories based on your choice there... And they've already stated that there won't be any faction switching or merging of any kind, so I'm doubtful this'll have any impact.

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