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Which Stronghold would you like to see added next?


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I would LOVE a stronghold on Alderaan, up in the snowy mountains with a view.


I would also love one on Rakata Prime with beach front access.


A Manaan beachfront stronghold with an underwater room would be awesome, as long as there was something to look at out the windows other than endless water. Wandering sea creatures would be awesome.


An Ilum stronghold could be interesting, with a nice twilight view of a sky full of meteors and a colorful nebula.


I'm not at all excited about a Hoth stronghold because the landscape is so bleak and it would seem silly to have outdoor seating areas. (Really anything outdoors with such brutal weather.)


I'm also not interested in a Corellia stronghold because it would look too much like a Nar Shaddaa sky palace without the neon.


Strongholds on Tython and Korriban would be fine but not nearly as exciting as other planets. They make more sense as the stronghold locations of force users but not so much for other classes.


TLDR: I totally agree with everyone else on Alderaan, Rakata Prime, and Manaan. :)

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I'd now like to add that I would like to see a personal ship stronghold based on whatever luxury ship the Agent's ship is based on. :D It is gorgeous and more spacious than the other ships.


I think giving players the ability to decorate their class ship would be awesome. You purchase the access to do so, like you do with any other stronghold.

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Strongholds I'd like to see in due time.












Yeah, they'd require the actual planet to exist in the game.


Jakku would resemble tatooine in my opinion, which we have a stronghold on. Endor and Dagobah resemble Yavin to an extent, which we have. I think we need strongholds with a NEW theme. Not dessert or woodlen.

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1. I think a small-ish apartment stronghold like Kaliyo's on Zakuul. Making it a tad larger as her apartment is extremely small in that chapter.


2. A spire like Zakuul stronghold on one of those buildings reaching into space. You would get the effect of a small personal space station while it not being an actual one. So it should be easier to make rather than integrating the effect of a personal ship/space station stronghold and how it'll effect guilds ect ect as I've seen multiple times on this thread, as i think it would be tough to make as well as hard on the game and servers.


3. Manaan, half underwater half on the surface as mentioned already.


4. NO MORE SAND OR FOREST/JUNGLE THEMED SHs, excluding Odessen. Only way I'd support an Odessen one is if the inside was more techie rather than jungle such as the alliance base. And Rishi, it also depends on how that would be done as to if i'd support it or not. If it was a cross between the tropical theme and Shae Vizla's base, I'd be for it.


5. Asylum as a refugee/underworld theme


6. Vandin for those more corporate style character's and RPs. It would be a perfect place for a factory.

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Manaan for sure. I love the idea of landing on your platform above water and being lowered into your underwater base.


Definitely somethign in a forest. And I mean deep in a forest. I want it to be like a tree house type thing. Landing pad in a little clearing, then a short walk to the first elevator that leads up into your arboreal paradise.

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Well to start mine off, as unpopular as this may seem to some (and this is in no particular order)....


#1 - Hoth. Yes the desolate icy wastes of this distant Outer Rim ball of ice really has an appeal to me, it would be a beautiful vista to view from large picture window something like what is on the upper floor of the Coruscant Apartment.


#2 - Alderaan. An obvious choice, I can't be the first one who has stopped and just looked around in awe at the spectacular scenery there. I would like to see a lot of outdoor space though, something like Yavin but perhaps with terraces and garden areas as opposed to Yavin's ancient temple setting.


#3 - Manaan . I for one second the idea of an underwater stronghold, just simply because of the absolute departure from any other stronghold available. Again, a large window or numerous windows showing an undersea environment rich in aquatic life would be fantastic

#4 - Personal Vessel. Ok this isn't technically a planet, but why can't we have a smaller, more manageable vessel of our own in orbit around a planet (perhaps a chosen planet on purchasing the deed!). Why does this seem to be primarily the territory of large guild endeavours. I am not saying it should be our class vessel, I think they may be a little small to add hooks to, but perhaps something between the size of the guild ship and our personal ship would be nice. Again, just a departure environmentally from the others.


Just my thoughts anyway....

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Manaan, with part of the SH underwater, but only if they expand the planet to have a daily area and some heroics. A SH allows you to access the planet quickly, and we don't need to access Manaan quickly because we only go there for a flashpoint.


Assuming they do not expand Manaan, Hoth or Ilum could be a nice existing icy planet, or if a new planet is introduced a treehouse in Kashyyk. An apartment on the fleet would also be nice, just to have fleetchat.

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Now that we have "Emergency Escape Submarine (Ceiling)", we really need Manaan strongholds!


I love the underwater FX of the bonus chapter. Perhaps we could have an underwater courtyard where we're all drawn/equipped with breather masks when we go outside.

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Now that we have "Emergency Escape Submarine (Ceiling)", we really need Manaan strongholds!


I love the underwater FX of the bonus chapter. Perhaps we could have an underwater courtyard where we're all drawn/equipped with breather masks when we go outside.


That would be pretty awesome!

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I want one on someplace like Rishi or Taris. I like Rishi's atmosphere, and it would perfect for a smuggler. Taris would be fun because then it could be in ruins and you'd have rakghouls everywhere (only used to play games like infection. a rakghoul touches you, you touch someone else, and the game continues until everyone's been tagged).
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