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Informal poll - never done ops?


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Never. Legacy 46. Damn few Flashpoints, too aside from over level Solo Zerg runs. I love the story content and RP. Using group finder, you get neither, so group content just meant follow the leader and do my job. Never mind.


This is the Dawning of the Age of the Casual,

Age of the Casual!

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I only started to do some operations, however after running into elitists, I lost some interest.


Operations should never be required to finish story mode stuff, story mode should always be capable of running without others if dont wish others there. That said, I do like to group though. :) I have and will do some more raids as the guild supported me due to skill in learning and listening to them quickly. They ended up denying that elitist themselves, and this isnt a small guild, it is ranked high.

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Tone doesn't translate very well into writing, so I can't tell if you're being sarcastic or not.

Well, since the MMO market is clearly moving in the more casual direction, either I'm being sincere or, if sarcastic, I'm delusional.


But I'm also saddened by this fact. Because while I, personally, can't (and don't) do raids/ops/whatever I really, REALLY enjoy watching that awesome looking dude ride by on his awesome mount with his awesome armor and awesome title. As much as I knew I couldn't participate, I sorta liked that jealous feeling I got. "Oh man, if only I had the time," sort of thing. If that goes the way of the dodo, it'll remind me of how old I'm getting and how times are changing.

OK, I don't get that at all (other players' characters barely register with me unless they are chatting, and pixel swag is indicative of nothing but "I devote a lot of time to this game"), but if that's how you feel, that's how you feel.

Edited by branmakmuffin
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Never done an ops. Not once.


Heck, I tried a flashpoint a few times, and, yes I was so bad that the reactions and words sent to me was so... I'll go with intense... I deleted the character and haven't bothered to group since.


As the kids say "Inb4 L2P".


Much happier soloing and doing alts.

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I have never done Ops in this game and do not plan on ever doing Ops in this game. The simple reason is I work nights and there are not many chances to do ops when i am on and able to play. Another reason is I just do not want to, I am legacy level 50 been here since the first day they turned on the servers, I enjoy leveling alts and doing tacticals and HM flashpoints spending several hours in an operation does not appeal to me. I raided in WoW and do not want to go back to the kind of commitment that raiding requires. I feel bad that those doing operations are just getting old raids with new gear drops, but for me I am getting exactly what I want out of the game. Although I do suspect that there will be new operations early in 2016 Bioware cannot be stupid enough to think that what they are doing is going to be satisfactory to those who do do operations.
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I have done exactly one, and that was just by luck the other night. I'd like to do more, but nobody queues for them.

I think the vast majority of GF Ops are done with pre-mades. I don't blame players for it, but that defeats the purpose of the GF bonus (which is to entice people to queue for Ops). But it's never going to change unless they disallow group queuing (which they will never do). None of the FE Ops changes will make any appreciable difference in terms of who does Ops, in or out of GF. They can tweak raiding (and PvPing) all they want, make the rewards easier, better, more tailored to your character's class, but they can never fix what turns people off to raiding (and PvPing): jerks.

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Your post would make sense if and only if the only way to experience "mulit-playerness" in an MMO were to run multi-player instances.


I never said it was an exhaustive list of every 'multiplayer' play type but it's Defford the most common ones, I also made a comment about 'different strokes for different folks' so while I may not understand others play choices I didn't rail against them.

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They can tweak raiding (and PvPing) all they want, make the rewards easier, better, more tailored to your character's class, but they can never fix what turns people off to raiding (and PvPing): jerks.


Yes, and I must say that the bunch of people I ended up with were very very nice once I told them that I'd never done an op before. My character is level 60 with all Ziost gear and a few pieces of 192, so I'm not completely gimped, but man, sometimes when the leader was explaining how to do things (for my benefit), I was unsure that I could remember all that.


I just want to see the story! I don't care about the achievement or anything. Well, currently I care about getting 198 gear from the Group Finder if I can. It's just not an aching need.


I remember in LOTRO when they changed it so that all storylines could be soloable. I had been playing that game since its beta and I left because of the forced grouping for the main story. I can't tell you how much I hate content that has a chain of solo quests and then SURPRISE the end of the story requires a full group or a raid. RAGE (I'm talking about YOU Section X weekly, binoculars and seeker droid quests. I am sad that I'll never get to experience those.)

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I did eventually start doing ops, but it was long after my first characters hit the level cap. My hardcore raid days are far behind me -- I'm too old and curmudgeonly these days to join a real raid guild (or whatever we even call them. "Progression" guilds or something, because gods forbid we use the same words as other games.)


So, yes, I spent a very long time crafting and 2- or 3-manning flashpoints with real-life friends and playing alts and writing and making pretty pretty princess outfits and generally screwing off before I ever really got into ops, and even now, I'm a super-casual story-mode-ops-only kinda player. Hell, for the new ops, I've never even tried ToS, and I only finally got around to doing Ravagers a couple weeks ago because an otherwise-equally-apathetic guildy wanted the sleen. I just don't have the emotional energy required to participate in a raid guild, and I have too much dignity to be that guy that doesn't actually know how to play the HM op (reading a guide is not a substitute for experience) but queues up for it and ruins someone else's run anyway.

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If you have a level 60 character you can just walk through those two flashpoints you need to do for the HK parts. Nothing hard about it and you don't need a group. They are soloable at levels lower than 60, but at 60 there is almost nothing in those instances that can even hurt you, apart from Malgus' Death Ray and Jindo Krey and his space ship.


Seeing as you don't like the idea of hard modes, if you're going to do it, I'd do it now, while it's easy. It seems like the window of opportunity for doing it while it's a cakewalk may be closing soon, given the changes they are going to make.

I also don't care about HK-51 enough to spend hours upon hours doing the scanning crap now that everyone has already gotten the parts and I'd be doing it alone. I still have two class stories to finish and I'd rather spend my limited play time per week focusing on that. I also haven't purchased Treek because I don't care enough to spend CC on her.


I'm not opposed to difficult content at all, but I like difficult content that I can do by myself. Briefly, when silvers were hitting like a ton of bricks, I was having a blast. The "multiplayer" part of this that I like is an active GTN and a persistent world full of people (and the latter I don't actually care much about, to be perfectly honest.) But when questing I don't want to rely upon or wait on anyone else. I do things at my speed, in my time, unless I'm specifically making a point of helping another player through their missions. My refusal to do hardmodes isn't about the difficulty. It's that I am sort of like George Carlin in that I like people, but from a distance and in small doses. Up close and personal I tend to find them boring, rude, and annoying. And that's why I also don't do Ops. And why I haven't been in a guild since 1.1.

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Experience to me is earned by doing and learning than just watching some video... it doesnt build experience of doing something. I agree there. :)


I am here for the story, and the improvements that should be finally showing up, which Revans part finally shown bit more on and hopes to continue.

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I don't do group content- while I have not done much grouping personally, I have read/heard far too many stories of new to raiding players being vote /kicked just for being new. Or of people just demanding that they be carried through the Ops.


I typically play Tank and Healer classes, so if I were to group up, that would add on more pressure on me to do well (my companion NPCs have a lot of revives saying otherwise, though I have gotten better in the now almost two years I have been playing).


Legacy level 46, FP grouped twice with "meh" results on me for how it played (Esseles for the bonus guy IIRC).


Now, that being said, I might change my mind about the whole grouping thing. Part of why my main's log still has Dread Fortress (I think, not playing her ATM) in it. But honestly, I have read a couple of guides and watched some videos for a couple of the fights, and you know what the most bits of learning-ness were from?


Torhead mission comments. "Oh, CC that guy, micromanage Khem, and beat up the other guy, heal self as a Sorc, then fight the other guy." One if the most useful bits of advice, now lost forever because the site is down. Not from a guide (well, technically, but it wasn't from the guide part of the guide), or a video.


Another thing about OPs that turns me away is that most of the people running them require some kind of voice chat. I play while watching TV and eating dinner, so I would have to be one of those who listen, but don't voice chat, which would still likely get me /vote kicked. (Yes, I play with headphones on while watching TV. I live with my 73 year old Grammy while going to school and work. TV is soo loud)


And all this talk about "the right group" or the "right guild" making raiding fun; raiding should be fun in the first place, not something that would only be fun if you "the right group/guild".


With the news about OPs changing, I don't think I will go into one for a long time now, because I have been considering those Lv 50 OPs as Operations Training wheelse.

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This thread is making me feel so much better. So many people are voicing the exact same problems that I've had with raiders over the years. Thank you for speaking up. I see one or two friendly raider faces in here too. Thanks for being encouraging to players who haven't done these things.


Since this thread started, I've thought about my issues with ops and what it would take to convince me to try one. I think it comes down to trust of other players. I would have to trust that the people I'm running with wouldn't be jerks, wouldn't get mad for stupid reasons, and would be on the side of someone who puts rl over game.


Right now I'm waiting to see what announcements are made regarding companions before I make any decisions about a continuing sub (and I have major rl things happening over the summer) but if someone were to start a guild with the right focus and the right group of people, I think I'd give it a try.

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I don't do group content...


Another thing about OPs that turns me away is that most of the people running them require some kind of voice chat. I play while watching TV and eating dinner, so I would have to be one of those who listen, but don't voice chat, which would still likely get me /vote kicked. (Yes, I play with headphones on while watching TV. I live with my 73 year old Grammy while going to school and work. TV is soo loud)


And all this talk about "the right group" or the "right guild" making raiding fun; raiding should be fun in the first place, not something that would only be fun if you "the right group/guild".


With the news about OPs changing, I don't think I will go into one for a long time now, because I have been considering those Lv 50 OPs as Operations Training wheelse. .


Primarily voice chat is so that you can be given direction, if you can type "yes/no, I got it then you're good to go" if you have more to say/ask you can type that and someone will answer unless you unless you are with a group of jerks. Occasionally the group would like people to call something out like you need a cleanse but you could type that and maybe the healer sees you type it or they just see your debuff icon as they should and no problem but as a healer in ops you can get tunnel vision.


If you don't give it a chance you won't know if you like it, I avoided ops because to me it was the stereotype you see in tv/films/etc bunch of people screaming at eachother, cursing, yelling, talking about crap I don't care about and I *HAVE* to listen to it to get through the damn thing. Well that's not a problem in a 'good guild' the chatter about bs is kept to a minimum if there is any, people know better, or they talk a bit about tips/strategies that you might find useful.


For me ops weren't the main draw it was doing them with fun people who would explain the mechanics, let me watch the cinematics and help me with mistakes I made etc to learn the op and get better.


Raids can't be fun by themselves because you do them by definition with other people and who those people are as well as how you all interact with eachother affects how fun the raid can be.

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Who here has never done operations in TOR? Just curious how common this.


Ops/raids always seemed really fun to me and I wished I could do them, but it never happened, for one reason or another. When I do actually participate in group or ops content, I'm decent at it I swear, but the addition of more solo and tactical modes means I may finally get to see some content I haven't seen before.


For me, getting into a raid meant:


Figure out how to get geared

Spend enough time in the game to get geared in time for That Op Everyone is Doing Right Now

Find a guild in the same time zone / schedule

with friendly players

who are adults

who don't care if I don't log in for days because I also have a family and an rl social life

who are patient and willing to take on someone who's never done the fights

who cry-laugh hysterically over wipes because omg why were you standing there you moron ok let's do this again


So, yeah. My why-I'm-a-non-raider story, everyone. :jawa_tongue:


I've never done an op. It was only recently that I even considered doing it.

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Kind of hard to miss them when they're sitting on top of the mailbox on Fleet ;)

One word: strongholds.


This thread is making me feel so much better. So many people are voicing the exact same problems that I've had with raiders over the years. Thank you for speaking up. I see one or two friendly raider faces in here too. Thanks for being encouraging to players who haven't done these things

There are exceptions to everything, but, as a group, raiders are elitist jerks. They are welcome to play with each other in their pool elite jerkdom.

Edited by branmakmuffin
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For me ops weren't the main draw it was doing them with fun people who would explain the mechanics, let me watch the cinematics and help me with mistakes I made etc to learn the op and get better.


Raids can't be fun by themselves because you do them by definition with other people and who those people are as well as how you all interact with eachother affects how fun the raid can be.


But raids should be in someway fun by themselves, to make PUGs have some entertainment value (as well as most likely speed running for comms/gear grind).


The group you are in should be entertaining in itself as well, of course (why group if you don't enjoy the group, right?), but so should the content you are running as a group.


At least that's how I think of it. In math terms, it would be raiding/Flashpoints/heroics/other stuff people group for entertainment + group fun = more fun, for group content.

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There are exceptions to everything, but, as a group, raiders are elitist jerks. They are welcome to play with each other in their pool elite jerkdom.


I think you're honestly wrong about this. Serious raiders aren't jerks -- jerks don't work well enough together to do difficult content. Serious raiders who come to SWTOR either go join raid guilds or stop raiding. The people who are huge jerks are the lazy losers who can't get into a raid guild because of their attitude; who once had to be carried through and taught all the content but now refuse to do the same for anyone else.


I've only done a few HM ops, usually late-night runs where I was recruited as a pinch-healer by insomniac members of actual raid guilds. I have NEVER had someone in one of those groups get upset with me for not knowing a HM mechanic. I do, however, remember getting a LOT of hate doing random SM PUGs when I was new to them.

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