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Everything posted by Kellenvardos

  1. Well I didn’t have a tauntaun yet, so I’m pleased. I even like the color.
  2. Interesting idea, though i doubt BW wants to anything so elaborate. They seem to be shying away from class specific stories right now. it might be one of these companions, though. I just hope they're ready for a backlash like Quinn's if it is.
  3. Chat bubbles, hood toggles and Kotor2 Jedi robes.
  4. Never. Legacy 46. Damn few Flashpoints, too aside from over level Solo Zerg runs. I love the story content and RP. Using group finder, you get neither, so group content just meant follow the leader and do my job. Never mind. This is the Dawning of the Age of the Casual, Age of the Casual!
  5. Are you sure you don't have the colors inverted? I run a i5 3340s@ 2.8GHz, with 8GB RAM, but Intel HD Integrated graphics. My fps is green almost constantly, so I just assumed green = gpu. I'm also shopping a new GPU, but I won't splurge if that isn't the problem.
  6. Aside from the worthless trolls who are par for the course on the Internet, what folks are saying is true. It does no good to have a pretty girl who isn't interested in your stuff. However, I know you're upset right now. It will get better, you will meet a girl who's better for you, and it will stop hurting. It doesn't stop it from hurting now. I know that too, and I am sorry for that. My best advice for you now is to get to a comic or sci-Fi con as soon as you can. Seriously. Flirting with a slave Leia makes a lot of things better, and they do indeed flirt.
  7. Is it time to let them go? I'm not suggesting closures and merges. I'm suggesting converting them to PvE servers. I think that a reputation of PVP servers is that they are full of griefers and gankers who just want to ruin the game for others. After all, is open PVP really necessary? Anyone can voluntarily flag for world PVP on any server, and most PVP is done in war zones anyway. Then, BioWare can automatically set up their server selection screen to automatically suggest the lowest populated server to new accounts, helping to alleviate some of the imbalance. Free transfers after the change might be in order, too.
  8. Bioware might be unsympathetic to your cause. Per Wookieepedia So, here is an example of a premeditated character with a long history who needed to be renamed. If Bioware could do it, so can you.
  9. Yes, less frequent for something I dislike. I don't like an event, so I don't want to see it as often, whether that, is my personal case the rakghoul event, or perhaps jury duty or dental visits. If you dont want to do it less often is preferable. That's personal opinion, and simple logic.
  10. I also dislike this event and wish it was either shorter, less frequent, or easier to opt out of. The OP is not alone, but the repeated use of the word "crap" does indeed weaken his position.
  11. Correct about no opening the pilot armor crates, but it's still a bit of a nuisance. I don't have as many freebies as the OP, but I haven't unlocked as much space either. It would be really nice if these items were added to collections, rather than mailed to every new alt.
  12. Oh, I know. I just don't like to go to the cinema alone. Animated movies especially are more fun to see with kids. The Universal animations never got the cultural traction that Disney and Warner did, and I think that's a shame. Hopefully this era will give those characters a second chance.
  13. Bonus question: Did you get your Boba Fett action figure though the mail-in offer?
  14. This is one of those things I would never have brought up on my own ,but, yeah, he was my favorite when I was a kid. I'm in a bit of a bind right now. My daughter is too old to take to the cinema as an excuse to see a cartoon, but too young to make me a grandfather. Might have to swallow my pride for this one.
  15. Simple question? Did you see Star Wars when it actually premiered in 1977? Admittedly, I'm trying to find out how many fans of my generation are out here, and that seems like a good benchmark. I did. It was the one and only movie I ever saw in my hometown cinema, before it closed and was converted to a rollerskating rink.
  16. Ok, now that I've read the entire thread: I like what Alec did here. It's good proof of concept. I'd spend CC on it if BioWare released it. I like and use the Relnex set as is, too. In fact, with a black dye it's even what I use on my SInq. I like the Humble Hero set as is, and am frustrated that I can't afford it yet. I'm frustrated to no end by the Ajunta Pall set. So close, and then they go and put silliness on top of it. I would also like the KOTOR1 Jedi robe. Other KOTOR1 sets have been released, and it's a BioWare in house design. We have the Darth Revan set. Why not what Revan looked like when I was actually playing him?
  17. Hmph. Too old. Yes. Too old am I to be bothered by all this. Honestly, I've known since I was about ten that anything not g-canon was vulnerable. I just took the stories with favorite characters for what they were. I always considered the KOTORverse a separate continuity anyway. The one who I feel bad for is Leland Chee. He's put in a Herculean effort trying to keep all of this consistent, only to have a good chunk of his work made irrelevant.
  18. I wonder how many people don't realize this game has an option to auto-decline group and trade invites in preferences. I'm also quick to /ignore people without any response at all.
  19. Yes, but they are rare. I have the derelict purple, though that's a bit lighter shade. Check the GTN. They're for high level if you want a pure purple, but the derelict can be had for level 10, if you can afford one.
  20. To be clear, you can't copy a character. You need to transfer, so you can't have the same toon on two servers at the same time. That said, Jung Ma is both a PVP and RP server, so that might be a good home for you.
  21. Pretty sure that's Unfettered Trench Coat with a white dye module.
  22. I'd be willing to spend some CCs on a permanent rakghoul inoculation, even more if it was Legacy or account wide.
  23. It's a week of nuisance. Everything else I don't like I don't go to. This one comes to me, so I'm asking for a better way to avoid it.
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