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Informal poll - never done ops?


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I've never done an Op.


I have frequent Real Life interruptions, to the point where I never know when I'm going to have to stop playing at a moment's notice. If I'm in a class mission or fighting area mobs, fine, I'll just get up and leave. If I die, I die. (And sometimes my companion actually saves my life!) But I just can't see leaving at a moment's notice when there's a group of people counting on me being there.


I do still interact with other players. Just not in group content where someone is counting on me to not leave at a moment's notice.

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Whatever..... You know what I ment...

No, I don't.


I've NEVER done an OP or NiM FP. The only HM FP I've done was the one I had to do during the HK quest.

You acknowledge that you have done a HM FP, yet we are supposed to "know what you meant" when you referred to non-existent NiM FPs. Did you mean NiM Ops. Well, you said you've never done an Op, so that would presumably include NiM Ops.

Edited by branmakmuffin
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I've never done an Op.


I have frequent Real Life interruptions, to the point where I never know when I'm going to have to stop playing at a moment's notice. If I'm in a class mission or fighting area mobs, fine, I'll just get up and leave. If I die, I die. (And sometimes my companion actually saves my life!) But I just can't see leaving at a moment's notice when there's a group of people counting on me being there.


I do still interact with other players. Just not in group content where someone is counting on me to not leave at a moment's notice.


This is EXACTLY my situation!


I'm relieved to read that I'm not the only one facing this dilemma.


It would be the height of dickishness to group up and then abandon the group in the middle of content because LIFE calls you away. This is why solo content is so vital for some members of the community.

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No, I don't.



You acknowledge that you have done a HM FP, yet we are supposed to "know what you meant" when you referred to non-existent NiM FPs. Did you mean NiM Ops. Well, you said you've never done an Op, so that would presumably include NiM Ops.


See I knew you had half a brain and could figure it out. ;) Now go reward yourself with a cookie. ;)

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So many people allergic to non easy mode content.


I have done all the ops, sm, hm, and nim. And all fps in sm and hm. They are not that difficult, and i find it hilarious that people think they are difficult, all you need is a semi functioning brain and reflexes faster than a sloths to do them.


See this? This is a BIG reason why I don't want to do any Ops with strangers, because I think everyone is like THIS. Insulting. Demeaning. It's intimidating and I would constantly worry that I was going to do something wrong and get vote kicked and ignored for not facing the right way at a certain time.


The grown up part of me realizes that not everyone is like this, but other part inside of me that really gets panicky around virtual (see what I did there?) strangers makes me shy away from major "end game content." Because of this type of attitude.


ETA: This is above and beyond other, RL reasons why I really can't. I have a small child who needs attention. While she's pretty easy going, there are times when she wants attention (or she accidentally hurts herself) and, as a mother (as well as her father who also plays this game with me) we have to be able to drop everything and take care of RL business. Can't really do raids and expect those other, ideally non-pretentious, raiders to understand why two of their people have to log with hardly any notice.

Edited by AngFour
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See this? This is a BIG reason why I don't want to do any Ops with strangers, because I think everyone is like THIS. Insulting. Demeaning. It's intimidating and I would constantly worry that I was going to do something wrong and get vote kicked and ignored for not facing the right way at a certain time.


The grown up part of me realizes that not everyone is like this, but other part inside of me that really gets panicky around virtual (see what I did there?) strangers makes me shy away from major "end game content." Because of this type of attitude.


ETA: This is above and beyond other, RL reasons why I really can't. I have a small child who needs attention. While she's pretty easy going, there are times when she wants attention (or she accidentally hurts herself) and, as a mother (as well as her father who also plays this game with me) we have to be able to drop everything and take care of RL business. Can't really do raids and expect those other, ideally non-pretentious, raiders to understand why two of their people have to log with hardly any notice.


The gaming community has steadily gotten older and bigger over the decades. It behooves the industry to cater to some of them. (It's happening in MMOs and is ticking off the "hard core" folks)

Edited by Darturion
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^^^ What she said.


I don't have the patience for the ops or the people in them. "MMO" doesn't mean I am obligated to group with YOU, just to inhabit the same world. Kind of like RL, as a matter of fact.


And this is exactly why I don't do ops.

"I'm better than you so I don't have to do those ops with you."

"You're nothing compared to my ops veteran guild."


This is probably why people ask 50k hp and achievements for EV SM.

Edited by Halinalle
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Whats amusing is that the same group of PVE try-hards that whined in cried in hardcore sandbox MMOS about being ganked, looted, or attacked near high demand mobs, who raged quit when PVP happened, are the same babies whining about people in OPs, about gear, mistakes, and now lack of more OPs.


These crybabies no no bounds and they act elite cuz they can down some PVE Mob that they watched how it was done on youtube, but cant stomach the fact that they got ganked in open world pvp.

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In the end, it all seems so very drama llama to me. I graduated high school *loud truck driving by* years ago and I don't want to pay a sub fee to go back to it. I didn't like the people then, I probably wouldn't like them now. I just want to be left alone to do my own thing. I don't care about mounts, achievements, or titles. I just want to enjoy the game I pay for without the added stress.
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Whats amusing is that the same group of PVE try-hards that whined in cried in hardcore sandbox MMOS about being ganked, looted, or attacked near high demand mobs, who raged quit when PVP happened, are the same babies whining about people in OPs, about gear, mistakes, and now lack of more OPs.


These crybabies no no bounds and they act elite cuz they can down some PVE Mob that they watched how it was done on youtube, but cant stomach the fact that they got ganked in open world pvp.


Lol, So much assumption. Also it's funny you bring up PvP cause that isn't getting any love anytime soon either lol.


Also, I play Ops everyday as I enjoy playing with my guildies. If you play with people you like in any group activity you will enjoy it. If you don't then you won't like it.

Edited by FerkWork
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Never done one! Looking to do one though! Will likely run one with the guild soon, but I don't see any options on the queue system to run any except Temple of Sacrifice, when what I'm looking forward to is The Dread Fortress, because I think that finishes Oricron for me.
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See this? This is a BIG reason why I don't want to do any Ops with strangers, because I think everyone is like THIS. Insulting. Demeaning. It's intimidating and I would constantly worry that I was going to do something wrong and get vote kicked and ignored for not facing the right way at a certain time.


The grown up part of me realizes that not everyone is like this, but other part inside of me that really gets panicky around virtual (see what I did there?) strangers makes me shy away from major "end game content." Because of this type of attitude.


ETA: This is above and beyond other, RL reasons why I really can't. I have a small child who needs attention. While she's pretty easy going, there are times when she wants attention (or she accidentally hurts herself) and, as a mother (as well as her father who also plays this game with me) we have to be able to drop everything and take care of RL business. Can't really do raids and expect those other, ideally non-pretentious, raiders to understand why two of their people have to log with hardly any notice.

You are the kind of customer the modern MMO targets. The bad old days of multi-hour EQ raids are long gone (and good riddance), much to the displeasure (and denial) of so-called "hardcore" raiders.


See I knew you had half a brain and could figure it out. ;) Now go reward yourself with a cookie. ;)

You know, your "clarification" says absolutely nothing.

Edited by branmakmuffin
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See this? This is a BIG reason why I don't want to do any Ops with strangers, because I think everyone is like THIS. Insulting. Demeaning. It's intimidating and I would constantly worry that I was going to do something wrong and get vote kicked and ignored for not facing the right way at a certain time.


The grown up part of me realizes that not everyone is like this, but other part inside of me that really gets panicky around virtual (see what I did there?) strangers makes me shy away from major "end game content." Because of this type of attitude.

The error made by the poster to whom you responded is equating an aversion to raids as an aversion to challenging content. I've never done a SWTOR raid, but that choice has nothing to do with being "allergic" to "non easy mode" (as he asserts). I've raided in enough other MMOs to predict the experience in SWTOR (and any future MMOs I play). The challenge does not lie in the content. I actually enjoy learning the best buttons to press and when to press them. The challenge in raiding (for me) always lay in the other players, whose temperament--too often--seems ill-designed for interacting with other people.
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My brother and I play together. We just recently (after having played since early 2014) started two-man runs on level 50 ops. For the story and for the heck of it. Soa was a pain in the neck, but Karagga's Palace was easy enough. Same with Explosive Conflict. We talk, from time to time, about getting a group together for newer ops, but always back down because of 2 things. Gear restrictions, and people requiring teamspeak. I type just fine. Probably nearly as far as you talk. I have no desire to buy a headset to listen to a group of (probably drunk or teenaged) people occasionally say useful things, and mostly fill the void with music/swearing/burping/other unintelligible noises.


One day, I'll recruit for our guild again. We'll run ops that only have level requirements. We'll schedule them for lots of different times, and we won't quit (I'm always the last one to leave an ops group). We'll crush world bosses and laugh and have a great time.


Until then, back to the grindstone. Saving credits for that flagship.

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I just wanted to chime in ans say that actually with the L50-55 content and Ravagers you won't see much attitudes because the content is quite passable and the pugs are well-geared. Every fight is winnable. I have not witnessed a single kick so far. So, if you wanted to try an Op now is certainly the time. You might die a couple of times because one shot kill mechanics are there even on L50 (lava falls in EV still instakill in NiM, don't ask me how I know....) or some battles in L55 can get a touch tricky (going to the wrong portal in DP)...


Just go on GF night, your gear will be bolstered, say you are new, and chances are it will be Okay. Level 50 is basically a walk, save for puzzles. I once took an, uhm, short-cat in EV and dragged about 50 elite manka cats along to the rest of my party... they could not scratch me and were one-shotted by my favorite vanguard.


Overall though, there is some pretty cool scenery (SnV, TfB, EV are my favorites) and Ravagers is one of the best short adventures in the game with funniest characters. Hey, a boss places a debuff called Delicious on someone :)


I am sayin' don't wait for a perfect guild, or for the stars to align, just give a shot to 50 at least. And, I've been on VoiP only twice in my whole time of playing this game.

Edited by DomiSotto
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Anyone that has done the story all the way has done an Op. Voluntarily done one? Nope not a one. I could go the rest of my life with never doing one if I didn't have to. Edited by Sorwen
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You are the kind of customer the modern MMO targets. The bad old days of multi-hour EQ raids are long gone (and good riddance), much to the displeasure (and denial) of so-called "hardcore" raiders.


Tone doesn't translate very well into writing, so I can't tell if you're being sarcastic or not. But there is some truth to what you say. A lot of us older gamers (those of the bone creaking age of 30+) who used to do those raids in EQ1 were much younger with a lot less responsibility (in college, no real bills to speak of, etc.) But we got older. We stopped having all that time. We got married and had kids (purebred geeklings if we were lucky) But we still LOVED gaming and we do it when we can.


Now. Do I agree with the shift? On one hand, yes. Of course I do because it benefits me and people like me greatly and I am pretty selfish (the world revolves around me, didn't you know that?).


But I'm also saddened by this fact. Because while I, personally, can't (and don't) do raids/ops/whatever I really, REALLY enjoy watching that awesome looking dude ride by on his awesome mount with his awesome armor and awesome title. As much as I knew I couldn't participate, I sorta liked that jealous feeling I got. "Oh man, if only I had the time," sort of thing. If that goes the way of the dodo, it'll remind me of how old I'm getting and how times are changing. And old people like me (old fogies who are practically dust at the age of 30-something), well we don't like change, and we want change to get off our lawn and pull up its pants.


I really hope you guys (general you) DO get new Ops, because you all really do look cool. But, you know, I'm also really (guiltily) happy about seeing something for people like me.

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I did all the ones before ROTHC and most of the ones between Hutt Cartel and Revan but I left for awhile and haven't done any of the recent ones, if you miss the window then it's always like "must be geared" even though this is the op you get the gear from or "link achievement" really did you have the achievement your first time??


I mainly just play the story content anyways but since I play on the Red Eclipse (cause of friends) and I live in Canada I can't always be on at the peak hours for that server.


The perpetual MMO player-gating dillemna.

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