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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Temple Chair (Basic) Exploit


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It's consistent with previous punishments. SWTOR banned people 24 hours for exploiting to get free nearly limitless end-game PVE gear, and let them keep the gear.


By comparison, without warning, WoW banned people for 6 months for botting in PVP. People aren't botting in PvP anymore.


Actually the 6 month ban was a warning shot across the bow to botters in WoW. Last week they permanently banned a lot of botters, even people that were just using the fishing bot. Too bad they won't do that here.

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Actually the 6 month ban was a warning shot across the bow to botters in WoW. Last week they permanently banned a lot of botters, even people that were just using the fishing bot. Too bad they won't do that here.


We don't have quite as many exploiters here as they do there.


And I'd wait to see what comes from this current debacle. The Ziost exploiters got smacked around pretty hard even for first time offenders. And they did say that they were going to get steadily harsher as time passes.

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I don't see how taking credits away justifies a shorter ban.


Honestly, people saying "Oh, but they'll take the credits away." So what? Nail them to the cross anyways. A week ban is nothing. I've gone a week without playing this game before, and will surely do it again. If they're going to ban people a week for willfully exploiting something this obvious, major, and clearly communicated, they are not the type of players you want in your game.

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The Ziost exploiters got smacked around pretty hard even for first time offenders.


In what universe were they smacked around hard?


Certainly not one anyone on the forum is currently residing in. Three day ban and loss of ill-gotten gains is nothing. It's a slap on the wrist.

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It is


What about gear you get from boss fights that isn't bound? People sell them for inflated prices on the GTN that could be considered "not normal" in your authoritarian world, ban people who make money on the GTN!


Give me a break jeeez


This is an example of someone being deliberately obtuse.


Gear from boss fights is NOT purchased with credits. It is earned by playing the game. There is not a single instance in this MMO (or any other MMO , to the best of my knowledge) when you can buy an unlimited number of a common item and immediately resell that item to the same vendor for a profit.


In some games it is possible to buy items at a low price, travel to another vendor and resell the items for a profit, but in those instances it is part of the game play (thinking of EVE here, or any other game that includes trade and the risk entailed by it). But when you are traveling to the new vendor you are frequently risking the items that you are shipping. That is part of the fun of those games, and the greater the risk (typically) the greater the reward.


In this case, it is irrational to assume that purchasing an item for 1 credit and immediately reselling that item for a 99 credit profit is "working as Intended", anyone that claims otherwise is either ignorant, lying, or attempting to justify their irresponsible behavior. And none of that should be allowed to stand.

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Hey folks,


Quick update. We have already begun taking action against players who have used this exploit and will continue to monitor the situation. Separately, we are working to get this fixed ASAP and are hoping to get it out today. I know many of you have questions about what is being done, how players are being tracked, etc. I will pass on specifics on all of these things once the issue has been resolved and all action has been taken.


I do want to reiterate, do not participate in this exploit. We made sure to notify everyone ASAP that this was an exploit and that action would be taken against its use. We are taking this issue very seriously, and appropriate action will follow.




Thanks for the update.


Also, and it's just quibbling ever so slightly, but the email states


… you may not engage in any of the following behavior:


Exploit any bug in the Service to gain unfair advantage in the game and/or communicate the existence of any such bug (either directly or through the public posting) to any other user of the Service.


However in this instance I think it's probably closer to this;


11. Rules of Conduct


You may violate the Terms of Service if, as determined by EA in its sole discretion, you:


- Abuse or exploit bugs, undocumented features, design errors or problems in the game.


It's a tiny quibble though. Off to play something else! Have fun! :D

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I read another post where a guy was able to make a macro to buy stacks of 99 in less then a second.


That a thing! :D


It's consistent with previous punishments. SWTOR banned people 24 hours for exploiting to get free nearly limitless end-game PVE gear, and let them keep the gear.


By comparison, without warning, WoW banned people for 6 months for botting in PVP. People aren't botting in PvP anymore.


:( Bio should be ashamed.

Edited by Glower
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Basically all that needs to be said in light of the laughably light punishments being reported (7 day ban for half a billion credits):




He doesn't know what will be on his account when he gets back. I know someone who did the ZIost exploit, and I mean really did it. He thought it was all funny that he only got a 3 day suspension like those of us who were tricked and immediately left. Then he got back to his account, found that all his coms across all his toons had been taken away, they reduced his creds across all his toons to 100k(down from millions), and took away the items he got in Ziost.


So talk about laughable punishments when the Devs say what they are or are not doing, and the ppl come back whining about how much they lost.

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He doesn't know what will be on his account when he gets back. I know someone who did the ZIost exploit, and I mean really did it. He thought it was all funny that he only got a 3 day suspension like those of us who were tricked and immediately left. Then he got back to his account, found that all his coms across all his toons had been taken away, they reduced his creds across all his toons to 100k(down from millions), and took away the items he got in Ziost.


So talk about laughable punishments when the Devs say what they are or are not doing, and the ppl come back whining about how much they lost.


Yeah the 7 day ban is only what they might openly say they are doing no telling what they might do on top of that ban that they don't tell us about. :D

Edited by Anaesha
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So if they do the 'Temple Chair Exploit Millions of times what will happen to them?


Will they be banned or forever banned Because I am new to this


They should be permanently banned. Looks like they are getting 7 days ban.


Will they keep the millions made. If they left the credits in their inventory, no. It will likely be gone when they return.


If they bought hypercrates, barrels and hilts for millons. Moved credits, bought other items, moved stuff around and opened the crates and sold off stuff. Bought over priced gear from friends off the GTN.


I'm not entirely sure BW will be able to keep up.


Time will tell on that one. Do you think BW is really going to take 2.5 to 8 million credits away from someone per instance, who put barrels / hilts or hypercrates on the GTN and sold them honestly but an exploiter bought them up with exploited credits?


I don't.

Edited by Quraswren
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So if they do the 'Temple Chair Exploit Millions of times what will happen to them?


Will they be banned or forever banned Because I am new to this


They haven't said what the punishment will be yet. The only information we have at this time is that the first bans have been issued. Some people that have received bans have posted in other places that they got an e-mail showing that they were given 7 days off from the game. Eric has said:

Hey folks,


Quick update. We have already begun taking action against players who have used this exploit and will continue to monitor the situation. Separately, we are working to get this fixed ASAP and are hoping to get it out today. I know many of you have questions about what is being done, how players are being tracked, etc. I will pass on specifics on all of these things once the issue has been resolved and all action has been taken.


I do want to reiterate, do not participate in this exploit. We made sure to notify everyone ASAP that this was an exploit and that action would be taken against its use. We are taking this issue very seriously, and appropriate action will follow.




Right now we are all just waiting and speculating.

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They haven't said what the punishment will be yet. The only information we have at this time is that the first bans have been issued. Some people that have received bans have posted in other places that they got an e-mail showing that they were given 7 days off from the game. Eric has said:


Right now we are all just waiting and speculating.


Conspiracy Theory #2: 7 day bans initially to gauge community response to increase / decrease punishment severity *takes off tinfoil hat*

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