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10 Good
  1. Toxicity is a common case on most (if not all) online games. It's like hitting the "internet" button means you are AGREEING to the terms of the internet being a cesspool of unsavory folk. At the very least, that's what I feel like.
  2. And here I thought I did something wrong. lol
  3. What about Sins in ranked matches? Thanks for the input btw.
  4. Good thing I'm not looking for the best, then.
  5. Lol. I think that counts as a factor especially since you'll be looking at your character most of the time.
  6. Well, my lvl 60 is a Juggernaut-Rage spec. I'm not sure how big of a difference in style of game play it is to Maras, but I do know that Maras have a higher dmg output. It seems like Sins would be the way to go.
  7. I'm quite torn in choosing my second toon. HELP MEH GUISE! What are the pros and cons of both sub classes PvP-wise? Any input would be appreciated. Cheers, T
  8. Ah, I had a feeling snipers/gunslingers would have the hardest hitting ability. Cheers.
  9. Out of curiosity, what is the hardest hitting ability/spell? Cheers.
  10. http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=816236 Just gotta scroll down on the main page a bit.
  11. Not taking issue over it. I just find it amusing when people exaggerate to the extreme.
  12. Thanks for the input!
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