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Leaving SWTOR because of no new 'Operation' content

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A year is too long, we've seen plenty of complaints about year long content cycles. WoW has already released three tiers of raids in the last year and it came out after swtor SOR expansion, while we have only been given one. If they wanted to stay even semi competitive they should've released another raid by now. Saying we're being unrealistic is horse ****. Bioware simply isn't giving out content on a pace that would be considered acceptable. It also sounds like this new update isn't even given any new content which is a grave sin for an MMO. I have never heard of a expansion that didn't add another teir of gear and raids. The treadmill is there to give players something to do once they are done with the story. We're simply waiting for what they have to say this month about raids.


Trust me I agree with you in that a year is too long. I just am asking questions because I pretty much think we jump off our rockers without really thinking things through more often then not. So I just want to make sure I ask the questions to get people thinking. Sometimes our wishes are very much outlandish. Sometimes they're not. 6 months might be outlandish but 8-9 months might not be. A year is outlandish in the opposite end.

Edited by Shwarzchild
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Yes God forbid that Bioware actually work on the only aspect of the game that they havent touched since launch.


I dont remember any agreement between the players and the devs stating that they are required to give any content on any type of a schedule. I know it is acutually asking a lot to relax and let them release some new story driven content that will introduce us to some new locations and new NPC's that they can use to build new OPS and PVP content from.


I have played many MMO's over the last 10 years and i have never see a more whiny and ungrateful bunch of players ever. Deal with what they give you, be happy with it and if you are not then leave the game, please. This game will continue on without you and probably for the better.

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Yes God forbid that Bioware actually work on the only aspect of the game that they havent touched since launch.


I dont remember any agreement between the players and the devs stating that they are required to give any content on any type of a schedule. I know it is acutually asking a lot to relax and let them release some new story driven content that will introduce us to some new locations and new NPC's that they can use to build new OPS and PVP content from.


I have played many MMO's over the last 10 years and i have never see a more whiny and ungrateful bunch of players ever. Deal with what they give you, be happy with it and if you are not then leave the game, please. This game will continue on without you and probably for the better.


Then you haven't ever seen the WoW scene. At least here the grief has some barrings. Over in WoW you get millions of little *****es over a gear piece having too low of a drop rate.

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Being in a raiding guild who recently got their team together and are progressing still through 55 ops (started about... a week or so ago), adding another tier isn't really *too* much of a problem. I've personally cleared Rav and ToS SM easily, but a majority of the team has not., so to us adding a NiM mode wouldn't really make a difference either way as of now, but would certainly be nice. I am also rather disappointed that several months after Makeb expac was released they gave us Oricon and 2 operations, and it's been a bit longer since we had a full fledged operation added since SoR's release, which itself was very shaky. Monolith was certainly nice and added a degree of difficulty. Hopefully as the months progress, Bioware releases more info on KotFE and the raiding scene. Because I do not plan on making 22 alts and playing through the story all the time.
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  • 2 weeks later...

So the decision of BW is clear now ... they just dont care, if raider are satisfied and they dont try to reach a better release interval. They promised alot, they said they know and understand the importance of new content, but they just decide to go another way. No communication ... just these bits of information and more vague statements like 'we are aware of ...', 'we know that ...','we are working on...','we have a much better solution ...', 'u will see soon ....'


But the only fact is antoher year with no acceptable opertion releases, blogs after blogs with no satisfying information and appeasement in series.


There is no way not feeling mucked about this and the only reasonable answer to all this to decide that swtor is not a game for people who wanna raid and leave the game.

Edited by Leylea
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So the decision of BW is clear now ... they just dont care, if raider are satisfied and they dont try to reach a better release interval. They promised alot, they said they know and understand the importance of new content, but they just decide to go another way. No communication ... just these bits of information and more vague statements like 'we are aware of ...', 'we know that ...','we are working on...','we have a much better solution ...', 'u will see soon ....'


But the only fact is antoher year with no acceptable opertion releases, blogs after blogs with no satisfying information and appeasement in series.


There is no way not feeling mucked about this and the only reasonable answer to all this to decide that swtor is not a game for people who wanna raid and leave the game.


Already getting ready for savage alex raids myself in ff14. This game isn't fun anymore and no new raiding leaves me with little care to stay. If you are a raider, there's a few options besides swtor unless there simply isn't a game you'd rather play.

Edited by mastirkal
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I'm not a developer, but I don't care if raiders are satisfied as well.


I'm a raider and I don't care about you or your casual ********. Wait, that did nothing to add to this conversation? You don't say?

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So the decision of BW is clear now ... they just dont care, if raider are satisfied and they dont try to reach a better release interval. They promised alot, they said they know and understand the importance of new content, but they just decide to go another way. No communication ... just these bits of information and more vague statements like 'we are aware of ...', 'we know that ...','we are working on...','we have a much better solution ...', 'u will see soon ....'


But the only fact is antoher year with no acceptable opertion releases, blogs after blogs with no satisfying information and appeasement in series.


There is no way not feeling mucked about this and the only reasonable answer to all this to decide that swtor is not a game for people who wanna raid and leave the game.


Consider it as such: They are not required nor obligated to tell you anything. They release and work on content as it's possible for the team, not at your whim

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BW said some day ... its long, long ago ... maybe last year ... we will never have one operation tier for 1 year again ....


And now? The current HC ops were released in dec, 2014 ... thats more than half a year now ... and the next thing on the plan is 3.3 comming next month. There will be no operation or mode, thats clear. The following thing on the plan is probably the expansion, which is announced for Oct 2015, so thats another 3 month. I hardly doupt that there will be any content in between.

... so RiP NiM!


And with the new expansion ... they talked alot. about story...about companions, about a whole new feeling of story telling ... "its, all about story this year", WHAT? and operations? and playing with other ppl? Story is important and a lot of ppl claimed this ... but Story is nothing for a group or a raid, i can play that only alone ... but i want to play with other ppl. Ok so i play ur story BW, and then? Its taking me 20 Hours perhaps, and then? Even with an alt, its not keeping me busy for more than 1 month and then i have another 2 month to the next update.


And then? Then its 1 year i 'played' the same operation tier ... again ... so RiP credibility ...


Ok ok ... to be fair ... its not sure, that there will be no new operation with the expansion ... but its mosty likly now! Its speculation ... yes ... but if they wanna avoid those, they just need to confirm some REAL information about the operation ... about a new operation and NOT about rising lvl of the old ops ... thats just not new ... thats only recycling.


So ... why they dont give us any information? Story is cool, companions are cool and i fully understand why SWTOR tries to focus on those content ... because thats the only thing which is unique in this MMO ... and its probably the only thing which is really good in this game.


But sacrificing the real MMO (MULTI-player) content for the short pleasure of some story line. This cant work ... MMOs need repeatable content! And this is pvp, operations and fp (perhaps some daylies too), It takes me much more time to gear 2-3 Chars with the current gear than playing the story ... and for me its even much more fun ... but thats another point. Ok .. this would lead to a very different discussion.


BTT: No new operation would mean first, another 3 month without new raid/multiplayer content and second ... a full year raiding the same operation ... again ...


I DOUPT the main part of the raid community will accept this ... and an MMO without raids is just another version of an coop single player title ... and its absolutly unimportant how good the story will be ... its not a good MMO (any longer) ... and everyone who wanna play a story driven MMO will be hardly dissapointed here.


They really don't care about concurrent players from a business perspective, they want subs and that is what this is going to deliver. It'll work for 6-8 months (what they said they're going to need for a new operation) and then raiders will pop back in and pad the "concurrent player" stats. Then they'll probably start work on the new operation.

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Since I completed this game (yes, I've finished all that is to do in this game), no new content will be.... bad. I won't stop playing, but will probably end playing this once or twice a week.


Everything? Including ERP? D:

Edited by FerkWork
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My guild (i'm not the gm) had 3 HM progression teams all at 5/10 HM, we could have gone much further but since bioware announced their expansion everyone has lost interest due to having to regrind gear for 65 on the same ops we already grinded. Now we have issues even maintaining 1 group...
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  • 2 months later...
My guild (i'm not the gm) had 3 HM progression teams all at 5/10 HM, we could have gone much further but since bioware announced their expansion everyone has lost interest due to having to regrind gear for 65 on the same ops we already grinded. Now we have issues even maintaining 1 group...


But still reamin a few old guilds willing to repeat those old operations again and of course the are new players who have never done them, you can carry and teach them!

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Hey folks,


A lot of people will leave this game if there's no new content regarding 'Operations' with the upcoming update (KOTFE). The focus will be on the single-player story and not on ' Operations' is what I understood from reading the deftracker messages.


Hopefully they will implement some new and exciting stuff for us (raiders) as well. And I don't mean a revamped version of EV :rolleyes:


What are the thoughts on this?




Prae (Red Eclipse)


Ok, bye.

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I hate ops, and the snobs who run them. It is now downright impossible for a new player to get into an op now because 99% of pugs advertising on fleet demand achievements, voice chat, perfect gear, a good "rotation", and knowing every in and out of the fights. Before you say, "do it with your guild", a lot don't even do ops, and many people don't even have a guild due to 12xp. Also not everyone has a gaming pc and gigabit internet to run the ops with any higher that 2 fps.


The hardcore raiders are a pain too. They think that whatever applies to HM Revan applies to the rest of the game. Every few threads on the forums usually involves someone from a top guild calling a solo player out on not being perfect, despite having no difficulty with the content he or she does. Sometimes there are the "classists" that trash talk players for picking a so-called "weak" class like sent/mara. Some even go so far as to accuse said players of trolling, saying they deserve to be banned for choosing the class that they did. Same goes for hardcore ranked pvpers.


/end rant


LOL! This exact thing happened to me last night. I was basically run out of town because it was assumed my damage output was less than 2800 and therefore i was a hindrance to the entire OP.


Unfortunately, unless I want to power level a new alt to 60, I am at end game and sometimes that requires sifting through the entitled morons to get a good group together. Right now I am at roughly 2 FP's a night after dealing with BS and if I am lucky, one OP a month. At least with KOTFE, there will be some new content to play while I stand around fleet waiting for a group. :rolleyes:

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LOL! This exact thing happened to me last night. I was basically run out of town because it was assumed my damage output was less than 2800 and therefore i was a hindrance to the entire OP.


Well for underlurker, the DPS requirement isnt quite that high but its a valid criticism. Always offer to parse with whoever you're running with if you dont wanna get accused of bad EHPS, DPS, TPS

Edited by Faardor
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At least with KOTFE, there will be some new content to play while I stand around fleet waiting for a group. :rolleyes:


You can always just form your own group you know. Right now the lvl 50 ops are so easy and you can literally afk and come back without dropping any health in combat, and same for lvl 55 sm ops. Ppl do join them as well, give about 10-15mins to form up (which is probably the same time you stand around in fleet waiting). In Kotfe, the older ops won't be as faceroll and if anything, have a larger barrier for newcomers/casuals.

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