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There's a special place in hell for....


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I have lost track of the number of times, across multiple games, where I & another player have arrived at a node, a chest, a quest update, whatever, at roughly the same time -- sometimes, me clearly getting there first -- & I've stepped back & let the other person have the clickie.


Because, I'm not a d-bag, & even though my character is irredeemably sociopathic ... I'm not my character.


But whatever, others can do what they do, & if someone "ninjas" me I grit my teeth & move on. It's just a game, there's no reason to toss hissy-fits over a pixellated thing.

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Because tracking someone down over words in a computer game & assaulting them makes you a paragon of virtue, whilst clicking a box that someone looked at in a computer game makes you a horrible person. Right, got it, thanks.


there are consequences to impolite behavior in real life. while not a good thing or desired, violence has been one response in the past. would you like your friends and family to know that your morals are that flexible? One of the funniest consequences I have seen is some one that tracked a troll that liked to attack and be extremely disgusting towards women. One of the people that he attacked showed up at his house and handed his mother a transcript of his rants.

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there are consequences to impolite behavior in real life. while not a good thing or desired, violence has been one response in the past. would you like your friends and family to know that your morals are that flexible? One of the funniest consequences I have seen is some one that tracked a troll that liked to attack and be extremely disgusting towards women. One of the people that he attacked showed up at his house and handed his mother a transcript of his rants.


While all of that is true, I think it's just a bit extreme considering the topic of the thread.

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L2P really , people like you are nothing more than arrogant wastes of oxygen in game and in the real world ..... typical entitlement bs letting someone else do the work for you and you collect THIER reward ..... kids these days are insufferable demand respect but give none ...no wonder the world is so F'd up.


Yes, it's a L2P issue. I can easily loot a security chest, click a quest objective all while fighting a group of enemy npcs. And if I don't and someone runs up to something and clicks on it first, well good on them, I don't get upset by it, I don't damn them to hell, I move on with my gaming experience in peace.


there are consequences to impolite behavior in real life. while not a good thing or desired, violence has been one response in the past. would you like your friends and family to know that your morals are that flexible? One of the funniest consequences I have seen is some one that tracked a troll that liked to attack and be extremely disgusting towards women. One of the people that he attacked showed up at his house and handed his mother a transcript of his rants.


But this has nothing to do with real life, we are talking about a video game.

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Those people who run by you and grab a chest while you are clearing the mobs around it.


If the person is from opposite faction I always do it.. If it's same faction I always move along (:

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You're avoiding the point; How does this make someone a bad person in reality, to be compared to school shooters, over picking something up in a computer game that doesn't actually belong to you in the first place?


Why would you even bring that up? A bad thing is a bad thing regardless if it is "less bad" than other things. Rudeness is a bad thing.

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Thomasthegankengine is good.

I saw it first. I got dibs.


Why would you even bring that up? A bad thing is a bad thing regardless if it is "less bad" than other things. Rudeness is a bad thing.

In California, premeditated murder by ambush (one of the "special circumstances" for the death penalty) and using a cell phone while driving are both crimes. So by your thinking "a crime is a crime?"

Edited by branmakmuffin
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In California, premeditated murder by ambush (one of the "special circumstances" for the death penalty) and using a cell phone while driving are both crimes. So by your thinking "a crime is a crime?"


They are both crimes. They have different punishments.

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Lets put this to rest now please...


Taking chests is 'bad', it makes the OP cry at night and dredges up SoppySnowflakeNoNo feels in some of the other people on this thread. If you let someone 'stealing' a collection of pixels upset and annoy you, then the real world will literally make you spontaneously combust..

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Yes, it's a L2P issue. I can easily loot a security chest, click a quest objective all while fighting a group of enemy npcs. And if I don't and someone runs up to something and clicks on it first, well good on them, I don't get upset by it, I don't damn them to hell, I move on with my gaming experience in peace.




But this has nothing to do with real life, we are talking about a video game.


your behavior towards others is always real life. you are interacting with real people. just because you cant physically see them doesnt make them any less real. your behavior towards others is indicative of your moral state. you feel that if someone cant actually see you, then you arent behaving badly towards them. no, it is not in any way illegal, or against any of ea/biowares rules. It does violate a moral standard that you evidently dont have. If someone feels less about you because of your low standards,that is their choice. that is also not against any laws/rules.

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your behavior towards others is always real life. you are interacting with real people. just because you cant physically see them doesnt make them any less real. your behavior towards others is indicative of your moral state. you feel that if someone cant actually see you, then you arent behaving badly towards them. no, it is not in any way illegal, or against any of ea/biowares rules. It does violate a moral standard that you evidently dont have. If someone feels less about you because of your low standards,that is their choice. that is also not against any laws/rules.


So in real life, if you saw a chest and someone else saw a chest and they got there first, they are bad people? You go for the chest, but are tactless enough to aggro a mob: does that make them bad or you careless?


I want someone to actually just say what they really mean: you think the other person is bad, because you saw it first?

What is this, finders keepers? Grow up.

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your behavior towards others is always real life


I'm pretty sure this is at least somewhat an exaggeration, if for no other reason than sometimes -- especially due to lag -- things simply happen, & really, it's just pixellated stuff to begin with.


Applying that to real world behavior is not necessarily rational.

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Lets put this to rest now please...


Taking chests is 'bad', it makes the OP cry at night and dredges up SoppySnowflakeNoNo feels in some of the other people on this thread. If you let someone 'stealing' a collection of pixels upset and annoy you, then the real world will literally make you spontaneously combust..


new rules for swtor


1 need on all drops. after all we all need credits. if they wanted the drop they should just need and take their chances

2 taunt resetting world bosses is cool. if they wanted to kill it they should have held agro


thats a good start, I think we can come up with a few more

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So in real life, if you saw a chest and someone else saw a chest and they got there first, they are bad people? You go for the chest, but are tactless enough to aggro a mob: does that make them bad or you careless?


I want someone to actually just say what they really mean: you think the other person is bad, because you saw it first?

What is this, finders keepers? Grow up.


if you see a chest in real life and you grab it, expect to go to jail. just because it doesnt have a "property of Bob" on it doesnt mean its a public domain chest.


I will say what i think, if you take something from someone you can obviously see is working on defeating its guardians, you are scum. you havent broken any bw rules, laws or commandments. You know perfectly well what you are doing, you just dont care. make up all the excuses you want.you wont go to hell, or New Jersey, but you know perfectly well you violated social standards. you have to decide for yourself if thats who you want to be.

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new rules for swtor


1 need on all drops. after all we all need credits. if they wanted the drop they should just need and take their chances

(People do this anyway. If you win the roll then good for you).

2 taunt resetting world bosses is cool. if they wanted to kill it they should have held agro

(Not relevant to a chest that you can still activate whilst under attack is it though?)


thats a good start, I think we can come up with a few more


Yes I'm interested to see what other exaggerations you and some other snowflakes can come up with as well.

Edited by Miyran
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1 need on all drops. after all we all need credits. if they wanted the drop they should just need and take their chances


I'm afraid I'm totally missing your point on this one. Please explain further.


2 taunt resetting world bosses is cool. if they wanted to kill it they should have held agro


This game doesn't have "encounter locks" like EQ2 has had for 10.5 years? Seriously, devs? Or is my big toe getting yanked here?

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Sure, sure, if one wants to excuse being a d-bag to everyone around them and then crowing "there's no rule against it, losers!"




It's not just a matter of "looking at it". If it's just a chest or node or mission item or whatever that's sitting there with no mobs to clear, then first come first serve.


The difference comes when one person starts to do the clearing of mobs to get to the {thing}, and then someone else runs up and grabs it.


It has nothing to do with the strawman nonsense about "looked at it".




Of course you have a right to be mad at people who are "douchy".


This idea that if you get mad, it's your fault, is a giant excuse for people to be utter tools.


I'm working on the premise that I have no more right to the chest than the next person. The chest are first come, first serve, so no "You Don't" have the right to be mad.

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if you see a chest in real life and you grab it, expect to go to jail. just because it doesnt have a "property of Bob" on it doesnt mean its a public domain chest.


Yea, you also don't normally slaughter the people standing around it so that you can loot it, either ... which makes this point kinda pointless in a vid game.

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if you see a chest in real life and you grab it, expect to go to jail. just because it doesnt have a "property of Bob" on it doesnt mean its a public domain chest.


So if it WAS RL then we're assuming the chest belong to someone: they either bought it or it's inherited, therefore it's their property that has been handed over to them specifically. But that is not the case here. It's a random chest that is communal and belongs to no one, therefore it is fair game. In RL this would be compared to coming across a random chest that didn't belong to anyone (or had been dumped there) and you took it before someone else does - most likeyly someone who is fighting off a bear somewhere in these metaphorical woods of ours.


Not them same thing at all. Bad example 0/10

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your behavior towards others is always real life. you are interacting with real people. just because you cant physically see them doesnt make them any less real. your behavior towards others is indicative of your moral state. you feel that if someone cant actually see you, then you arent behaving badly towards them. no, it is not in any way illegal, or against any of ea/biowares rules. It does violate a moral standard that you evidently dont have. If someone feels less about you because of your low standards,that is their choice. that is also not against any laws/rules.


It's a video game not real life. Questing in the open world of swtor is akin to a race with a goal at the end to whoever can grab things first. There's no morality in it at all. Because enemy npcs next to a quest objective/chest are two separate goals. A Good player who knows how to play will be able to grab all 3 goals at once quickly. A bad player like many who agree with the OP would much rather play the slow victim game and not get all the race goals quickly and then cry and complain when someone much better wins the race first.


So basically L2P. Has nothing to do with morality in a free for all allowed setting in the open world enviroment of swtor.


new rules for swtor


1 need on all drops. after all we all need credits. if they wanted the drop they should just need and take their chances

2 taunt resetting world bosses is cool. if they wanted to kill it they should have held agro


thats a good start, I think we can come up with a few more


Continue with the dramatic exaggerations, it's clear your argument is failing to hold any water.


if you see a chest in real life and you grab it, expect to go to jail. just because it doesnt have a "property of Bob" on it doesnt mean its a public domain chest.


I will say what i think, if you take something from someone you can obviously see is working on defeating its guardians, you are scum. you havent broken any bw rules, laws or commandments. You know perfectly well what you are doing, you just dont care. make up all the excuses you want.you wont go to hell, or New Jersey, but you know perfectly well you violated social standards. you have to decide for yourself if thats who you want to be.


Oh, so it's jealousy because the person who took the chest that wasn't yours to begin with is better than you. I get it now.

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I'm pretty sure this is at least somewhat an exaggeration, if for no other reason than sometimes -- especially due to lag -- things simply happen, & really, it's just pixellated stuff to begin with.


Applying that to real world behavior is not necessarily rational.


I will put it simply for you. If you are interacting with any non npc...there is a human behind a keyboard running them. no exaggeration. very simple. sometimes, yes lag happens, you honestly didnt see them. no biggie. but we are addressing the pondscum trying to justify treating their fellow gamers badly. they will try any excuse to try to say that it is ok. some will agree with them, others wont.

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This has nothing to do with shopping in real life. This is in regards to free for all loot, enemy npc tags and quest objectives in an open world where it's first click, first success. No one has any right to anything until they tag, loot or click first.


If you cannot prioritize what things to do first, then that's on you and no one else.


Basically, if you really want to claim all those things are yours? tag, loot, and click first. Simple as that.


We are not talking about real life, we are talking about this game. In any event, what RL situation do you think even remotely analogizes to a free-for-all box of loot?


So, JUST BECAUSE it is a video game you can be rude and do whatever you want? Ya, excuses excuses. That has to be one of the most pathetic excuses I have ever heard for acting like ajerk. Again, you wouldn't walk up to a guy in a grocery store and grab something JUST before he get's it in his hand would you? No, you wouldn't. So, you don't to it in a video game either. If you can't see what is wrong with what you are doing, then you are lost and have the moral fabric of used toilet paper.


If you wouldn't act that way it in real life, then don't do it in a game. PERIOD. People need to start taking personal responsibility for their childish actions in video games. It is the SAME pathetic excuse people use on the internet..."ohh, its the internet"...so that somehow gives everyone a pass to act like rude, argumentative, trolling, jerks. No, it doesn't fly. It is NO excuse.

Edited by DarthVengeant
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To the victors go the spoils. You were not victorious, the spoils do not go to you. Personally when it happens to me, I really don't care, cause there's not much in those usually. I think I'll live not having one treasure chest in a video game. Next time maybe you'll have a better strategy to acquire the chest before anyone else.
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So, JUST BECAUSE it is a video game you can be rude and do whatever you want? Ya, excuses excuses. Again, you wouldn;t walk up to a guy in a grocery store and grab something JUST before he get's it in his hand would you? No, you wouldn't. So, you don't to it in a game either. If you can't see what is wrong, then you are lost and have the moral fabric of used toilet paper. .


If you wouldn't act that way it in real life, then don't do it in a game. PERIOD. It is the SAME pathetic excuse people use on the internet..."ohh, its the internet"...so that somehow gives everyone a pass to act like rude, argumentative, trolling, jerks. No, it doesn't fly.



Bluster. Bluster. Bluster.


Society isn't a 'free for all' therefore social graces are completely different. This game is. A race of who can get there first and avoid the mobs, and who doesn't.


Yes, you example in the store is unacceptable but it doesn't apply to the game world (see above statement). Just like 8 foot flying shyraks would be unacceptable in the real world, but it doesn't apply.

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I will put it simply for you. If you are interacting with any non npc...there is a human behind a keyboard running them. no exaggeration. very simple. sometimes, yes lag happens, you honestly didnt see them. no biggie. but we are addressing the pondscum trying to justify treating their fellow gamers badly. they will try any excuse to try to say that it is ok. some will agree with them, others wont.


It's a fair game, free for all int he open world of swtor. Stop trying to play the victim game because someone else is better at questing than you.


So, JUST BECAUSE it is a video game you can be rude and do whatever you want? Ya, excuses excuses. That has to be one of the most pathetic excuses I have ever heard for acting like ajerk. Again, you wouldn't walk up to a guy in a grocery store and grab something JUST before he get's it in his hand would you? No, you wouldn't. So, you don't to it in a video game either. If you can't see what is wrong with what you are doing, then you are lost and have the moral fabric of used toilet paper.


If you wouldn't act that way it in real life, then don't do it in a game. PERIOD. People need to start taking personal responsibility for their childish actions in video games. It is the SAME pathetic excuse people use on the internet..."ohh, its the internet"...so that somehow gives everyone a pass to act like rude, argumentative, trolling, jerks. No, it doesn't fly. It is NO excuse.


I would do it in real life too. If they haven't picked up what they want off the shelf and it's something I want, I will say excuse me and grab it.


Why? Because it wasn't his. He may have thought about buying it but until he takes it down off the shelf and places it into his cart it's fair game to any shopper who wants it.

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